Author Topic: The Legacy of Lore - Molly World  (Read 29774 times)

Offline Tilia

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The Big Date
« Reply #15 on: September 01, 2016, 08:13:34 PM »
Yay for a double update! A good one, too! Much as I enjoyed Eugenie's unironic wardrobe, I'm glad she got freshened up a bit, and the girl talk scenes between her, Stella, and Candy were just perfect. I'm glad Candy got over her ellipses phase and decided to become a part of the group!

Slightly off topic, I read a ton of Sims 3 Dynasty Stories back when I was just lurking here, and this week my game randomly spawned a devastatingly handsome bartender named Goopy, which reminded me of the Classic Dynasty and I remembered how much I enjoyed reading it. I'm so glad you're writing a new story! I really love your style.

I actually have published novels, and I still think about the Classics regularly. They meant a lot to me and I'm glad you enjoyed them too. I wish the swap shop hadn't deleted them, without my old computer, I've lost them, sadly, but their stories were wrapped up, so it's okay.

On the note of the current story, it is insane how much different hair and glasses can do for a girl.

What great characterization and dialogue.
Hurrah for double updates and more Eugenie!

I hope Candy sharing the skinny on Walkin the Dog doesn't happen off screen!

Well, it was gonna! But I put it in this update because i knew you wanted it :) Note: much of the information was garnered later in the game.

Wow, in your second update you managed to reference not one, but two, things that I love, love, love! That being: Dragon Age and MBTI! The correct answer, by the by, is: Zevran, Anders, and Solas. (At least if you're gaga for the sob stories like me, hehe.) And what're you diggin' on MBTI for! INFJ 5w4 sp/sx, reporting in!  8)

Loving all the girl power in this double update. Romantic love stories are great, too. But you don't get to see as many friend-love stories, so it's refreshing. Your founder has some really cute features; good job on that!

Haha, I put MB up there with horoscopes, it's fun but I've gotten a different result every time I've taken it. But yass bioware, I still haven't forgiven you Anders, oh my god. I think I'm changing Eugenie's lore obsession to either video games or DA specifically. It fits better and she's a geek into computers, after all. I've always adored deep love between friends, people who aren't really obligated to each other out of a desire for sex or financial unity or family, but just because of that strange human pull no one can really define.

And thanks. I was worried her round face and big lips and old fashioned hair were a little bit too much like Coralie!  I think she's super adorable.


Sometimes I wake up and in the absent-minded auto pilot of early morning, Bleary eyed, I knot my hair into its old chignon and stumble from my bed to what I think is the Von Haunt kitchen. It's not until I'm at least two bites into my cereal that I realize I'm sitting in my underwear on a cooler with a beehive. Outside. For anyone to see.

I don't mind as much as I might have once. Everything just seems to be going so well. With so much more of my skin on display, I've become a bit more focused on my yoga. I might actually start a club. Besides, playing athletic, sexy women like fem!Shep and the Inquisitor just make me want to be able to jog through adventure like they do without running out of breath.

Besides, the last time I saw Candy, I saw that Fester Addams fellow on a date with Katrina Caliente. Something about that pairing made me feel like romance is possible for everyone, so why not me?!

Candy has been informative without being a bad friend to Joaquin. So long as I'm buying the omelets and she stays neutral, she has let me know what to expect in him as a partner.

But to be honest, I just like spending time with her. What she said on that first night was the most pertinent thing. Joaquin has limitless potential but not much drive. He's got no skills other than dancing and DJing, which aren't really buildable for a career, but he does work as an entertainer, and he wants someday to be fabulously wealthy.

He needs a woman who is okay helping him define and shape his future, and of course, one who also prioritizes wealth. Oh, and that other thing she said the first time she truly spoke directly to me with that sweet, almost airy smile.

"If you hurt him, I'll shave you bald and set your lawn on fire. But don't worry, I'll do the same to him if he hurts you."

Yes ma'am. All the same, It was Stella I wanted to reassure me on The Big Day.  The Day Of. The Final Countdown.  Bowser's Castle. I tried six times to meet her for breakfast and she kept evaporating in front of the restaurant, so eventually I figured out that meant she was at work.

"There you are!"

"Babe, I love you, but you can't keep teleporting me out of here while I'm in the middle of a restoration project."

"I am so sorry. I'll help you in the morning if you want, I just needed some reassurance and to borrow your curling iron."

"Oooh, is it time? Already?"

