Author Topic: The Mori Legacy: A Frenzy of Forests [Completed 2017/01/20]  (Read 155513 times)

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: The Mori Legacy: 2-4-6-8 Who Do We Appreciate? (new 09/05)
« Reply #180 on: September 05, 2016, 02:01:00 PM »
Honestly, I can't speak for everyone Oshizu, but I haven't had any trouble following along with your adopted/had children that much. You named them alphabetically (or at least that's what I thought), so that helps, but I know which ones are adopted and which ones aren't. I'm still glad for the recap at the end though, just a reconfirmation that I do know what's going on! ::)

Anyways, can I just say I loved this line so much?:
Nami: Boys, see that lady staring at you, over there in the purple T-shirt? Whatever you do, never talk to her.
That’s your father’s sister and your Auntie Hana.
Oh Hana... XD I mostly laugh though because I just remember what a headache she was for you and I often think of you and wonder if Hana is still bothering you out there. ;) Anyways, I'm sort of sad to hear Arisa went, but her daughter Lukia is beautiful! Just WOW.

Unfortunately Aoi isn't the best looking Sim from the Mori line, but I still think she's cute! Donato is still my favorite now that he's got that hot bawd all up in here. He's still a teen right? (Whistling sounds) I am not a cougar!
Perhaps I am, is there still room in that club? Is that club still a thing after the Sanada's?

I hope this doesn't offend but Carlos is kind of meh compared to Donato - I don't want to speak too soon, but I think Donato is definitely up there in my top contenders for who I hope to be heir.
Of course, only if he's a good Sim to you and doesn't give my dear Oshizu headaches like certain Sims have done in the past (stares at Arisa and Hana).
What a lovely update!

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Mori Legacy: 2-4-6-8 Who Do We Appreciate? (new 09/05)
« Reply #181 on: September 05, 2016, 03:54:33 PM »
I'm doing pretty well keeping track of the kids, too. Ethernet really is a looker! She's got sort of an Audrey Hepburn thing going on. Lovely.

Frank Biello is looking awfully good these days, too! I guess the afterlife is treating him well. That or it's just that it's impossible to "goofy float." ;)

I love Marci's victorious fist pump when she's pregnant enough to have her belly felt, then running around until she finds someone to feel it. Sorry, honey. You've been pregnant a lot. I think everybody's over it by now. :)

Donato is still my favorite for now, but I'm excited to see how the girls turn out.

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Re: The Mori Legacy: 2-4-6-8 Who Do We Appreciate? (new 09/05)
« Reply #182 on: September 05, 2016, 08:08:41 PM »
For me it's the redheaded Carlos.  Strange because in RL I find redheaded men unattractive.  I think he's sweet, has a lovely personality and he's definitely good looking.  Not too overly buff and built.  So many in and so many out.  I'm happy you let us know who is who and where they all are.  Still loving this story!
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: The Mori Legacy: 2-4-6-8 Who Do We Appreciate? (new 09/05)
« Reply #183 on: September 05, 2016, 09:17:17 PM »
I was away for a week, but I've managed to catch up. I have the kids figured out...probably.

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Re: The Mori Legacy: 2-4-6-8 Who Do We Appreciate? (new 09/05)
« Reply #184 on: September 05, 2016, 09:58:39 PM »
So I'm not alone in my vote for the red-headed Carlos.  I love red hair.  I always wanted children with red-hair. 

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Re: The Mori Legacy: Riding High on Cloud Nine
« Reply #185 on: September 07, 2016, 12:33:35 AM »
I feel like the game is laughing at me. Both Ethernet and Arisa’s daughter Lukia turn out stunners, but Mori potential heirs have not been so lucky. I’m thinking Zach has adversely affected feminine facial features. 

Unfortunately, Donato rolled the Bodybuilder aspiration so I felt honor-bound to “maximize his body potential.” With Carlos, I discontinued the aspiration after maxing Fitness.
Only three more to move out. Even with the relatives coming back to mentor, it’s crazy having six kids in the house. Six!
But yes, Carlos is a sweetie. I’ll try and feature him more this update.

