Author Topic: The Mori Legacy: A Frenzy of Forests [Completed 2017/01/20]  (Read 155510 times)

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Mori Legacy: What the Heart Desires, Part I (new 8/12A)
« Reply #60 on: August 12, 2016, 08:54:56 PM »
Oh, gosh! It looks like Frank has the goofy walk, too? That poor soul really lost the randomization lottery. Phew!
And Paolo! He may not be a DBBD, but it seems he's turning out to be a bit of a DOM (dirty old man). Lucky for him, he's super cute!
Loved this chapter and excited for the next one!

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Offline oshizu

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Re: The Mori Legacy: What the Heart Desires, Part II (new 8/13)
« Reply #61 on: August 13, 2016, 03:23:09 AM »
2.09 The Mori Legacy: What the Heart Desires, Part II

Nio: I love Isabelle’s new look. Her new, lighter blond, hatless hair looks so feminine!
I just know Isabelle and I would have a lovely child. It’s too bad there’s not enough space!

Isabelle: Thanks to the Amygdelight drinks, mentoring by Anita and Nio, and trolling teh forum, I’ll soon be earning my final promotion!
I want to show you my work outfit this afternoon, since I usually don’t get home until after dark.
Nio: I know you don’t want to stay in the Villain career once you clear it but, honey, you are sheer hotness in that career outfit!
Folks, don’t you think she looks like a professional model?

Doreen: It’s the night before Nami and Arisa’s young adult birthday, so Arisa and Isabelle host a small dinner party.
They say it’s also a sort of farewell party for me, since I’m moving out tomorrow morning.
They invite my father and Paolo, which is such a thoughtful gesture!
Arisa: We also invite Nehemiah Asher at Nami’s request.

Isabelle: Arisa and I hope to achieve the “Earn silver for a dinner party” milestone tonight.
I’m quite eager to be done with the Villain career so I can devote my energies to my real passion and starting aspiration, Master Chef!

Kaoru: This is how we get down for the “Have sims dance at the same time” milestone!
Too bad Nio has to work tonight!

Nami: Nehemiah and I are already friends, but I make friendlier.
Isabelle: Gah, what is with his walk and that receding hairline?! Nami, you can’t be serious, girl!

Doreen: As for me, my love life is quite straightforward: I love only Paolo because he’s a sweetheart!
He seems so thrilled to feel our baby!

Doreen: My back’s killing me so I decide to go to the living area and watch TV.
To my surprise, Paolo follows me there and sits next to me. I could kiss him all day!

Doreen: While watching the pelvis-thrusting skeleton on The Kids Network, we chat about our future together.
Tomorrow, I move out of this Legacy household.
I’ll miss all of my friends here, but I can’t wait to start a new life with Paolo at the Partihaus!

Isabelle: My darling Nio finally arrives home at 2 a.m.
How was your night, hot stuff? Do you realize how irresistible you are in your work clothes?


Anita: You will no doubt give birth this afternoon, so it’s time you move away.
Doreen: It’s frightening to leave the only home and family I’ve ever known, but I’m now Paolo’s wife.
Kaoru: We’ve been thinking whether you and Paolo living in the Partihaus makes sense. Would you two rather live elsewhere?
Doreen: The Partihaus is Paolo’s home. I wouldn’t separate him from his friends in their remaining years.
Farewell, all! And Watchette, thanks for letting me leave in my formal dress. I’d never had a chance to wear it before!
Nio: We’ll be watching over you, Doreen. You may not live here anymore but we’ll always consider you part of the family!

Nio: It’s a little past noon. Everyone else is off today, except that I start work tonight at 8 pm.
We’re all just killing time until the notice to celebrate Arisa and Nami’s birthdays.
While painting, I look over at the lovely Isabelle who is learning mixology and I realize that I’ve yet to propose.
Isabelle: Of course, I’ll marry you, silly man! Why else would I move in with you?
Everyone’s so busy since Nami will soon assume leadership of the legacy. Shalll we just elope?
Nio: Not on your life, doll. We’ll wait until things calm down then throw this household’s very first wedding!
Watchette/W: Crazy sims! If I’d known you would kneel in between the piano, mike, and bar to propose, Nio, I would have had you both walk over to another room!

