Author Topic: The Mori Legacy: A Frenzy of Forests [Completed 2017/01/20]  (Read 155141 times)

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Mori Legacy: Breathless in Windenberg (new 10/21)
« Reply #240 on: October 21, 2016, 01:15:48 PM »
See you later, Santiago! There was just no question. Yuki is perfect in every way. A total dreamboat with a perfect personality. Ayaki is lovely as well. I'm happy for her and Carlos. What a wonderful household you found!

Now I can just sit back and wait for the adorable nooboos to start rolling in! Hooray!

Glad you were able to find a good home for Marci the Massage Fiend. I'm sure those three old ladies will be very relaxed and utterly inefficient.

You're right, I do tend to be a real optimist about bad sim traits. :) I used to hate Non-Committal, but then I played J, and I adore him. Jealous is troublesome, but there's Goopy's pouty face. I have a Mean sim in my Apocalypse challenge, and I even like him because if he just insults someone before work he gets a nice bonus happy moodlet. Easy peasy! I started a Black Widow challenge ages ago that I haven't finished, and my heroine is Squeamish, Jealous, and Materialistic. She's a nightmare because she's constantly tense or uncomfortable, but making her go fishing or look for frogs is just . . . hilarious. It's so endearing, I can't help liking her.

Nevertheless, I'm overjoyed that Banana became Neat. Now there's an awesome trait to have!

Offline oshizu

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The Mori Legacy: Beware of Geeks!
« Reply #241 on: October 21, 2016, 09:49:20 PM »
I don’t know what a secondary spouse’s original purpose was; perhaps the role initially emerged in case a primary spouse died. I once read a comment by Pinstar that one could house a harem of secondary spouses, if one wished, however, so I play very fast and loose with secondary spouses.
There’s no Hall of Fame for legacies, anyway, so I’m just trying to creatively negotiate the requirements while having some fun (big emphasis on fun).
Anyway, I hope my quirky, oddball gameplay entertains you.

I’m so happy you approve of Ayaki! Carlos and Ayaki have had one child already, so I’m having them try again before Carlos moves in with her.

As much as I adore Yuki, I still regret losing Santiago and his cleft chin a little. I loved how cheerful that gloomy sim was around Banana, too!
However, I’m such a fan of Yuki that I completely ignored all the legacylove households and imported a non-legacylove household named “Sweet Asians.”
I don’t even care if that invalidates my legacy, haha.

IMPORTANT: Cheese alert. Proceed at your own risk!
I started out with a well-known aphorism about Greeks and gifts. Then I changed a noun. Next, I changed a verb; I think that’s when everything began going downhill.
It’s all in good fun but I hope nobody is offended. You have been warned.

4.38. The Mori Legacy: Beware of Geeks

Week 20/Saturday

W: Well, so much for Banana and Yuki not being “watched sims” tonight. Who could resist watching? Certainly, not I!

Banana: I may not be an experienced kisser, but I have a few moves of my own!
Yuki: Is she deliberately trying to make me lose control? If it weren’t for those unbecoming sneakers, I would be completely out of my mind by now!

Banana: My adorable Creative Geek Dance Machine, I adore you to pieces.But it’s hardly fair that I wear this maid outfit while you wear your everyday outfit.
Can’t you spice it up a bit?
Yuki: Don’t say you didn’t ask for this, sweet thing!

Banana: Oho! So that’s what the seer from Troy meant when he prophesized: “Beware of geeks baring gifts”!
Yuki: Hey, eyes up, girl! And please, no “Is that a banana or…” joke tonight! I’m at razor’s edge already…

Yuki: Hey, Banana, why the sad face?
Banana: You noticed? Frankly, I’m happy that you asked me to be your girlfriend but I want us to be more!
Yuki: Let me honest, too. I want you to be sure that I’m The One for you, so I’d like to wait before proposing.

Yuki: Our chemistry is off the charts! Will you be my BFF?
Banana: My pleasure! *feels a little awkward but fails to ask him to get dressed just yet

In another part of the house...

Nao: Sure, Carlos. You’re free to go once you help Yuki max 4 skills: Logic, Handiness, Painting, and Piano.
Carlos: Thanks so much, Dad! *rushes off to find Ayaki again, still forgetting to change out of costume

Ayaki: What wonderful news, Carlos! (Why doesn’t he just confess that he delivers pizza part-time?)
Carlos: And if I can convince Yuki to drink moodlet solvers, I should be done mentoring him in a week!

Carlos: When is your due date? Did you conceive last Thursday?
Ayaki: Yes, I believe our baby will arrive either Sunday night or Monday morning.

Carlos: Ayaki, my family’s really busy now ensuring the smooth transition to the new heir. Yet I’m so impatient for us to tie the knot. Would you mind terribly if we eloped?
Ayaki: It would be wonderful to be married already when our baby arrives, Mr. Pizza Man!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…
Banana: *compliments outfit
Yuki: I’m all yours, Banana. You know that, right?
Banana: Yes, but your “gifts” are quite overwhelming, even without the smaller censor mosaic. Please put on some clothes!

Yuki (throws caution to the winds): I can’t wait another moment to ask you to be mine. Will you marry me, Yuki?
Banana: We’re so meant to be together! So, yes, of course. Um, are you a nudist or something, Yuki?
Yuki: No, I just got so nervous about proposing on the same day you became my girlfriend that I forgot to get dressed.

Banana: Clothes are so overrated!
Yuki: Agreed!


Yuki: As a Renaissance Sim, I begin the early morning by reading three skill books. Did I just hear the door lock?

Yuki: Moving in with zero aspiration points, I start climbing the steep slope toward earning 3,000 points because both my aspiration and my career require the Connections trait.
I’m mostly only fulfilling two types of whims: cooking whims (25 or 50 points) and “Level up xx skill” whims (100 points).