Welcome back, KRae! Hope you had a great trip. Thank you for reading!

Another supporter of Carlo! He does have more of a down-home look.

3.28 The Mori Legacy: The Ninth Nooboo

Nao: So, before jumping into our story, I thought we could consider the genetic makeup of three of our children.
Marci: Our firstborn is Carlos. His facial features closely resemble his father’s, but his cheeks are fuller, like both his grandma and me.
Nao: I still think he looks a little like Sora. It must be his close-set eyes and cheeks. Of course, he has your hair!

Marci: Donato is a real looker, perhaps his eyes are spaced wider apart like my father Paolo?
His lips also resemble Papa Paolo’s.
Nao: Otherwise, his nose and jawline closely resemble mine, but his eyes give him that dreamy look.

Marci: Aoi wears her hair in a ponytail but, just for this photo, we give her the same hair as Hana.
Watchette and I were initially fearful that Aoi would age up to a teen with Hana’s pinched features.
Nao: Looking at the two girls side by side, though, Aoi seems to have softer eyes, set slightly wider apart.
Marci: I don’t know, maybe I’m just grasping at straws but I hope she grows up to resemble me more!
Nao: My thoughts exactly, Marci! I’d love for our girls to look like you!

And now back to the lives of the Mori family…

Week 16/Wednesday

Marci: I realize that it’s already Wednesday, but I need to get something off my chest.
Because the household’s been so busy, I decide to simply cake up on my adult birthday on Monday.
I realize we didn’t throw a birthday party, but can you believe my family’s total lack of enthusiasm? Sheesh!

Nao: Sorry, hun. Next time, wait you could wait until we all arrive before you light the candles, maybe?
We’ll do Soulmate together soon. How about that?

Aoi: Fabio is only three days older than me and he’s been really friendly to me!
Fabio: C’mon, Aoi! Let’s do the secret handshake of our kids’ club Amigos!

Aoi: And we’re off! I’m so excited! Today’s my first day of school, you know!
Fabio: Yeah, I know, I know. Everyone pegs me for a mischief-maker but don’t forget! I’m a Good sim! *winks

Marci: All the kids are at school and Nao’s gone to work.
Nao and I have actually not quit our jobs yet, since we’re both off on weekends and get off at 4 or 5 pm on weekdays.
Oh! I discover that I haven’t maxed Wellness. I need to work on that.

Marci: Out of the corner of my third eye, I notice Uncle Nio stroll by. He aged up to an elder this past weekend.
He and Mother Nami both drank Potions of Youth. Does that mean she’ll be an elder soon, too?
Of course, Uncle Nio’s wife Lyric passed away a while ago.
Nami: We second-generation sims have mostly moved on now, although Nio and I are still going strong. Zach, too.

Nao: While Marci is off listening to pop music and eating strawberries, I read to Aoi who’s just started Whiz Kid.


Nami: Carlos and Donato are being groomed to paint portraits and write Books of Life, respectively, for the fourth generation.

Carlos: For the painter aspiration, I need to view paintings at the art museum in Willow Creek.
Afterward, we all enjoy a cook-out by the lake behind the museum.
Donato: We often invite Grandma along on our outings.

Donato: Next, we jet over to the Perfect Balance Spa to take a yoga class for the first time.
Carlos:  Donato, help! This old lady won’t get off my mat, so I can’t join the yoga class!
Donato: Are you kidding? I’m just trying to stay quietly invisible so that other cougar won’t notice me.
Remember, Carlos! Don’t make eye contact!


Marci: Our ninth child is born around 5 am. I’m way too lazy to go the hospital at this hour.
Meet our third naturally-born daughter. She’s named Banana after that popular Japanese novelist, Banana Yoshimoto.
W: All the babies are starting to look alike to me now, but I present the screenshot as a symbolic gesture, I guess.