Nami: It’s 1 pm and we finally get the birthday notice. We immediately start setting up as I phone in a birthday party.
Sadly, Isabelle leaves for work in a half hour but Mom texts Dad to tell him to return home right away.

Arisa: Mom’s age bar has been bubbling all day so she should age up first, but I go first instead.
My traits are now Creative, Self-Assured, and Glutton.
W: The founder Kaoru drank a Potion of Youth to live through a second Adult phase, but I’m not doing the same for his wife Anita.
The Mori household will be full soon and I want to have openings for nooboos.

Nami: While I’m trying to age up, someone grabs a piece of birthday cake after I blow out the candles but before I do the birthday leap.
Perhaps because of that, I don’t age up.
So I light and blow out candles on a second birthday cake and this time I do become a young adult.
My traits are now Genius, Bro, and Dance Machine. As Gen2 heir, I assume leadership of the Mori Legacy.

Kaoru: Since we seem to throw so many parties, we’re going to need more seating.
Poor Nio’s sitting out in front of the house and Arisa is heading over to join him.
Regardless, it’s another gold-medal party! Let’s end this fest and proceed to the sordid business of spouses.
Nio: Huh, sordid? Why do you say that?

Nami: I first invite Nehemiah Asher to move in, giving him the status of my Primary Spouse.
Consequently, his three unique traits count in the Love category: Hotheaded, Hates Children, and Squeamish.
W: For reference, we can earn a total of 9 points, one point for every 3 unique traits over nine generations of Primary Spouses.
Kaoru already earned the tenth point by completing both Soulmate and Serial Romantic.

Isabelle: I really can’t imagine anyone wanting to marry a sim with traits like that! Nami, you are so dedicated to the success of the Mori Legacy!
Kaoru: He’s on the verge of ageing up to an elder, too.
Nio: I swifly dedicate one of my biographies to Nehemiah Asher, then give Nami a subtle nod.
Nami: Nehemiah, why don't you relax tonight? You can go “Watch funny movies on” in our sauna-less sauna room.

Nami: Step Two: I invite Frank Biello to move in, making him my Secondary Spouse.
As secondary spouse, his traits won’t count in the Love category but any careers, aspirations, and skills he maxes will count in other categories.
His Level 9 Criminal/Boss career will really save us a lot of time.
W: Seriously! I’m not a fan of the Secret Agent/Villain and Criminal/Boss careers, so we’ve been really lucky to meet Isabelle and Frank. Also, neither of them are Mean or Evil!

Kaoru: Frank comes with the Curator aspiration which is really easy to complete.
His final career promotion to Level 10 requires Level 10 Mischief and Level 6 Handiness.
For now, I start by mentoring him in Handiness. He’ll be an elder in 7 days—he has time to clear his career.
Frank: What about the makeover Nami promised me?
Kaoru: If all goes as planned, you should get your makeover later this evening.

Nehemiah: Watching those funny movies has put me in such a Playful mood.
I’m also feeling a bit thirsty, so I’ll drink that Happy potion which Nio gave me earlier.  Oh no, now I’m feeling hysterical! Mwahahahaha

Nehemiah: Oh my gosh, I cannot stop laughing!
Who are you? What are you doing here? Where’d you get that cool, black freezer bunny pouch?
Grim Reaper: Can’t you tell? I’m the Grim Reaper and you’re dying from hysterical laughter.

Anita: Hey, Doreen, the party ended several hours earlier. Why are you still here?
Doreen: I’m not sure, Mrs. Mori. I just keep wandering around the house.
Anita: Well, you need to return to your new home, honey. Your husband Paolo left hours ago.
Aren’t you worried about your baby? It’s due any time now, I bet!
Doreen: Oh yeah, I’m leaving right now, ma’am!
W: Oops, I’d forgotten to remove Doreen as a member of the family club! No wonder she wouldn’t go home, poor thing!