Carlos: Now that Yuki and Banana are engaged, I paint a memorial portrait of Banana. It’s a masterpiece!
Banana: I paint Yuki’s portrait which turns out Excellent. I wish our portraits didn’t come out so fuzzy.
If we max Photography first, can we paint portraits with sharper clarity?

Paolo: Ever since Banana met Yuki, I’ve been completely ignored! Does anyone even remember that my birthday's tomorrow?
W: Of course, everyone remembers, Paolo! Your father already wrote you an excuse note for school! Are you excited?
Paolo: Oh yeah, I’m so ready to become a teenager! But also, I’m running out of skills to level!

Banana: Since I’m a Music Lover, it’s no surprise that I’ve joined the Entertainer career.
While I learn to write, Dad gives me a boost with his double whammy: Mentoring + Patriarch trait.
Nao: The Founder Kaoru also had the Patriarch trait, you know.
To this day, nobody has beaten the records of his children Nio and Nami for maxed aspirations and skills, respectively.
Banana: Thanks to Gen2 being so gung ho, my Gen4 and Gen5 can take it easier!

Paolo: In a cheap ploy to garner more attention to yours truly, I reorganize my club to introduce you to my half-siblings.
Sitting with Dad are Kim Dowdy who’s Good (left) and Cade Dowdy who Loves the Outdoors (right).
Sssshhh, don’t laugh too loud but Gramps told me their mother gave Dad his first sugar skull!

Paolo: Sitting next to me is my youngest brother, Baby McDaniels, who also Loves the Outdoors. 
What kind of parent chooses a name like that? Oh right, an evil, slob, perfectionist mother!

Carlos: It’s Sunday evening and it seems Ayaki had a 3-day pregnancy, even without a pregnancy test.
I now have a baby daughter named Ainsley Park!

Ayaki: I’m glad you phoned me, Carlos. I’ve been wanting to ask you. Shall we have another child?
Carlos: That’s exactly what I invited you over to discuss! (She looks too adorable in those socks!)


Banana: Around 1 am, I notice that I have the Eating for Two moodlet and run off to tell Yuki.
We’re going to have a child, Yuki! Squee! *jumps up and down and looks generally adorable
Yuki: We’re going to be parents already! So soon! What a blessing! *looks pretty thrilled himself

Yuki: I buy Connections, join and quit two jobs for Renaissance Sim, then finally join Tech Guru.
For a geek like me, the eSport Gamer career would be ideal. I don’t start work until tomorrow.

Carlos: Wow, you maxed Homestyle and Gourmet Cooking while earning points for Connections!
First, let’s get 4 more of your skills to level 8 to complete Renaissance Sim, so you can buy more traits.
Next, we’ll go back and max those skills so you can later mentor your own children.
Yuki: What perfect planning, Carlos. I really appreciate your sticking around to help me!

Carlos: You know what, Yuki? We make an awesome combo! We’re done with Renaissance Sim in half a day.
Yuki: To be fair, I already had Level 7 Handiness and Painting, Level 5 Logic, and Level 2 Painting when we started. Still, we made great time.
Carlos: Well, what are you waiting for, bro? Go ahead and insta-complete Mansion Baron and Fab Wealthy!

Donato: Paolo, it’s time for you to cake up! No party because we want to take you and Yuki to the gym before Banana leaves for her first day of work, okay?
Paolo: It’s cool, Dad. Here I go!

Paolo: I am Outgoing and Cheerful, just like Dad. And I share the same aspiration as Great-Grandpa Zach: Freelance Botanist.
Banana: Paolo has such clean, wholesome features! He looks so intelligent and thoughtful, too.
W: *says a little prayer of thanks that Paolo didn’t roll Outdoor Herbalist…

Paolo: As the first member of Gen5, I hear that I have to choose between the Detective career and the Party Animal aspiration.
I wonder which would suit me better?


Whims: The use of cooking whims to earn aspiration points is a strategy shared by Queen Nutella after she won this year's Baby Boomer Challenge.
Yuki also randomly spawned "Level up xx skill (from Renaissance Sim aspiration)" whims for various skills, which I pursued only for mentor-able skills.
I canceled most other whims immediately.

Pregnancy: Used to last three days with a pregnancy test (plus a 3-day infant stage) or four days without a pregnancy test (plus a 2-day infant stage).
Recently, I've noticed sims having 3-day pregnancies even without the pregnancy test. However, I'm too lazy to track this systematically now.

Gen5 Objectives: The fifth generation's objectives will be to complete the Detective career, complete the Party Animal aspiration, and start a restaurant.
This chapter's last image is just a joke. As an outgoing, cheerful sim, Paolo will make an excellent detective.
Due to staggered births, Paolo will enjoy several weeks of his active career as the only working sim in the household. Good luck, Paolo!

Party Animal: I repaired my game but my Party Animal aspiration's party counter still isn't working.
I thank @FrancescaFiori for sharing that the aspiration acknowledged all phone-accessible party types in her game and I'll just keep count in my Excel spreadsheet instead.

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Re: The Mori Legacy: Beware of Geeks! (new 10/21, Part II)
« Reply #242 on: October 21, 2016, 11:37:09 PM »
My, my, my! I think I'm going to need to get myself a glass of ice water before responding to this update. Very steamy! I love how nonchalant our dear Yuki is. I'll see your sexy maid outfit and raise you a *ahem* . . . well, anyway. :) I wouldn't care if Yuki invalidated my legacy either. Welcome, darling!

Paolo is already legendary in his amazing leopard coat. The police department is going to have a hard time keeping him in line, I can tell!

Oh, and Carlos got married. 'Grats, Carlos.

