Author Topic: The Mori Legacy: A Frenzy of Forests [Completed 2017/01/20]  (Read 155642 times)

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Mori Legacy: Toils and Troubles of Gen2 Teens (new 08/10)
« Reply #45 on: August 11, 2016, 11:59:40 AM »
Hey, Max is a cutie in your story too! And he's much younger. Must find out if he also attends Windenburg High School and follows the dress code  ;) Oh, if I were ten years younger and a Sim I'd be stalking the Mori's.

It's a shame about the pool but the plants and fountain certainly make up for it.

I feel sorry for Arisa, though I can't wait to see how she annoys you next time. Super pleased Nami is leading in the votes for heir.
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Re: The Mori Legacy: Toils and Troubles of Gen2 Teens (new 08/10)
« Reply #46 on: August 11, 2016, 03:23:50 PM »
What luck finding Isabelle!  Being that high a level in that career is awesome!  I'm sure she'll make a great spouse.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: The Mori Legacy: Toils and Troubles of Gen2 Teens (new 08/10)
« Reply #47 on: August 11, 2016, 04:12:51 PM »
Haha, if you were a sim, my sims would be stalking you!

The Secret Agent/Villain and Criminal/Boss careers are somewhat of a pain, but they must be completed! So, yes, I'm feeling very lucky about Isabelle!

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The Mori Legacy: An Ideal Hazubando
« Reply #48 on: August 11, 2016, 04:35:19 PM »
1.07  The Mori Legacy: An Ideal Hazubando

Grim Reaper: I’ve been a little worried about Kaoru Mori and his Watcher lately.
Those two are giving the Legacy Challenge a go, even though that Watchette is pretty notorious for finding "creative" ways to keep all her played sims alive.
She’s also a very superficial player—devoting immense effort to her sims’ looks while having them live in a home that looks like some preschooler’s Lego building blocks.
Anyway, I thought I’d offer Kaoru and his Watchette some advice or, at least, be their sounding board.

Grim: Hey, Kaoru, how you doing? Long time, no see!
Kaoru: Wassup, Grim? I haven’t seen you since Dorothy needed to talk with you about grilled cheese.
Grim: Oh yeah, Dorothy. What a character! Hey, I’m really sorry about not coming to reap Dorothy properly.
Kaoru: What happened that day? Anita was shocked that Dorothy just vanished without any warning.

GR: Well, you can imagine how stressful my work is! I’m just doing my job but wherever and whenever I show up, people are always hating on me!
So I took a three-day vacay to unwind and asked a Soul Reaper named Ichigo Kurosaki to substitute.
Have you ever watched that anime “Bleach”? Ichigo’s that orange-haired high-schooler human who accidentally became a Soul Reaper.
Anyway, he’d always been totally awesome and unwaveringly reliable.

Kaoru: But what happened that day?
GR: Well, he ran into Rukia, his good friend and a captain in the Soul Society, on his way to work that day.
And she talked him into pairing up to cos-play The Black Butler for some anime convention.
Watchette/W: Oh, I lurve Ichigo as well as The Black Butler!!! *fangirls

GR: Ichigo actually had the cheek to text me a photo—that’s Ichigo (below) dressed as the demon butler Sebastien Michaelis with Rukia (above) dressed as Sebastien’s master Ciel Phantomhive.
Kaoru: So that’s why Dorothy didn’t get reaped? I bet they won first prize in the cosplay competition! I’m a huge fan of The Black Butler, too!

But would you mind if we changed the subject? I’ve got other things on my mind right now.
GR: No problem. I actually came to see if you had any questions about this challenge.

                          (Image source:

Kaoru: To be honest, Watchette had been planning to just give up on earning the point for 10 types of death, especially after Dorth’s unexpectedly tragic demise.
Do you have any tips about causing eight more deaths? To be honest, I’m unhappy with the pool of available spouses for my Nami.
On the other hand, I’m starting to understand how the concept of primary and secondary spouses works.