Anita: Good evening, Grim Reaper. How have you been lately?
GR: Oh, you know, the same ole, same ole. Reaping, working out, fishing…
By the way, Doreen, now that you’re an elder, you don’t have that much time left. Unlike Kaoru, you don’t have the Long-Lived trait, either.
Have you given any thought about how you want to leave this world?
Anita: I just don’t want a long, drawn out death. Maybe death by cowplant or electrocution… *shuffles feet

GR: It’s nice to finally meet you, Nami!
Nami: I noticed you going into our gym and thought I’d come introduce myself.
GR: I hear you took over leadership of the Mori Legacy tonight!
And soon after your birthday party, you move Primary and Secondary Spouses into your home then eliminate your Primary. Not a shabby first night! Not shabby at all!
Nami: Well, my Primary had a great combo of undesirable traits and my Secondary is close to maxing the Criminal/Boss career.
I think they’re both super choices in terms of our legacy, but not in terms of what my heart desires.

Now that I’ve got those traits and career out of the way, though, I can choose my baby daddy based only on my heart!  Maybe change Andy to a brunette?


Frank: I feel like I’ve been waiting all night for my makeover, Watchette! Why all the waiting?
W: Nio’s getting promoted to Level 6 Criminal tonight and will choose the Oracle branch.
If we go into CAS now, he’ll leave work early and lose his promotion.
It’s midnight now so we just wait until he gets off at 2 a.m. Go do your daily task or something.

W: Okay, Anita and Frank! Nio got his promotion and we’re ready to plan your outfits!
Nami: It’s settled, Frank! Besides your career-related skilling, you absolutely must increase your fitness! That pear-shaped body needs to go!
W: This is actually a very complimentary shot of Frank since we’ve caught him at an angle. His hips are over twice the width of his shoulders!
He has a week until he becomes an elder—let’s see what exercise will do for Frank.

Author’s Note

Thank you for your feedback on keeping my room filled with potions, Essences, and serums uploaded to the Gallery in case the game causes these hard-to-replace items to vanish.

Regarding collections, since the seasonal Easter Eggs collection is not available, I have gone ahead and replaced it with the collection of Voidcritters Cards.

Causing 11 types of deaths is part of this Legacy Challenge’s scoring system, so I’m going to try and complete them.
I am not that happy about engineering deaths, however, so I plan to try to achieve them early in the legacy so I can enjoy the rest of the challenge.

Thank you for reading!

To the next chapter

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Offline oshizu

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Re: The Mori Legacy: What the Heart Desires, Part II (new 8/13)
« Reply #62 on: August 13, 2016, 03:40:05 AM »
As for the possible spouses, what a nightmare!  None of them look at all appealing to me.  I guess the best option is Frank Biello although I hate his eyebrows, skin tone, hair, pear shape and total lack of any fashion sense.  Still, can't beat the stats considering the competition.

I so agree about the choice of spouses! Poor Nami really had to take one for the team this time around. I laughed at how you grudgingly suggest Frank is the best option then proceed to dislike everything about him, haha. Maybe the hat is supposed to draw attention away from his enormous hips?

No, no, Paolo is not the dirty old man. I was just making a joke since Doreen's mother had initially wanted Paolo as her baby daddy, so he'd been around since before Doreen's birth.
Also, I'm making fun of myself because many of my little girl sims end up crushing on Paolo, haha.

Good luck with school. I didn't understand your comment about the bus driver's bosses...

I promise never to ask you for special treatment for Aleccas Reaper again! Some sims just leap out and grab our affection; a very few seem to exist only to annoy us!

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Mori Legacy: What the Heart Desires, Part II (new 8/13)
« Reply #63 on: August 13, 2016, 03:52:26 AM »
Here's a frontal shot of Frank in which I don't try to disguise his pot belly and pear-shaped body.


Thank you for believing that I could transform Frank into a hottie.
His body shape seriously defies any attempts to achieve even an average level of appeal.

You were curious about what Frank would look like with a makeover. In a word: Gahhhhhh
Instead of a makeover, what Frank needs is daily exercise. Kaoru will be mentoring Frank daily to see if he can't gain a leaner look.
Haha, I've never played a sim with a body like that before. It will be a challenge!

Here's Frank again after he drank an Insta-Lean potion.  *weeps

Insta-Lean did help Frank shed some weight, but his unfortunate body shape didn't change much.
Thanks to the potion, his thighs are slimmer but his chest and upper arms also look skinnier now so he still looks unbalanced.
It's not your fault, Frank! We will love you anyway, at least until you've completed the Boss career!

