Author Topic: The Mori Legacy: A Frenzy of Forests [Completed 2017/01/20]  (Read 155514 times)

Offline Caterina

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Re: The Mori Legacy: The Birth of a Patriarch (new 08/18)
« Reply #105 on: August 18, 2016, 03:32:02 PM »
Sora and Naoki are very cute!  Sora has Nami's cheeks and jaw-line and Naoki has Zack's.  Other than that I think they are nearly identical.  I like Naoki's hair.

Offline Joria

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Re: The Mori Legacy: The Birth of a Patriarch (new 08/18)
« Reply #106 on: August 18, 2016, 06:44:33 PM »
I had totally forgotten about Lyric's girls.  Too bad but she would hate being away from them.  I loved the entire update but what cracked me up was you dreaming about finishing Outdoor Enthusiast because last night I was dreaming about success in my story as well.  It must be contagious.  The two little mischief makers are too adorable for words.  Love the smirk you caught.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline oshizu

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The Mori Legacy: A Gluttonous Gal
« Reply #107 on: August 18, 2016, 11:13:38 PM »
Oh yes, "jawline"! That was the word I was looking for! Thank you!

My decision about Nio is exactly the same one you reached about moving in Eliza. :-)
Ahhh, may our challenge-related dreams be prophecies of success for us both!

2.15 The Mori Legacy: A Gluttonous Gal

Week 9/Thursday

Nio: I hope to max Dancing by having Dad close by, but his Patriarch trait doesn’t kick in, whether he’s playing the violin or not.
Wait, Nami just walked by and she immediately got the Patriarch trait! What am I missing?
Does the game think that he’s not my father?  *checks family tree again

Arisa: After Watchette tells me take a bubble bath at 1:00 pm, I meander this way and that to finally reach the bathroom.
Nio: It’s 2:10 pm and that Arisa is still in the bath? Does a bubble bath take longer than 45 sim-minutes or did she simply start her bath late?
Kaoru: She is seven days from becoming an adult. I think she needs to start using Negotiate Bonus, too.
W: I get it now. Arisa is slower. She needs 90 minutes to take a bubble bath before work.

Kaoru: I love sitting down to dinner with my family! Oh, I can’t forget to take them out to dinner!
I’m dying to try out that restaurant Iyashi and we need to start on our Experimental Foods Photo collection!
Speaking of cooking, Zach’s turning out to be a surprisingly great cook! After cooking just four meals, he’s already at Level 6.
Nami: We really need to focus on moving Arisa out.  Maybe hook her up with that pink-haired dude who looks like a gym trainer?
Nio: A better choice would be Hugo Villareal or Lucas Munch, then she could go live in a nice home that we could visit!

Zach: My Energy finally hits the red zone and I take off for the tent.
Watchette makes me a little living area of my own but, thankfully, decides that I only need to be here to sleep.
But where did the gate go?
W: You’re being well watched, Zach. Look! I even got you that new Grim’s Ghoulish Guitar!
Kaoru: Tsk tsk. What do you mean, “well watched,” Watchette? You’re spoiling that sim rotten!

Nao: I just realized that I don’t have a BFF, because I’ve been so busy with school and stuff!
Will you be my friend, Uncle Nio? What!? I’m just a kid, Uncle Nio, I don’t have any deep secrets to reveal yet!

W: That happy look on your face means good news?
Arisa: Yes, I finally made it to Level 6 Solid Storyteller in the Comedian Career!
Nio: It’s only taken you 13 days to go from Level 4 to Level 6, girl! What are you waiting for?
Grab some dinner then go finish your daily task!

Nami: What are you doing tonight, Dad? Why play the piano?
Kaoru: To be honest, I’m running out of things to do. I’m just waiting for your sons to complete their aspirations so I can help mentor them.
Nami: We got the notice about celebrating your birthday around 7 pm tonight. How shall we celebrate?
Kaoru: Everyone’s actually home tonight since I miscalculated Nio’s last promotion.
He was supposed to work last night but he came with us to Granite Falls instead.

Nami: And did you hear that Arisa finally got her Level 6 promotion?
If Zach weren’t doing his tent-sleeping milestone, I’d want to go out and celebrate at Iyashi, but…
Kaoru: I understand, dear, the timing is inconvenient. What about if we have a small birthday party?
The boys can meet some adults for their Social Butterfly aspiration.

Nio: While chatting with Nao, I hear some weird chomping sounds over by the fridge.
Then I remember that Arisa’s third trait is Glutton.

Nao: Auntie Arisa should probably avoid dinner dates, agreed, Uncle Nio?
Nio: Yeah, agreed. The way she eats could prove a serious deal-breaker, Nao.
Nao: Whatever. Now, Uncle Nio and I are BFFs!