Offline Whirligig

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Re: The Mori Legacy: Beware of Geeks! (new 10/21, Part II)
« Reply #243 on: October 22, 2016, 07:55:31 AM »
A very steamy update indeed! I'm happy to see you're getting plenty of Nooboos. Carlos and Ayaki make a really cute couple, but they've got nothing on Banana and Yuki! And you're right about Carlos and Yuki making a really great power team. Renaissance Sim in a matter of days - that's definitely impressive!

I reckon Paolo will make an amazing Detective!

I just had a thought - will you be getting City Living when it's released? Because that will add at least 6 new careers (3 careersx2 branches each) that need to be completed for the legacy challenge. I wonder what else it will add/change in terms of challenges?
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Re: The Mori Legacy: Beware of Geeks! (new 10/21, Part II)
« Reply #244 on: October 22, 2016, 06:30:11 PM »
Mr. McCuteness is DEFINITELY Mr. McCuteness.  YUM!  However, Paolo has aged up to Mr. McHotness for sure.  (sighs)  This is such a fun legacy with the most gorgeous Sims.  It must be a huge blessing having Marci finally out of the house.  I would have put that massage table into inventory eons ago because it would have driven me bonkers.  Worse than the bar with everyone dropping queues to get a drink.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline oshizu

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The Mori Legacy: Dag Dag, Nooboo!
« Reply #245 on: October 22, 2016, 11:42:20 PM »
I feel somewhat embarrassed about the cheesiness of the previous chapter!
In my defense, I did spend a couple of hours scouring the internet for fantasy costume cc for male sims that would compare with Banana’s maid outfit—outfits for butlers, pirates, doctors, and so forth.
There was nothing out there that pleased me. That’s when I realized I could replace “bearing” with “baring.”
And yes, Yuki is absolutely adorable. I laughed that the game doesn’t allow a nude sim to strike a “Sexy pose,” lol. (Yeah, I tried that…)

With a sim born in the house, they usually have at least 3-4 maxed skills by the time they reach teenhood as well as the Morning Sim and Night Owl traits.
Yuki started out with no points or reward traits, so I needed a different approach.
As you’ve already read, he maxed Homestyle and Gourmet Cooking on the road to earning 3,000 points.
He then quickly finished off the aspiration, with Carlos’ help, by leveling only skills that could be mentored.
Thanks for the reminder about the 6 new careers! There’s also a new City Native aspiration.
I’m using Hillee’s Legacy scoring spreadsheet (which I can’t recommend highly enough!!!!!).
I wonder if she’ll update her spreadsheet for City Living. Or maybe I’ll do all six new careers but replace Party Animal with City Native…

It is nice to have Marci gone! Any unsupervised second, she would be dragging another sim to the massage table to offer or receive a massage. The massage tables are an indispensable part of pre-work prep, though, so I couldn’t put them in storage (like I have all the bars, lol).
Teen Paolo is happy that you’re a fan! I think he looks a lot like Nio.

4.39 The Mori Legacy: Dag Dag, Nooboo!

Week 21/Monday

Banana: This has to be a quick trip to the gym, folks. I start work at 5 pm today and don’t want to be late for my very first day!
Nao: Look at the three of you on your treadmills, each with your own mentor! You have no idea what a luxury that is!
Carlos: Focus, Yuki, focus!
Yuki: Oh c’mon, Carlos! Can’t I just peek at my gorgeous wife with her first-trimester baby bump?

Nao: *shares detox secrets
Banana: Thanks so much, Dad! I came home from the gym feeling so embarrassed!
Some weird guy stood next to my treadmill at the gym and kept flirting with me, but I wanted to finish my “Work out at gym venue.”
Nao: I’m glad to help you get over your embarrassment. Yuki looked pretty mad, too!
Banana: I saw that! Anyway, I should be Playful for work, but I’m going for Very Happy instead. *leaves for work Happy, not Very Happy

Donato: I recently completed Freelance Botanist while you were a baby, so I’ve set things up to help you finish faster.
Paolo: Thanks, Dad. My life would get easier with a few more reward traits!

Donato: First, go plant this cowplant berry. Growing a cowplant takes the longest to achieve.
On the other hand, no one’s requiring you to grow your own excellent garden from scratch!
Paolo: Well, that’s a huge relief! I guess that's understandable, since I’m not an Immortal Dynasty heir.

Donato: Next, plant and water those rows of plants. Be sure to lock that gate for everyone except you.
Using rows of plants to power-level Gardening is a pearl of wisdom from that talented simmer @reggikko
Paolo: Thanks for setting this all up for me, Dad! My very own garden!

Carlos: Why am I mentoring you in Fitness, Yuki? Dad only requires me to help you max Handiness, Logic, Painting, and Piano.
Yuki: Didn’t you notice that dude flirting with Banana at the gym earlier?
Carlos: Of course, I did. You got jealous and jumped off the treadmill twice to go tell him off.
I had to drag you back to finish your workout so Banana could come home and prepare for work.

Yuki: Other guys will continue to make moves on Banana because I look scrawny and weak!
Carlos: Okay, okay. You win, Yuki! I’ll add Fitness to my list. But only because you’re a Quick Learner!
Yuki: Let’s just replace Painting with Fitness! And I don’t need to get all bulked up!
Carlos: Right, you just don’t want to remain one of those slender, effeminate males that our Watchette adores.
W: *whispers: How did they know?

Nao: Do you think we could try changing the club vibe from Happy to Playful for Banana’s sake?
Donato: Let’s give it a try!
Nao: *switches club vibe to Playful then immediately back to Happy
Whoa, that was an extremely close call! Banana became hysterical.
Donato: Probably because she has Eating for Two and other happy moodlets boosting her main mood.
Nao: Well, the good thing is that she’s now Very Happy instead of just Happy. Whew, what a near disaster!

