Author Topic: The Mori Legacy: A Frenzy of Forests [Completed 2017/01/20]  (Read 155502 times)

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Re: The Mori Legacy: It's Hard to Find a Good Man in the City (11/08)
« Reply #315 on: November 08, 2016, 12:08:53 PM »
Thanks! Do children's mouths change when they age up to teens? I was hoping one of the girls would inherit Miko's little rosebud mouth, lol.
By the way, do you use HillieE's wonderful Legacy scoresheet? She recently updated it for City Living. It's here, if you're interested. It really makes keeping score for a legacy easy and, dare I say it, fun!

First of all, how smart of you to wait on City Living until your simverse has fewer sims. I think it will give one of your later generations a lot of new things to do as well. Great idea!

Oh, you are such an angel! I was just at the website yesterday (seems like Mystic has taken over Legacy business) but wouldn't have visited again today.
That's really awesome news! I must confess I'm torn between not wanting to raise three children and wanting to raise a child that looks more like Yuki/Dulce than the Mori's... Thanks so much!
*follows Whirligig around for a while, scattering rose petals in her path

Offline Narinn2045

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Re: The Mori Legacy: It's Hard to Find a Good Man in the City (11/08)
« Reply #316 on: November 08, 2016, 09:26:55 PM »
Haha, I know what you mean about her rosebud mouth;it's adorable! I've been using a silly little spreadsheet I made for myself, I'll have to check out HillieE's.
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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: The Mori Legacy: It's Hard to Find a Good Man in the City (11/08)
« Reply #317 on: November 09, 2016, 12:58:07 AM »
The children are so gorgeous! Good luck getting that aspiration, Miko!
Danny is a real catch, and I love him and Dulce together... even if she is a tad spacy. Hopefully she doesn't turn into another massage-loving spacy sim... SHE'S TOO PRETTY. SPARE HER, GAME, PLEASE?

Banana's angry face is funny... but she does look dangerous.
And I just adore this picture:

They look so happy!
<3 Mori Family!

Offline Joria

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Re: The Mori Legacy: It's Hard to Find a Good Man in the City (11/08)
« Reply #318 on: November 09, 2016, 02:01:12 PM »
Phew!  So much happening when I did a catch up!  First of all, the little girls are absolutely adorable.  Miko is a treasure but so sad she had to make poor Takumi suffer silently while she completed that aspiration!  Now they can have a true romance.  She really is an adorable Sim and a lot of fun as a neighbor.  Grim does seem a bit slow in San M.  It took him forever to show up in one of my games while there and most people didn't even care to witness death.  They were having too much fun.  I love Takumi!  What a great idea with sending elders off to chat outside the Shrieking LLama instead of doing useless annoying things.  You're really moving right along.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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The Mori Legacy: A Big Welcome for Danny!
« Reply #319 on: November 11, 2016, 01:13:30 AM »
Takumi is happy to report that Miko completed that Serial Romantic aspiration before the twins were born! So now the happy couple just follow each other around, making kissy faces.
Yes, I also love Dulce and Danny together! Dulce is so adorable and I find that spaciness a little funny.
The Banana/Yuki and Takumi/Miko couples are constantly seeking each other out for hugs and kisses.
Dulce and Danny have full friendship and romantic bars, but the minute I leave them to check on the other sims, Dulce leaves him to wash her hands, watch a karaoke performance, and so on. I guess their relationship hasn’t taken root yet.

In the shot you reposted, Dulce is using the “Tickle mercilessly” social on Danny. They’re so cute together!

I’d never played a game where a female sim in a committed relationship was a Serial Romantic. I felt really bad for Takumi and sometimes he would make such sad pouty faces, so I virtually sped Miko though that aspiration as fast as her kissable little rosebud mouth could handle. Ugh.
   I was so surprised by your mention that the sims were having so much fun that they didn’t care to witness death, because sims usually drop queues to go witness the death of even a sim they don’t know. Your sims must be having some serious good times in San Myshuno!

In order to slightly boost the difficulty of this legacy challenge during its last four generations, I’ve decided to follow the new Immortal Dynasty ruling on clubs and lot traits.
That is, I’ve removed the lot traits and created new clubs that, as yet, don’t have any perks boosting adult skills. I’m still trying to choose a skill, perhaps Charisma.