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: The Mori Legacy: What the Heart Desires, Part II (new 8/13)
« Reply #64 on: August 13, 2016, 04:04:12 AM »
Frank is... special.

Nami? If you survive this... we'll find a way to hook you up with a hot Sanada boy or something. She deserves it. I would send a Reaper, but alas, they don't transfer well from Sims 3 to Sim 4. Ah well, I'm rooting for you dearest Nami! Hopefully your amazing Watchette can kick Frank into shape.
Also, I loved that Nem Primary-Spouse-With-Awful-Traits-Whose-Name-I-Can't-Remember-Or-Spell had a quick entry and exit into the legacy. Nami's cool and calculated and I love it.

Also, don't worry about Aleccas; he's been a pain but he's slowly working to fall back into my favor.
He just has to stop flirting with other women.  :-X =.=

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Mori Legacy: What the Heart Desires, Part II (new 8/13)
« Reply #65 on: August 13, 2016, 04:26:12 AM »

Oh no, Aleccas' been flirting with other women!?
I remember now the mentions of Alex having been a huge playboy before meeting Anne but we only heard comments by Edward, so I'd quite forgotten that part of his past.
Because of his misunderstandings regarding father Majnun, I see Alex as being as Sheo but Alex is better at concealing his pain/heartache/rage.
I'm really looking forward to the episode where Aleccas realizes that he has always misjudged his father. Dude, get your act together!

I'm with you about Nami deserving someone nice after how she's given up on love for the legacy.
She and Frank get along well, but I worry that his body shape might be genetically transmitted, lol. They are both Dance Machines, though; how can they not be close friends?
And now that traits don't matter, she will keep a lookout for a potential baby daddy.
With lots of family help at home, she can have a nooboo as soon as she chooses a baby daddy. In contrast, Kaoru waited until he reached Level 8 of his career before starting a family.
Haha, I can't wait to get Frank on a treadmill.  Oh wait, he can drink an Insta-Lean potion! *runs off to try that

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Mori Legacy: What the Heart Desires, Part II (new 8/13)
« Reply #66 on: August 13, 2016, 11:43:12 AM »
Oh, Frank. *shakes head* He looks like a mildly jaunty, anemic, vampire. He appears to have lost the genetic lottery as well as the randomization lottery. Poor fella. Yeah, those genetics do not need to be preserved. Wow!

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Re: The Mori Legacy: What the Heart Desires, Part II (new 8/13)
« Reply #67 on: August 13, 2016, 12:32:26 PM »
Man, am I with you on poor unfortunate body shapes. I gave my ID founder a really scrawny look but when he had the heir (with Siobahn Fyres as the mom, mind you), the heir wound up with Frank's exact same body shape. No idea exactly how, especially with Dominic Fyres' genes available-actually, now that I think about it, Moira's genes might have contributed that shape, but yeah. Unfortunately, the shape never really goes away. My guys use wellness rather than fitness to exercise so maybe you'll have more luck. I was more angry about the fact that the gen 2 spouse had a genetic gut that never went away no matter how many Insta-lean potions I used or how long I had them work out/do yoga.

Anyway, enough about that. Nami is an amazing leader and I can't wait to see her baby-daddy. Will Arisa get a baby-daddy once she moves out? Her traits/personality were unfortunate but she is really, really cute. May Isabelle and Nio have a wonderful kid too. One of things I really like about your stories is how light-hearted/happy/optimistic they are. Sure, there's the occasional drama but mostly your families just love what they are doing and love each other and that really warms my heart.

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Re: The Mori Legacy: What the Heart Desires, Part II (new 8/13)
« Reply #68 on: August 13, 2016, 01:27:48 PM »
Is cas.fulleditmode off the table for Legacies?  Seems to me that is the ONLY way to make Frank palatable.  It's not just the pear shape, although that is really nauseating, but that horrible, too white, skin tone!  Oh, and the droopy, sad sack eyes.  And did I mention the itsy bitsy shoulders?  I was hoping a Slimify would help but alas, it just made it worse.  Nami, girl, you definitely deserve a place in heaven for this sacrifice.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: The Mori Legacy: What the Heart Desires, Part II (new 8/13)
« Reply #69 on: August 13, 2016, 03:50:36 PM »
Frank's traits (Bookworm, Childish, Dance Machine) aren't fabulous but they're also not as awful as death-by-laughter Nehemiah's.
And you're right, Nami has no intention of preserving Frank's genes for posterity.