Paolo: By the time I’m done planting and watering everything in my garden, I’m already Level 4 Gardening.
Donato: Yeah, that’s kind of the point! I could have added more plants so you’d reach Level 5 instead, but that’s enough for today.


Banana: I’m almost done with my daily task! Thankfully, my work mood changes to Inspired at Level 5!
Nao: Are you listening to Alternative music, Banana?
Banana: Well, yeah. After I was voted heir, Watchette changed our Gender law to Strict Equality.
That means the next heir cannot be the same gender as me; namely, the Gen5 heir must be male.
Nao: I see. We’ve alternated genders for the heirs up to now, so that makes sense. Is it okay to switch succession laws in mid-legacy like that?
Banana: Honestly, I doubt that our watcher even cares about things like that anymore.
W: Awww, when you put it that way, I almost feel bad. But not bad enough, hehe.

Carlos: Dude, don’t you have enough points to buy Savant yet? I’ve got places to go, you know!
Yuki: Oh please! I’m a Quick Learner so I spent my points buying more useful stuff. Anyway, I’m almost done with Logic!
Carlos: But what you need right now is a Lavender aromatherapy massage for your first day of work!

Yuki: What am I ever going to do without you, man?
Carlos: Haha, you’ll manage, I’m sure! Soon, work and family will keep you super busy!
Yuki: So, what’s it like being a father, Carlos?
Carlos: Me? I really wouldn’t know yet. I’ve spent all my time here since Ainsley’s birth two days ago.
Yuki: Awww, I’m sorry, Carlos!

Banana: What a relief to get promoted and choose the Musician branch! Now my work mood will be Inspired!

Paolo: Dad really knows what he’s talking about! I reached Level 10 Gardening on the second day.
All that remains is waiting for my cowplant to grow!

Yuki: Congrats on your promotion today, Banana. How are you feeling?
Banana: I’m in my third trimester now. Can’t you tell? I look like a whale!
Yuki: May I feel the baby?

Banana: I appreciate the fertility massage, Dad. Triplets would be ideal, but twins would be nice, too.
Nao: If you really want to try for triplets, we need Carlos to move out tomorrow afternoon.

Banana: I saw Ayaki earlier and she’s with child again. She’s positively glowing!
Nao: I heard that news from Carlos, too. I think he’d be overjoyed to move out tomorrow.


Yuki: Oops, you caught me dancing without music. I’m a dance machine, you know.
W: Well, you are certainly some kind of wonderful, Yuki! Two promotions in your first two days of work.
Yuki: Well, the bath soaks, aromatherapy massages, and cowplant essences certainly don’t hurt!
W: But one question, what the heck are you wearing? You look like a medical intern.
Yuki: Yeah, I complained about this work uniform earlier, too. The shoes are the worst! At least, I’m not wearing a hair net, I guess.

Carlos: I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you, buddy. After you max Fitness tonight, I’m outta here.
Yuki: Awww, man! But I understand you wanting to live with your family! I’d feel the same!
Carlos: Dude, I just spent two hours mentoring you on the weightlifting machine and you’re now Level 9 Fitness.
How can you still be so skinny?
Yuki: Oh, please, you mean “slim,” not “skinny,” right?  All I want is to be able to knock the living daylights out of anyone who macks on Banana or bothers my family.
Otherwise, I’d rather look like one of those slender, effeminate guys that Watchette prefers. *grins
Carlos: Oh yeah, sucking up to the boss big time!

Paolo: Remind me why I’m learning Handiness, Dad?
Donato: For your Detective career, Handiness will be useful for upgrading your evidence analyzer and repairing a broken computer.
Paolo: Okay, I see. By the way, I’m super relieved that I’m not responsible for completing Party Animal. Do you think I can keep that faux leopard-skin coat anyway?

W: What are you doing out here by yourself, Carlos?
Carlos: Yuki maxed Fitness but needs to work on his career-related skills, so I have nothing to do right now. As soon as Dad finishes Banana's fertility massage, I can move out!

W: Are you glad to be leaving?
I’ve enjoyed my life here and learned so very much, but I’m ready to start a family of my own. My Ainsley aged up into a pretty little redhead today, you know.
And, hey, we live right down the street so I hope everyone comes to visit!


Banana: When I go into labor around 1 am, I decide to have the baby at the hospital and Yuki of course joins me.

Banana: Where are you, darling? I can’t see you?
Yuki: I’m over here on the computer, making sure you’re getting the most cutting-edge medical care!
W: Hey, isn’t that heart-shaped hot tub from “Sims Forever”?
Yuki: Sshhh, I need to reach Level 5 video gaming for my next work shift.

Yuki: My gorgeous wife, I was so sick with worry but you look fabulous! (Whew, I’m glad she didn’t notice!)
Banana: Let’s go home and see our family, darling! (He thinks I couldn’t hear the hot tub music from Sims Forever?)

Yuki: We are now the proud parents of twin sons!
Banana: I’m holding our first-born Ranma, named after that wonderful manga “Ranma 1/2.”
YukI: And I’m holding our second-born Takumi, which means “Artisan.”
Banana: What do you think, dear? I’m of the opinion that we still need a daughter!
W: Yay, twins! Still, Zach’s left-eye squint is a really persistent genetic trait!

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Re: The Mori Legacy: Dag Dag, Nooboo! (10/22)
« Reply #246 on: October 23, 2016, 08:00:07 AM »
Your sims really are power-levellers when it comes to skills. What makes rows of plants more efficient than other garden layouts?

But if it is changed to strict equality, isn't there then a rule that you can't do anything to sway the gender of the child? Actually, it's possible I'm thinking of a different challenge.

I'm glad to see Carlos finally gets to move out and live with his family. He's been a real champ helping Yuki out all this time!

Banana is so patient. If my husband was playing computer games while I was giving birth to his (TWIN) sons, I'd throttle him.

