Author Topic: The Mori Legacy: A Frenzy of Forests [Completed 2017/01/20]  (Read 155507 times)

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Re: The Mori Legacy: The Glutton Strikes Again (new 08/22)
« Reply #135 on: August 22, 2016, 06:10:53 PM »
Currently fighting with my own, personal, tummy bug so the thought of roasting beetles definitely did not sit well.  Ugh.  Lukia is adorable and how you can resist not keeping her is beyond me.  Sora is turning out quite wonderfully and should be able to get the chef and mixologist thing done in no time.  Having fun reading this even with a stomach flu.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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The Mori Legacy: Collectors No More
« Reply #136 on: August 24, 2016, 05:18:05 AM »
2.19 The Mori Legacy: Collectors No More

Week 11/Monday

Nao: With my party over, I’ve started reading the three books for Renaissance Sim.
First, I read a Bestseller Handiness skill book, written by Uncle Nio, then his skill book on Gardening.
And yes, you’re thinking my room looks oddly familiar, no?
Watchette’s confined me to the Sauna Room with a comfy chair because otherwise I walk around the house between readings, she says.
Just for your reference:
Nao reached L4 Handiness with Nio’s skill book, L3 Gardening (almost L4) with Nio’s skill book, and L2 Cooking with a commercial skill book.

Sora: I’ve been alternating between making Homestyle Cooking (L9) and Gourmet Cooking (L5) dishes.
The smapple stove is higher quality, but I enjoy cooking on the chef station for some reason.
Too bad Nao and I can’t complete our aspirations until we’re adults!  Oops! I maxed Homestyle Cooking!

Hana: All I need to complete my last aspiration, Social Butterfly, is two more child friends, but it seems like all the children my brothers knew are teens now.
So, I’m working on Charisma instead. Too bad, but Watchette doesn’t want to import a new family just to add two children.

Zach: I’ve been trying max Painting but Nio’s been such a pain lately!
He likes to come hog the easels even though he knows I’m planning to use them!
W: That’s why I’ve been having Nio and Arisa write skill books non-stop lately.  Otherwise, they need to much micro-managing.

Nio: I know how I can be useful! Nami went on six space missions this evening but didn’t bring back anything new.
Since I’m a Geek, I think I can do better. I can find that missing space rock and live alien!
W: But he didn't...

W: Well, what do you know! It’s Zach, not Nio, who completes our collections of crystals and fossils. Superb work!
Zach: While I’m out digging, I see Lucas Munch walking up the hill to his house.
It must be lonely living in that big house all alone. I feel pretty lucky to be surrounded by family!


Zach: Nao and I share the Active trait, so I mentor Nao in Fitness before school.
Do you have any career preferences, son? You’ve already maxed Logic and Charisma. If you max Fitness as a teen, you could easily go either Astronaut or Athlete.
Nao: We should do the harder careers first, so I want to be an astronaut!
By the way, Dad, can you believe Watchette almost had me wear that same shirt as Eduardo’s?

Nami: We Gen2 teens already maxed the five teen careers, but Sora looks so happy to have maxed Barista that we memorialize the moment!
He’s switched to the Fast Food Employee career now, same as Nao.

Nio: Watchette has me run out to get to know our new mail carrier, because she’s rather pretty.
Her name is Shanice Chu and her traits are Clumsy, Insane, and Loves the Outdoors.
Her Loves the Outdoors trait is shared, however, with the Founder’s wife. Oh well.

Nami: At 5 pm, Nao leaves on his first day of the Fast Food Employee job.
W: Thanks for letting me take a photo, Nao! I never got one while Arisa worked that job before!

Nami: Lukia has been skilling on her own all this time. Nio and I haven’t mentored her since she’s leaving soon and Arisa has been busy with work.
Just with Watchette telling her where to go and what to do, though, Lukia’s managed to finish Rambunctious Scamp and reach her last tier of Artistic Prodigy.