      Oh I'm really grateful to you for sharing your experience with the pear-shaped body! He's just spent the day on a weight machine but, thanks to you, I know it's pointless!
What generation is your ID up to now? Did you manage to breed that gene out of your dynasty? I'm so curious now!
     For Arisa to have a child, there'd need to be an extra space in the household, but there are 7 sims now and the 8th spot goes to Nami's heir.
Doreen's kid is unrelated to the family so that kid will be a valuable asset. So the only way for Arisa to have a child would be for her to move out then get an unrelated sim to get her pregnant. Um, Frank? On the other hand, Anita is a 2-day elder and Frank ages to elder in a week, so a non-Frank option (lol) is also feasible.
Also, I do want Nio and Isabelle to have a kid, if possible.
     Thank you for your compliment about light-hearted/optimistic stories. Unfortunately, a perfect legacy score (I'm still hoping) demands eight more types of death, but we'll try to get those done in a happy, optimistic manner, hehe.

Oh poor, poor Frank! He is a gentle soul, though, and gets along well with the Mori family. So he will be treated well during his stay in the household while he makes his important contribution to the legacy. Pinstar has mentioned no restrictions on cc but has never commented on cas.fulleditmode. I have been sorely tempted but I figure it's my karmic punishment for having taken "ordinary bodies" so much for granted.  I once used that very-white skintone for a female sim then left it in my Mods folder.
Thanks for the reminder! I'm now waiting for all the sims to return from work so I can exit the game and remove the related skintone cc.

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Re: The Mori Legacy: What the Heart Desires, Part II (new 8/13)
« Reply #70 on: August 13, 2016, 05:17:52 PM »
@oshizu I'm only on gen 3's teen-hood. I got really lucky and did manage to breed the pear-shape out thanks to gen 2's spouse being a bigger/broader guy; the hips are kinda there but way less noticeable. Gen 3 is more rectangular while his poppa was more triangular minus the gut and gen 2 was a pear. Unfortunately, the spouse's gut has been inherited by gen 3 so we're hoping that a slimmer spouse will get that slider more towards the middle. I got around the pear-shape by using bigger tops and skinnier bottoms (if you want, the girls' pants might be the best option and you can mix and match from each wardrobe on the same outfit). Suit jackets worked the best for mine. The game is really weird about stomachs in particular, I've noticed. Like, seriously, if you look at the gen 2 spouse and gen 3 straight on, they don't have any gut at all, one even has a six pack. Angle the camera from the left or the right and suddenly they look pregnant. It's weird and ridiculous.

Like I said, my guys mostly use yoga for their fitness so maybe exercise will fix the gut issue once and for all, I'm just not confident because the spouse has a pretty high fitness and it hasn't done squat and the Insta-Lean didn't make a dent. Seriously, game, how does a sim at the bottom of the weight slider have a gut?

Yeah, I was thinking that once you moved Arisa out, you could grab an elder (to take her slot for a bit, so to speak) and use him real quick to get her pregnant with a kid or two. Once the kid(s) age up, you can have them join a separate 'extended family' club so you don't lose them to culling. I know Nio's founding the cadet branch, but it would be cool if at some point down the road all the kids' genes wind back into the family.

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Mori Legacy: What the Heart Desires, Part II (new 8/13)
« Reply #71 on: August 13, 2016, 07:07:51 PM »

Lol, it sounds like breeding out the pear shape has taken you tremendous time and effort!

Whoa, it hadn't even occurred to me about moving Arisa out then temporarily moving in an elder baby daddy! That is just brilliant!
Although I complain about Arisa frequently (she's really been great lately, though), I agree that she's the most beautiful among the Gen2 children.
I could definitely follow your strategy as long as I move Arisa out with younger sims while she's in her mid-adult stage!