Nio: Um, Arisa, do you mind moving away from in front of the fridge? We need to prep for Dad’s birthday.

Kaoru: Say what you will, Nio. Arisa looks gorgeous when she’s not eating!
I mean, look at her performing one of her comedy routines!
These are desperate times! I encourage her to drink an Essence of Confidence then try to Negotiate a Bonus. Success!
W: She could have just boosted her mood to Very Confident with the mirror and some Wellness socials, but I share your feeling of despair.

Kaoru: Do you like how I’m blowing out my birthday candles but not a single sim is paying attention?
Nami: Dad, I think you should have done the “Go here together” action first.
Kaoru: I’ll remember that for next time. But, oh wait, I’m an elder, so there won’t be a next time.

Nao: The girls arrive: That’s the cheerful Maribel Archer (left), the insane Felicity Archer (center), and the neat Marci Primley (right).
Maribel and Felicity are our cousins, but Sora and I are sure glad that Marci isn’t!

Nao: Watchette bought us a puppet theatre for tonight’s party. I give it a whirl after Mom whispers to me that we’ve earned a gold medal.
My show seems to be a big hit and really boosts my Social.
Sadly, I can’t invite sims I’ve never met to my performance.

Sora: In the other room sit Doreen with daughter Marci and Nio’s girlfriend Lyric.
Marci’s really cute and almost as pretty as her mother, Ms. Doreen Rocca!
I wonder if Uncle Nio will ever marry his girlfriend.

Nio: Watchette catches Arisa leaving the room with Dad, apparently she’s offered to give him a massage…during a party.
She’s so hopeless! I’m glad Watchette nipped that in the bud right away!
Nami: I invited that nice Lucas Munch over, hoping that Arisa and Lucas might hit it off. What do you think?


W: Of course, Zach wakes up before having slept an entire night in the tent (the counter’s still 0/5) and with low Social.
Gaaahhh! Go have Kaoru mentor you in Fitness if you won’t sleep!

Kaoru: Thanks, Watchette! I’d rather mentor the younger generations than plunk on that ole piano any day!

Nio: After all the party guests go home, I ask the lovely Lyric to marry me.
Lyric: I seriously believed that you were never going to ask me!
Nio: Do you think we could have our wedding here, Dad? I don’t work again until Sunday.
Kaoru: Of course, though we can throw your wedding early so we won’t come between Zach and his tent…

Nio: Dad’s Patriarch trait didn’t help at all with Dancing, but helped me max the violin in about 90 minutes.
That’s some powerful stuff! Patriarch won’t help Zach but you could mentor Nami in all the mentor-able skills.
Kaoru: She’s maxed those already but maybe I’ll use it to help her power-skill Cooking and Mixology; they’re always useful.
And you and Arisa should mentor Zach since you two will also be moving out eventually.

Nio: Well, aren’t you some kind of awesome, Nami! You’re 3 days younger than me but you maxed your career first!
Nami: My back’s killing me. Do I give birth tonight? If I go the hospital to have the baby, will Zach’s Energy meter refill? Life is so complicated!

Nami: Around 6:30 pm, I go into labor and take Zach with me to the hospital. I’m sorry that this might affect Arisa’s work performance.
Zach: Being an Active sim, after a brief bout of prenatal panic, I head for a treadmill but that pesky Watchette cancels the interaction.
Nami: After haggling with the receptionist for an hour, I’m finally allowed to go to the delivery room.

Zach has not been entirely a paragon of moral support! Will he act like this every single time?
W: You talk as if you plan to have more children…
Nami: Well, I did just max my career today and am planning to quit that job…
W: I think it’s too late for you to think about having 7 more children, even if you adopt.
I’d prefer to start by adopting so we could keep the last five naturally born children.

Zach: You’re right. I’d hate to have to move out Sora and Nao so soon! Maybe their generation can have the 10 children…

Nami:  Welcome to the Mori Legacy, little Hana Mori!
While I hold our precious daughter in my arms for the very first time, my perfect husband is busy cleaning up the delivery room.
You don’t have to do that here, darling, we’re ready to go home now!
Doctor Tina Watt (to Nami): Does your husband happen to have a brother? Ideally, a twin brother?

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: The Mori Legacy: A Gluttonous Gal (new 08/18b)
« Reply #108 on: August 19, 2016, 12:14:07 PM »
(Places head on desk slowly) Arisa...
I vote her off the island! I believe the children could be grown and maxing that career faster than Arisa seems to.