Lukia: Thanks for helping me! I’m a B student now and I want to leave here an A student!

The Sauna Room is nothing if not versatile!
Does your sim insist on writing a book in the Focused Room, repeatedly returning there instead of writing in the Inspired Studio?
No problem! Just move the desk set into the sauna room, summon the sim, and lock the door.
Sometimes sims need to be clearly shown who’s the alpha dog! I’m not sure if I’m joking or not…

Zach: I complete the Bodybuilder aspiration tonight, though I’d maxed fitness sometime ago.
Nami: I wish the Bodybuilder aspiration didn’t require a sim to get so bulky!


Arisa: I arrive home a little past midnight with my final promotion to Level 10 Comedian!
I’d expected to need one more day, but perhaps Negotiate Bonus did the trick!
Also, Watchette had me take a bubble bath earlier than usual before work and then I just meditated.

My long journey to max the Comedian career is now over.
Watchette, may Lukia and I move in with Lucas tonight? I’m afraid he has less than a sim-week left.
And soon after, Lucas Munch finally gets to live with his wife and daughter!

Nami: And we are now a household of six sims!

Hana: In the morning, I wake up early and check the club that Gramps left me.
I change its name to Amigos and set its membership requirement to “Children only.”
What do you know? I discover that two new children have moved into our simverse!
I’ll be able to complete Social Butterfly after all!
I age up on Sunday so I decide to take vacation days for the rest of the school week! Yay!

Hana: Mom says it’s easiest to make friends one at a time, but I call a club gathering anyway.
Jaxon Bauman (right) and Breana Summer (left) are both not-in-the-world sims.
We have only two club activities: be friendly and play Don’t Wake the Llama.
This doesn’t work because we can’t chat and play that game, so I end the gathering and invite them over one at a time.

Hana: I like Jaxon and hope we’ll be friends for a long time. He’s an Insider.
I also befriend Breana Summer, even though she’s an Evil sim.
When I complete Social Butterfly, I ask Breana to leave the lot. Don’t call me; I’ll call you!

Sora: I hear the garden’s finished so Nao and I go there to chat in the moonlight about our day.
I love the way the garden’s lighting changes at different times of the day.
W: I’ve covered the ground with a grass-like floor covering which makes mopping splattered water very easy.
On the down side, I can’t use a brush to paint soil around the flowering plants against the walls or around the fountain.


Nami: I’ve decided to move in a pollinator. Our simverse has a number of attractive females and I don’t want to use up our LegacyLoves.
Firing up my old Spouse-Hunt club, I filter potential members using the Mixology and Wellness traits to look for newcomers. I find three.

Nio: The elder Cade Bigelow (left) is Mean, Self-Assured, and Non-Commital. Sayonara, you will not do, Cade.
Nami: The young adult Dillan Shea (center) is a Cheerful, Mean Foodie. He’s also a married Criminal, so nope!

Nio: Our last hope is the adult Ed Thayer (right). He’s a maid so we’re hoping for Neat, but he’s a Clumsy, Ambitious Goofball.
Nami: You will do fine, Ed! Oh wait! He has unique traits! We’ll keep you on standby as a potential Primary Spouse instead!


Nami: A huge thanks to Nio for finding the Unnaturally Large Space Rock to complete our thirteenth collection!
Nio: My pleasure! I guess it was worth you, Zach, and I going on countless space missions everyday this past week, eh?
Zach: Yep, no more collecting for this family, ever!
Nami: Oh, Nio! Part of me wants to let you go to live with Lyric, but another part of me wants you to stay here and support the legacy!

Nami: We got the notice about celebrating Zach’s birthday last night, but we’ve waited until this morning.
All the kids took the day off from school and Nao has just returned home from his Barista job.
*phones in a birthday party
Zach: After my gold-medal party is over and I make a quick trip to the dresser, Nami and I take a selfie.  Ouch, my back!

