Author Topic: The Mori Legacy: A Frenzy of Forests [Completed 2017/01/20]  (Read 155149 times)

Offline oshizu

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The Mori Legacy: All That Plus Chopstick Savvy
« Reply #555 on: January 18, 2017, 07:45:03 PM »
@FrancescaFiori and @PeregrineTook

I’m glad you both enjoyed Kyoya and Maki’s outing (they couldn’t technically date at the time).
They won't have much time as a couple before the legacy challenge ends, so I wanted them to enjoy being together and also show off Maki a bit.
It's funny that Kyoya never touched his Cupid Juice drink.

Haha, I was as confused as you were. I’d noticed her doing the nausea gesture and thought, “Nah, that couldn’t be.”
Then when she kept running off to the loo, I became horrified: “Is she already pregnant? Can a female sim living alone get pregnant?”
Then I remembered that the family had visited a restaurant earlier (to pass more time). Keeping my fingers crossed just the same.

I’m glad you enjoyed the moneymakin’ shot, Francesca. If only I could have made it into a GIF.
After I added that speech bubble to Shota’s screenshot, I thought, “Shota absolutely must be the star of another challenge, haha.” I’m so easy.

9.90  The Mori Legacy: All That Plus Chopstick Savvy

Week 45/Sunday

Well, you’re looking bright and cheerful this morning. May I ask why?
I finished recording the epic saga of Maki’s life into the Book of Life I wrote yesterday.
That’s my last major responsibility for this legacy, I believe. It’s also my adult birthday, too.

And after Kyoya ages up and has an heir, I’ll be free to go live with my own family.
I hardly know my own children, which is too sad. But I can change all that very soon!

Rukia: May we have a moment of silence to appreciate my perfect husband?
He is not only a Vampire Heartthrob who slightly resembles the dispossessed Prince Noctis.
And he’s so much more than a former National Leader in public and an adoring romantic in private.
Every morning after breakfast, he cheerfully stands and clears off the table. *gazes lovingly

Shota: What? Who says we’re spoiled? Only four sims can play the gaming console at a time.
Ignis: And that’s why we now have two consoles.
Kyoya: Well, to be honest, Watchette initially moved the TV here from the gym to see what “Enable Wireless Display Override” does.

Rukia: It gets noisy in here but half of us can also watch TV instead.
Ignis: Oh, the things one discovers when there’s nothing meaningful to do!

Kyoya: I know it seems like we’re all just goofing off but they all internally share my anxiety.
This morning, I saw the family-oriented Maki thinking about a baby bassinet.
My beautiful Maki, please remain an adult until tomorrow afternoon!
And then I can perhaps fulfill your wish, if you’ll let me.

Shota: I have my own ideas about how to pass the time until this legacy’s end.
That’s Mariko Sakamoto from the spouse hunt—glutton, gloomy, non-committal but very pretty!

Shota: Hehe, the ole “lure to the boudoir by asking to play chess” move never gets old.
What exactly are you doing, my handsome King of Smirks?
Shota: What does it look like? I’m diligently practicing for the Wonder Child Challenge!
And in my own altruistic way, I ensure that the Gen10 heir will have playmates.
Yeah, right!

Shota: By the way, a little help with a makeover, please?

Shota: Now this I can work with! *gives a rose
Mariko: *feels overwhelmed

Hate to spoil the party, Shota, but Ignis is the one moving out.
Shouldn’t he be the one to fall in love then move out to live with his lady friend?

Shota: Oops?

Shota: Surrender, you gorgeous creature!
Your paltry non-committal trait is no match for my devastating romanticism!

Meanwhile, in front of the Mori house…
Rukia: Look, Kyoya! Isn’t that Silas Sakamoto, Conan’s son with the second Ayaka?
Come meet him so we can invite him to parties later. What a cutie pie!

Kyoya: Well, aren’t you the impudent brat!
Rukai: How can you talk to him like that, Kyoya? He’s an adorable child with the Creative trait.
Kyoya: Maybe to you, but our friendship bars are slightly in the red, the little monster.