5.51 The Mori Legacy: A Big Welcome for Danny!

Week 26/Thursday

W: So, are you two feeling good about moving to San Myshuno? No regrets?
Yuki: When you first told us, I felt like I was being discarded because I’d aged up to an adult.
But then, I realized we might have a grandchild who looks like me!
Banana: I’m ready to move! We’ve cleaned out our inventories and converted our points to Moodlet Solvers.
Yuki: And put us in a club with the girls. We’re always available to mentor and babysit!
W: And so, Banana and Yuki move to The Old Salt House in San Myshuno.

Dulce: Thanks for waiting around while I slept off that Hysterical mood, Danny.
Danny: No problem. If I’d gone home, I would have just worried about you, so I stayed.
Your brother Ranma mentored me while your mom and I played chess. It was kinda cool, since I’d never been mentored before.

Dulce: I’m so glad you stayed, because I want to ask you something now that my parents have moved out.
I couldn’t convince you to move in, could I? I know you and Chad just moved to Hakim House and all, but…
Danny: Are you kidding me? I would love to live here with you!

Dulce: Welcome to the Mori House, Danny. You’re the fortieth member of the Mori household!
Danny: Thanks so much for arranging for me to move in, Dulce.
I mean I was ready to take one for Team Dulce and switch our pregnancy options if I couldn’t move in, but let’s just say I’m glad how things worked out.
Dulce: Well, we both have @Whirligig and her City Native tip to thank for that!
Danny: Yeah, she’s truly a lifesaver! I see my City Native aspiration has been replaced by Friend of the World.

Yuki: I can’t believe you called us back for mentoring already. We didn’t even have time to unpack!
Tami (pigtails): Get with the program, Gramps! We’re both Whiz Kids and one of us will become the Gen6 heir!
You don’t really expect us to play chess without mentoring, do you?
Yuki: …

Maya (brunette): You’re so right, Tami! Like, out with the old, in with the new, you know what I mean?
Banana: Young ladies, if you two value your lives, this attitude better be just a phase you’re both going through.

Takumi: After all the moving, Ranma and I discover that we’re both off today, so I phone in the wedding.
Sadly, Watchette has had to resort to deleting both the front and back doors of the house for the event’s duration.
The doors weren’t locking and everyone kept running back inside.

Nao: But where are the chairs?
Banana: Oh please, Dad! You know that no one sits in them anyway! Why bother?

Yuki: Our little boy is getting married! What a beautiful couple they make! *wipes a tear
Banana: Miko dear, when you part your hair like that, you really must not stand on the left! Tsk, tsk!

The deliriously joyful couple share the first slice of their wedding cake.

Takumi: I’m so glad you could attend our wedding, Grandpa Nao. It really means a lot to me.
Nao: The wedding of our fifth-generation heir? How could I miss it! And I’ve wanted to meet your wife and girls, too!

Dulce: Danny darling, hurry and run along to the men’s room! The wedding’s already earned a gold medal.
Before ending the reception, Takumi’s just waiting on you to introduce yourself to any sims you don’t know.
Danny: Oh yeah, I keep forgetting…Friend of the World. *proceeds to take forever to introduce himself to four sims
W: Thankfully, we didn’t have to complete the “Have sims get dazed at the same time 0/3” party goal.
I have no idea how they would go about clearing that goal, but it sounds risky. The Bubble Blower?

Takumi: Through thick and thin, right, my beloved Miko?
Miko: Always and forever, dearest Takumi. Thank you for believing in me.

Ranma: In the quiet of the evening, I practice my turntabilism. Don’t think I haven’t noticed which way the chips have fallen.
Now that Mom and Dad have moved out and Danny’s moved in, the only role left for me to play is “the cool uncle.”
Is that really all  I want from life?


Yuki: Great job on finishing your homework right after school, girls!
Banana: What are you watching on TV, girls? A police drama?

Tami (pigtails): Nooooo, Grandma! We’re watching the music video for the 2015 song “Dope” by the Kpop boy band called BTS! And that’s my future husband, Jungkook!
W: If you’d like to see the music video (and you really should!), click here to go to Youtube. It’s a fantastic MV!