Also, don't you know that in order to become a dancer you can't use aid like Patriarch, silly Nio! You have to do it all by yourself! ;) Just kidding, you probably just got a stroke of bad luck there!

Now, I don't play the Sims 4, can you explain the issue with the tent thing? Is it hard to get him to sleep in it? Or is the counter broken? Sorry if I'm missing something obvious, I was just curious myself.
Anyways, what a fabulous update! I certainly needed some brightness in my life! :D

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Mori Legacy: A Gluttonous Gal (new 08/18b)
« Reply #109 on: August 19, 2016, 12:53:13 PM »

About the Patriarch trait, I didn't realize before that it didn't work with all skills. Now I do. :-D

I know I'm making a big deal about the tent sleeping. I've only ever completed once before but have given up on it several times.
Basically, you send the sim to sleep in the tent when he's sleepy and there's a counter that triggers only when he's had a full night of sleep in the tent.
The first night, he somehow woke up before the game considered him to have slept a full night.
Since then, I've been running the sim ragged (into the red zone) before sending him off to the tent, as you'll see in the next update.

More silliness than brightness, but thank you!

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Mori Legacy: A Gluttonous Gal (new 08/18b)
« Reply #110 on: August 19, 2016, 02:01:59 PM »
I love how Arisa and Lucas in that picture are both like, "Meh." Show some enthusiasm, girl! For something besides fruit salad! It's either Lucas or electric shock at this point! Sheesh!

Many congratulations to Nami and Zach on the new baby and Nami on maxing her career. I love Zach cleaning up the delivery room. Sim Dads will do anything to avoid actually witnessing the birth!

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: The Mori Legacy: A Gluttonous Gal (new 08/18b)
« Reply #111 on: August 19, 2016, 03:24:23 PM »

About the Patriarch trait, I didn't realize before that it didn't work with all skills. Now I do. :-D

I know I'm making a big deal about the tent sleeping. I've only ever completed once before but have given up on it several times.
Basically, you send the sim to sleep in the tent when he's sleepy and there's a counter that triggers only when he's had a full night of sleep in the tent.
The first night, he somehow woke up before the game considered him to have slept a full night.
Since then, I've been running the sim ragged (into the red zone) before sending him off to the tent, as you'll see in the next update.

More silliness than brightness, but thank you!
Thank you kindly for the explanation, Oshizu! I don't always understand the Sims 4 stuff as I only ever dallied with the base game for a minute amount of time and so all of the expansion stuff is foreign to me. I hope that you're able to conquer that silly Tent aspiration. My fingers are crossed for you!

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Offline oshizu

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The Mori Legacy: Party Poopers
« Reply #112 on: August 20, 2016, 12:47:12 AM »
And here I was trying to put a positive spin on Zach's tidying up the delivery room! lol

Zach appreciates your vote of confidence!

2.16 The Mori Legacy: Party Poopers

Week 9/Friday

Watchette/W: As the loading screen opens after our return from the hospital, I discover Zach sleeping in Nao’s bed downstairs.
Oh no you don’t, Zach! I rudely awake him and tell him to go chat with his wife.

W: When he tries heading for a bed again, I turn him around to go for a jog. Don’t come back until you’re dead tired, you hear?
I want you to spend one entire night sleeping in the tent. It’s now 1:30 a.m.

Nio: When I check Arisa at work, she's very close to a promotion so I quickly switch our club vibe to Playful.
Arisa: And I come home a Level 7 Rising Comedian!
Kaoru: Keep it up, Arisa! Only 3 more levels to go. You can do it!
Arisa: Let me get working on my daily task before I get distracted.


Zach: I make a nice breakfast this morning but why is it so hard for everyone to sit down together?
Kaoru: I hear you slept your first entire night in the tent. Good work!
Zach: Ugh, feels like it’s going to take forever. I’d rather be sleeping with my wife, you know!
Sora: I finished all my aspirations except Social Butterfly. Since we never go anywhere, it’s hard to make enough friends!
Nao: Same here, I’ve done the same three aspirations.
Kaoru: But since you’re active, Nao, you might do one of the Athletic careers. You should really try to finish Social Butterfly, both of you!
Sora: Let’s start a club with Marci, Felicity, and Maribel!

Nio: By the way, Paolo passed away last night. Doreen must be really sad.

Kaoru: Let’s throw your wedding party now, Nio. You don’t work until 1 a.m. tonight!
Nio: I’ll definitely hit Level 10 Oracle tonight, so it would be sweet to get married to Lyric right before work!
Nami: Well, what are you waiting for? Phone it in, bro!

Nio: Lyric looks breathtaking in her black bridal gown!
Nami: I’ve never seen my brother Nio looking quite so demure!