Nao: When all the guests prepare to leave, I ask Marci Primley to stay and watch TV with me.
Marci: I guess watching the Fireplace Channel heats things up a notch!  And he’s such a gentleman, too!
You’re welcome for the new closet, Nao! Marci needed to lose her cowboy hat.

Nao: She’s agreed to be my girlfriend but I’m waiting to see her third trait before asking her to exchange promise rings.  What if she’s Jealous?
W: If she’s Jealous in addition to Neat and Outgoing, she brings three unique traits. We could live with that.

Wait, you two exchanged promise rings during the minute I was telling Sora to get back on the treadmill?
Nao: Uh, I thought you said I didn’t need to wait? Anyway, look how happy we are!!!
Well, it’s true that you two have always been close.
Nami: You know I’ve always wanted Marci as a daughter-in-law, Nao, whether you're chosen as heir or not. It’s fine. We’ll work things out.


Nami: We spend yesterday and today at our store, Mori’s Emporium, in Magnolia Promenade.
Nio: It’s great to sell off all those extra aliens and space rocks we gathered while trying to complete our collections!
Zach: On Friday, we sell 22 items for a profit of $11,810; today, we sell 29 items for a profit of $16,940.
We buy three more perks: Faster Checkout (Large), Faster Restocking (Small), and Additional Employee #1.

Nami: The legacy household can definitely buy all the perks eventually, guys! It doesn't have to be done in a single generation!
The alternative to buying all the perks would be a household worth of $5.7 million. And you know how glitchy that would make our home lot!
W: I wish we could see a list of the perks we’ve already purchased!

Zach: Little Hana’s maxed fishing while we’ve been working at the store. By now, we’re all sick and tired of interacting with customers.
We close shop at 4 pm and head home so that Sora can prepare for work.

Zach: By the way, today is Nami’s birthday, but we’re way too tired to throw a birthday party this evening. And besides, tomorrow is Hana’s teen birthday.
So Nami drinks her once-in-a-lifetime Potion of Youth and will remain a young adult for another 20 days.
W: Gah, what am I doing? If they didn't want to throw a party, Nami could just have blown candles out on a cake!
No matter! Nami will not be living out her entire life in this household, anyway. But I still don't like that she and Sora will be young adults together for awhile. Grrrr.

Aaaannd...we've hit the 25-image limit, so this continues in the following post below.

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Offline oshizu

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The Mori Legacy: Who Will Be the Gen3 Heir?
« Reply #137 on: August 24, 2016, 05:19:01 AM »
(Continued from the previous post... )

2.20 The Mori Legacy: Who Will Be the Gen3 Heir?

Week 12/Sunday

Nami: We receive the notice about celebrating Hana’s teen birthday close to 9 am.
Watchette is so impatient to age Hana up that she forgets to let us throw her a birthday party. Oh well.
We’re a bit surprised by Hana without makeup in her default hair.

Zach: Here’s our teenage daughter, watching TV with her brothers Sora (left) and Nao (right). Both Nao and Hana have their mother's paler skintone.

Your thoughts about the third-generation heir?

Who do you think would be the best sibling for bringing in the fourth-generation heir.

Nami: Here are our kids as children, from eldest to youngest (left to right): Sora, Naoki, and Hana.

Zach: Here they are again as teens, from eldest to youngest (left to right):

Comparative Comments

Skills: All three of them learn skills equally as quickly.
Aspirations: all three are already well-prepped to complete their teen aspirations. Hana will complete Fab Wealthy the instant she becomes a teen; Nao will complete Renaissance Sim as soon as he turns young adult and joins a career; Sora will first need to enter the Mixologist branch (Level 6 Culinary) but the required skills already.
Gen3 heir’s mission: it is highly likely that the Gen3 heir will try to complete the “10 children in one generation” milestone.
Other maxed skills: These refer below to those skills maxed by the time of each sim's teen birthdays

Sora Mori (4 days to YA)
Traits: Kleptomaniac, Insane
1st aspirations: Artistic Prodigy/Master Mixologist
Childhood skilling: all four aspirations and skills
Other maxed skills: Logic, Mischief, and Violin (Charisma L8, Video Gaming L7)
Adult career: Mixologist