Marci: Watchette has had me quit my job as Angel Investor, just because I have trouble completing my daily task.
W: Oh please, I’m tired of checking whether you’re done then chasing you around to queue up “Research Stocks” again.
Each day, you need at least three tries to actually complete your task. If you hate it so much, just quit.
And why do you have to run outside to quit your job?

Marci: I’m not sure. Maybe I thought running around outside before making the phone call would annoy you more?
W: Haha, don’t test me. You remain Queen of Dropped Queues but you earned job promotions like a champ!


Nao: It’s hard to know where to take the whole family for fun these days.
The pool? A day trip to Granite Falls? The pool, it is!  We’re off to Bathe de Rill!
Aoi: Everyone enjoys a relaxing afternoon, except me. Dad decides to coach me in swimming, but it’s still fun to get out!

Marci: By early evening, we’re all getting pretty hungry. We try out a new restaurant in the old Goth neighborhood.
This restaurant—called “Urban Garden (Restaurant) by stephOsims—is imported from the Gallery, because it looks so beautiful!

Marci: Luckily, there is table large enough to seat us all.
After working so hard this past week, everyone really appreciates a day devoted to fun and socializing.

Aoi: While waiting for our desserts to arrive, Fabio and I become BFFs!

Week 17/Sunday

Marci: I realize that with ten children, it would be impossible to keep them all.
Still, it’s hard to invite them into our hearts and home, then let them go!
Fola: I age up to a teen on Wednesday, Mommy. Will you still love me after I move out?

Week 17/Monday

Nao: Once again, Banana ages up in the wee hours of the morning but, this time, while everyone else is fast asleep!
She is a Music Lover and a Rambunctious Scamp.

Nao: In fact, she is so darn cute, here’s another shot of just because! Looks like she has eyes like Donato, too!

Author’s Notes

Life Extension
Because some of my move-out Mori’s are living such long lives, I’d like to add two more rules:
•   Potions of Youth: I’d already mentioned in passing that, from Nao’s third generation onward, the right to drink a Potion of Youth is reserved for the heirs alone (except in special cases of extreme favoritism).
•   Bodybuilder aspiration: For the same reason, this aspiration and its Long-Lived trait will only be allowed for heirs from this fourth generation onward, unless a sim rolls that aspiration as in Donato’s case.

A prime example is Zach. He drank a Potion of Youth and relived his adult phase then moved out after becoming an elder. That feels like weeks ago and he’s still going strong. (Now he’ll probably die in a day or two just to make me feel bad.)

I just want to ensure that the simverse is filled with lots of sims unrelated to the Mori family!

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: The Mori Legacy: Riding High on Cloud Nine (new 09/06)
« Reply #186 on: September 07, 2016, 01:05:37 AM »
Yay! Another Mori update!

First of all, found this little gem in there:
W: All the babies are starting to look alike to me now, but I present the screenshot as a symbolic gesture, I guess.
You crack me up, Oshizu!
It's true though, after a point it's like "oh, that's nice."
A "symbolic gesture" though. ;) I love it.

I must say - up close Carlos is a pretty handsome guy! I think his eyes might be a wee bit too close together so when you're looking at him from a distance it's hard to appreciate him.
Also, he lacks all of Donato's hard-earned... uhm... (Coughs) achievements.
Right. Achievements...

Banana is lovely! Though I must admit I teehee-ed at her name a little, I still love her all the same. I'll be excited to get the rest of the adopted kiddos moved out. Honestly I'm not particularly attached to them at this point and I really like seeing the genetic mixture from your Mori line more. I also love the redheads coming out of it! ::)

Aoi is almost a clone of Hana! How strange is that -it's a shame she just lacks the violet eyes, then everyone would be sold! I've still got my fingers crossed for you!
Anyways, what an awesome update! =D

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Offline Joria

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Re: The Mori Legacy: Riding High on Cloud Nine (new 09/06)
« Reply #187 on: September 07, 2016, 04:33:06 PM »
I guess having too many Mori family members around would mean less of a gene pool for later spouses?  Otherwise I would think it would be kind of nice to have all those relatives hanging around.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Mori Legacy: Riding High on Cloud Nine (new 09/06)
« Reply #188 on: September 07, 2016, 07:06:52 PM »
Yay! I love Banana Yoshimoto! Finally a reference I get! I'm always a little lost on the video game or science fiction stuff, but this one I know! Banana Mori is very cute. She may be my new favorite.