GR: Yeah, you have to think creatively to earn maximum points!
Kaoru: Thank you for the consult, Grim. We’re only Gen2 and our simverse population has already decreased conspicuously.
GR: What about importing a spouse from the Gallery?
Kaoru: Yeah, Watchette has looked at the #LegacyLoves sims several times already. I think she’s saved to the library one or two YA males who she’s considering for Nami.
GR: Well, good luck with everything, Kaoru! Don’t forget to drink your Potion of Youth tomorrow!
Kaoru: Yeah, Grim, see you around! Thanks for being a friend!


Nami: In a spacious room in the basement that Watchette has earmarked for a party room (when she ever decides to get serious about building), I practice my beats!
I’m the only one in the house who’s maxed Dancing so it’s only reasonable that I become the house DJ!
Nio: But if you’re DJing, you can’t dance, Ms. Dance Machine!
Nami: Oh right, there’s that!

Kaoru: Realizing I’m just one quill fruit away from being able to invent the Age-Away Serum, I take along Nio for a quick trip to Sixam.
Nio: Yeah, since I’m a Geek, Dad expects I’ll have a better chance of finding our missing collectibles.
Kaoru: Later, when I click on the Wormhole Generator to go home, I notice two in-disguise aliens with a familiar last name: Elliana Morton and Brooks Morton.
What a shame! This means that my co-worker Isiah Morton must also be an alien since they’re family!
Nio: Aww, Dad! Let’s keep our hopes up for Guys’ Night Out! 
W: To be very honest, fellas, I’m not quite ready yet for an alien in the Mori bloodline….


Kaoru: This morning, I invent an Age-Away Serum and clone two more for testing purposes.
Strolling the neighborhood, I run into Lucas Munch and test my Rose Perfume serums on him.
Then, his brother Edward comes along, so I test my Red Hot serums on him.

Edward: Grrr, I don’t know what Kaoru just gave me but I’m so mad I could explode!
Kaoru: I’m ready to make tested versions of both serums now, hehe.

Doreen: How’d the Age-Away Serum work, Mr. Mori?
Kaoru: I tested all three on myself tonight, but only got one placebo effect and two negative moodlets.
Since my age bar is already bubbling, I’m just going to go ahead and drink this Potion of Youth.
And before you go, Doreen, how would you like to sample a Spark Drive serum to get energized?

Kaoru: After testing three Spark Drive serums, I should be able to invent a tested version now.

Nio: Um, Dad, did you just give an untested Spark Drive serum to Arisa?
Kaoru: Yes, I did. How did you know, Nio?
Nio: Oh, I don’t know. Just a wild guess. *shrugs


Anita: After breakfast, we all continue socializing while watching that movie about the lost dog.
W: I love this movie theater TV—the entire household can build fun and social at the same time.
Then they’re happy to go off and do whatever else they need to be doing.

Arisa: I've maxed Baking! Then, just as I'm basking in the glow of a mission accomplished, I discover Dad’s started a fire.
He must have been trying to make the Sea of Fire drink!
Nio: What the heck are you doing, Dad? Why are you just standing there in the flames?
You and Arisa both have that fire-resistant Naturalist trait, yet you two do nothing and force me to extinguish the fire?!
Nami: Why is Dad just staring off into space like a zombie? Gah, how stressful!

Nio: You two are disappointing, you know that?
Dad, you wait until I’ve put out the fire, then you remember to whip out your freeze ray.
And you, Arisa, finally decide to stroll over here after the ceiling sprinkler goes off.
If I ever have to pick two people to go live with me on a deserted island, I will definitely not choose either of you!
Kaoru: Don’t blame me, son! Watchette clicked the wrong part of the bar so I had no options to act!

W: By the way, Nio, you are rocking that new hairstyle!
Nio: Thanks, Watchette. I’m glad you finally stopped hiding how cute I am!