Tami: But no fangirling over my husband, you hear? He's the band's youngest member, wearing that police uniform!

Banana: I don’t know if your parents would approve of you marrying a Korean pop star, Tami…
Tami: But just watch the video with us, Nana! He’s so cute and he’s got purple hair and sings like an angel!
Banana: Purple hair with the voice of an angel? Oh, I’m liking him just a little bit more already, but still…

Tami: And Grandpa, look at his moves! Jungkook is, like, one of the best kpop dancers! You’re a dance machine, Gramps! Surely you can appreciate his crazy dance skillz!
Yuki: Well, you got me there, Tami! I would be proud to welcome that boy into the family!

Banana: And what about you, Maya? You’re being uncharacteristically quiet.
Maya: Shhh, I’m facing a crucial life decision: Do I marry the BTS vocalist V or its dancer Jimin?
Tami: And without starting any fan wars, I'd just like to say that Maya and I are huge EXO stans but the BTS members are considerably younger so as spouse material...

Banana: I don’t know about Jungkook, Tami. Why do you have choose a guy with such effeminate looks?
Takumi (walks into the room): Because the apple never falls far from the tree?
*Everyone recalls Yuki’s former pretty-boy looks and remains politely silent for Banana’s sake

In another part of the house….
Danny: You know, Dulce, I’m not just fooling around here with this boyfriend/girlfriend stuff.
I moved into this house with the intent of marrying you and starting a family together. Will you marry me, Dulce?
Banana: Oh Danny! I’ve thought of you day and night since the first time we met! I didn’t think you’d ask me so soon!

Danny: Well, I decided I had to move quickly and propose, or else you would’ve asked me first, again! But, you still haven’t answered my question.
Banana: Oh yes, Danny! Absolutely, yes!

Ranma: In the evening, we learn that the Spice Festival’s in town and eagerly head out to Spice Market. I look for the Swag Stall to buy spices, but it’s still closed.
Feeling adventurous, Takumi, Dulce, and I decide to enter the Spicy Curry Challenge.

Takumi: If I were starting a dynasty, I wouldn’t bother buying everything at the Produce Stall.
During the Spice Festival, you can harvest great-quality onions, blackberries, grapes, basil, parsley, tomatos and spinach from the planters behind us for free.

Dulce: I immediately fail the Spicy Curry Challenge along with Ranma and Takumi. Apparently, I need to build my “spice tolerance.”
Ranma: I’m bitterly disappointed but my heart lifts at the sight of a table of free food! I take a serving of the Moroccan brochette. Yum!

Maya: Grandpa Yuki surprises us all by arriving in what seems to be Indian clothing. He looks really handsome!
W: I’m just as surprised as you are, Maya! Your grandfather must have chosen that outfit himself!

Takumi: While we’re sitting around waiting for the Swag Stall to open, Ranma shamelessly takes another free serving of food.
Ranma: This is the only way to learn to prepare the new foods. Too bad the family can’t learn the recipes if I prepare them at home.

Takumi: Out of the corner of my eye, I see Maya and Tami enter the Curry Spice Festival and wait for them to come crying to Miko and me about the spiciness.
Miko: Instead, we get the message that: “Tami has made it through the spiciest of spicy food. She can now brag about being the Curry Champion.”
Takumi: That’s our girl! Sadly, Maya failed the challenge almost immediately, like the rest of us.
Ranma: What!?! Tami emerged the Curry Champion? And speaking of spicy, it’s almost 10 but the Swag Stall is still closed.

Ranma: We wait around until the festival closes at 1 am, but the Swag Stall never opens.
Danny: I only need to meet one more sim in a new location so, on the way home, we stop at Desert Bloom Park.
Maya: Oooh, we have to go home already? But Tami and I have never been here before! May we come back?

Takumi: And after a long day of many surprises and a few disappointments, we all head home and hit the proverbial sack.


The Swag Stall
The Spice Festival’s Swag Stall never opened. We didn’t arrive when the festival first started, so might the stall have only opened for the first 90-120 sim-minutes? Grrrr!!!