Donato, honey, if your goal is to avoid attention, then doing yoga in nothing but tiny yellow shorts and sneakers is probably not the way to go. ;) I do love that his outfit coordinates so well with his brother's, though.

I loved the family comparison photos. I think you're right that Aoi's eyes are better spaced than Hana's. I can't wait to see what she looks like as a teen!

Only one baby to go!

Offline oshizu

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The Mori Legacy: The Tenth Child & Gen4 Heir Vote
« Reply #189 on: September 09, 2016, 11:58:48 PM »
Nooo, don’t teehee at Banana’s name! When you have a little time, read Banana Yoshimoto’s novella Kitchen or her short story “Sleep”!
I’m quite a fan of Banana and think she might grow up quite the cutie!

The family’s in its fourth generation and no pollinating has been done so far but the game’s been really good about producing children, teens, and YAs so far.
So, yes, you’re right. I worry that if the extended Mori family is too long-lived, the game will spawn fewer new households, especially with the Gen4 kids being so numerous!
I’m considering moving in a pollinator for Gen4, though. Depends on who’s available!

I will relay your message to Donato about importance of proper yoga apparel for not attracting cougars.

3.29 The Mori Legacy: The Tenth Child & Gen4 Heir Vote

Week 17/Monday

Marci: In the few hours before school, I help Banana finish her first tier of Rambunctious Scamp.
After all these babies, we’ve learned that both “Coaching swimming” and “Play Keyboard Commander (Level 4 Motor) boost the Motor skill faster than “Practice typing.”
Banana: Mommy, I don’t have school today.

Carlos: Donato and I are both home today, too. In fact, we’re never going back to high school.
Donato: Yeah, everyone’s been so focused on the children that no one’s noticed that Carlos and I become young adults on Thursday.  Pffft!
Carlos: Watchette, how much longer are you waiting to have the vote for the Gen4 heir?
W: We’re waiting until the tenth baby ages up to a child, but the tenth baby isn’t even born yet!

Aoi: I haven’t even done my homework tonight but my Fun is rock-bottom! Watching TV really helps!
Carlos: Me, too! Painting isn’t as much fun as I’d thought it would be.


Banana: This is the last time the four of us leave for school together, so we want to capture this special moment.
Aoi: But Dad decides to come outside in his little shorts at the same time, so our picture comes out lopsided.
By the time I get Nao off the porch, all the kids are gone. Oh well.

Nao: While I start writing excuse notes for the boys tomorrow, Carlos completes Painter Extraordinaire in his PJs.
W: What do you want to do next, Carlos?
Carlos: Honestly? I’d like to meet a nice girl or two!
Donato: My thoughts exactly!
W: I see. Then, Wellness it is! Off you go, Carlos!

Nao: Right before work, I get to know the teen Loren Tatum. She’s a Mean Bro. We’ll keep her in mind.

Marci: After 3 hours of socializing, I only learn that the young adult Sienna Amos is cheerful and unemployed.
Also, I noticed that many of my friends are acquaintances now so Friend of the World is broken for me.
Carlos: If you can only learn one trait after 3 hours, Mom, let’s just invite Sienna over after Dad get home from work.
And anyway, the founder’s wife was Cheerful so she doesn’t have unique traits, but we’re also recruiting baby mamas.

Here’s a riddle: How many hours does it take two redheads to learn that a sim is a Lazy high school student?
Answer: Two hours. Said sim, Santiago Leyvas, gets bored with the repetitive “Discuss interests” social and heads home.