Kaoru: Way to go, Doreen! You completed a second teen career: Babysitter! We're now done with all five teen careers!
Doreen: Thanks, Mr. Mori. My young adult birthday’s in zero days so I wasn’t sure I’d make it in time.
W: And thanks for posing in your work uniform, Doreen! I’ve taken a photo of every career completed so far.
Every career, that is, except Fast Food Employee. *glares at Arisa

Nami: I noticed that you aren’t as frustrated with Arisa lately. What’s changed?
W: I’m not less frustrated, Nami. I’ve just given up expecting much from Arisa.
First, I’ve locked her out of the Focused Room so she isn’t constantly trying to get on your computers.
Also, I’m going to have her mentor you in Piano and Violin, even if you’re still stuck on your first aspiration.

Kaoru: After viewing some paintings at the Willow Creek art museum for my painter aspiration, I phone in a birthday party for Doreen there.
We believed we’d thought of everything!
Nio: Nami brought her DJ station, I brought a table and several types of food, and Dad brought a portable bar.
Nami: Dad even completes a toast before most of the guests arrive!

Arisa: Our guests initially stay in the museum but finally come outside to party.
Then we get the “Cook a meal” party milestone which, of course, is impossible at this museum.
Doreen: I still have a blast, though I’m shocked that Paolo’s already an elder. Is there still time for us? He looks positively ancient!
Nami: It’s 7 pm, people! Let’s wrap up this silver-medal party! We need to go check out Guys’ Night Out!

Nio: We arrive at the Shrieking Llama Bar, then each invite over any eligible bachelors in our relationship panel.
W: Unless I micro-manage everyone, the Mori household sims just socialize with each other. Must I remind you? That’s NOT why we’re here tonight!

Nami: I really appreciate how enthusiastic and obsessed Watchette gets over spouse-hunting, especially since we’re talking about my spouse!
Let us tell you about the first three prospects that arrive.
Nio: Liam Cantrell is one of the four kids that Watchette imported into the game several sim-weeks ago. Even if he weren’t too young for Nami, those traits…
Nami: Herbert Reeder has so-so traits. He doesn’t exactly make my pulse quicken, you know?
Kaoru: What’s there to say about Nehemiah’s traits? He possess three unsavory traits!

Liam Cantrell (teen): Mean, Hotheaded
Herbert Reeder (YA; Unemployed): Childish, Good, Outgoing
Nehemiah Asher (Adult; Fisherman): Hotheaded, Hates Children, Squeamish

Kaoru: You may recognize Clinton as that incompetent Nanny with the feminine walk.
He shares Anita’s Loves the Outdoors trait, so he brings only 2 unique traits.
Nio: It took me forever to learn Malcolm’s third trait. Surprisingly, he also Loves the Outdoors.
But since Isabelle and I are both Good, Malcolm’s Evil trait is a deal-breaker.
Nami: I’m not sure who invited Andy but I think he and Liam are the cutest guys in this bunch.
Not only are Andy’s traits pretty okay, he probably has maxed Wellness!
Kaoru: By the way, why didn't Isiah Morton get invited?
W: Besides the fact that he's probably an alien, he's also an elder. That's two strikes against Isiah!

Clinton Small (Adult; Nanny): Active, Loves the Outdoors, Ambitious
Malcolm Landgraab (Adult; Criminal): Snob, Loves the Outdoors, Evil
Andy Herrick (Adult/Massage Therapist): Insane, Lazy, Good

Nio: Around midnight, someone new arrives at the bar. His name’s Frank Biello.
Kaoru: In spite of his dubious fashion sense, pot belly, and ample hips, Frank has three unique traits and is a Level 9 Criminal/Boss.
Nami: We’d need to work on his pear-shaped figure and that hair, but his face is easy on the eyes.

Frank Biello (Adult; Criminal/L9 Boss ): Childish, Bookworm, Dance Machine

Nami: Surprisingly, Frank and I hit it off really well! Since he's a Dance Machine and I love to DJ, we bond over a discussion on dancing techniques and DJing.
He seems to think I’m pretty interesting, too! What do you think, Dad? Is Frank “the one”?

Author’s Remarks

Tomorrow is Nio’s birthday, so we’ll be seeing more of Isabelle Herndon around the Mori residence very soon.
Nami and Arisa age up to young adults in five more days.   
I’d initially thought that our simverse was pretty dead but it actually coughed up a decent number of prospective spouses.  That is, a  decent number of candidates, not exactly a number of decent candidates, hah! This time, all the prospects were already in the game, no #LegacyLoves needed.
Well, we’ve already decided how we’ll be handling the matter of choosing Nami’s spouse.
What would you do?

