Author Topic: Deidre McMillan (DV maid) Perfect Genetics Dynasty - Yes, Ma'am!  (Read 33220 times)

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Deidre McMillan (DV maid) Perfect Genetics Dynasty - Babe? He's Green?!
« Reply #15 on: August 18, 2016, 08:16:12 PM »
Oh man... is he really that dense? Poor Deidre... she picked a winner! Haha.
I wish you the best of luck with getting the right genetics - now as for skintone, skintone varies a lot in shades. Do you want the color to match perfectly or do you just want them to be somewhere on the green slider?
Meanwhile, I'm excited to learn more about the Valley with Deidre in hopes of uncovering an heir to this legacy!

Offline Nienor

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Re: Deidre McMillan (DV maid) Perfect Genetics Dynasty - Babe? He's Green?!
« Reply #16 on: August 19, 2016, 07:40:46 AM »
Oh man... is he really that dense? Poor Deidre... she picked a winner! Haha.
I wish you the best of luck with getting the right genetics - now as for skintone, skintone varies a lot in shades. Do you want the color to match perfectly or do you just want them to be somewhere on the green slider?
Meanwhile, I'm excited to learn more about the Valley with Deidre in hopes of uncovering an heir to this legacy!
Yes - or at least I imagine his to be. It's the only way I can see him blindly obeying Deidre's whims as all good dynasty husbands should.
I'm not bothering about the shade of green on the slider that much, I don't want this to be impossible!
As for the learning about the Valley... a lot of it's language will be coming up in the next few chapters, it will be interesting to see if anyone can guess what it is in real life!
I have finally updated all my links - thanks again for that  :D
If you're bored, try my Perfect Genetics Legacy thingy.
Deidre McMillan's (DV Maid) Perfect Genetics Dynasty
If you're not, go and read the Silmarillion, until you are bored, then read my story.

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Offline Nienor

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Training The Younglings
Also Known as: Why Are People Upset About Toddlers Not Being Included in Sims 4?

The day following the toddlers' birth heralded the start of a new era: The Fourth Age of Middle Earth The age where no one knew what the day even was, and fell asleep on the floor.
(Trust me, this happened much too often for my liking.)
Croeso Readers! Yes, it is I, Deidre McMillan, the greatest author in Simnation, who, daringly and courageously escaped from an army of bloodthirsty dragons sent to kill her. Now, she is struggling with a far harder challenge, bringing up triplets to be accomplished Sims, and commanding her dense husband. (This would be an amazing blurb - if blogs had blurbs.)

Let's begin with the start of the day, children screaming for food, and my frightened husband running away to work - that is until I stopped him and declared that he would have to take a holiday and help raise the children.
'Yes, ma'am'

We prepared our home, buying potties and cribs and objects to better themselves, such as a peg box and xylophone, items that only the most doting of parents would usually acquire, unless their children were the heirs of a race or dynasty.

So, it began.
The endless torment of waking up throughout the night (especially for a light sleeper), to feed a child, change his/her nappy, snuggle or place them in their crib.
The days when neither Hal nor I had a minute of peace, and were constantly stressed and depressed.
The days when we realised the true meaning of evil is not one that appears foul or terrifying, but one that first tricks one into the belief that it is cute and innocent.
I decided, with Hal's 'consent' that he would be the one to teach the children to walk and use the ..., well the main part of their childhood that I did not wish to partake in. I, on the other hand, would masterfully teach them to speak both of our languages with ease and fluency, and help them with skills such by reading to them, that would go on to make them accomplished people.
Real life did not quite follow this plan.

Days 1 and 2 of the Triplets
Being the considerate and hard-working person that I am, I instantly set out, whilest I was still moderately happy, to teach my eldest daughter to speak. This I finished in only a few hours, however she picked up Simlish extremely quickly, (like myself at school), however struggled slightly with the Valley Language. She has obviously inherited more than her looks from my husband. Nevertheless, due to my skill and abilities, she eventually picked it up, although she struggles with some of the vowel sounds still.

'Say: Dwi'n gallu siarad Dyffrynaeg yn dda iawn.'
'Do-een hoffee gashlee sharad... Duv-rin-ag in tha ee-ow...n'

After her, I moved on to Teague, so that I knew competently how to teach two languages by the time I reached Michael.

However, it seems that Hal, the bane of my existence, was attempting to kill either himself or the children. Why cannot he cook waffles!

He obviously intended to make it up to me by helping with the children, although clearly forgot what our 'agreement' was - and started to teach Michael to talk.

I was just about to start yelling at him, when we received a visitor. It seems Hal had forgotten to pay our taxes, and a repoman had come to possess some of my possessions.

Luckily, there was very little for him to take, and my house hardly achieves high household expenses, so he consented to just take the kitchen bin and a ceiling light. It might also have helped that he was attracted to me (how could he not be?)