Yuki’s Wardrobe
Yuki showing up in an outfit I’d never picked out really surprised me! I saw him a few hours later at the festival wearing another outfit I hadn’t chosen.
And then, a few hours later, he was sitting in the karaoke bar wearing his usual sleeveless tank top with ripped jeans. Weird!

The Family’s Collections
When the family went fishing at Desert Bloom Park, I discovered that they’d lost all their collections again.
That is, the game doesn’t recognize any collectible that isn’t in their personal inventories. I’ve saved everything in a storage box for this reason, but it’s still a pain to empty the box then put everything back in whenever a former heir moves out.
I had noticed that whenever the family’s lot loaded, Banana had always been the selected sim. And I was careful that she was not the selected sim when she and Yuki moved out. Do I need to select a sim before loading the lot each time?

Well, the Mori Legacy keeps on trucking, glitches and all.
I love the twin girls and hope you will get to know them better in the next update.

Thank you, as always, for reading! <3

Offline Whirligig

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Re: The Mori Legacy: A Big Welcome for Danny! (11/10)
« Reply #320 on: November 11, 2016, 06:02:37 AM »
Aww, I really don't feel like I did anything (just happened to see the update on Facebook and thought of you is all). But I'm glad Dulce and Danny got to get together! <3

Congrats to Takumi and Miko for finally getting married, too. Wishing them all the best! :)

The twins really are super cute - I loved their gushing over the BTS band members. It was both adorable and relatable, too.  Also, I think Ranma will make an awesome 'cool uncle'. :P

Yay for Danny and Dulce getting engaged! Congrats to all the happy couples in this household! :)
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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Mori Legacy: A Big Welcome for Danny! (11/10)
« Reply #321 on: November 11, 2016, 12:58:00 PM »
I swear, I learn about more fun things thanks to this story! I have now spent a significant amount of time watchting BTS videos, and I feel that Jungkook is a very good choice for Tami. Surely someone has made these handsome young men as Sims and put them on the gallery. Let's make this happen! ;) As for my personal favorite, I'm partial to the one called "Rap Monster," but I think further research is called for.

So very happy to see Takumi and Miko happily wed, and Dulce and Danny happily engaged. Everything is looking good for the Mori family, even if they can't handle their spice!

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Re: The Mori Legacy: A Big Welcome for Danny! (11/10)
« Reply #322 on: November 11, 2016, 02:47:43 PM »
I am really grateful to you! I might not have read that update for days, while Dulce's biological clicked onward.
Yes, now that Serial Romantic is done with, it's a happy time for the Mori household!

I think Tami (am I convincing about not being part of the fandom? lol) actually also really loves the Kpop band EXO (watch their 2015 music video "Call Me Baby" here <-- Youtube link). EXO's 2014 "Growl" choreography is another "Tami" favorite.
However, Jungkook is still a teenager this year, so I thought he'd make a better choice for her. I'm glad you approve.
I've found several Jungkook lookalike sims on the Gallery, but am drifting toward V for some reason.

Tami ate spicy food for the first time in her life at the Spice Festival. I wonder why the game decided to crown her the Curry Champion?

Offline Narinn2045

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Re: The Mori Legacy: A Big Welcome for Danny! (11/10)
« Reply #323 on: November 11, 2016, 04:47:38 PM »
I've had the same happen with some of my sims at the spice festival. I'm not entirely sure how the game chooses who wins or fails.
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Re: The Mori Legacy: A Big Welcome for Danny! (11/10)
« Reply #324 on: November 12, 2016, 09:13:33 PM »
Wow, the disappearing collectibles is kind of scary.  I've had that happen as well but instead it was a wall of potions!  I loved your exploring all the food vendors.  So far a trip to San M with my dynasty family has been a big bore.  Nothing much going on and not able to collect posters and snow globes.  Mostly food vendors were closed, in many cases ALL of them.  Just my first trip there so far so hoping I have as good a time as you did. 
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Mori Legacy: A Big Welcome for Danny! (11/10)
« Reply #325 on: November 13, 2016, 12:53:54 AM »
I think the Spice Festival was getting its vote in early for heir. I'm with you, Spice Festival. Go, Tami!