Also, Nami can move in a spouse in five more days; that’s not enough time for Doreen to max a career.
However, it’s time enough for her to get pregnant, eat a bunch of strawberries or carrots, then move out while pregnant.
Shall we honor Dorothy’s sacrifice by hooking up her daughter with Paolo as baby daddy?

Finally, I realized at one point that the Mori collection of reward potions (bought by Dorothy) had simply vanished.  It included one of each type of reward potion and 13 Potions of Youth.
This time, I re-purchased them all. Around the same time, one of the $10,000 computers (fully upgraded) disappeared, but a computer is more easily replaced than the potions, serums, and essences. Unfortunate game glitching!

I hope you don’t consider this cheating, but I plan to upload my room of potions, serums, and essences to My Library periodically. If they ever disappear again, I can just download the room and its contents to the lot.  I currently have 34 unused Potions of Youth; I don’t want to reach the maximum total of 80 PoYs only to have them all disappear again. I would only ever use that room to replace reward potions/essences/essences/PoYs that disappeared due to a game glitch.

Well, that’s all for today.  As always, thank you for reading!

To the next chapter

Offline Narinn2045

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Re: The Mori Legacy: An Ideal Hazubando (new 08/11)
« Reply #49 on: August 11, 2016, 09:10:48 PM »
I really love your sims. Nami especially (blue really suits her :) ). You are giving me so many new ideas for my legacy!
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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Mori Legacy: An Ideal Hazubando (new 08/11)
« Reply #50 on: August 11, 2016, 11:10:50 PM »
Well, it's a bit hard to see past Frank's eccentricities, but his traits aren't bad, and a Level 9 criminal is hard to resist. I'm now very interested to see what he looks like with a makeover.
I say Doreen and Paolo should go for it! Yay babies!
That stinks about all your potions! I had one of those computers disappear on me once, too, but when I realized the name is "Disappearing Laptop," I thought maybe it was intentional. Now I think it must be a glitch.
I'm glad Grim stepped in to explain the mysterious circumstances surrounding Dorothy's death!

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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: The Mori Legacy: An Ideal Hazubando (new 08/11)
« Reply #51 on: August 12, 2016, 02:54:49 AM »
Oh! Finding a spouse for our heiress, Nami! How fantastic!

Alright, so now my question for you deary, is that... I'm a really bad rule follower with Legacies.
I played the Sims 4 for about 3 generations in a legacy challenge (like the one you're doing right now) around the time the game first came out (unfortunately Sims 4 is just not my cup of tea particularly but that's not the point I'm getting to), so I kind of have a sense of the rules you're following, I think what's tripping me up a little is your secondary spouses. Not that I'm trying to pay attention too closely to the scoring or anything, I'm just happy to read your fun family's misadventures! I just was curious about it all.
Clearly I'm not keeping score in my legacy, so I find it interesting to see those who play it for the actual challenge it is. ::)

Anyways, with my question out of the way - that was a fantastic chapter! Your family is a lot of fun and I'm sorry Arisa is such a pain for you! For what it's worth I think you're doing a really fantastic job with this crazy challenge already. In the 3 generations I did with my legacy on the Sims 4 I remember I accomplished a few of the 'sections' but definitely not to the degree you are! So I just wanted to say I'm cheering for you and I hope that you're enjoying yourself too!
Oh, and I'm always down to see any of the hotties you bring out. ;)

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Re: The Mori Legacy: An Ideal Hazubando (new 08/11)
« Reply #52 on: August 12, 2016, 04:48:50 AM »
I become deeply attached to sims I'm playing (don't we all?) so I'm happy you like them, too.
Nami means "wave" (like in an ocean) so her hair needs to be blue. You've slogged through the 10 children without adopting a single one--it's all fun for you now!