Naoki Mori (7 days to YA)
Traits: Active, Good
1st aspirations: Whiz Kid/Renaissance Sim
Childhood skilling: all four aspirations and skills
Other maxed skills: Charisma, Logic, Violin, Piano, Video Gaming (Fishing L5)
Adult career: Astronaut

Hana Mori (12 days to YA)
Traits: Creative, Insider
1st aspirations: Rambunctious Scamp/Fabulously Wealthy
Childhood skilling: all four aspirations and skills
Other maxed skills: Violin, Logic, Charisma, Piano, Fishing (Video Gaming L2)
Adult career: either Entertainer/Musician or Painter/Master of the Real

My Personal opinion:
For me, there is only one choice: Nao.
Sora is so very charming and fun, but one insane kleptomaniac in the bloodline is sufficient. Hana could adversely affect the Mori legacy’s gene pool; I want an attractive heir.

Offline HelenP

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Re: The Mori Legacy: Collectors No More (new 08/24)
« Reply #138 on: August 24, 2016, 08:33:42 AM »
Ooooh another Oshizu story, how did I miss this?

My choice would be Naoki as heir and Hana as spare.  I love Nao's looks and personality, and think Hana's violet eyes are amazing and her personality sounds fun.  I find Sora's looks only so so and while insane is fun not sure that klepto is something I'd want to have around.

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Mori Legacy: Collectors No More (new 08/24)
« Reply #139 on: August 24, 2016, 11:48:44 AM »
I adore all three, but I agree that Nao is the best choice. If someone is going to have ten children, he's the one that should do it. Plus, the astronaut career is pretty fun.
Sora is very charming and handsome in a unique way, but the children of unique-looking sims can turn out very odd indeed, and . . . I'm shallow.
Hana is very cute, but she reminds me a great deal of her mother somehow, and I think a little variety would be nice.
I love the reference to Eduardo's shirt! He would be so proud to know he's famous enough to make it into another thread! I don't think I'll ever be able to use that shirt on another sim, I associate it so strongly with him!

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Re: The Mori Legacy: Collectors No More (new 08/24)
« Reply #140 on: August 24, 2016, 06:26:27 PM »
Nao has my vote; it'll be a bit tighter for him trying to have the 10 kids (what with no pregnancy age-turn off) and complete the astronaut career but on the plus side, no bad pregnancy moodlets. I do wish we could keep the violet eyes around tho...did Kaoru's kid with Elsa have the purple eyes? Maybe they could be a spouse of gen 4 or pollinate for a gen 4 spouse. Anywho, good to Nao, you're gonna need it, boyo! And good luck to you, Oshizu! Thanks again for writing this really fun story.

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Re: The Mori Legacy: Who Will Be the Gen3 Heir? (new 08/24)
« Reply #141 on: August 24, 2016, 08:37:03 PM »
Oh my gosh! I read this this morning but I forgot to comment!
I love Sora, and you know I love Sora, but I'll give Nao my vote because I want you to be happy with your heir and it honestly doesn't matter that much to me. I'm just happy to read about your fun legacy!

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Offline oshizu

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Re: The Mori Legacy: Who Will Be the Gen3 Heir? (new 08/24)
« Reply #142 on: August 24, 2016, 09:29:57 PM »
I'm glad you found this story, although it is just another one of my silly tales, lol. Thank you for your feedback. In fact, Sora has a unique contribution to make: he's going to earn that point for completing both Food aspirations in the same generation. He's already maxed Homestyle/Gourmet Cooking & Mixology. I'd like to keep him in the house until he's done that.