Also, your comment about culling also intrigues me. Have you found that sims in clubs never get culled? That is something I've never noticed.
I've had sims culled who were romantic interests of my sims, but never female sims  who've had children with my sims. Of course, sims in houses don't get culled.

The Legacy Challenge permits importing Gallery sims labelled #LegacyLoves so I haven't thought much about pollinating in general (though I obsessed over pollinating for my dynasty).

Thanks for your great comments! They're so helpful and give me much to consider!

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The Mori Legacy: Who's Your Daddy? (08/13b)
« Reply #72 on: August 14, 2016, 12:33:05 AM »
2.10 The Mori Legacy: Who’s Your Daddy?

Week 7/Saturday

Frank: That sure was a lot of commotion after the party last night.
I even acquired a two-day Sad +5 Mourning moodlet for having “witnessed the death of a loved one,” which is so bizarre since I barely knew the fisherman!
Meh, it hardly matters. This room is so ramped up with focusing items that I haven’t felt sad at all.

I need to max Mischief but I’m way too lazy to go outdoors to pester sims.
I’m just going to sit right here at this computer and spam “Troll teh Forum” socials.
Kaoru says to give him a holler when I reach Level 4 Mischief.

Nio: Hey, Dad. Why did you ask me to meet you at our bar downstairs?
Kaoru: You do know I’m trying to complete the Big Happy Family aspiration, don’t you?
Nio: Mom mentioned it the other day. She said you’d need four grandchildren. Isn’t that impossible?
Kaoru: Well, yes, if we only consider this household, since seven sims live here at the moment.
On the other hand, you could help me out by making nooboos with ladies who don’t live here.
Nio: You’re asking me to cheat on Isabelle?
Kaoru: Oh come on, I only need four grandchildren! What if one of them could be Isabelle’s?
Nami has two kids, you and Isabelle have one, and then you have a love child.
Nio: Where do I sign?

Kaoru: One thing I can say for Nio: he always takes his responsibilities very seriously.
Nio: Good morning, Lyric Archer. I haven’t seen you since we met at the Shrieking Lllama Bar.

Lyric: Hold on there, big boy! We’re moving pretty fast, don’t you think?
Nio: You probably think I’m just playing you, Lyric, but I think you’re truly gorgeous!
In fact, if my family didn’t have to worry about careers and points, you’re the one I’d want to marry!
Lyric: I imagine that our child would be incredibly beautiful…

Frank: When I tell Kaoru that I hit Level 4 Mischief, he leads me to this gym. Viewing us together in the mirror, I see just how different our bodies are.
Kaoru’s torso is broad at the shoulders and narrows to slim hips. But my torso is just the opposite, with narrow shoulders flaring out to wide hips. Ugh.

Frank: Kaoru, do you really believe that exercising can transform my body?
Kaoru: Good question, Frank. You should probably alternate between the treadmill for cardio and the weight machine to build upper body strength.
That’s it, Frank, feel the burn! You’re doing great!

Nami: Good evening, Dad. How are you doing, Frank? I’m so excited and want to share that I earned my Level 5 Tech Guru promotion in one day.
So I’ve completed the Computer Whiz aspiration! Oh, happy day!
Kaoru: That’s really wonderful news, Nami! Frank completed Curator when his elements arrived this morning!
And isn’t he looking great after working out?

Nami: By the way, you two, may I remind you of our priorities? What are Frank’s Mischief and Fitness levels now, Dad?
Frank: I’ll answer that, Nami. I’m Level 4 Mischief but Level 6 Fitness.
I know, I know. I need to max Mischief but your father was just letting me take a break, okay?
W: A big thank you to @dontmindme who shared that the pear shape cannot be “fixed” by exercise.

Frank: Well now that I’m alone again, I’m feeling depressed about Nehemiah’s death.
Anita: *shares detox secrets
Frank: Wow, Anita, you completely vanquished my Sad moodlet. That “Share detox secrets” social is off the charts! Back to skilling Mischief for me!

W: Howdy, Frank, I’ve been wondering if you would complete the Public Enemy aspiration for us.
You’d have to make declared enemies and get into fights, but you’re a Criminal Boss and that’s what a Criminal Boss does, right?