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Re: The Mori Legacy: A Big Welcome for Danny! (11/10)
« Reply #326 on: November 14, 2016, 01:43:14 AM »
Danny is a cutie! He and Dulce are adorable together! I can't wait to see the babies...
Please say there are babies coming.

Takumi and Miko are adorable.
I hope those kiddos get her nice pink hair...
Ranma... who's that?!
(Just kidding, I still love you darling!)

(Clicks on Music Video)
Oooh. Me likes. Me likes a lot.
I knew she had it in her... well, not really, but now I totally do in a hindsight-sort-of-way. ;)
The twins are fantastic and I'm so glad you keep trucking through with this! <3 It's wonderful.

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Re: The Mori Legacy: Hustlin' to Be Heir
« Reply #327 on: November 16, 2016, 02:39:10 AM »
You are too kind. If you pay attention to the festival notifications, you’ll be fine! It’ll be fun to watch your entire family hanging out at the festivals! Can’t wait to meet the twins’ nooboos!

I think it’s hilarious that Tami now has a new Friendly social: Brag about being Curry Champion.
Are there different spicy food contests? I don’t really know how the hidden trait Spice Hound works.

I’m glad you enjoyed the Dope music video. *grins
It would be nice to say that I’m trucking, but I’ve slowed down to a crawl lately. *sob
Thanks for stopping by!

5.52 The Mori Legacy: Hustlin’ to Be Heir

Hello, folks! Tami here! Watchette wants to return to the narrative style she used in her dynasty and apocalypse challenges.
That is, a single narrator will primarily take charge of an entire chapter.
I’m up first, since I’m the reigning Curry Champion. And Maya will be with you next week!

Week 26/Saturday

Tami: Maya and I need to earn an A in grade school to complete Whiz Kid, so Grandma suggests we level our Motor skill this weekend.
But Uncle Ranma gets off work at 5 today, so we’re all going out after he gets home.

Auntie Dulce is only engaged to Danny Shino-Miller, so he’s technically not our uncle yet.
But Auntie Dulce insists that we start calling him Uncle Danny now anyway.
I hear he needs 8 more friends, but Maya and I are avoiding him for now.
We’re saving him to be our adult friend when we start on Social Butterfly. Clever, huh?

By the way, did you notice the new poster in my bedroom? That’s V from BTS.
Yeah, I know I was initially planning to marry Jungkook but I’ve changed my mind.
Why? One, Maya’s decided to marry Jimin.
Two, V personally replied to a tweet I posted to his Twitter account the other day.
So, anyway, I’ve dumped Jungkook for V. I feel bad about breaking Jungkook’s heart but I hope he can get over me eventually.

Mom comes into the living room to check on what we’re doing.
I tell her that the four of us are getting ready to watch a cooking show. *adjusts halo
Incidentally, I believe Maya and I are the only kids in our school whose grandpa can still pull off wearing a speedo!

Yuki: Beef patties are an essential ingredient of burgers. Who’s the idiot who let them overcook and started the fire? *exasperated
Banana: Arrgggh, how the heck do you use this fire extinguisher? *madly runs around with extinguisher
Maya (running around uselessly): The fire’s spreading! The fire’s spreading! What do I do? What do I do? *loses it
Yuki (to Banana): You goob! Just press the X button and spray in the direction of the fire.
Banana: Don’t you call me a goob, you idiot!
Tami: I’m just going to stay bottom left to chop lettuce and tomatoes. *stays calm and out of the crossfire
W: This a screenshot from the 4-player couch co-op game called Overcooked.  The Youtube videos where players start yelling at each other are especially funny.