I guess one benefit of powering through the first two generations is that Gen3 kids don't even have to work, if it comes to that. Except Sora; he must join the culinary career!
They can live off the garden and painting at this point. The store...not so much.
My sim Nao was quite outraged: "What? You give me the same hair as Morris and now you want to make me wear the Eduardo shirt!?" lol

Thank you for all the great tips and comments. About the violet eyes, Lukia (Arisa's daughter) has violet eyes and Kaoru's son with Elsa just became a child, so we need to visit him.
If only the house had a violet-eye pollinator for both Hana and Lukia! And though a male heir wouldn't have the benefit of the no-ageing pregnancies, he could available of a one-time Potion of Youth. Lots of plans, don't want to give too much away. Thanks for reading!

Awww thanks! Yeah, Sora is pretty awesome. Because he's not moody, he's quite easy to handle and he's a monster on the sales floor--you should see Nao and Sora pulling in the sales. I guess it's because they both maxed Charisma as children. And thanks for your wishes for my Watcher-happiness. :-D

Thanks for your feedback, dear readers. <3

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Re: The Mori Legacy: Who Will Be the Gen3 Heir? (new 08/24)
« Reply #143 on: August 24, 2016, 10:25:24 PM »
Everything seems to be working out nicely! As much as I love Hana's violet eyes, Nao seems to be the best heir this time. I'd say keep Hana as the cadet.

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Re: The Mori Legacy: Who Will Be the Gen3 Heir? (new 08/24)
« Reply #144 on: August 24, 2016, 11:44:39 PM »
My vote is for Naoki this time.

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Mori Legacy: I Have Only One Itching Desire (newer 8/24)
« Reply #145 on: August 25, 2016, 12:08:54 AM »
2.21 The Mori Legacy: I've Only One Itching Desire

Week 12/Sunday

Hana: Hey, I thought Watchette was going to play the forum's Baby Boomer Challenge until the fate of the Gen3 heir is decided?
Sora: Nah, she’s going to let us continue until just before my young adult birthday on Thursday.
Nao: So what’s up for today? We’re all free until Sora works at 6 pm.

Nami: First things first, Hana needs to do her homework before we all get carried away.
Zach: Next, we’re throwing a Black & White Bash as a kind of belated birthday party for Nami and Hana!
W: *starts locking doors and searching the family inventory for the shrimp cocktails

Hana: When we get the “Listen to the piano 0/3” milestone, I sit down at the piano and “Play concerto for group.”
It takes so long to trigger that I almost give up but, after several tries, enough partygoers gather around the piano.
W: This is actually the first time I’ve completed this particular milestone in any of my games.

Nami: The guest list is strictly family: Kaoru with Elsa; Arisa with Lucas and Lukia; and Lyric with Maribel and Felicity.
Arisa shows up in a little black number looking absolutely stunning. No surprise there.

Nio: That’s my daughter, Felicity. She’s an Insane Goofball. For some reason, Maribel never showed up.
Felicity has really grown up into a beautiful young lady, wouldn’t you agree?

Nami: I’m thinking Sora would really hit it off with his cousin Felicity, since they’re both insane.
Here he is, giving her props. Why does he look so serious? You’re not passing the Olympic torch, son!

Zach: Arisa’s daughter Lukia walks in the foreground, looking too adorable for words.
You can see inappropriately dressed partygoers at both sides of the image.
Nao: Mom phoned in the party but stayed in her casual clothes so I ask to see her formal outfit. Weird.
Hana: Dad shows up in his swimwear, so I ask to see his party wear. Dad, that’s not what we mean by “black and white apparel.” *facepalm

Hana: Whatever, it’s another gold-medal party! Thanks for the belated birthday party, people!

Zach: Lucky for you guys that it’s already past 3 pm, or Watchette would have us back slaving at the store!
Sora: Hey, look! Mom’s invited over that weirdo Ed Tribble. They’re chatting at the back of the house!
Hana: Who’s Ed Tribble?
Nio: Meh, he’s a tragic clown who hangs around our shop, acting all depressed and crying in front of our customers.
Nao: He’s a complete downer! As soon as he shows up, we always ask him to leave.