Yay for twins! Welcome to the family, boys!
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Re: The Mori Legacy: Dag Dag, Nooboo! (10/22)
« Reply #247 on: October 23, 2016, 11:54:56 AM »
I would really like to see Carlos' red-headed daughter...just saying.  I'm sure you will share her with us soon.  Congrats on the twin boys! 

I admire how efficiently you play and manage your sims.  I feel like a slacker.  I don't think I have ever managed to send my sims to work consistently in a 'Very' anything mood.

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Re: The Mori Legacy: Dag Dag, Nooboo! (10/22)
« Reply #248 on: October 23, 2016, 01:24:46 PM »
Yay! I've finally caught up! What can I say that everyone else hasn't already?!? The Mori's are pretty dang fantastic and Banana is even more beautiful than Nami (which I didn't think was possible!) You really do have the greatest success with Sim-netics in your games *glares at Ryker*

I can't wait to see what Banana and hunky Yuki combined in the twins!

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Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

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The Mori Legacy: Put de Lime in de Coconut
« Reply #249 on: October 23, 2016, 08:47:01 PM »
About the succession/gender law: Thanks for keeping me honest. After your comment, I went to check Pinstar’s website and he wrote:
You are allowed to use fruit and/or music to influence the gender of an unborn child, should you choose to do so.

To level Gardening, the point is not the layout so much as the fact that Paolo is leveling up all at once in his own garden space. After one day, Paolo reached Level 5 and was ready to take cuttings. The rows make it easier to keep track of cutting/grafting because you work on one pair of plants at a time.
In Paolo’s case, one row is all bluebells and the other, onions or snapdragons. The family’s garden is 100% perfect--I don’t want Paolo using those plants for cuttings or grafting.

At the hospital, Yuki was actually running around in a state of pre-natal panic. I had him play a video game because his daily task was unfinished, then thought making him lie about it would be funny.

When I saw the redheaded little girl in Carlos’ relationship panel, I immediately thought of you!
Regarding work moods, the Apocalypse Challenge made me impatient to lift career unlocks—doing that challenge was a real incentive to optimize my sims’ moods for work. Also, I’m not good at storytelling, but I love to find gameplay-related loophooles and shortcuts!

Thanks for reading! Actually, Banana’s naturally-born sisters were not pretty—or even cute—at all. I moved them out right away so no one remembers them, lol. Also Nami’s baby daddy had a left-eye squint which needs to disappear from the Mori gene pool!

4.40 The Mori Legacy: Put de Lime in de Coconut

Week 21/Thursday

W: Good morning, Banana! You look very lovely and heiress-esque in your formal wear!
Banana: Oh, is that why you had me change out of my PJs? So, what’s up?

W: Well, you’ve been Gen4 heiress for six days now. Impressions?
Banana: As the Gen4 heir, I’ve enjoyed so many fantastic opportunities that my siblings never see.
Instead of being shipped off to Willow Creek, I meet an incredibly adorable sim from the Gallery.
That irresistible Yuki is now my husband and we have twin boys!
I absolutely can’t wait for their birthday on Saturday!

W: Any concerns?
Banana: Only one. The entire household’s terrified of the Party Animal aspiration.
We’ve even read  online that the devs released a patch fixing the party counter, but it’s obviously still broken.
W: I read a post this morning about changing aspirations, saving and exiting the game, then rebooting and selecting Party Animal again.
I tried that and all the other suggestions (except re-installing). I’ll just keep track for you manually. *shrugs

Paolo: While practicing yoga before school, I spy my full-grown cowplant in the periphery of my vision.
I’m now a full-fledged Freelance Botanist!  Off you go into the family inventory, cowplant!

Donato: I don’t know about you, Dad, but I’m starting to get bored.
Nao: In my case, I’m waiting for Banana to finish her Bestselling Author aspiration.
Donato: You and I need to mentor more efficiently. Carlos and Yuki optimized mentoring because they had limited time together.
Nao: I agree. Banana’s Writing is maxed, so she could work on Bestselling Author later.
Donato: Exactly! Let’s prioritize the mentor-able skills, like Carlos and Yuki did.
No letting Banana and Paolo practice yoga and such while we sit around waiting!

W: So, Yuki, how do you like living in the Mori household so far?
Yuki: Are you kidding me? Every day, every moment, I’m living the dream here!
But do you mind if we chat later? Because of the babies, I’m still not finished preparing for work today.

Paolo: Watchette, I’ve been meaning to ask you…
W: Yes? 
Paolo: In 10 more days, I become a young adult and start the Detective career. When I complete it, do I live a life of service in this house forever, like Dad?
W: Not unless you want, Paolo. For Gen5, one of your cousins will assume your dad’s Cadet role. It’s not hereditary.
If you meet someone you like, you can move out and start a family, like Carlos did.

Paolo: Thanks for letting me know! I’ve been really curious about what’s expected of me here as Cadet Child.


Banana: Early Friday morning, I receive the Eating for Two notice. It’s official!
Nao: You don’t look very happy about it, Banana. What’s wrong?
Banana: Oh, I’m really pleased that we’re having another baby. But ever since Watchette mentioned that I squint my left eye, I’ve realized that I do it a lot.
I’m deeply unhappy about that quirk!

Paolo: As I prepare to leave for school, I spy a little redheaded girl across the street and run over to meet her.
Good morning, my name’s Paolo Mori. Are you, by chance, my cousin, Ainsley Park?
Ainsley: Yes, that’s me! I was so hoping to meet you!
W: Seeing how cute Ainsley is makes me want to have a pollinator in the Mori household, just to pass on any good genes in this simverse!