Yuki (upper left): Okay, stay calm. I’ll get some buns and put them on the plate over there. Why isn’t the other pan on the burner?
Maya (upper right): I’ll do it, I’ll do it! We need more patties and more sliced lettuce and tomatos! What are those slackers doing down there?
Tami (lower right): Grandma, let go of the stupid extinguisher and get out of my way. I need to take out some tomatos! *feels annoyed
Banana (lower left): Gahhh, I forgot which buttons to use to let go of items! How do I move? *panics
Tami: Get outta the way, Nana! Before our trucks line up again, we need to slice more veggies and make more patties! Get a grip, sheesh!
Banana: This is a stupid game. I don't want to play anymore! *pouts

Auntie Dulce gets the Eating for Two moodlet around 3 pm, then goes to share the news with Uncle Danny.
I hear Uncle Danny remarking that he’s unemployed and whinging to Auntie Dulce about “protection.”
Protection from what, I wonder.
Anyway, doesn’t Uncle Danny realize that the family’s so rich that no one actually needs to work?
On the plus side, Maya and I will have a baby cousin on Tuesday afternoon!

Week 27/Sunday

Tami: Dad, Uncle Ranma, Uncle Danny, Maya, and I all celebrate birthdays 10 days from now.
Dad, Uncle Ranma, and Danny become adults, while Maya and I obviously become teens.

Today’s a big day for Uncle Ranma! He earns his Level 8 Chef promotion and completes his Master Chef aspiration.
He’s held onto that aspiration for 23 sim-days, so it must be a huge relief!

Recently, Watchette realized that Uncle Ranma could complete his Chef career’s daily task by baking.
Super news for Maya and me because he’s been learning to bake new types of cookies and other sweet snacks!
But I can’t wait for Uncle Ranma to max his career! He has to work on Saturdays and Sundays, which totally destroys our weekends!


Maya and I started school last Friday with the Whiz Kid aspiration, which is absolutely the worst timing!
After working hard all weekend, we have L10 Mental and L9 Logic, but we just earn a B in school today.
At this rate, we won’t be done with our first aspiration until Wednesday. Grrrr.
We actually don’t mind so much, except Dad’s not letting us make friends our age until we start Social Butterfly.

Mom’s been having Grandma mentor her in violin but she sounds pretty awful.
Don’t tell Mom, but I’d rather have Dad, Uncle Ranma, or Auntie Dulce mentor me.
The three of them are Creatively Gifted, so I think they’ll be better mentors and I’ll learn faster.
If you ask me, if Mom has time to learn a skill that Dad, Uncle Ranma, Auntie Dulce, Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle Paolo have already maxed, she should just get a job!
Maya: Ouch, Tami! That’s harsh!
Tami: Hey, just telling it like it is, sis!

Dad’s mentoring me in Logic when we get the notice about the Humor & Hijinks Festival being held this evening.
He’s almost a Chief of Mischief. That’s why he looks so sad about not being able to go. I wanna go, too!

But we all need to stay home tonight because Uncle Ranma starts work at 8 pm.
Dad’s so conscientious about making sure Uncle Ranma works under optimal conditions in the ideal mood!
And does anyone else think it’s a little creepy that Grandma Banana and her three kids are all young adults?

So, Dad, I’ve been really worried lately. It’s like Watchette doesn’t care about us anymore!
Our legacy has virtually grinded to a halt lately. Last I’d heard, she’d created a surprise for my teen birthday and then…nada.
Takumi: Don’t you fret, Tami. Watchette will probably return and play us at Speed 3 any day now.
Don’t tell Auntie Dulce, but I think Watchette’s annoyed with so many unemployed young adults at home with nothing to do.
Tami: Oh yeah, and  Uncle Danny still needs 13 more friends to finish Friend of the World. Ugh, what a pain!


Tami: Are we awesome or what? We leave home this morning with a B and come with an A! Sayonara Whiz Kid aspiration!
Maya: Don’t forget all the help we got! Bath soak with incense, Essence of Focus, and Wellness socials.
Tami: Yeah, it was like we were grown-ups getting ready for work or something!
M: Dad and Uncle Ranma are both off work today.
T: I know! As soon as Auntie Dulce is finished over there, we’re outa here!

Oh right! Folks, we’re happy to announce a new addition to the Mori household!
Kenta Mori, the son of Auntie Dulce and Uncle Danny!
What do you think, Maya? He’s our cousin but we can treat him like our little brother, right? It’ll be cool!

Dulce: There you go, Kenta! Give mommy a big smile!

We complete our first two Social Butterfly milestones in the public restroom at Willow Creek’s Magnolia Blossom Park.
This must be where all the cool sims chill, including us!