Rukia: So far, so good, dear Kyoya! Only around 10 more hours till your birthday and Maki’s still an adult! Why are you making that face, Kyoya!
Kyoya: Crossing my fingers and toes doesn’t seem enough, so I’m crossing my eyes, too.
Taisuke: It’s only 9 pm and too early for sleeping. Where’s Shota?
Taisuke is amazing! The instant that Rukia finishes eating, the “Clean up” action appears in Taisuke’s queue.


Kyoya: I finally get the “Celebrate birthday” notice and ask everyone to gather in back.
Then, I phone in a non-prestige birthday party. You heard right, no party goals!
Hey, Shota! Sorry to interrupt your tryst!

Jin: Who’s that little punk in the red sneakers over there?
Conan: That happens to be Silas Sakamoto, my third child.
Jin: Oh, so that’s Silas. Doesn’t he know the meaning of party wear?
Conan: Can’t teach that boy nothing! *rolls eyes
I like Silas! He looks like a blond Conan with pouty lips.

Kyoya: When I age up, I add the Insane trait to Vegetarian and Foodie.
Then, I immediately use my Beguile bow for the first time, aiming it at Maki.
Ignis: How cool! I’d never actually seen that arrow before.

Rukia: Heyo, Adrien! Great to see you. Too bad you didn’t become my son-in-law, eh?
Adrien: Oh puhleeze! I was soooo not going to have Kyoya's baby!

Kyoya: Yep, if not for Maki, I would have asked Adrien to move in as my Primary Spouse.
He’s the only other sim we know who has three unique traits!  All for the sake of a single legacy point!

Shota: Papa, don’t you think your pushing your luck with that outfit?
Taisuke: I’ll have you know that I’m still a young adult, thank you very much.

Kyoya: Most of our relatives and all of Papa’s former roomies attend my party.
Surprisingly, Shota hovers around Mariko the whole time.

Maki: I know I’m insane and now you’re insane, too, but why stare at me for the past two sim-hours?
Kyoya: I can’t help it, Maki. All my queued romantic interactions seem to be stuck.

Now that you can move again, Kyoya, you need to end this party so you can ask Maki to move in!

Maki: Hey, are you peeking at my traits?
Kyoya: We all knew your three base traits, but now we know you have the Master Chef aspiration.
Maki: I also earned the Chopstick Savvy trait!
Kyoya: I’m so proud of you, Maki! You’re the first and last sim in the Mori Legacy to be chopstick savvy!
With a sigh of relief, we note that Maki won’t be an elder for 12 more days. Persisting in the spouse hunt really paid off!

Maki: Why do I need to drink this Potion of Youth? Do you expect this legacy challenge to last longer than 12 more days?
Kyoya: Consider it a symbolic gesture of gratitude for agreeing to be my Primary Spouse, okay?

Maki is moved in, Kyoya and Maki are sitting together feeling Very Flirty, and I’ve locked their door.
Let’s hope their budding romance blossoms at the speed of light.

Kyoya: Before we go, I want to share the shot Watchette took of me for our Chapter Index.
Congratulations, Kyoya, on assuming the mantle of the Mori Legacy as its ninth heir.

And who says insane sims can’t smolder? Get dat sizzle on, boy!

Author’s Notes

In this chapter, the Mori Legacy reached a final score of 100 out of 101 points because:
(1)   Kyoya aged up to a young adult;
(2)   He moved in Maki as a Primary Spouse with three unique traits; and
(3)   The couple had been previously memorialized in the form of portraits painted by Rukia and Hinata.

The Mori’s and I have no intention to try for the Popularity category’s tenth point, which would require 134 more gold medals.
While the Mori’s have no more points to earn, however, the legacy challenge only ends with the birth of the Gen10 heir.

And now it’s time for me to go repair my game. We don’t want Kyoya to suffer what Shota experienced earlier.
Due to lagging, it took Shota 12 sim-hours to go from Good Friends status to Try for Baby. *groans

Next stop, the conception and birth of the tenth-generation Mori Heir, folks. Choo choo!

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Mori Legacy: All That Plus Chopstick Savvy (01/18)
« Reply #556 on: January 18, 2017, 08:03:37 PM »
Woohoo! Perfect score, yo! That's amazing! (I'm ignoring the 101st point because 100/100 seems perfect to me.) *confetti!*

Hooray for Maki and her perfectly reasonable age! Hooray for Kyoya and his smoldering portrait! Hooray for Shota and his heart boxers!