Donato: Hi Grandma Nami. It’s always fabulous to see you looking so well!
Nami: Ahhh, and how is my favorite grandson this morning?
Donato: Actually, I got a text from Mom’s ghost earlier and wanted to ask you how she died.
Nami: She died of old age last night, Donato, while she was staring at the massage table. My time is coming, too. I can feel it!
Donato: Well, we’ll have to invite you over real soon. You have two more great-grandsons!
Nami: I still regret what happened to Stevie, Donato. I hope you’ve come to accept your tragic loss.
Donato: Thank you, Grandma. Paolo’s presence is a comfort and a blessing!

Banana: While I’m taking advantage of Dad’s Patriarch trait to learn Gourmet Cooking, he suddenly leaps up and becomes an elder. Oh Dad, I’m so sorry!
I’ve been so caught up with marriage, work, and babies that I missed your birthday notices!
Donato: And since Grandma Nami is still around, we just thought…
Nao: I’ll be moving out as soon as Banana finishes work tonight. Donato, you’re now the household elder.

Paolo: I invite my classmate Leann Damico over after school today. Uh Dad, you can leave any time, okay?

W: She’s one of the infants that appeared when I first tried the “adopt-then-cancel” trick.
I should do this whenever the household gives birth to potential heirs, I think. Like now, for Ranma and Takumi.

Donato: Paolo’s not the only one to invite a “friend” over. That’s Dr. Lila McBride who recently delivered Banana’s twins.
Dad must be having a mid-life crisis. He even took over Paolo’s Amigo Club! That ole geezer better not over-exert himself!

Nao: Doctor, ain’t there nothin' I can take? I say, Doctor, to relieve this bellyache?
Lila: Put de lime in de coconut and drink them both together. Put de lime in de coconut, then you feel better.

Leann: I’ve always had my eye on you, Paolo, so I’m really glad you invited me over. But what’s with that outfit?
Paolo: I’m not sure. A few hours ago, Grandpa stole the club I’ve had since I was a kid. So my dad turned over his own club to me.
I guess he forgot about the club uniforms. The club’s named Eduardo, so I’ll have to rename it as well as switch up the uniforms.

W: I’d completely forgotten about the uniforms! Paolo’s too thin to pull it off but I giggle anyway.

Donato: Dad, you ole dawg, you!  I took the Amigos Club back so we could get you ready to move out.
Looks like you really didn’t need a club to help you win over Dr. Lila McBride. I’m impressed!
Nao: Well, son, I’ve been thinking. I wouldn’t mind living with Mom and cousin Lukia at the Munch Haus if Lila were there, too.
Donato: Okay, Dad. We’ll make sure that happens.

Donato: Looks like the doctor is really into you, too, Dad!
Nao: What can I say? It’s not like we Mori’s lack charisma and charm!
Donato: I’m just glad my son Paolo isn’t around to see you behaving this way, Dad. He’s be so shocked!

Paolo: The neat and childish Leann and I share our first kiss!

Paolo: No, we’re not moving too fast! Leann’s been in my Amigos Club since forever. But now, she’s my girlfriend! Izzat awesome or wut? *grins widely
Leann: *squees
Paolo (whispers): But I’ve decided to hold off on exchanging Promise Rings…

Leann: Hey now, Paolo, pay attention to where you place that left hand!
W: You’re so right, Donato! Paolo would be devastatingly shocked!

Donato: This update has turned into such a kissy chapter, but all I get is dirty-diaper duty! *sighs

Donato: I’m also in charge of checking adoptions but have to wait for Dad to leave because we have a full house.
Let’s see, there are 2 baby boys and 1 baby girl; also, there are 4 grade-school girls and 2 grade-school boys.
If Banana and Yuki’s kids can just meet these kids, they’ll fly through Social Butterfly!


Banana: After I get home from work at 10 pm, we move Dad out then wait for the twins to age up.
It’s well past midnight when they finally do!
Yuki: That’s Ranma next to Banana, and Takumi next to me. Do they look like identical twins to you?

Ranma (right): Hi! I’m an Art Lover and a Rambunctious Scamp. My colors are red and black.
Takumi (left): Hi! I’m Neat and an Artistic Prodigy. My colors are brownish tones. My vision's 20/20 but I wear cosmetic frames so you can tell us apart easier. *grins

Ranma: So when will our sister be born?
Takumi: On Monday around 6 am. How do you know we’re going to have a sister?
Ranma: I don’t. But Mom and Dad keep saying they want a daughter.

Nao: Though Banana has just recently taken the helm as Gen4 heir, the entire household has shifted gears in preparation for supporting the fifth generation.
As a Legacy Club member, I return to help Takumi with his aspiration.
Banana: I continue writing. I need to write 3 bestsellers before I can write Books of Life.
Yuki: Painting is a useful skill for mentoring the children and producing memorial portraits.

Ranma: Thanks for coaching me in swimming, Uncle Donato. Playing on the space gym alone wasn’t fun at all.

Paolo: Since Dad’s busy with Ranma tonight, I’m reading skill books for the Nerd Brain aspiration.
I figure Nerd Brain’s insta-repair action would be handy wherever I go.
It’s crazy how quickly things changed around here, don’t you think?
Suddenly Grandpa Nao has moved out and Dad, who’s still a young adult, is the elder of the house!

Grandma Marci died just a few days after moving out. And Grandpa Nao lived here his whole life.
He didn’t even get a new girlfriend until he was old and grey.
That’s not the life I want for Dad or for me, either. That’s why I need to get my act together! Operation Get a Life!

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: The Mori Legacy: Put de Lime in de Coconut (new 10/23)
« Reply #250 on: October 24, 2016, 01:38:57 AM »
Missed a lot!
Need to catch up!
(Breathes sigh of relief) So glad that Marci is no longer around with her massages-of-doom.
Oh, Banana is beautiful - despite the left-eye squint that adds that quirk to her personality!
Welcome to the twins, I hope your baby sister arrives shortly and doesn't add another Hana/Marci to the household (fingers crossed).
Yuki is an excellent choice for spouse (backtracking a bit). He's super cute!
Paolo is a cutie and I love him to pieces.
Man you're SUPER fast at skilling with this game.
Finally, congratulations on marking your generation 4!