"Can you also give me a pep talk?"

"Aw, it's like watching one of my chicks leave the nest. I might actually cry!"


"Aw, precious. Okay, I'm gonna teach you how to be real sexy. Let's go curl your hair and get you into Fairy Princess Modern mode, okay?"


*some time later*

As Stella recommended, I arrived at Chez Llama around 8 minutes later than the exact date time. This way, I could (apparently) make an entrance. My fluffy, loose curls felt alien against my shoulders. But otherwise, I felt assured, I felt like tonight would go well.

And as I descended the staircase in the restaurant, my heart leapt and exploded into a thousand shimmering butterflies as I caught sight of him, waiting for me. Only me.

What can I say? I do good work.

I slid into my seat softly enough to hear him suck his breath in, his eyes shaded behind his glasses sliding over my hair and my dress. "Hello."

"Wow. Eugenie. You look ... you look incredible."

So I decided, what the heck, I was going to tell him the story of my grand makeover, and admit that nothing I have knowingly done in my life has been ironic. Except for romancing Iron Bull with a dwarf.

"Oh lord, woman, you must think I'm a total jerk."

"You must think I'm a spinster granny!"

"Double forgiveness?"


"Honestly, I'm not sure why or how, but knowing that you really did dress that way is just giving me all sorts of flutters, girlie. But this new look is show stopping."

Conversation thrived as our strange fusion food came out with bubbly white wine. Joaquin told me about growing up with a rock star for a mom and how he loves the stage but hated moving around all the time and staying in cheap motels.

I photographed my bacon petals for posterity and assured him that he has what it takes to succeed, if he's willing to truly stick to it. After all, look what a bit of support and determination had done for me so far.

"Stella taught me how to pose sexily to entice you."

"She what now?"

"Yeah, silly isn't it?" I laughed.

But he didn't seem to find it funny.  "Will you show me?"

Still giggling I imitated the pose Stella had shown me. Strangely I got much the sensation I'd felt when that man at the dance party had gaped at me in my princess gown.

"Good gracious, sweet watcher," Joaquin muttered. "Stella is a good teacher."

I blushed, stifling a small yawn behind my hand as I polished off my wine. "This has been the most magical evening," I sighed, likely grinning like a fool.

He stood, offering me his hand. "It doesn't have to be over yet. If you've got it in you, there's something I want you to see."

"Oh, but don't you work tomorrow? And I have goals I have to meet. I'd be terribly amiss to ... where is it?"

"Somewhere I want you to discover with me before you get to know the town too well," he admitted with a shrug, "Besides, I can be a terrible employee one more day before I get my act straight."

So in the end I agreed, and we walked through the moonlit sidewalks of Newcrest, hands entwined, sneaking shy glances at one another.

"It's just up those stairs," he whispered, warm breath tickling my ear, making me shiver. "Go on ahead. I want to watch you."

If my heart had burst into butterflies before, now it dissolved into a fine, smoky mist, standing in the courtyard of this place.

"Do you like it?" he asked, approaching softly behind me.

I spun on my heel and beckoned him closer, "I'll tell you, but it's a secret," I said. "I have to whisper."

And when he leaned in ...

Watcher help me, he blushed terribly. I've never known such a popular, outgoing man to be so bashful. He released a short laugh and pulled me by the hand down to the fountain, where we sat, side-by-side until sunrise, talking about everything under the moon.

Finally, he had to go change for work, but he begged me to stay put, promising to come back on the way to the theater and say one final goodbye.

So I did. And made a wish for good measure. A wish that shortly after came very, very true.

We are officially a couple now.

It was the perfect end to a perfect, perfect day.

Offline Tilia

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Re: The Legacy of Lore - The Big Date
« Reply #16 on: September 01, 2016, 08:22:08 PM »
Not pictured: Waiter James Kirk, Host Victor Frankenstein

Also Not Pictured: this adorable Jump for Joy.

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Re: The Legacy of Lore - The Big Date
« Reply #17 on: September 02, 2016, 05:40:26 AM »
Oooh, great recap of Joaquin's potential (though I've never played him)!

A resounding Yes for a discreet shift to DA lore. Every girl needs a Stella.
Loved the additional shot of Eugenie's jump of joy.