Nao: Hmmm, Mom’s really giving him a workover. Look at her consoling him. Do you think…?
Zach: No, son, no worries! We’re safe—notice how the sauna is back in the sauna room!

Hana: It’s not looking very good, Dad…
Nami: Hey, Watchette, Ed Tribble was living alone. Would you please cheat the $19,900 he brought with him from our household funds? Thanks.

Ed: I’m not sure I understand what I’m supposed to do, Nami.
Nami: It’s really quite easy, Ed. You use this little Simray—it’s a miracle of modern science, really.
One by one, you transform these worthless objects into items of value! Awesome, yeah?
W: Ed Tribble is a one-day-old adult and a Non-Commital, Self-Assured, Creative Quick Learner (Nerd Brain).
Transform away, Ed!

Sora: Mom, why are we all over by Auntie Lyric’s house, fishing? Where’s our new housemate, Ed?
Nami: Well, I wanted you all here so that you wouldn’t get the 24-hour tense moodlet from Ed’s scientific experiments.
*mutters to self: And to also prevent Nio from doing something stupidly heroic, like putting out the…

Ed: Fire!!! Oh no, I’ve caught on fire? What do I do? What do I do? I can see a pool, but I’m fenced in!

W: The Mori’s are all away fishing, feeling calm and peaceful. Everyone, that is, except Hana.
Hana feels the need to run all the way over to the Mori house and gains a Tense 50+ moodlet, then continues to panic.
I send her back with the others, but she just runs back to skitter around in a useless panic.
For heaven’s sake, why do you keep running back here, Hana?

Hana: I really have no idea, but now I’m stuck with this darn Tense moodlet.

Ed: I can’t stand up any longer. Why would Nami does this to me? What did I ever do to her?
Well, yeah, I used to visit the store constantly, driving away their clientele with my depression and weeping.
Gee, I wonder why the curtains don’t burn? Arrggghhh…..

Grim Reaper: Oh, Nami, Nami, Nami! The fourth-generation heir takes over in one or two weeks, but you just couldn’t resist, could you?
That makes two types of death for the first generation and seven types of death for your second generation.
Nami, you are so gung-ho! Don’t forget to leave some milestones for the next seven generations, okay?

And, Watchette, I saw how you snatched back Ed’s SimRay after he caught fire! You’re just as bad and definitely even worse than Nami!

W: Hana, thank you for the 5+ hours you spent in a needless frenzy in front of the house while your brothers boosted their Fishing skill by five levels each.
Nami: If not for Hana, this would have been a perfect operation! Watchette, are we sure that someone didn’t switch Lukia and Hana at birth?


Grim Reaper: Thanks for the deep stone massage, Nami! I’ve been so tense lately—I really needed that!
Nami: Hey, my pleasure, Grim! It’s the least I can do to show my appreciation!

Nio: Our repairman arrives. I truly hope he has a co-worker who wears red overalls, so they can be Mario and Luigi!
Nami: Awww, Aldo Valenzuela is a pretty adorable adult! And his traits are Foodie, Art Lover, and Music Lover!
If I hadn’t already had one primary spouse and three secondary spouses, I’d want to move him in as a short-term pollinator!
Zach: (silence…)
Nio: I agree, Nami. If he lost that chubbiness and had violet eyes, Aldo would be perfect! Hahaha.

Sora: Nao brings Marci home from school with him then invites us all to watch that movie about the lost dog.
He invites Lukia, too, who must have been walking by.
Watchette calculates that Lukia’s teen birthday comes this Friday, the day after my young adult birthday on Thursday.
Nao: Do you think we could throw her a birthday party, Sora? She’s got Gramps’ violet eyes, too! *whispers: Pssst, Sora. Why doesn’t Hana have to work part-time like us?
Sora: I think Watchette’s cut Hana loose because she’s so temperamental.