Arisa: Awww, Lyric looks so very happy!
Hey, where have some of the guests gone?
Kaoru: They’re hoping to use the computers or massage tables. Don’t worry—Watchette’s moved them all into a locked room.

Nio: The usual shot of the exchanging of wedding cake!
Kaoru: May you and Lyric enjoy many happy sim-days together!

Arisa: Hubba hubba, Dad! Who’s that handsome hunk sitting next to you? Would you please introduce me?
Kaoru: This is Wendell Behr. I recently discovered that he’s the son of Candy Behr.
The young adult Wendell is your half-brother, however, so he’s off limits to you.
Nami: What? You gave Mom grief about her affair with Frank and you yourself had a love child?

Kaoru: After I completed Soulmate with your mother, Watchette coerced me into also completing Serial Romantic.
The tenth point in the Legacy score’s Love category is earned by a single sim completing both of these aspirations.
I ran into Candy at Narwhal Arms and all the aspiration required was that we share a First Kiss and she become my girlfriend.
But Candy was extremely, how shall I phrase it, persuasive.

Nami: Anyway, now that Nio’s off to work and we’re all productively engaged, I’d like to ask your opinion of Nio’s wedding party.
Kaoru: Even though Nio and Lyric looked ecstatic and the party earned a gold medal, it had to be the worst in our history.
Nami: I agree, Dad. I wish Watchette would make us a lockable party room. Once the guests enter, they do not leave the room.
Kaoru: In fact, I wish we had two-way locks! A guest could enter the venue but they could not leave!
Well, at least, not until we ended the party…

Nami: I learned something new about babies and parties, too! During a party, I should keep the baby in a locked room only accessible to Zach and me.
Kaoru: Really? Why?
Nami: Whenever Hana cried, Doreen and all the children ran over to her but wouldn’t breast feed Hana or change her dirty diaper.
However, if any sim queued an interaction with Hana before I did, they prevented me from taking care of Hana’s needs. It was a nightmare.

Kaoru: Despite all our party woes, though, I’m glad to see Nio happily wed. You Gen2 kids have made so many sacrifices for this legacy!

Week 10/Sunday

Kaoru: I’ve also learned something new about myself lately.
I love having a husband and children. I don’t want to add to the scheduling confusion by keeping my job.
Also, Dad will be moving out soon, so I’m thinking about adding a secondary spouse to be a pollinator.
What do you think?  And tonight’s Guys’ Night Out so we can go a-hunting!
W: The pickings seem extremely slim. I do have a personal favorite with odd traits, but great looks. We do need unique traits, though, right?

Sora: Meanwhile, I can now Troll Teh Forums! Who needs Social Butterfly when you’re a Klepto, you know what I mean?
W: Nio, then Isabelle and Frank, and now you, Sora. Can we please get a break from skilling Mischief?
*checks to see if any remaining careers require Mischief.  Nope! *sighs with relief

Sora: Hey, I only need two adult friends to finish Social Butterly! I should finish it, right?
Nami: You’re so close! You definitely should!

Arisa: Our first two generations have completed so many skills and aspirations that I don’t even know why I bother to work on Bodybuilder!
I realize I’m slow to act and that I’m a glutton, but I have always been a dutiful daughter.
Dad will probably move out (where?) before receiving his first notice from Grim.
Nio will move in with Lyric and their girls. But what do I want to do and where will I go?
Maybe I’ll just move in with Dad somewhere. I don’t want him to live alone in his old age.

Kaoru: And I’m playing guitar in the kitchen because?
Nami: Exactly! You and Patriarch are helping me max Homestyle and Gourmet Cooking!
Kaoru: Hey, Nio gets back in an hour and no one else is working today. We can finally go out to eat once Zach wakes up!

Nami: Well, well! Someone looks insanely happy this morning! Congrats on maxing Oracle, bro!
Nio: Thanks, sis! You know, I’ve checked our skills and you’ve got mentoring covered without me. I’m ready to move out, yo!
Nami: Not so fast! We’re waiting on Zach to earn his second night of tent-sleeping then we’re all going out to eat.
Nio: Huh? It’s only his second night so far?
Nami: Please, don’t ask! Also, you’ve written a Book of Life for Nao since you two are BFFs but could you also write one for Zach, Sora, and Hana before you go?
Nio: No problem! I’ll start right now then wait for Hana to age up tomorrow.
W: Would you please write one for Marci Primley, too?

Nao: I just maxed Social so I’m going to try for Social Butterfly, too.
I invite Marci Primley over and hope we can become friends.
W: I might have given a little squee at how cute they look together. And notice how Nao’s left eye is slightly narrower than his left eye.