Incidentally, I'm with Kyoya. Silas is cute, but he's got a shifty look about him. I don't trust him.

Love your gaming setup! Love Taisuke doing the dishes! Love love love everything about this chapter!

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Mori Legacy: All That Plus Chopstick Savvy (01/18)
« Reply #557 on: January 19, 2017, 07:59:09 AM »
Wow!  So hard to believe that this legacy is almost at its end.  You've really flown right through it!
Hinata moving out to live with her family will be sad for me, but a lovely thing for her husband and children.  Incidentally, if you do a rivalry dynasty next, I know you want Shota as a founder, but no reason Hinata or Lorena couldn't also be a founder of one of the other lines, right?  Maybe find a third Mori we know and love (like Banana) and it could be a Mori rivalry dynasty?  Just a suggestion.  Feel free to take it or leave it.
And may I say, I loved the shot of Kyoya with the heart-shaped insert of Maki thinking of the bassinet.  Adorable!

Offline Caterina

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Re: The Mori Legacy: All That Plus Chopstick Savvy (01/18)
« Reply #558 on: January 19, 2017, 01:42:02 PM »
I was so happy for Kyoya on his birthday.  He finally was old enough to interact with Maki as an adult.  What a great birthday gift she gave him, being young enough to bear his children.  Congratulations on your score.  It is a very impressive achievement.  I wonder if your traits as a sim would be Successful, Perfectionist, and Fangirl.  Since Wohoo! and Wow! were already taken, I will leave you with, a jumping and yaying, Yay! Yay! Yay!  Great job!

Offline oshizu

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The Mori Legacy: She's Havin' Mah Baby
« Reply #559 on: January 20, 2017, 12:16:40 AM »
Ah no, a perfect score would have required me to start the gold-medal dating from the very first generation. The 334 gold medals just seemed like such an impossible task.
I see now that I might have gotten there with better planning from the start. By having Gen01 through Gen06 achieve...28 gold-medal dates each generation, gah, still impossible and now my head hurts because math.
Lol, thanks for your exuberant enthusiasm, but this chapter is pretty run-of-the-mill. Just happens to mark the end of the family's point-grubbing days.

There are two extra spaces in the household now, so Hinata won't move out until after the challenge ends. You'll hardly notice! ;-)
My Mori sims couldn't feature in a Rival Dynasties Challenge (RDC), because the rules state that the three founders must be created in CAS from scratch.
I'm way too lazy to recreate an existing sim, which is why I thought of using a bin clone of Shota in the Wonder Child Challenge.

Thank you! As for my traits, I think they might be Geek, Completionist, and Fangirl. I love that you thought of Fangirl, so true! I tried hard to “complete” all the legacy requirements, but I cheesed several of them so I wouldn’t say that I achieved them all “perfectly.” Maybe I could get a fourth trait: Hair Splitter? lol


9.91 The Mori Legacy: She’s Having Mah Baby

Week 45/Monday

After moving Ignis out to The Lighthouse, we return to the happy couple and find their socials are stuck again.
Let’s see what the others are up to.

Taisuke: Help me, Watchette! I’ve been trying to clean up after the party but Lorena keeps trying to chat.
Doesn’t’ she realize I’m her uncle? Make her go home!
Go to the garden where Rukia and Hinata are, Taisuke. Lorena surely won’t follow you there. [/i]

Kyoya: Now that we’re unfrozen, I rebuild momentum with my trusty bow!

Kyoya: My dearest Maki, as much as I would love to smother you with roses and all things lovey-dovey, we don’t have the luxury of time.
Maki: I’m just happy for the time we do have together and I don’t mind that the legacy ends.
You won’t be able to watch me grow old while you’re still a young man.

Kyoya: *attempts to go to sleep
W: *cancels Kyoya’s Sleep interaction
Maki: *autonomously asks Kyoya to woohoo
W: *cancels the woohoo interaction for both of them

Kyoya: Grrrr, rowr!  Huh, wut?!
Focus, Kyoya, focus! No sleeping, no animal impressions, no funny faces!
All you want to do is try for baby!  Earth to Kyoya...can you hear me?