Nao: Hey, bro, I met our uncle Brennan Bjergsen at school yesterday. You wanna go meet him?
Sora: Sure! Shall we invite along everybody?
Nao: Yep, the whole house plus Marci. Let’s go!
Nami: So Dad’s son Brennan is a real cutie but his eyes are blue, not violet!

Zach: I know I’m not one to talk, but Sofia and Elsa Bjergsen both look really elderly. Should we take precautions so Brennan won’t get culled?
Nami: Well, yeah! The whole point is to keep The Lighthouse in our family. We don’t want to waste Dad’s sacrifice!
Nao: Uh, Gramps made a sacrifice?
Nio: Sshhh, take a good look at your grandfather! You don’t think he could have married someone younger and prettier?
Sora: By the way, why does Hana look so angry?
Nami: Eh, she has an Angry +1 moodlet for four hours because she didn’t like the movie we just watched.


Hana: Who’s brilliant idea was it for me to do the Curator aspiration? *mumbles, grumbles
Zach: You don’t even understand how lucky you are to have insta-completed your aspiration on your teen birthday, Hana!
By completing Curator, you can buy more reward traits which will improve the quality of your life.
Hana: Yeah, whatever. Meanwhile, Sora and Nao are already in bed, sleeping.


Sora: What are all of us doing here at Pan Europa Discotheque on a school night?
Nao: By the way, we kids have never been here before, you know!
Nio: Join the club, dudes. None of us have ever been here before, lol.

Nami: So, considering that Dad and Zach have become elders, they wanted to convene The Dancers at least once in their lifetime. Do you mind, boys?
Kaoru: Thanks, Watchette! Gives me and Zach something to brag about after we cross over to the other side!

W: Dear readers, sorry for pulling this sorry act again. I just think it’s hilarious and a rather nice way of memorializing our senior studs.
And now I’m going to take a break from this challenge for a while in order to go play the forum’s 2016 Baby Boomer Challenge.
Don’t hate me for showcasing The Dancers again!

P.S. Did you recognize the chapter title? It’s from that song by Jimi Hendrix…

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Mori Legacy: I've Only One Itching Desire (new 08/24)
« Reply #146 on: August 25, 2016, 01:44:13 AM »
Oh! When I saw Kaoru's "Party" outfit I had a glimmer of hope, and then TADA! The Dancers are back! No apologies necessary. They are a wonderful tradition and just so much fun.

Good job getting a fire started, too! Your fire hazard enclosure is brilliant. If it had to be somebody, who better than a tragic clown? Good Job, Nami. You will go down as the heir who did all the legacy's dirty work.

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Re: The Mori Legacy: I've Only One Itching Desire (new 08/24)
« Reply #147 on: August 25, 2016, 07:04:41 AM »
 ;D Look, dancers *cough* with achievements *cough*.  Hum, seem to have caught a cold or something :D

Oshizu, would you be so kind as to let me know where you got the Dancers costume from please.  I've been hunting the mod sites but not found it.

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Re: The Mori Legacy: I've Only One Itching Desire (new 08/24)
« Reply #148 on: August 25, 2016, 10:25:20 AM »
Congrats on your death-by-fire!  I thought it was funny that you used the opportunity to take out a thorn in your side.  So not a tragedy.  I really like the dancers.  WooWoo!

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Re: The Mori Legacy: I've Only One Itching Desire (new 08/24)
« Reply #149 on: August 25, 2016, 10:31:12 AM »
Awww, thanks! At the Black/White Bash, Kaoru just wouldn't change out of that outfit (its his second party outfit), no matter who approached him to "Ask to show...Party Outfit."
I figured it was some kind of hint. Plus seeing the senior Elsa Bjergsen made me wonder how old Kaoru was now.
Oh my gosh, that clown was such a pain in the neck at the retail store!

Oh, so sorry to hear you're not feeling well! *hands over a cough drop (I sent you a PM, Helen)

Thanks so much for weighing in on the heir poll! Haha, I'm rather regretting now that I've already completed so many of the deaths.
I should have saved them to eliminate death-deserving annoyances instead!