Nami: While waiting for Zach to wake up, Watchette has started to build a sunken garden similar, in concept, to the one in her previous Immortal Dynasty.
Obviously, it’s not finished yet but the garden is now subterranean.

Zach: One nice thing about this tent milestone, I actually get a full night’s sleep while the others are slaving away!
Two nights down, three more to go! I want to be done with this tent before returning to Granite Falls to collect the 15 insects!

Kaoru: And we're all off to the Iyashi Restaurant in Newcrest.
Because of how Iyashi is positioned on this lot, we all trample through the sand garden on our way to the restaurant’s entrance.
W: This is a no-cc version of my Shimuzu remodeling that the Sanadas frequented in their Apocalypse Challenge.

Nio: That’s it, everyone! Take a photo of your meal! That’s what we came for!
Nao: Grandpa invited Ms. Elsa Bjergsen along and she becomes my friend. I hear Uncle Nio whispering that Grandpa has his eyes on her, whatever that means.
Sora: Mom says Ms. Bjergsen’s a detective so I better not “enthuse about the thrill of the steal” to her, eh?

Zach: At 8:19 pm, we get a message that it’s Hana’s birthday, but we’re still waiting on our main course.
Don’t forget to take your photos!  After that, more eating and less talking, folks!


After waiting in vain until 11 p.m., we realize we need to re-order our main course.
We’re finally served our third and final course at 2 a.m. What terrible service!
On the plus side, with seven of us snapping photos, we do complete our collection of Experimental Food Photos!

Nami: As soon as I get home, I age Hana up. A Creative Rambunctious Scamp, she immediately runs off to the space gym.
Zach: My Energy’s already in the yellow zone, but Watchette sends me on a jog (push the limits) before letting me sleep in the tent. What a slave driver!

Zach: Like our sons, Hana (which means “flower”) also has my narrow eyes.
Occasionally, I make an expression where I involuntarily squint my left eye; all three children share this as well.
Nami: Hana is in dire need of a makeover but not until after Zach wakes up so as not to refill his Energy bar. *sighs
Her most fascinating feature is that she's the only one of us so far to have inherited Dad’s violet eyes.

Nio: Speaking of Dad, he forms a club for two with Elsa Bjergsen then autonomously offers her a fertility massage. Good thinking, Dad.
Let’s go ahead and claim The Lighthouse as a Mori stronghold!
Arisa: Maybe I’d like living with Dad after all…and by the way, Nio, you can't move out before me!
Nio: Why not?
Arisa: Because you were voted the cadet!


Before a party is thrown at the house, I need to lock away all the computers and massage tables as well as place paintings to fill the easels.
Otherwise the party guests and hosts will not stay in the main party area to wine, dine, and socialize.
Am I the only simmer who must strong-arm their sims to party? Nio’s wedding party was really the worst.

The Household

I really want to move out Arisa, but she's still only a Level 7 Comedian, so she'll have to wait.
Kaoru the founder, who is roughly a 4-day-old elder, will be moving out in several days. 

This leaves seven sims in the household. Nami, Zach, their three children, Nio, and Arisa.
I thought of importing a pollinator and found two very attractive prospects in the Gallery, then realized I’d prefer saving them for my future heirs’ primary/secondary spouses.

The Household (once Kaoru moves out)
Zach (11 days to elder): Needs 3 more tent nights to complete Outdoor Enthusiast
Nio (19 days to elder): Maxed his career and many aspirations; he can quit his job and mentor
Arisa (3 days to adult): Level 7 Comedian; if Kaoru moves out in 2 days, she could have a baby daddy…
Nami (12 days to adult): Maxed her career and 21 skills; she can quit her job and cruise
Sora (4 days to teen): finishes all 4 aspirations after making 1 more adult friend
Naoki (7 days to teen): finishes all 4 aspirations after making 2 more child friends (Nio’s girls?)
Hana (13 days to teen): anyone’s guess but first she needs a makeover

The first two generations have worked so hard that Gen3 might actually be able to take it easy!  ;D

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Mori Legacy: Party Poopers (new 08/19)
« Reply #113 on: August 20, 2016, 01:09:28 PM »
Wow! What an action-packed chapter!
Nio looks so handsome in his Oracle outfit. I almost regret not voting for him as heir.
That baby thing drives me absolutely crazy! I once invited a sim over and had to watch the baby scream and wail while the invited sim walked all the way down the street, into the house, and up to the bassinet. I immediately asked him to leave.
Arisa is too funny. The one guy she's attracted to is her half-brother. I think moving her out with her Dad is a sweet idea.
The kids are all adorable. I love the picture of Nao and Marci cloudgazing!
Your sunken garden is really coming along, too. I love the pool walls.
I wish I had some advice to offer about parties. I've given up on controlling any sims other than my own, and even that doesn't always work. :/

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Re: The Mori Legacy: Party Poopers (new 08/19)
« Reply #114 on: August 20, 2016, 02:45:00 PM »

I'd actually voted for Nio as heir with Nami as cadet. But considering Nami's great (score-wise) options for primary and secondary spouses, ending with Zach, it's worked out for the best.
Well, I wanted to take/show more wedding photos but all the guests were in the computer rooms, even the bride, even after I locked up the computers!