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Re: The Legacy of Lore - The Big Date
« Reply #18 on: September 02, 2016, 12:03:48 PM »
Holy carp, it's you! (And @Rhoxi too, hey! Maybe I'll open up my game again and get this 2012-2013 dynasty/legacy reunion party started)

I don't get many of the video game references, but the Addams Family made me crack a smile. Glad Fester is living it up like any TS4 townie worth their salt. ;)

And while Eugenie does fit into that "bookish founder" mould that Coralie did, there was something almost kind of snobby and vain about Coralie that Eugenie doesn't have. And of course, Coralie couldn't afford to be aimless with her dynasty goals while Eugenie can have friends and take her sweet time with dating!

I'm still a little nostalgic for old stories, but I'm open-minded enough for something new.
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Re: The Legacy of Lore - The Big Date
« Reply #19 on: September 02, 2016, 12:12:10 PM »
Joaquin makes a very, very good spouse and a pretty outstanding chef as well.  He's also a great Dad when he's not being a DBD.  I took my Joaquin out of his theatrical milieu and made him a chef which he was superb at.  As a spouse, he's autonomously very romantic which is nice.  I love the makeover!  The soft curls are perfect for her.  Amazing what a new hair do will do for a girl.  My only downside to Joaquin was he was so very skinny and puny looking.  I don't really like a lot of beefcake but he took slim to new heights to the point of bony, and no matter how much he worked out on the weight machine, and I allowed him to eat the yummy, calorie ridden food he cooked, he never really got much more buff.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Legacy of Lore - The Big Date
« Reply #20 on: September 02, 2016, 01:13:52 PM »
What a perfect date! And Stella's reaction shots are priceless. Yes, darling, you get ALL the credit!

I have a friend who always had the "I'll set your lawn on fire," conversation with anyone I was dating (and I did the same for her, of course!) and this made me smile and think of her. So glad Eugenie has that kind of friend!

Offline Tilia

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Joaquin the Beanstalk
« Reply #21 on: September 04, 2016, 02:58:06 PM »
Oooh, great recap of Joaquin's potential (though I've never played him)!

A resounding Yes for a discreet shift to DA lore. Every girl needs a Stella.
Loved the additional shot of Eugenie's jump of joy.

She is too cute. Stella might be my favorite Sim ever and she's a random townie I don't even control.

Holy carp, it's you! (And @Rhoxi too, hey! Maybe I'll open up my game again and get this 2012-2013 dynasty/legacy reunion party started)

I don't get many of the video game references, but the Addams Family made me crack a smile. Glad Fester is living it up like any TS4 townie worth their salt. ;)

And while Eugenie does fit into that "bookish founder" mould that Coralie did, there was something almost kind of snobby and vain about Coralie that Eugenie doesn't have. And of course, Coralie couldn't afford to be aimless with her dynasty goals while Eugenie can have friends and take her sweet time with dating!

I'm still a little nostalgic for old stories, but I'm open-minded enough for something new.

We gotta get Marian and Azokka in on this reunion action. You're right! Coralie had the proper trait and always took herself extremely seriously. Eugenie won't be stone faced at birthdays if I have anything to say about it. It is nice to be able to play around a little with social elements (though some of these other legacies bounding for point acquisition put me completely to shame!)

Joaquin makes a very, very good spouse and a pretty outstanding chef as well.  He's also a great Dad when he's not being a DBD.  I took my Joaquin out of his theatrical milieu and made him a chef which he was superb at.  As a spouse, he's autonomously very romantic which is nice.  I love the makeover!  The soft curls are perfect for her.  Amazing what a new hair do will do for a girl.  My only downside to Joaquin was he was so very skinny and puny looking.  I don't really like a lot of beefcake but he took slim to new heights to the point of bony, and no matter how much he worked out on the weight machine, and I allowed him to eat the yummy, calorie ridden food he cooked, he never really got much more buff.

They are both so skinny! I didn't even realize how thin Eugenie was because that original outfit kind of added some pounds, as did the fairy princess dress. Oh well, Gen 2 is bound to be rail thin. This post's title refers to his build as much as his moneymaking prowess.

What a perfect date! And Stella's reaction shots are priceless. Yes, darling, you get ALL the credit!

I have a friend who always had the "I'll set your lawn on fire," conversation with anyone I was dating (and I did the same for her, of course!) and this made me smile and think of her. So glad Eugenie has that kind of friend!

Stella knows what she's about. I need a Stella.


"So ... this is it," I sighed, trying to keep myself from cringing.  "Home sweet lot.

"It's going to make meeting your aspiration a lot harder," I admitted. "Especially if you decide to stay in the entertainer career."