Seven sim-hours have passed since Kyoya and Maki entered this room, so it’s now past midnight…

Maki: Yay! After only one try, too! I can’t wait to share the big news with Kyoya!
Maki receives the Eating for Two message at exactly 12:53 am, so she’ll probably go into labor around the same time on Friday.
Unless the timing has changed, then it would be the same time on Thursday...

Kyoya: Oh, Maki! This is wonderful news! I’m so hyped about becoming parents!

Maki: Me, too! Me, too!
Kyoya: Though I’m a tad disappointed we can’t keep trying for baby…

After breakfast…

Rukia: Perfection, thy name is Taisuke.

Kyoya: Are you doing what I think you’re doing?
Maki: What? I found Watchette’s save files for Final Fantasy XV so I’m just taking a look around.

Maki: Check it out! Her crew is already level 43 and Noctis rides a pale-blue chocobo!
Kyoya: Are you kidding me? Watchette will kill us if she learns you’ve been messing around with her game!
Sorry for this detour, readers, but I recently learned how to save in-game screenshots on my PS4 to a USB drive, hehe.

Maki: Who are those two guys?
Kyoya: Oh, that’s the dispossessed Prince Noctis with his good friend and strategist, Ignis.
Maki: Now I get your father’s hair and brother’s name, but there’s hardly any resemblance otherwise.
Kyoya: Enough, enough!!! Hand over that controller, please.

Maki: You take the controller away from me but now you’re…fishing?
Kyoya: This is so cool, Maki! Noctis caught this huge fish and all his bros came over to congratulate him!
This game’s unbelievably addicting, though, so let’s close it before anyone catches us.
Maki: Fine, let’s watch some music videos instead.

Kyoya: You never cease to amaze me, Maki! This is a historical first!
You’re the Mori House’s first female resident to watch a music video that’s neither Jpop or Kpop!
Maki: Oh please! My usual taste runs kpop and jpop, but who doesn’t love Justin Timberlake in his Suit and Tie music video?
The man’s got moves! And don’t get me started on his singing!

That evening…
Kyoya: I’m sorry to be proposing to you in our living room instead of somewhere more special, Maki. But I just can’t wait…will you marry me?
Maki: Somewhere more romantic would have been nice, but..Yes! *leaps into his arms

I’m not sure why I never noticed (or cared enough?), but Kyoya proceeds to rock Maki in his arms. It’s so incredibly cute!


In the afternoon, Kyoya throws a wedding party at San Myshuno’s Center Park.

Kyoya: Maki, even though I was just a high-schooler when we first met, you became my best friend.
And when we dined together at Iyashi, you drank that Cupid Juice and showed me your flirty side.
I’ve been crazy about you since the first night we met.

Maki: You are so very dear to me, Kyoya.
That night we met, I was just a bar fly in Oasis Springs and my life had no direction.
Well, it did have a direction: I was heading toward spinsterhood, never to experience love or family in my life.
But you saw past my Apple Bottom Jeans (jeans) and boots with the fur (with the fur), and you trusted me.

Jin: It means so much to be able to attend my grandson’s wedding, Taisuke.
I appreciate Maki being so quick to conceive, ensuring that I’ll be alive to witness the end of this legacy challenge!
Taisuke: I don’t share your history in the Mori Legacy, of course, but I’m proud to have played a part, Jin.
Jin: Oh, and take good care of my Tiger of Sweden suit, you hear?

We’ve hit the image limit with five images left.
I don’t feel like splitting up this episode into two smaller chapters, so I’ll simply post the few remaining images in the following post.

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Mori Legacy: She's Havin' Mah Baby (01/19)
« Reply #560 on: January 20, 2017, 12:19:13 AM »
(Continued from the previous post)

I now pronounce you husband and wife. *throws confetti

Taisuke: I set up my portable DJ booth and put down some dance floors to one side of the wedding aisle.
Shota: Where are all the lady guests, I wonder. I see your daughter Rainn.
But it looks like Grandma Yuki and your daughters Lorena and Jill didn’t show.
Hinata: Yeah, I don’t know what’s up with them. Is your girl Mariko coming?
Shota: She is, but it seems she's running late.