That was a mouthful!

Offline Caterina

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Re: The Mori Legacy: Put de Lime in de Coconut (new 10/23)
« Reply #251 on: October 24, 2016, 07:31:10 AM »
Ainsley is a cutie.  She looked a little like Banana in that photo.  Leann is beautiful.  I love her hair.  The twins are adorable and look identical.  I feel superficial always commenting on the appearance of your sims.  The house looks lovely too.  Are you planning a tour?

Offline Whirligig

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Re: The Mori Legacy: Put de Lime in de Coconut (new 10/23)
« Reply #252 on: October 24, 2016, 07:48:15 AM »
Yes, after I posted I realised I was probably definitely thinking of the Difference in the Family Tree challenge. Why is my head so full of the rules for Sims 4 challenges, and not other, more useful things?

Banana's doing a great job as heiress so far (not that four days is a huge amount).

Wait, Nami is still alive? Wow, your sims seem to hang around forever in this legacy (except for, you know, the ones that don't).

The adopt-then-cancel trick sounds like a useful one, though I've never done it myself. Also worth noting that if you like, there's nothing stopping you from using manage worlds in a legacy challenge if you want to move them into houses to prevent them from being culled. :)

Aww, Nao found a girlfriend! The doctor is very pretty...I take it she'll be delivering her own Nooboos at some point in the vaguely near future? ;)

Aha, I keep seeing Paolo in the Eduardo outfit and giggling.

N'aww the twins are adorable!

Good to see Paolo is motivated. I'm sure he'll smash through the detective career in no time!

Great update!
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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Mori Legacy: Put de Lime in de Coconut (new 10/23)
« Reply #253 on: October 24, 2016, 01:28:54 PM »
Banana looks stunning in that formal dress. I love her giving Watcher the side-eye from the computer. She's got such sass! Shame on you, Watcher, for making her self-conscious about her squint! :)

Leann is adorable! Way to go, Paolo! Best of luck on Operation Get a Life.

The twins are very cute and very identical. This reader thanks you very much for providing the glasses to distinguish them. ;)

Offline oshizu

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The Mori Legacy: Strawberry Fields Forever
« Reply #254 on: October 25, 2016, 02:43:53 PM »
Thanks for reading when you’re so busy with school these days!
(I visited your blog last night and am “easing into” your Reapers 2.0!)
Don’t feel you need to comment on every new addition to the household—there’s been a bunch lately. Sorry, another Banana joke.
I agree that Yuki is the cutest, lol. And I do have huge hopes for a certain blue-haired little girl that resembles him!

Don’t feel odd about commenting on my sims’ looks. Sims genetics is one of my favorite aspects of multi-generational gameplay. I’m sure you end up noticing the sims’ appearances because I tend to showcase them in my comments. (Since there’s not much of a plot here, lol.)
I’m flattered that you’d be interested in a house tour. I’ll need to do a little renovation first. :-D

Thanks for your many kind words!
I’m in love with the twin boys and now with Dulce, who you’ll meet in the update below.
Your enthusiasm is really appreciated, especially since I feel like I’m running out of steam with this legacy lately.

I do find Banana to be a stunner. The persistence of the left-eye squint, however, rather amazes me. I should let her know that it doesn’t detract from her a-peel at all.
Takumi’s cosmetic frames are just as much for me as for the readers. The two boys really look alike!

4.41 The Mori Legacy: Strawberry Fields Forever

Week 21/Saturday

Banana: It’s Saturday morning and our twins continue making progress on their first aspirations.
Ranma the Art Lover: I see myself more as an Artistic Prodigy than a Rambunctious Scamp, but these monkey bars are a blast!

Takumi the Neat: With these glasses, you undoubtedly anticipate that I’ll utter something profoundly philosophical, but… I got nuttin’!

Week 22/Sunday

Banana: The boys have started Whiz Kid at the same time, which makes our lives a little easier!
Yuki: Once upon a time, there was an alien with one eye named Mike…
Takumi: What did he name his other eye?
Banana: Ugh, my back is killing me!

Banana: I don’t understand. Why did the boys suddenly stop listening to us read?
Yuki: Don’t look at me, sweetheart. I’m a geek, not a mindreader. I have no idea!
Banana: Why do I sense a bad influence out there somewhere? *sniffs the air

Yuki: Why the sad face, Takumi?
Takumi: Do you remember this legacy’s original club, called Dresden Daredevils?
Yuki: Yeah, I hear it racked up so many points that it became the children’s club and the new Legacy Club was started. And….?
Takumi: Well, I wanted to use that club so Ranma and I could meet all the new kids in town, but it’s not in the family anymore!

Paolo: My bad, Takumi! I should have changed the age range of that club before my teen birthday! But I forgot and got kicked out of my own club!
Donato: You’re already Level 5 Social, Takumi. Why not try to take the club back?

Ranma (red): Ouch, the club leader Cade (wearing shades) has the Mean trait!
Takumi (brown): It’s hard to believe they’re Uncle Donato’s kids. They’re so different than cousin Paolo!
Ranma: But they’re our cousins, too! What’s their problem?
Takumi: Don’t worry. We’ve got into Dresden Daredevils. If I can take over the club, we can kick them out.

Takumi (brown): Hehehehe…mission accomplished! Added some new members, too!
Ranma (red): Dude, check out all the club points we have!
Takumi: And look, Ainsley and Jacklyn must be the daughters of Uncle Carlos!
Ranma: Uncle Donato says Madeleine and Mikaela moved here a few days ago.
Takumi: We’ll call a gathering soon. It’s gonna be fun getting to know them all!