If I want to earn all 10 points in the Popularity category, I'll need to throw 931 more social events (including dates), so I'd like to improve my parties.
Not that I'm expecting to earn all 10 points--that would be like 37 gold-medal dates/parties per generation!

I didn't have this problem (as much) with scattering guests when throwing parties indoors. *Thinks about an easy way to lock up all the rooms except the party area....

Haha, and putting the baby in a locked room during parties--I must sound like a complete control freak.   :(

Offline Joria

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Re: The Mori Legacy: Party Poopers (new 08/19)
« Reply #115 on: August 20, 2016, 03:48:47 PM »
So, what does the Patriarch trait do? 

About the tent, it is easier to keep them in it if you put everyone to sleep at the same time and if he is married whoo hoo in the tent and put both to sleep there.  Plus I noticed it doesn't count sleeping in the day the same as sleeping at night.  I usually have mine sleep while at Granite Falls because you can't use club things there anyway so makes it easier.

To keep wedding guests around I use the fence thing that looks like a VIP rope.  I also use it to keep the bride and groom in place and to prevent photo bombing.  It keeps everyone where they need to be and looks better than walls or regular fences. It's also easy to open up a spot if you want someone to go somewhere else.  Once the party is over I just hammer them all.

In Arisa's defense, I think her chosen career is one of the harder ones to deal with.  You have to be so careful to not make them TOO playful and it just takes forever.  That glutton trait is so unattractive even for someone as pretty as Arisa.

How did you make the sunken garden?  I love it. 

Is the restaurant in the gallery?  I seldom look through it as most things are off limits to a dynasty anyway and the Maxis ones are just not that terrific.  How did you get everyone to take a picture of the food?  I have yet to send my Sims to a restaurant.

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: The Mori Legacy: Party Poopers (new 08/19)
« Reply #116 on: August 20, 2016, 05:11:52 PM »

Patriarch is the reward trait for completing the Big Happy Family aspiration.
The Patriarch's own description says: "Patriarchs provide skill boosts whenever they're around their children.
When the founder Kaoru plays guitar in the kitchen, for example, his daughter gets a Happy +1 Parental Guidance moodlet plus she skills super quickly.
Too bad Kaoru got it so late, but it requires one child to max an adult career. It's great for early in an ID, in my opinion.

Zach's slept 3 nights now. I've taken him out of the household clubs. We can't go to Granite Falls or Arisa would lose her Playful mood for work. He's almost there!

Oh the VIP rope! No wonder your weddings always looks so spacious yet organized! I'll be trying it next time.
What a brilliant idea to use the VIP ropes--I've seen you use it for taking pictures in front of the wedding arch.

Arisa's Comedian career and Detective have to be my least-liked careers. Comedian because, as you say, the danger of hysteria; Detective, because it's glitchy (where's my perp?)
Now that her siblings have maxed and quit their jobs, I can focus more on Arisa.
Haha, I heard a noise like a dog chomping his kibble and when I panned the camera, it was Arisa scarfing.

For the sunken garden, I made a regular basement room, then moved up to the first floor and deleted the basement room's ceiling.
Part of me wants my sims to live in a lovely house like yours and other simmers on this forum; another part of me is too lazy. Like I got very excited about the pool, then, eh.

Hehe, I don't really feel any of my creations Gallery-worthy. I've never uploaded anything.
When the food is served at a restaurant that serves experimental food (Shimuzu, Chez Llama), your sims will have two options:
1) eat and learn experimental food; and
2) take photo of experimental food

When the waiter serves the food, my sims immediately want to chow down, but I cancel that and make them take a photo first.
Joria, you must take your sims to Chez Llama or Shimuzu! Your founder is a foodie!  ;D

Oops, that turned into a really long response, haha.

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Re: The Mori Legacy: Party Poopers (new 08/19)
« Reply #117 on: August 20, 2016, 10:42:26 PM »
Oh man, that just seems tedious with the tent sleeping! I can't wait to see Hana all aged and made-over, but she's gorgeous now! Purple eyes for the win (looks at Anne affectionately)!
Do restaurants usually have that much trouble with food, or is it just the size of your household? I've seen a lot of people complaining about the timing that comes with it and I'm mostly just curious.
Oh, and thank you for always indulging my random Sims 4 questions.
Arisa... Arisa... she's... crawling to the finish.
Ugh, I'm rooting for you, Oshizu.