Jin: Pssst, Kyoya. You need to get Maki away from here!
Kyoya: Huh?
Jin: Shota’s very pregnant girlfriend Mariko just showed up, wearing the same dress as Maki in a negligibly different shade.
Kyoya: Thanks for the heads up, Grandpa.

Kyoya: Maki, let’s slip away for some privacy. I know the perfect place.
Maki: Ah yes, a last kiss to conclude my perfect wedding! Thank you, sweet Kyoya.

Kyoya: It’s too bad The Dancers won’t be wearing these costumes anymore in this legacy challenge.
Shota: Yeah, apparently, Papa’s hair won’t fit under the cowboy hat, that’s why.
Kyoya: Well, I think I pretty much rock this look. Maybe I can add it to my party outfits?
Shota: You don’t look half bad, bro. Have you considered wearing contact lenses?

Kyoya: You think the readers are disappointed that Maki didn’t give birth in this chapter? Was the chapter title misleading?
Shota: Well, you know Watchette didn’t want to skip from your birthday to the Gen10 Heir’s birth.
Kyoya: Oh, so this shot of us dressed in the cowboy costumes is kind of like fan service?
Shota: Yep.
Shameless, I tell you! Just shameless!

Author’s Notes

I hope you don’t mind these digressions leading up to the end of this legacy challenge.
Having Maki just move in and pop out an heir seemed so unfair to both Kyoya and Maki, so I’m giving them a little story time.

The good news is that the next chapter will start close to the time Maki goes into labour (unless Kyoya and Maki sway my determination by doing something that is must-share cute), so the end is very, very near.

Offline Caterina

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Re: The Mori Legacy: She's Havin' Mah Baby (01/19)
« Reply #561 on: January 20, 2017, 12:51:43 AM »
I loved this update.  Kyoya's vows were very special.  Will Ignis have a cowboy outfit in his wardrobe when you upload him to the gallery?  I don't play with body sure makes the men look extra shmexy.

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Mori Legacy: She's Havin' Mah Baby (01/19)
« Reply #562 on: January 20, 2017, 07:48:47 AM »
Such a cute update!
Kyoya and Maki's vows were glorious!  I especially enjoyed the song reference (with backing vocals) in hers  ;=)
Amusingly, I was looking at the wedding shots and thinking, "Where's Lorena?" and then you (through the characters) acknowledged her absence.  I was quite amused...or felt like I had been busted, but we'll go with amused.

Offline JudesSims

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Re: The Mori Legacy: She's Havin' Mah Baby (01/19)
« Reply #563 on: January 20, 2017, 09:33:51 AM »
Love this chapter. Your writing is very entertaining

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Mori Legacy: She's Havin' Mah Baby (01/19)
« Reply #564 on: January 20, 2017, 01:53:18 PM »
Maki and Kyoya are so sweet together. I'm very glad they get their moments in the sun. A lovely wedding with a very well-dressed crowd. So glad the Tiger of Sweden suit lives on!

Shameless or not, this fan appreciates the service! :) Dare I hope that this means The Dancers are rehearsing for one more grand finale appearance? I mean, I love babies and all, but that would make the end to this fantastic epic saga a real celebration!

Offline oshizu

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The Mori Legacy: A Not-So-Grand Finale (01/20)
« Reply #565 on: January 21, 2017, 12:01:15 AM »
I’m surprised you mentioned Kyoya’s vows. I find writing them very awkward and usually skip them altogether. I’ll be sure to add a cowboy outfit to Ignis’ party wear, as it’s the current club uniform of The Dancers.

Again, I’m surprised you enjoyed the vows—I can only do them tongue-in-cheek.
Thanks for being a constant companion and devoted fan of Hinata and Lorena!

I’m really glad you enjoyed the last chapter. I’m reluctant to let my sim family go, but wasn’t sure if people reading the chapter would feel bored.

My last great decision of this legacy challenge: do I conclude the last chapter with shots of the Gen10 heir or The Dancers? Sadly, the game foiled me once again and made the decision for me. Still, the shot of Shota at the Ancient Ruins is cute as heck!

10.1 The Mori Legacy: A Not-So-Grand Finale

Week 45/Wednesday

Back at Center Park, after all the guests have left…

Hinata: Andrew, come here! I want to show you something in the observatory!
Andrew: Won’t the other wedding guests notice if we woohoo in there?
Hinata: Are you kidding? No one will have a clue!