"Girl, I am all in for this. We just need to brainstorm."

I smirked despite myself. I'd never say it but I could feel the panic coming off of him in waves.

So, we decided that Joaquin's colorful and creative way of seeing the world might be a good fit in another, more profitable career. Rather than jumping right into it, he decided to use up his vacation days at the theater and start working on some skills and planting the seeds for money. And we agreed that buying a few necessities to start out with would be worth setting our "on reserve" funds back a little against Joaquin's milestones.

To compensate for it, I went against my very firm moral standing and took a renegade approach to programming. Stella made me promise I'd do so outside of her library so she wouldn't be accountable if someone traced the uh ... hacks. They are hacks. Yes.

As the days passed, we both made enough progress to get back to work, and to my delight, Joaquin was accepted as an apprentice scientist at a research center in the desert.

He insists that this will be the best way to make quick money and seems to be thriving in the atmosphere. This is a professional interaction, right? RIGHT?

It isn't to say that we don't still take time for ourselves. We relax at the home lot after work hours. Joaquin has nixed the idea of continuing to squat at Von Haunt. It turns out he's quite afraid of ghosts and insists they live there, though I've never seen them.

And Stella talked us into coming out with her once or t..en times. She still has it out for that snarky shop woman.

After finding out that Candy is in a committed relationship with Harry Potter, Stella got sick of being the last single in our trio and set her sights on Robb Stark, who I warned her does NOT have the best history of good romantic choices.

"Better than Frank!" she said, but it just wasn't happening. On the plus side, all the creepy yoga stalking resulted in a thinner waistline.

She ended up with this fellow Thor who doesn't seem to own enough tee shirts. I've mentioned that she might give him some from the donation closet at the library and she just responds, "good god, WHY?"

Their relationship seems to exist somewhere in a quagmire. They do a lot of public flirty socials but don't seem to have an official status.

"I don't get it," Stella sighs. "Why does Uncle Fester have more game than me?"

It turns out Mr. Freeze was recently wed to that paranoid Sarah Connor woman who's always grunting at the gym. I'm sure it has nothing at all to do with his uncanny resemblence to her roommate, Mr. Nater. Though I imagine it makes for awkward dinner parties.

As far as Robb goes, we found out why he was resisting Stella's charms. He's shacked up with that Scully woman, who has a baby on the way. On yet another night out, we saw them together, though it was hard to make out much with her friend Fox screaming about aliens and Scully benignly insisting they were just from a different skin tone palatte.

Our household accounts continued to tick upward at a truly impressive speed. I later found out exactly how and why this was happening over coffee with Candy.

*some time earlier*

"This is an exceptionally stupid idea, Le Chien."

"No, it's gonna be dope, I just want you here in case anything goes wrong, dig? Like nothing will but just in case."

"Where did you even get this many chairs?"

"Listen, don't ask questions, just watch. I invented this thing. You're gonna eat your words."

"Does Gen know about this?"

"Nah, it'll be a surprise, okay one ... two ..."





"Just trust me," he says, "Stop stressing, Candy" he says, "She won't think you're the one who set the lawn on fire, Candy."

Well, I suppose after a bit, he finally figured his invention out. Luckily for me, Candy stuck around in case any more fires broke out. Though she loudly and repeatedly announced that she didn't sanction any of this.

In the end, I came home to quite a surprise.

Sure, it's just a cube right now, but wow! What a place to start. And through the SimRay, which we call "Moneymaker", we also ended up with some pretty exclusive appliances, including a CEO toilet and this crazy shower with a touchpad on it.

And, to my delight, Stella finally moved into the neighborhood too! Which saves us from worrying about culling. Truly things are just perfect right now. Though Joaquin's scientific prowess might eventually run away from him.

"Nah, like, we can clone everything, money, fruit, ACTION FIGURES!"


Love truly seems to be in the air. Even the town teens are in on it. Arya Stark and Pugsley Addams are a couple, and little Wednesday is all grown up and dating John Connor.

"We're going straight to Sixam, darlin'. And I don't just mean metaphorically."

"Metaphors are fine, Joaquin. At least for now."

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« Reply #22 on: September 04, 2016, 03:34:03 PM »
It's double post Sunday, ya'll! Also I didn't go out this weekend. Totally unrelated, these two things.


"You're sure."

"Super sure, babygirl."

"On her birthday?"

"It's my birthday too! Will you help or not?"