Carlos: I don’t get it, Mom. I thought you were Friend of the World? How can you be so bad at learning traits?

Marci: I waylay Santiago by the side of the house and give it another try.
Carlos: Give it up, Mom. After another hour, all you’ve done is embarrass him with your tedious convo!
Marci: I have the Observant trait, so why can’t I learn Santiago’s second trait?

Donato: When Dad comes home, he immediately learns that Santiago is Lazy and Gloomy.
Meanwhile, Loren sits and does her mean thing to the children.
Nao: At least we know that both teens have unique traits so far.
Marci: …


Fola: I get the message about celebrating my birthday around 7:30 a.m.
You can see Aoi and Banana leaving for school just after I age up to a teen!
I’m sorry to leave but happy to be moving in with Arlo and Ethernet in Oasis Springs.

Marci: So, sweetheart, are you ready to try for the very last baby?
Nao: You bet! Taking care of all the kids has been exhausting!
Unfortunately, in our eagerness to move Fola out, we bring all the kids home from school.
Marci: Yeah, win some, lose some.

Nao: Watchette’s been worried about boring her viewers with all the repetitive children-related shots.
Marci: Yep, but I fool them all! I do my test in the bathroom as usual.
But I only get the Eating for Two notice when I come out and sit down next to you! Special, right?

Nao: Carlos used to moan all the time about painting while working on Painter Extraordinaire.
Of course, now that he’s completed it and doesn’t need to paint anymore, all he wants to do is paint. Go figure.

Marci: I’m whipping up some prosciutto-wrapped asparagus to save for a party.
Marci’s such a pretty sim. I have a hard time catching her smiling for some reason.

Marci: As you know, Bestselling Author is a more time-consuming aspiration than Painter Extraordinaire but Donato’s making good progress.
Donato: I just need three bestsellers and wait for my publishing royalties to double.
Okay, enough dancing. Back to your novels!

Week 17/Thursday

Carlos: A little past 1 am, it’s time for our birthday! I’m dying of ennui!
Nao: You need to stop with that “Everything’s such a chore” attitude, son!
How can a teenager like “die of ennui,” when you’ve never really lived yet?

Donato: Wow, Mom grabbed a piece of birthday cake during Carlo’s birthday leap!
Nao: Marci, hun, stop setting a bad example for the kids!
Marci: nomnomnomnom
W: Why would she do that? I thought only gluttons did that! Marci, you are walking on very thin ice now!
When cooking, whether hungry or not, Marci always grabs a serving before I can get her to “Call for meal” or “Grab a serving together.”
I wonder why some sims are such a pain to play…permanent spray-for-bugs duty?

Nao: And here’s a toast to Carlos and Donato who are now young adults!
Carlos is a Good Genius who is now also a Music Lover. Donato is an Outgoing Cheerful sim who’s now also Lazy.
Good thing Donato already maxed fitness!
Nao: When you start your new careers on Friday, I’ll be quitting mine!
Also, let’s not forget to thank your Grandma Nami, who’s been helping out with mentoring you all!


Fabio ages up to a teenager just as the girls are starting to prepare for school.
Besides being Good, he’s now an Insider Joke Star.
He moves out right away to live with Arlo, Ethernet, and Fola in Oasis Springs.
Sorry Fabio! If I wasn’t in such a rush to get you out of the door so the girls can prepare for school, I would have changed your awful shoes and given you fuller eyebrows!
And there goes our fifth and last adoptee!

Nao: Marci and I give the twins Mint & Rosemary aromatherapy massages for their first day of work.
Carlos: We both joined the Athlete career.
Donato: I’m outgoing, so I’ll do Bodybuilder while Carlos does Pro Athlete.

Donato: Thanks to an unexpected work opportunity, I get a promotion today and branch to the Bodybuilder career.
I need to mentor fitness as my daily task now, so I invite Arlo and Fabio over and “suggest a workout.”
Fabio: I look really puny now, but just wait and see!