Banana: May I just say that sitting here eating one strawberry after another is mind-numbingly boring?
Donato: You’re the only female sim left in the house, Banana. It would cool if you had a daughter, right?
Banana: Okay, 19 strawberries are more than enough! Still, I’m a bit worried—the house has two empty spots!
Donato: Oh come on, you’ve already had twins! Whoever heard of double twins?

Ranma: It’s nice to get out of the house! We invited our cousin Jacklyn Park with us.
Cousin Paolo says that Ainsley is a Glutton. I learn today that Jacklyn’s Cheerful.

Banana: Our collections glitched a while back so we’re trying to rebuild them all.
Paolo: We’re missing a Betta, a Koi, and Sturgeon, so we’ll catch all three at this spot, I hope!
Yuki: I’ve never been fishing before. It’s pretty fun, even though I feel a little overdressed.

Banana: Paolo, who’s the best fisher among the three of us, catches a sturgeon and a betta.
Paolo: We should try our luck elsewhere. Let’s go to the Skyward Palms neighborhood.
Banana: Why are you so sure we’ll find Koi there?

Paolo (shrugs): I downloaded a pdf from the Skills/Fishing page of Carl’s Guide—it lists which fish can be caught at each fishing spot.
W: Everyone’s downloaded that pdf file, right? If you're interested, you can find the download link at the bottom of this page under the heading "Where to Catch Every Fish."

Ranma (red): I hear a notorious family called the Calientes used to live in this neighborhood.
Takumi (brown): Yeah, Mom, Dad, and Cousin Paolo are  fishing over by where the Calientes used to live.
Ranma: You know, Takumi, I like fishing to raise Mental more than playing chess, even if we can’t be mentored.
Takumi: Yeah, it’s nice not being stuck in the house all the time!

Donato: Considering that Carlos’ girls will probably turn out gorgeous, we’ve begun seriously considering adding a pollinator to the house.
Banana: The girls are in grade school now, so the gloomy Santiago would be too old.
Not to mention Yuki would throw a fit if I moved in a former spouse candidate as my secondary spouse!

Donato: Paolo suggests we meet his classmate Xander Taylor, so we invite him along. Xander’s a Creative Music Lover and he’s not bad-looking.
We’ll keep this teenager in mind. We wouldn’t be adding anyone to the house until I move out, probably.

Or maybe pollinating is too much of a detour from the legacy’s actual goals…

Yuki: It’s getting pretty late and Banana’s giving birth late tonight, so…

Donato: And, just as we’re about to leave, Paolo pulls through to catch a Koi and complete the Fish Collection (again).


Banana: Back at the hospital, should I be concerned that I just passed the nurse out of uniform, heading in the opposite direction?
The doctor’s right behind me, though, so I’ll stop worrying.

Dr. Lime in de Coconut: Excuse me, Yuki, but would you mind not jumping around like that. You’re stressing out my future daughter-in-law.
Yuki: Gah! Gaahhh! Gaaahhhh!
Banana (to herself): I wasn’t this stressed out that time when he was playing “Sims Forever.”

Banana: Yuki darling?
Yuki: Hmmmm?
Banana: If I find out you posted a photo of me in the delivery room to your Simbook, I’ll have to kill you myself.
Yuki: Huh, who me? You know I would never do anything like that, sweetheart! *feels deeply relieved he hadn’t hit “Post” yet

Yuki: Wow, I wasn’t expecting twin girls at all!
Banana: You and me both! But I think the odds work something like this: Wish for triplets and you get a single birth or, if you’re lucky, twins.
Wish for twins and you get a single birth. BUT wish for a single birth and you get multiples every time.

Yuki: Banana is holding our first-born Dulce and I’m holding our second-born Rina.
Banana: Where’s the phone number of that nanny?

Yuki (sings softly): Let me take you down cuz I’m going to Strawberry Fields…


Banana: All hail our nanny, Lynn Dumas, Savior of Our Sanity!
Yuki: Why is she suddenly running out the front door like that? Where’s she going?

Nao: Wow, I’m impressed that you found me all the way over here at the side of the house.
Sorry to disappoint you, Nanny Dumas, but I’m already in a relationship.
Donato: Sheesh! Our nanny ignores the babies crying to go hit on Dad!?

Yuki: The nanny’s a bit of a stalker, don’t you think, Banana? She’s constantly trailing your father!
Banana: As long as she’s stalking Dad, but not you, and as long as she’s taking good care of the girls, I’ll overlook the stalking.

Donato: Nanny Dumas, I’d thought you’d gone home!? Haven’t you heard the babies wailing?
Nanny: But I was just trying to…
Donato: You’re hired to look after the babies. The boys are in this room to level up their Social skill.They don’t need you in here interrupting them.
Nanny: Yes, but I wanted to ask them where your father…

Donato: Listen here, we don’t need a nanny like you here. You’re fired! Please get out of our sight immediately!
Ranma (whispers to Takumi): Whoa, Uncle Donato’s really scary and mean when he’s mad!


Banana: In the morning before the boys leave for school, the girls age up at last. They were really fussy babies.

Yuki: Dulce is a spitting image of me. She has my eyes and my mouth, and even my long face! She’s a Gloomy Rambunctious Scamp, so we give her blue hair.
Oh and check out my new casual wear!

Banana: Rina also has Yuki’s eyes but the two girls are definitely not identical twins. She has Donato's eyebrows, but whose chin did she inherit?

W: My simverse is almost completely devoid of housed sims that aren’t Mori relatives.
According to Pinstar, I’m allowed to move households into houses as long as they are used only for friends, not for spouses. (Thanks for the tip @Whirligig)
However, that means I would move into houses only those sims whose bloodline I could never marry into the Mori House. I need to think carefully about that.