When we used to see Frank around town, I didn't even realize he was male at first. And yes, I'm a complete sucker for sims that come with high-level careers.
In the case of both Isabelle and Frank, they would need to level skills for that last promotion, which is easier and faster than achieving 6+ promotions (depending on which aspiration they start with).
I'm dying to share my plan with you but it's not the right time yet.  :-X

Pinstar changed the rule on housemates after it became possible to move sims in without every move-in contributing $20K to the family.
So for the founder, I refer to Dorothy (who died in the sauna) as a secondary spouse, but she was just a housemate.
When a "real" secondary spouse joins the family, you will recognize it clearly.
And I'm just as happy playing the Legacy Challenge without the scoring, but I was introduced to an Excel scoresheet that allows me to check off accomplishments and that activity has become super addictive in itself. Mostly, though, I just enjoy the crazy things the sims get up to and hope that sim genetics will be kind to my sims.
The Legacy Challenge is not conducive to generating hotties, sadly, because of the "1 point for every three unique traits possessed by primary spouses," lol. Sad but true!

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Mori Legacy: An Ideal Hazubando (new 08/11)
« Reply #53 on: August 12, 2016, 08:02:29 AM »
I'm glad to get an explanation from Grim, Rukia as Ciel is adorable.

I think Frank should be Nami's spouse, with an Oshizu makeover I'm sure he'll turn out hot. And topless once that pot belly is gone  ;) I also vote Paolo as baby daddy, or Andy - he's really cute.

I don't consider the room to be cheating since you worked hard to get all the potions and then the game has to glitch and eat them all.
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Re: The Mori Legacy: An Ideal Hazubando (new 08/11)
« Reply #54 on: August 12, 2016, 11:53:20 AM »
@oshizu! Ah, thank you kindly for the explanation!
I must say I do love a good Excel spreadsheet and watching it get completely filled is a very satisfying thing. Anyways, I hope that the Sims Genetics are kind to you either way. My the genetic gods be ever in your favor!

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Re: The Mori Legacy: An Ideal Hazubando (new 08/11)
« Reply #55 on: August 12, 2016, 01:56:05 PM »
Having had important things just totally disappear, I feel your pain!  I would definitely save a room of potions and whatever needed.  It is beyond annoying when it happens and can even cause you to lose the game you are playing.  I do not feel it is cheating at all to save a room that way since it is the game doing the glitching and not player error!

As for the possible spouses, what a nightmare!  None of them look at all appealing to me.  I guess the best option is Frank Biello although I hate his eyebrows, skin tone, hair, pear shape and total lack of any fashion sense.  Still, can't beat the stats considering the competition.

I'd say yes to baby making also.  Gotta keep Paolo's genes going one way or another.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline Narinn2045

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Re: The Mori Legacy: An Ideal Hazubando (new 08/11)
« Reply #56 on: August 12, 2016, 03:21:41 PM »
@oshizu I do believe we all become very attached to our sims. That's what's going to make the different death types point difficult for me to achieve. That, and the fact that I never get fires when I want them, lol. I'm hoping it will all be sunshine and rainbows from here on out for the Eternal household, but I guess we'll see. Oh, and I forgot to mention in my last comment; I don't think saving your potions room is cheaty at all. You worked hard for those potions! And Paolo as Doreen's babymaker would make all of Dorothy's sacrifice worth it, I believe.
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The Mori Legacy: What the Heart Desires, Part I
« Reply #57 on: August 12, 2016, 06:37:55 PM »
1.08  The Mori Legacy: What the Heart Desires, Part I


Nio: I see a vision of loveliness walk in the door and wonder who she is.
The young adult Lyric Archer is a Clumsy, Family-Oriented Bookworm.
When asked about her career, she replies that she’s a Bar Regular from noon to 8 pm, 7 days a week.
You’re very lovely, Lyric, but you don’t hold a candle to Isabelle, career-wise!
W: *whispers: Still, she’s great baby mama material, Nio!

Nami: It’s pretty late now and we still have school tomorrow, but I take a moment to try to get to know Nehemiah, the fisherman.
I hadn’t spoken with him at all this evening.
Chatting with Frank was so delightful, but socializing with Nehemiah is like pulling teeth!