The name’s Hinata, Hinata Mori. Queen of Subtle Subterfuge.

Kyoya: *tries out the romantic “Be enticing” social
Maki: Oh my! *blushes

Taisuke: Still in need of more dancing, we throw an after-party at the Ancient Ruins.
Hinata: Grandma Yuki and Lorena, you should be ashamed of yourselves! You both skip the wedding but show up for the after-party?

Maki: Awww, it’s okay. We welcome with open arms anyone who comes to partay!

Maki: I had such a wonderful day today, Kyoya. Thank you so much for the lovely wedding!
I’m so touched that you made time for it, even so close to the end.
Kyoya: When I recall Grandpa Jin’s happy face today, I believe our wedding also celebrated the Mori Legacy’s every effort and feat.

Our wedding wasn’t just for us, Maki. It was for all the Mori’s and our friends.
I feel so lucky that I could share all this with you, someone who I genuinely love.


Maki: Would you like to feel the baby, darling?
Kyoya: You know I would love that. How are you feeling?
Notice the optimistic placement of two bassinets?

Maki: Is it really okay for us to be spending our last day playing video games?
Kyoya: Well, it’s either gaming, gardening, yoga, or woohoo. Jogging is also an option.
Maki: No, thanks. Party Frenzy is fine. We’re going out for dinner later, right?

Rukia: One last dinner at our favorite restaurant with Papa Jin and Ignis.
Jin: Too bad my brother Conan couldn’t come along, too.


Maki: I go into labor at the expected time and leave for the hospital with Kyoya.
Hello. Do you mind not reading gaming strategies online for a second to check me in?

Kyoya: Excuse me, Grandma Yuki, but when did you become a doctor?
You came to our after-party the other night, but otherwise I haven’t seen you since your busking days at San Myshuno.
And why didn’t you come to my birthday party? Grandpa Jin visits all the time!

Yuki: Do you mind if we do this some other time, Kyoya? Your wife’s about to burst!
Kyoya: See? This is what I mean! You don’t even know my wife’s name! I just hope you’re better at delivering babies than you were at busking!

Maki: Kyoya, you’re not helping!

Maki: We finally get home from the hospital at 3:30 am. I feel completely wiped out!
But do you want to meet our angels?

Yes, I had twins we’ve named after the protagonists of the anime Psycho-Pass.
I’m holding Akane, who is the tenth-generation Mori heir.

Kyoya: And I am holding Shinya (pronounced Shin-ya), which is a boy’s name. 
Soon after birth, Shinya vociferously gurgled a wish for a gender change later, which we will respect.

Most importantly, however, Akane’s birth heralds the end of the Mori Legacy Challenge.
Yet this chapter shall persist a little longer. Silly, stubborn chapter that it is!
Anyway, so much for the bassinet burritos!

Kyoya: Heeeyyy, folks! Y’all can probably guess what’s coming next!
Jin: Ouch, my back! I’m getting too old for this!
Andrew: I don’t feel so good…

Kyoya: Yes, you guessed right! One last cheesy dance revue to celebrate this challenge’s end and the readers’ moral support.

Ignis: Oh poo! Why can’t we group dance? The option doesn’t even come up?
Shota: Oh well, we can still shake our groove thang! (Yeah, yeah! Show ‘em how to do it now!)

Kyoya: We travel to Pan Europa but still no dice. Sorry, folks!
No group dance, but that you can still meditate on my questionable costume choices. Aaaauuuuummmmm.

Ignis: Papa’s in the zone, while everyone else does zombie-esque hand choreography, even the very pregnant Andrew.

Jin: Frankly, I’m deeply disappointed that we can’t do one last group dance!
Conan: What do you think caused it, Shota?
Shota: Who knows? But I did hear Watchette mumbling about toddler cc this morning.

Taisuke: My son and our fearless leader, Kyoya, the sim with a thousand faces!
Seriously, Kyoya can look totally absurd one moment, then drop-dead gorgeous the next. Farewell to The Dancers (for the time being).

Back at the house, some days later..