*some time later*

Our adult birthdays arrived so quickly it almost seemed a mistake. How could it be that we'd already gone through a life stage? So we decided to throw a party. Thor even broke out his one shirt for it.

"You guys have anymore wing sauce?"

"Darling, we're talking, go ask someone inside."

And Joaquin splurged on a DJ stand so he could use that maxed out skill he has and amp up our guests.

To my delight, Wednesday and Arya seem to be very close and kept breaking off together to giggle over things. I should've guessed those two would get along. Also, can I just say I adore Wednesday's sense of style?

Candy even got us a hook up on a very talented bartender who rooms with her boyfriend. Harry himself is kind of a downer always pouting and hovering near Candy.

But Hermione makes a mean Pabst Patronus.

I must say I don't feel much older, but I can definitely see the little wrinkles appearing. We decided to extend our adult lives, rather than Young Adult, and now I'm wondering if that was so wise after all!

It was only shortly after we blew out the candles that ... well, that Joaquin gave me the most wonderful gift. He asked me to marry him! (and no one else seemed to notice, but that's okay)

And my answer was a resounding YES.

Though they missed the proposal, all of my girlfriends clamored to see the ring.

Well, wedding planning absolutely ate up our time. Candy had picked out the ring and was integral to booking the venue. An incredible wedding garden (from the gallery).

Stella ... well, she mostly focused on the wine. But know your strengths, I say.  She also beefed up our guest list with some serious A-listers.

Our guests couldn't quite figure out how the benches worked to watch the ceremony, but that's all right.

I've never been so happy in all my life.

And Stella was a real bro distracting the guests so we could sneak away. Just for a few moments. To fulfill a mutual wish.

Everyone needs a Stella.

That was our first "Try for Baby." It hadn't taken getting married, or even becoming adults. We're not sure what changed, we only knew that we were ready.

Well, it didn't take too long.

"Something feels off ... I think ... I think I might ..."


Joaquin squealed like a piglet with a new toy. He's so excited I can barely contain him.

We were sad to hear that Thor had gone off and married that purple woman from the bar. Especially since ... well ...

"Do you want me to set his lawn on fire?"

"Nah. Our kids will totally be besties. Onto the next one."

I'd be lying if I said I weren't excited about the prospect of my children growing up with Stella's. Eventually I got over my rage, but I still might do some light arson with Candy once I give birth.

As far as Stella knows, she and I mostly agreed that her love life is just crazy. That's all that can be said about it. But, she will be avenged.

Joaquin has offered to chip in on the vandalism, but agrees we should wait until we're at least comfortable hiring a nanny.

The night the twins were born, he kept it together more often than he lost it. He brought me to the hospital and whispered his excitement in my ear as we got checked in.

It was a harrowing experience. I felt so frightened, especially when the doctor let out that surprised gasp.

But, what's life without a few surprises, eh? So we welcomed Hawke and Carver into this world of ours, I stole the hospital gown, and Joaquin passed out in the parking lot. Overall, it was a dynamic and exciting life worthy of all the novels and games, the books and podcasts, the programs and code I've ever experienced.


If you're curious. The game has paired the following couples so far, most of whom have at least one child:

Sarah Connor / Mr. Freeze

Dana Scully / Robb Stark

Jon Snow / Random Townie - Donna

Clint Barton / Rose Dewitt

Summer Holiday / Steve Rogers

Thor / Alien chick (Juana)

Ariel (Disney) / Tony Stark

Pepper Pots / Bruce Banner

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Legacy of Lore - (Double Update) Joaquin the Beanstalk/Adulting
« Reply #23 on: September 04, 2016, 05:49:28 PM »
Wow! The population of your Sim World is just endlessly entertaining. Are they all #legacyloves? Did you go in knowing who you wanted to use or did you choose them at random? Pepper Pots and Bruce Banner. My, my. Scandalous! My favorite so far is pouty Harry Potter and Hermione the excellent bartender. Perfect.
I rather liked Stella with Thor, but I'm not too surprised it didn't last. He wasn't quite her equal intellectually. Still, I'm sure they'll have a beautiful child.
Congrats to Eugenie and Joaquin on the wedding and babies! Also, the house! It's very cute and suits them nicely. Excited to see what the future brings.