Frank: Once I’ve maxed Mischief for my job promotion, I’ll see what I can do!
W: Thanks Frank! You’re the best!
*whispers to readers: How funny that the only sim who Frank currently dislikes is that cute massage therapist Andy!

Kaoru: I’ve been wondering about who will father Nami’s child. It’s such an important choice since one of her children becomes the Gen3 heir!
Tomorrow’s Sunday, so we can all go to “Guys’ Night Out” again and perhaps meet new prospects.
This evening, though, we’re stuck at home while Arisa’s at work. We really need to visit a gym venue!
I remember a pleasant co-worker from the Lab, Zach Haskins, and invite him over.
Earlier, he’d not been among the Primary/Secondary Spouse candidates because of his overlapping traits (Active, Loves the Outdoors, Loner) and career (Scientist).

Nami: Dad, where have you been hiding Zach? I think he’s really cute! Let’s keep him on the short list with Andy and Liam (who’s still a teen).
So, Andy, I see you like to work out!
(to herself) Forget the short list. I'm sure Zach will be a most wonderful baby daddy! He's the one!

Nami: Do you like to play chess, Zach? *bats eyelashes
W: Why chess, Nami?
Nami: Ssshhh, it’s the only way I can get Zach down to my boudoir without the entire household following us. That “Go here together” is for the birds!

Nami: Well, now that you’re my boyfriend, you better pucker up, buttercup. It’s time for our first kiss!
Nio (whispers): Psssst, are you sure about this, sis? Don’t you want to look around some more?
Nami (whispers back): Are you kidding me? Zach’s traits are pretty nice: Active, Loves the Outdoors, and Loner.
Plus, he’s a sweetheart! Now move away from the door, Nio, and let me romance my baby daddy!

Upstairs, at the gym…
Kaoru: Are you insane, Anita? This is the second time tonight that you’ve worked out until you’re dangerously fatigued!
You just woke up from taking a nap after your Muscle-Relaxing Soak!
W: Checking the household, I’m surprised to see Anita in the orange so soon already!
After her earlier incident, I sent her for a bath and nap, then she should have been working on her daily task.

Kaoru: You are being a major pain, dear wife of mine. And now you’ve made yourself totally useless AGAIN!
You can’t complete your daily task and you can’t even give your daughter, who is the heiress, a fertility massage!
If you don’t shape up, Watchette will lock you away with skilling objects and a toilet, or worse!

Meanwhile, in a steamier section of the house….
Nami: Zach, you are such a keeper! I’m already pregnant after our very first “try for baby”!

Anita: After a muscle-relaxing soak, I’m back in the game and ready to offer Nami a fertility massage.
Currently, Nami and I are the only ones who can give fertility massages, which require L9 Wellness. That’s a huge oversight, Watchette!
Shut it, Anita. No one asked you to get dangerously fatigued twice in a row while the Gen2 heir was trying for a baby.
Nami: I’m not taking a pregnancy test, so the child will be born Wednesday night. If only there were room in the house for twins!
I agree, Nami! *stares pointedly at Anita

Week 8/Sunday

Frank: Since I’m leveling Mischief anyway, I decide to create a club to help me with the Public Enemy aspiration. I named it (wait for it…..) “Public Enemy.”
Success, Guillermo dislikes me! Once I’m disliked by two more sims, I’ll be done with over half the aspiration!
Nami: Whoa, why is your skin blue, Frank?
Frank: Apparently, Watchette removed that whitish-pink skintone cc from her Mods folder, so I’ve defaulted to blue skin.
Nami: Well, the blue looks pretty cool on you, which is good since Watchette probably can’t change it without using a cheat!
Anyway, awesome work on Public Enemy!

Frank: Declaring an enemy is really time-consuming! I couldn’t declare Guillermo my enemy until after he despised me for beating him up!
I’m really glad now that Kaoru took the time to mentor me in fitness!

Frank: I really struggled to make Hugo Villareal a declared enemy, not sure why.
In fact, I had to fight him six times and insult him all the way to Newcrest and back before he despised me enough.
To complete Public Enemy, I need one more declared enemy and to witness a death.
Hmmm, how can I witness a death without ending up dying myself? Nio told me what happened to Dorothy!