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Re: The Mori Legacy: Party Poopers (new 08/19)
« Reply #118 on: August 20, 2016, 11:14:46 PM »
The food needing to be re-ordered was partly my fault. *blushes
When my sims were almost ready with the first course, I had one of them go ahead and order the second course.
But then one of the sims kept talking instead of eating, so they got the message that the food couldn't be served until the dishes were cleared.
So they finished eating, then waited and waited, not realizing the second course had actually been cancelled (poorly worded notification there, restaurant!).
At this point, they re-ordered the second course but after stupidly waiting a long time!

They'd gotten a notice that baby Hana was ready to age up, so I became impatient.
If I'd waited until everyone had finished or moved that last plate off the table before ordering the second course, things would have been fine.
A three-course meal with 8 sims does take time, but sims needing to raise Social/Charisma or make friends can enjoy a captive audience. I love the restaurants!

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Re: The Mori Legacy: Operation "Storm the Lighthouse"
« Reply #119 on: August 21, 2016, 03:01:03 PM »
Sorry for so much romancing in this chapter, folks. I blame it on the changing household size.

2.17 The Mori Legacy: Operation "Storm The Lighthouse”

Week 10/Monday

W: Our intrepid Outdoor Enthusiast embarks on a third night of sleeping in a tent. Will he make it?
Nami: He darn better make it! Besides being my sweetheart baby daddy, his only responsibilities are to complete Outdoor Enthusiast and help raise our children.

Arisa: I finish a portrait of Zach that I’d started yesterday.
Nio: But Zach doesn’t need to be memorialized for the legacy score! Nami's primary spouse is Nehemiah Asher!
Arisa: For scoring, you’re right. But for the sake of aesthetics, the legacy museum will hang a portrait of Zach.
Your biography of Nehemiah is sufficient. Ain’t no one got time to paint a portrait of dat.

Nio: I’ve been tasked with an ever-increasing number of Books of Life. I only have three left now.
I wish I could move out already but I was voted the cadet heir.
Arisa: Why do you want to move out before I do?
Nio: Well, you’re taking up space in the house by not maxing your career, sis.
Arisa: But Dad and I should leave while you stay here.  That’s what everyone voted.
Nio: I know, especially since I’m the only one who can write the Book of Life. *sighs

Nio: Dad seems to be making great progress with his “Operation Storm The Lighthouse.”
I guess Elsa’s taking the day off work to chill with Dad. He sure looks good for an elder.

Elsa: Get in that bush, lover boy! *swats
Arisa: I’m thinking I’ll take that first-floor bedroom with the pink Princess Cordelia bed…Was it originally Elsa's?
Grrrr, I need to hurry and max my career! Dad’s not going to live forever!

Nio: We have a new maid who is very attractive—our new gardener, not so much.

Nio: The gardener is a bit creepy, if you ask me.
He tells us that he’s all done in our garden, then runs up to the backyard to gawk at the heart-gushing bush.
Kaoru: Hey, gardener…do you mind?
Nio: Our maid is perfect but can we request a different gardener?

Hana: Sadly, Rambunctious Scamp is the only aspiration where mentoring doesn’t work!
Nami: That’s not true! Coaching swimming gives a child up to Level 5 Fitness when they age up to a teen!
Let’s ask Watchette to build us a pool! We haven’t had one since our indoor pool got removed.
W: Hana really does have violet eyes! And I completely forgot about “coaching swimming” for active Nao. He would benefit from ageing with Fitness points already! A pool, pronto! *waves magic wand

Hana: So I see an old man who Mom says is my grandpa in the living room.
He’s jumping up and down and squee’ing with this stranger lady. Very undignified for a grandpa, if you ask me!
Nami: Hush, Hana! Your grandfather lost his wife some time ago and deserves to find companionship in his silver years!
Hana: Okay, if you say so. I’m still not going to let him read to me!

Kaoru: Zach doesn’t wake up and emerge from his tent until 11 p.m.
Zach: All that time we wasted at the restaurant really messed with my sleeping schedule.
Kaoru: Well, great job on your third night in the tent—only two more to go now.
Nio: I hope It’s okay that I invited Marci over—I wanted to bind a Book of Life to her.
Nami: Thanks so much, Nio!