Next, we visit The Lighthouse. The adults all go inside, where Dad starts mixing drinks and Auntie Dulce prepares dinner.
I love how spacious this house is!

Meanwhile, Maya and I are still outside, getting friendly with Uncle Paolo’s twin sons.
Uncle Paolo’s not really our uncle—he’s Dad’s cousin so that makes his sons our…what? Second cousins? Who knows?
Chubby Gilbert on the left is a slob. Curly-haired Mallory on the right is a vegetarian.
Oh, good thing that Auntie Dulce is making Meatless Monte Cristo Sandwiches!

What a productive day! I only need one more child friend, and Social Butterfly is a wrap!
I’m not sure why, but Maya still needs one child friend plus two adult friends.
Anyway, we do our homework and extra credit before heading off to bed.

By the way, Watchette, Uncle Ranma wants to try the adoption trick because our simverse is ageing again.
But he can’t because our household is full. What’s going to happen when Maya and I are teenagers?

W: I’ve actually been thinking of moving one of the young adults out really soon.
Supervising three unemployed young adults is a waste of time and at least two of them will need to eventually move out in several weeks anyway.

Takumi: Grandpa Nao passed away today, so his daughter with Dr. Lime in de Coconut is living alone now in the Munch Haus.
W: Takumi, you’re a mindreader! That’s exactly what I was thinking!
I really can’t be bothered with helping Danny make the 11 more friends he needs to complete Friend of the World right now.
And if Danny moves out, Dulce could even have another child before she moves out, if she wants.

Tami: What!? Noooo, not Uncle Danny! He’s so cute! Can’t we move out Mom or Auntie Dulce instead?
Takumi: …


And I’m off to school! Only one more sim-week until Maya and I age up to teens!
Watchette, don’t let us down! Stay focused on us! We can do this!
And yeah, screw the scoring and let’s just have fun, k? Maybe what Windenberg needs is its own butler café?


Game lag is getting pretty ridiculous. After I place an action in a sim’s queue, it usually takes at least 30-60 sim-minutes for that action to drop to the active position.
This means that all the sims are typically very late to school or work. Pre-work massage needs to start early because I never know when a sim will decide to space out next to the massage table for a sim-hour before finally heading toward the front door.

The downside of this lagging combined with other glitches is that I’m not enjoying this legacy as much as before.

In the interest of actually reaching the birth of the Gen10 heir (Takumi is the Gen5 heir), I’m going to stop fussing over my score and just have fun with this legacy. You know, play their lives in a way that makes me smile rather than one that targets more points.
Ahhh, I feel relieved already as the pressure of throwing 230+ more gold-medal social events slides off my shoulders.
Wah, wah, wah. *feels a bit ashamed for sounding like such a crybaby, but my file's getting pretty frustrating

Anyway, I will be taking even more liberties with the legacy challenge rules so purists have been forewarned!

Thank you for reading!

Offline Whirligig

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Re: The Mori Legacy: Hustlin' to Be Heir (11/15)
« Reply #328 on: November 16, 2016, 05:02:18 AM »
Oshizu, you have done an awesome job with this family - no need to feel like you're letting anyone down, and you certainly don't sound like a crybaby. :) You've certainly had more than your fair share of issues. My Morven file was starting to lag a lot as well (sims spaceing out, as you said). It takes more time in real time, but I found pausing the game for a few seconds seemed to eventually trigger actions, but I'm sure you've tried that. :-/

The social event requirement is pretty darn steep, I'll admit. But even if you stop keeping score right now, 81 points out of 101 is pretty darn impressive.

Having that many unemployed sims around would drive me insane, too. How do you decide what to do with them, if they don't have career tasks to work on? :P

And I'm curious to see what you mean by 'taking more liberties with the rules'. :)
The Morven Dynasty
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Offline Caterina

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Re: The Mori Legacy: Hustlin' to Be Heir (11/15)
« Reply #329 on: November 16, 2016, 08:25:21 AM »
The twins are so cute together.  I love Tami and her pigtails.  I really enjoyed the family video game session.  The picture of baby Kenta is precious.  Speaking from experience, I think you will have a great sense of accomplishment just for completing a 10 generation legacy.