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Re: The Legacy of Lore - (Double Update) Joaquin the Beanstalk/Adulting
« Reply #24 on: September 04, 2016, 06:09:37 PM »
Wow! The population of your Sim World is just endlessly entertaining. Are they all #legacyloves? Did you go in knowing who you wanted to use or did you choose them at random? Pepper Pots and Bruce Banner. My, my. Scandalous! My favorite so far is pouty Harry Potter and Hermione the excellent bartender. Perfect.
I rather liked Stella with Thor, but I'm not too surprised it didn't last. He wasn't quite her equal intellectually. Still, I'm sure they'll have a beautiful child.
Congrats to Eugenie and Joaquin on the wedding and babies! Also, the house! It's very cute and suits them nicely. Excited to see what the future brings.

Nooo, none of them are LegacyLoves, which is why they were off limits to Eugenie (even though I genuinely don't know their traits, I could probably guess a lot of them). I kind of just randomly chose "iconic" characters to fill up the lots and houses until it was reasonably full and left around 7 or 8 houses empty for homeless townies to move in. Thank goodness I did that or Stella might've been culled.

Their interactions are all automated by MC Commander. I have no say in it, though I can mark certain sims for pregnancy or marriage, which I might do if someone I really like the look of starts to get dangerously close to elderhood. Hasn't been necessary yet though.

Their offspring will be eligible for marriage because their traits will be random. I prefer this to repeated trips to the gallery and watching them pair off and produce kids is really adding a layer of enjoyment to the game for me. HOWEVER, I had disabled affairs (Eugenie is romantic after all). I also have it set to a 70% likelihood that an impregnation will automatically result in a marriage. So I was shocked, SHOCKED by Thor bouncing out on his pregnant girlfriend for some alien wench we didn't even KNOW. 

As far as planning goes, I had no idea who Eugenie would run into on her day to day but knew she needed to pair off with friends early on. Her first stop was a library and Stella is (still) a librarian, so that was just dumb luck. I have no idea why The Hulk and Dorothy Gale were at her wedding. They definitely weren't invited.

The town also has the entire crew of the Starship Enterprise, Frankenstein and his Monster, The Mummy and his lady (they catered one of our parties), and a bunch of others who've just not shown up for one reason or another. I think the game AI favors established relationships when it generates randoms to lots. I still havent' seen Sansa despite seeing everyone else in the Stark family, including Rickon.

I also had this tidbit I wanted to share that didn't fit into the story.

Prior to his BETRAYAL, there was a double date. During which our quadro played foosball.  Turns out, Eugenie is a terrible loser:

Afterwards, everyone sort of spread out to do their own thing. Eugenie went to talk to the bartender, Stella went to drink and yell at sports, and Joaquin went to dance.  Not Thor, though. Thor had found his true love.

The next morning was the day Candy and Eugenie got breakfast, which is at a restaurant in the same lot cluster as that pub. Around 6:45 am I peeped in the window and this was going on. Still.

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Re: The Legacy of Lore - (Double Update) Joaquin the Beanstalk/Adulting
« Reply #25 on: September 04, 2016, 06:20:23 PM »
On yet another night out, we saw them together, though it was hard to make out much with her friend Fox screaming about aliens and Scully benignly insisting they were just from a different skin tone palatte.

Oh my god.

I'm up for revenge on Thor too. The nerve...
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Re: The Legacy of Lore - (Double Update) Joaquin the Beanstalk/Adulting
« Reply #26 on: September 04, 2016, 08:06:58 PM »
Thank you so much for the detailed explanation of MC Commander. I'm still quite daunted by it, though it seems so very useful.

Great progress with the house! I'm really enjoying this story!

Grrrr, Thor! Yes, he deserves to be punished somehow... hilarious after-shot of him and Foosball.
Oooh, congratulations on the twins! Were you hoping for multiple births?

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Re: The Legacy of Lore - (Double Update) Joaquin the Beanstalk/Adulting
« Reply #27 on: September 05, 2016, 10:00:16 AM »

Welp. Thanks for the nightmares, MC Controller.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Legacy of Lore - (Double Update) Joaquin the Beanstalk/Adulting
« Reply #28 on: September 05, 2016, 03:00:51 PM »
STEELLLLLLLAAAAAAAAA!  :'( I do look forward to their kids being close, though: BFFs generation two!

Eugenie continues to be the cutest thing ever. Good to see Joaquin's got priorities: clone the action figures, absolutely! I bet he's got vintage.

We may have to chat MBTI some day. The tests floating around the internet are often bad and kinda wonky, but understanding personality typing can actually be a really useful (and fun) skill.

(Psssst: @Trip do iiiiit)