Kaoru: I’ve been waiting for you to wake up, Zach, to show you this. *shows photo
Do you know this dark-haired woman sitting with Moira and Morgan Fyres?
Zach: Why, yes, of course! That’s Tammy Haskins! Why do you have this photo of her?
K: On my first day of this legacy, I went looking for a wife and met Tammy at Magnolia Blossom Park.
I ruled her out only because she was already an adult.
Z: And she was already happily married with a young boy, so thank you for not stealing my mother!
K: It’s a small world, isn’t it? The Mori and Haskins bloodlines ended up merging after all!

Hana: I let Grandpa coach me in swimming after all because he asks so nicely. I’m Level 8 Motor now and am almost finished with Rambunctious Scamp!
Nao: I’ve already done Rambunctious Scamp, but Mom’s coaching me to see how it affects my fitness later, since I’m an Active sim.
W: The pool cries out for a surrounding patio area, but not today.
Nao: You bought that new stuff pack, Watchette! Where’s our water slide, huh?

Nio: When Dad plays the new Grim’s Ghoulish Guitar, he gets that cloud of black smoke around his feet like the Grim Reaper does!
I hope that’s not unhealthy!


Nio: With the restaurant, Hana ageing up, and dad’s move, everyone completely forgets my birthday!
W: Sorry, Nio, but look on the bright side! We threw you a wedding three days ago!
Nio: Speaking of marriage, Dad’s Operation Storm the Lighthouse is a wrap.
After eloping with The Lighthouse keeper, he moved in with Elsa (who really needs a makeover) this morning.
Nami: Nio, you're right about Dad looking great as an elder! Hey, where are the yoga mats?
Nio: Watchette had to remove them because Arisa was insisting on practicing yoga during Dad’s proposal and their elopement.
Nami: Typical Arisa!

Nami: Well, aren’t we feeling wildly enthusiastic this morning! Want to share the good news?
Arisa: I joined Garden Gnomes the other day then took over as leader. We’re having a club gathering now.
Also, Dad’s moved out, so there’s room for me to have a nooboo, like Nio and Nami!
Nami: You and Lucas are that friendly already?
Arisa: A girl needs to explore her options, you know?

Nami: Wow, Lucas and I could only try for baby once before the option greyed out!

W: Because every pregnant sim deserves at least one “Eating for Two” screenshot! Congrats, Arisa!
(Note that Arisa and her child will move out when Arisa does. Or does the child have to stay until they're a teen?)


Nio: Today I hit Level 5 Tech Guru and complete Computer Whiz, so I can quit that job!
Arisa: I reached Level 8 Comedian yesterday! Only two more levels! *sighs
Sora: Nao and I stayed home today from school and worked on our skills.
Nao: Staying home for skilling is not really a day off!
Hana: I got my first B in school!
Zach: I’ve slept four nights in that tent and hope tonight’s the last night! Then off to Granite Falls!
W: While Nio enthralls the children with a dramatic story, Arisa gazes longingly at…Zach then asks for a sports massage?!
Arisa, ask your brother Nio for a massage, not your brother-in-law, you idiot! (Besides Zach, Nio and Nami also have maxed Wellness.)
Once she finishes Comedian, she and her child are history. Go live with Lucas, girl!


Zachi: Today, I wake from my fifth night of sleeping in the tent. Hallelujah! After dinner, we leave for a short trip to Granite Falls.
Our resident Mr. Sticky Fingers liberates a walking stick from the Ranger’s Station in the National Park.
W: This is the first time I’ve EVER had a Walking Stick in an insects collection. I wish I’d thought of this sooner, hehe!


Zach: I’ve found only 9 of the needed 15 insects after checking the Campground and National Park last night, so we’ll need to return.
Hana has school this morning, so we wake very up early to celebrate Sora’s teen birthday in our campground lodge.
Nami: Thanks for making a birthday cake, Arisa!

Zach: Happy birthday, Sora!
Nami: Sora ages up to a rather nice-looking teen but his traits! Oh dear!

Sora: Adding to my Kleptomaniac trait, I roll the Insane trait and the Mixologist aspiration.

Watcher’s Remarks

I’ve never played a sim with traits like Sora.
Since I’m allowed to move children out once they reach the teen stage, I’m wondering if I want to move Sora out so Nami and Zach can have another child.
Something to think about while I prepare to upload this chapter.

Also, I’d like to explain the importance of a mixologist. There are two points in the Food category specifically related to the mixologist career and aspiration:
•   Complete both food aspirations in a single generation (can be different sims); and
•   Reach the top of both food careers.
I definitely want a capable mixologist.

Also, can anyone tell me? I know I need to keep the heir's children in the house until they're teens but does that also apply to a spare's children? *groans

To the next chapter