Nami: Oh, Frank! How can you possess such an angelic face with such an odd body? *shakes head in disbelief

Doreen: So why are you always so down on Arisa, Watchette?
W: Yes, that’s the question everyone wants answered, isn’t it? For one thing, she’s always moaning and groaning.
Look at you, Doreen! You’re currently finishing your third book for Renaissance Sim and you only got distracted once when you became playful because your Goofball trait kicked in.
Otherwise, you’ve been quietly reading one book after another.

Doreen: That’s how dedicated we all are, though!
Our scientist Mr. Mori needs 3 more masterpieces to complete Painter Extraordinaire.
Mrs. Mori will max Nerd Brain after two more Logic levels. Nio just maxed Rocked Science.
We’re all working very hard for the Mori Legacy!
W: Well, yes, and Nami’s reached Level 10 in violin, piano, dancing, and DJing, even though she’s still stuck on Computer Whiz.
The difference with Arisa is that she’s always trying to get out of what she’s supposed to be doing.
When she actually does what she needs to be doing, she makes annoying groans.
She’s a Creative sim, so why is she always trying to do programming?  See? Annoying!

Nami: After the notice to celebrate Nio’s birthday, we wait while Doreen launches the rocket ship twice more.
Meanwhile, I’ve reached Level 7 Handiness, so Watchette buys the Ranger Stanley Jackalope Sculpture for our lot.
It seems like an extravagant purchase, but it saves me from having to travel to Granite Falls tonight and also increases our lot value.
But, darn it, since I’m stuck on my first aspiration, I don’t even have enough points to buy Marketable!
I can make those camping mascots, but they’re not worth much. *pouts (but doesn't moan)

Kaoru: Listen up, folks! Queen Joria has spoken! We don’t have many transformable items right now, but let the testing begin.
Nio, I have the fire-resistant trait from Freelance Botanist but you’re the Geek. Here, take this SimRay and see what you get.
Nio: Okay, but it’s 1 am now and I’ve been ready to age up for two hours now, so we’re having my party as soon as I’m done. Show me the way!

Nio: I remember now why I don’t like the SimRay!
Well, this is my second fire in two days, so I’ve got this under control.
Ultimately, though, no live aliens or other collectibles appear. But enough of this! I’m ready to age up and move Isabelle in!
Kaoru: Wow, I have so much respect for Queen Joria! She makes using the SimRay to get high-quality items look so easy!!!
Nio: Well, she did mention that the sim needs to build experience. *phones in yet another birthday party

Nio: The guests start arriving but it seems like people could care less that I’m blowing out the candles.
Like I care about any of the guests except you-know-who!

I remember the day I first met Isabelle at Oasis Springs park like it was yesterday!
A friend who works the security cameras there gave me a photo of our first encounter.
And there, my friends, you see me performing my first-ever Mischief social way back when!

We’re BFFs so why can’t I ask Isabelle to move in? Oh yeah, that option won’t show during a social event!
After our first kiss, she agrees to be my girlfriend! Isabelle, we’re so destined to be together!

Doreen: During my YA birthday party at the museum yesterday, I started putting moves on Paolo.
With all the fuss that evening over spouse-hunting, though, we don’t share a first kiss until tonight at Nio’s party.
I have a hard time chatting with him because Mrs. Mori keeps trying to talk with him.
Go talk to your husband, Mrs. Mori! Paolo Rocca is my boyfriend now. Mine, you hear?

Isabelle: When the party ends, I’m excited to move into the Mori household.
I’ll be an adult in 4 days and have a lot of professional catch-up to do.
My final promotion to Level 11 Villain requires L10 Logic and L6 Mischief, but both those skills are zero now.
Nio: Don’t worry, sweetness. Our family will get you skilled up in a flash!
For now, I’ve asked Mom to mentor you in Logic, just so Dad doesn’t get any funny ideas.
Anita: What does that mean, son?
Nio: *whistles innocently

Doreen: Early the next morning, I invite Paolo over again. We’re enjoying some steamy kisses, when I’m suddenly whisked to the Police Station.
Oh right, I’d promised to spend a day working here in the hope of spawning new townies!
At the crime scene with my co-workers, the eyewitness can’t keep his eyes off me because I’m so cute in uniform!