Kyoya: Have you ever taken a close look at the Mori Gallery?
This wall holds portraits of the founder, the Gen02 to Gen05 heirs, and their spouses: Kaoru & Anita, Nami & Zach, Naoki & Marci, Banana & Yuki; and Takumi & Miko

Over here are the sixth to tenth heirs: Tami & Ze, Jin & Yuki, Rukia & Taisuke, Kyoya & Maki, then Akane with Shinya
And yes, Akane and Shinya are toddlers now.

Kyoya: What? You’d like to see more of the toddlers? I can arrange that!
Akane is the black-haired lass, while Shinya is the violet-haired boy.
Getting them all to sit down to eat together takes forever.
By the time both kids and all the adults are seated, the adults have finished eating. Grrrr!

Kyoya gets Shinya to eat in his high chair right away, then leads him to the new toddler’s bathroom for potty training.
Is it obvious that I’m already smitten by Shinya? Gah, he's so cute!

I’m wondering if Maki is truly a family-oriented sim. While Shinya is already being potty-trained, Maki only gets this far with Akane.
She just didn’t want to feed Akane in the high chair. Don't bother Maki now, please. She's busy chatting.

Kyoya: Welcome to the simverse, Akane Mori. Thanks to you, the Mori Legacy ends here.

At one point, I almost quit this legacy due to my game file’s numerous glitches.
I’m grateful to those of you who encouraged me to keep playing.

Thank you one and all, both those who comment and those who read silently. If not for your support, I would not have remained committed to playing out this challenge.
Champagne and faux lobster tortelli for all! *misses the Mori’s already…

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Re: The Mori Legacy: A Not-So-Grand Finale (01/20)
« Reply #566 on: January 21, 2017, 12:48:54 AM »
Hooray! Hooray! You did it! I love the shot of fireworks bursting as hearts float gleefully out of the observatory. I think that adequately conveys my feelings of joy reading this chapter.

So much to love. So much to miss! Shota still knows how and where to shake it. Kyoya has learned to be enticing and is killing it! The perpetually pregnant Andrew! The portraits! The babies!

Shinya has his Daddy's eyes, I think, and they are devastatingly cute on a toddler. Akane has inherited the family's penchant for amazing hair, and for awesome dancing. Thank you so much for playing a few days more to let us see the final generation as toddlers!

I'm so happy you decided to play this through until the end. It's been such an amazing ride as a reader, and I've learned so much! Oh, farewell Mori family! You and your Watchette have truly achieved greatness and we will never forget you!

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Re: The Mori Legacy: A Not-So-Grand Finale (01/20)
« Reply #567 on: January 21, 2017, 12:55:29 AM »
What a perfectly lovely ending!  Toddlers, hearts, and all!

I really enjoyed the pictures you chose for this chapter:  Kyoya's eyes when he is gaming with Maki, Ignis tipping his drink at the dinner table, the hospital shot where Maki's hair looked beautiful and her dainty feet poking out as Kyoya and Yuki focused on taking care of her, Kyoya holding Akane as a baby, Taisuke's dancing with Ignis looking on, Kyoya on the dance floor, and lastly, your precious Gen 10 toddlers.

Your gallery images were a nice touch too.  I would love to see collages of Akane and Shinya in all of their life stages.  "The six of me/us".  (or  you can throw them in the file with Uncle Ignis =)  )

I plan to create and play a family consisting of the same sim at all life stages concurrently with the same traits and aspiration for each.  I have one mocked up in my library.  I will probably upload some to the gallery when I get them completed.

I am excited and look forward to read about your next sim adventure whatever it may be.

Thank you for sharing the Mori's and their story with us.  Logging on to find a new chapter has been one of the highlights of my day for a very long time.

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Re: The Mori Legacy: A Not-So-Grand Finale (01/20)
« Reply #568 on: January 21, 2017, 07:44:17 AM »
Well done on completing the Mori Legacy. It's a shame we won't see the cute little toddlers growing up but i am sure we will see many more cute toddlers from you in another challenge soon :) Can't wait to see what you will tackle next!

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Re: The Mori Legacy: A Not-So-Grand Finale (01/20)
« Reply #569 on: January 21, 2017, 07:56:59 AM »
Congratulations! A legacy is a huge accomplishment -- and I'm curious too to see what you'll work on next.
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