Nao: In the morning after Donato leaves for work, Marci goes into labor for our fifth and last child!

The Queen of Dropped Queues gives birth to baby girl, named Chiyo.
Nao and Marci now have adopted five babies and Chiyo is their fifth naturally-born baby. The ordeal is finally over!

A short post regarding the selection of the Gen4 heir follows. I hope you will share you opinions!

Offline oshizu

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The Vote for the Gen4 Heir
« Reply #190 on: September 09, 2016, 11:59:45 PM »
Your Thoughts on the Gen4 Heir?

Quite frankly, I’m utterly and totally burned out on babies and childcare these past two-three weeks, due to the coincidental overlap of the forum’s Baby Boomer Challenge and the third generation's “have/adopt 10 children" milestone.
All the adoptions, pregnancies, age-ups, birthdays, repetitious skilling, and move-outs---UGH! And not a single pair of violet eyes! I guess hoping the violet eyes would return after skipping two generations was too much to ask!

But now we are done. I’ve gone ahead and rolled all the traits and aspirations for each child.
I have not listed skills this time because, in a constant environment, all the children are skilling at an equalyl favorable pace.
I’ve decided to proceed with the heir vote even though Aoi and Banana are still children and Chiyo is still an infant.  I feel waiting for Chiyo to age up to a child is rather an exercise in futility, because...traits.

From left to right: Carlos, Donato, Aoi, and Banana

Carlos (18 days to Adult)
Traits: Good, Genius, Music Lover
Aspirations: Rambunctious Scamp, Curator (done)
Career: Athlete L4

Donato (18 days to Adult)
Traits: Outgoing, Cheerful, Lazy
Aspirations: Whiz Kid, Bodybuilder (done)
Career: Athlete/Bodybuilder L5

Aoi (2 days to Teen)
Traits: Creative, (Clumsy, Outgoing)
Aspirations: Artistic Prodigy (Painter Extraordinaire)
Career: (Painter/Master of the Real)

Banana (8 days to Teen)
Traits: Music Lover (Active, Neat)
Aspirations: Rambunctious Scamp (Musical Genius)
Career: (Entertainer/Musician)

Chiyo (just born)
Traits: (Outgoing, Mean, Hates Children)
Aspirations: (Whiz Kid, Renaissance Sim)

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Re: The Mori Legacy: The 10th Child & Gen4 Heir Vote (new 09/09)
« Reply #191 on: September 10, 2016, 09:28:07 AM »
I'd say make Donato the heir, move out Carlos and Chiyo when you can, and keep the girls until they max their careers (seriously, creative+artistic prodigy+painter extraordinaire? music lover+musical genius? must take advantage of that for careers). Unless you're hoping Carlos maxes the other athletic career.

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Re: The Mori Legacy: The 10th Child & Gen4 Heir Vote (new 09/09)
« Reply #192 on: September 10, 2016, 12:08:15 PM »
I vote for either of the redheads!

I am about to start a build-a-city challenge and I will need a lot of CAS sims.  I would love to add Carlos and/or Banana at some point.  I'm going to check the gallery now to see if you have shared any of your family members.  =)

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Re: The Mori Legacy: The 10th Child & Gen4 Heir Vote (new 09/09)
« Reply #193 on: September 10, 2016, 03:41:16 PM »
My preference atm is Banana for heir, and move out Chiyo asap unless you need her for one of the criminal careers. Can't wait to see the girls as teens though.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: The Mori Legacy: The 10th Child & Gen4 Heir Vote (new 09/09)
« Reply #194 on: September 10, 2016, 10:35:45 PM »
Honestly, I vote for Donato or Banana! Though truly I'll go with whomever gets chosen - so if you have a stronger preference for someone else @oshizu then cast my vote there! =) I'm just along for the ride and me voting for someone you don't want will only cause you misery when I just want to enjoy this challenge with you!  ;D

PS, I physically sighed with relief after the birth of your 10th baby. I just can't imagine how tiring that had to be... ::)