I’m only supposed to do this job for a day but I can’t resist looking for clues!
Look! There’s a superb piece of evidence over there next to the trash bin!

Except for the adult Cassandra Goth, all my co-workers are male elders while the Chief is an adult female alien.
Ironically, the only other non-elder humans at the Station are the perps, I mean, suspects.

Doreen: Upon notification that Nio’s squeeze Isabelle has an hour left before work, I immediately leave work early.
But when I arrive home, Isabelle’s already left for work. I guess sim-time marches on even during loading screens!?
Anyway, I lose no time inviting Paolo over again. I mean, tick tock tick tock, amirite?
After some serious flirting, I get down on one knee to propose. Paolo seems to love the ring and I know I love Paolo!
I discreetly pump my fist in victory---Yeeeesssss!

Doreen: Why wait? We decide to elope right away without even leaving the front porch.
Paolo: Doreen, you are mine at last! Huh? What did you say?
Uh, no, I haven’t had my eye on you since you were in grade school. Why would you even ask that?

Doreen: Speaking of age, how old could Paolo be now? I’d dearly love to have Paolo’s child!
I don’t want to have to ask him twice. Oh wait, I might have asked him to try three times. *blushes furiously
W: I am delighted to note that, out of the four downstairs bedrooms, Doreen and Paolo autonomously choose the one I’d decorated with Doreen in mind.

Isabelle: This family really takes care of their own.
When I return home from work the day after Nio’s party, Anita is ready and waiting for me.
Setting up a portable bar in the Focused Room, she whips up several glasses of Amygdelight for me. After I drink one glass, Anita begins mentoring me in Logic.
I’ve only been in this house for roughly 24 hours, and I’ve already leveled up to Mischief L2 and Logic L7.
Anita: All you need to worry about, Isabelle, is earning points for the Mori Legacy and keeping my son Nio happy!

Author's Notes

About Arisa, I’ve been thinking lately why I don't like her as much as other sims and consider her such a “disobedient” sim.
I realized today that she must feel constantly left out because she’s the creative sim while her two siblings are techies.
On the other hand, Hillee’s Legacy Scoresheet (which tracks various statistics besides scoring) shows that Doreen Primley has maxed the most aspirations, whereas both Arisa and Nami Mori have maxed the most skills. So Arisa is just as accomplished as Nami.
I guess what makes Arisa annoying for me, though, is her constant moaning and groaning. Wah wah wah.
On the other hand, I adore Doreen and wish I didn’t have to move her out. But she needs to leave to have a nooboo with Paolo.
If she has the child in the Mori House, that child could never move back in later as spouse material...

Since Nami takes over as the Gen2 heir sim-tomorrow, I’ve taken so many screenshots that I need to split this chapter into two.
So here’s the first part. The second part will follow later this evening.

Thank you for reading! I’m pretty hyped up about next chapter, but this chapter helps build suspense, I guess.

To the next chapter

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: The Mori Legacy: What the Heart Desires, Part I (new 8/12A)
« Reply #58 on: August 12, 2016, 07:02:59 PM »
What a fantastic first part of the chapter!
I completely understand what you mean about Arisa and for what it's worth I don't think you're being hard on her - some Sims just grate on your nerves and no matter how many people like them you just can't handle them sometimes (stares at Alec Reaper and glares before coughing and moving on).
I can't wait to see how Nami handles life and spouse hunting! Also hoping for an adorable Paolo nooboo for your future generations!

Offline Luna264

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Re: The Mori Legacy: What the Heart Desires, Part I (new 8/12A)
« Reply #59 on: August 12, 2016, 08:26:01 PM »
Things seem to be going well! I wish I could be more involved in this legacy, but school just started for me this week (and my bus driver's bosses are being difficult) so I'm going to have to squeeze it in where I can.