Frank: For my third declared enemy, I pick the first sim who ever disliked me: Andy Herrick.
Since Nami’s hooked up with that scientist, Andy’s fair game now, hehe.
By the time he’s my declared enemy, Andy’s really furious so I try setting him up for "death by cardiac explosion."

In the notorious Sauna-less Sauna Room, I place angry sculptures by Nio and angry paintings by Anita.
Next, I lead Andy there and have him drink two Red Hot serums invented by Kaoru. This is a group effort, you see.
Then I quickly skedaddle, lock the door behind me, enable the Angry aura on all the sculptures and paintings, then watch and wait.

Frank: I thought he might not be getting angry enough but he starts stomping his feet.
That’s my cue to disable all the angry objects and go back into the room to witness.
Grim Reaper: Who do you people think you are? I just came here two days ago to reap that fisherman, dude!
Frank: Sorry, Grim! I was just trying to declare this guy an enemy but he got super angry, so I decided to go for it.
GR: Well, for what it’s worth, I think Nami chose wisely when she picked you as Secondary Spouse.
Frank: Awww shucks, Grim, I bet you say that to all the boys! *blushes

Frank: This is my first time leaving for work from the Mori House.
I’m still only Level 7 Mischief, but I did complete the Public Enemy aspiration today (after witnessing Andy's death).
Strangely, I seem to level Mischief most quickly by trolling teh forum, which is a huge relief!
My traits are Childish, Bookworm, and Dance Machine. I’m not really cut out for all this meanness and darkness.
I mean, all I want to do is play with the dollhouse and dance…

With the three Mori kids aged up to young adults as well as the addition of Isabelle and Frank to the household, I now have five working sims who are all on different schedules.
As a result, it’s very difficult to exit the game, plan outfits, or travel, because there’s always at least one sim at work!

I realize that viewers don’t find my preference for tracking a challenge by weeks and days very illuminating, but I’ve realized with this challenge how convenient that sort of calendrical tracking is.
I plan to resume that system again from the next update, which means sim-tomorrow (Monday) marks the second day of Week 8.

When the household made a quick visit to the Oasis Springs gym this sim-morning, Doreen showed up and she was no longer pregnant. Too bad her baby won’t show up in our sims’ relationship panels.
We’ll just have go visit the Partihaus in a few days.
Nio and Nami will become parents in three more sim-days; Lyric will give birth on Wednesday afternoon and Nami will give birth Wednesday night.

Frank’s making a great contribution to the Mori Legacy!
He’s taking care of not only the Boss career but also the Public Enemy aspiration.
Even though he’s neither evil or mean, he does what he needs to do without dropping actions.
He’s been very focused on doing what he’s been invited into the legacy house to do.
I was actually quite mesmerized by the sight of Frank working his way through the Public Enemy milestones so earnestly.

Quite obviously, I’ve become severely addicted to this household and the legacy challenge.
Thank you for reading along! We haz nooboos in the next update!

To the next chapter

Offline dontmindme

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Re: The Mori Legacy: Whose Your Daddy? (new 8/13b)
« Reply #73 on: August 14, 2016, 10:55:55 AM »
Have to say I agree with the assessment that Frank looks way better as a blue sim than as a white one. And he looks really respectable/I dunno in that criminal suit. I'm glad he's working out for you even though he has that pear shape; he seems like a sweetheart and will be a good honorary uncle to Nio and Nami's kids. Zach is gorgeous and I can't wait to see what kind of nooboos he makes with Nami (especially since we have random hair colors in play with Nami's blue). I kinda feel bad that Isabelle has to wait for a kid while Nio gets one with his first love but that's life in a Watched house.

Offline Caterina

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Re: The Mori Legacy: Whose Your Daddy? (new 8/13b)
« Reply #74 on: August 14, 2016, 12:20:44 PM »
I really like Frank in his blue skin and criminal suit.  I've never had a sim die of cardiac explosion.  Also, I've never made an emotion sculpture before.  Reading your story and seeing how much fun you have been having makes me want to start/continue a Pinstar Legacy file.  (I think I already started one, I know I have notes laying around for it somewhere, maybe it was just in the planning stage).  Great update!