I filled the rest of my day with successfully teaching Eleanor to walk.

As well as beginning to teach Teague.

And where was my beloved husband during all this back-breaking labour? He had run outside and fainted following the repoman. I then shouted at him, telling him how he needed to do more for his family, and to help teach the children. Unfortunately, he took 'teaching the children' as 'finish training Michael to talk'.

Day 3
I woke up at... an unusual time, due to Teague screaming for nourishment. I honestly think the Watcher hates me, and has only given a light sleeper triplets, so that she can suffer.

Hal began to teach Michael to walk, whilst Eleanor prepared for a lifetime as a musician with the xylophone, which she swiftly mastered due to her virtuoso temperament,

I had to finish teaching Michael though, as Hal selfishly decided that preventing himself from starving took priority over the future elven race.

Potty training for Teague was started and completed by Hal (which neither of them seemed very pleased about).

As well as for Michael and Eleanor.

Finally, the children were trained, and soon skilling will start properly.
See you next time!
Deidre McMillan

'NO - There's more?! Not skilling! Please Babe, have mercy - no, you can't let them have a xylophone. Anything but that annoying pinging noise!'

Next Chapter:
Gray Is So Not My Favorite Color
If you're bored, try my Perfect Genetics Legacy thingy.
Deidre McMillan's (DV Maid) Perfect Genetics Dynasty
If you're not, go and read the Silmarillion, until you are bored, then read my story.

Offline PJHP1243

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Re: Deidre McMillan (DV maid) Perfect Genetics Dynasty - Babe? He's Green?!
« Reply #18 on: August 19, 2016, 09:48:04 AM »
Hi! I'm PJHP1243. I've been reading your story and it's great! We seem to have a lot in common. The perfect genetics challenge is really fun! I'm doing it too.
Oh my. Hal really didn't notice her hair? Ha ha!
Especially here:
"I noticed Hal just staring and staring at the child, for about ten minutes, before remarking:
'Babe? He's green!?"
Great job so far!
stories coming soon... my sims 3 is working again!
I am a pro lurker. If you are reading this right now, I have most likely read your story. Maybe I'll comment. No promises...

Offline Nienor

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Hi! I'm PJHP1243. I've been reading your story and it's great! We seem to have a lot in common. The perfect genetics challenge is really fun! I'm doing it too.
Oh my. Hal really didn't notice her hair? Ha ha!
Especially here:
"I noticed Hal just staring and staring at the child, for about ten minutes, before remarking:
'Babe? He's green!?"
Great job so far!

Thanks PJHP1243! No sim seemed to find it odd that Deidre looked completely different to the rest of them, so I tried to work that into the story  :).
I didn't know you were doing a perfect genetics challenge! (I've only read a couple before, and did it because it didn't require points) - I assume that's the one in your signature, so I'll go and check it out now!
If you're bored, try my Perfect Genetics Legacy thingy.
Deidre McMillan's (DV Maid) Perfect Genetics Dynasty
If you're not, go and read the Silmarillion, until you are bored, then read my story.

Offline LivvieLove

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  • "Sh! Be quiet! The nutters are out to get me."
Oh my gosh, I love how this last chapter was written. It really encompasses the 'new parent' feel. Poor Deidre. Her husband really is something else...
I must say I love the 'Valley' Language and I'll be interested to see which of the children embrace the heritage the most as they get older.

Can I just say how priceless the picture of Deidre extinguishing a fire while looking at her husband like "REALLY?!"
I laughed a lot at it. ;D

Offline Nienor

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Oh my gosh, I love how this last chapter was written. It really encompasses the 'new parent' feel. Poor Deidre. Her husband really is something else...
I must say I love the 'Valley' Language and I'll be interested to see which of the children embrace the heritage the most as they get older.

Can I just say how priceless the picture of Deidre extinguishing a fire while looking at her husband like "REALLY?!"
I laughed a lot at it. ;D

Yes I adore that picture too! I'll probably use it for my profile when I finally get around to it  ::)
As for the Valley language, I've decided I might as well give it away, as it's unlikely that anyone will ever guess it. Unlike you and Tolkien, I can't make up my own language, so used an existing one.
You can probably get from my spelling that I'm English, however my grandfather was from the South Wales Valleys (Wales is a country in Britain by the way), and I can speak a fair amount of Welsh (mainly because I have too much time on my hands).
The only problem is that only about 650,000 people can speak it, so all the translation services are really bad, and therefore no one will have any idea what it means, so I'm trying to keep it to the minimum at the moment. As for the future, we'll see...
If you're bored, try my Perfect Genetics Legacy thingy.
Deidre McMillan's (DV Maid) Perfect Genetics Dynasty
If you're not, go and read the Silmarillion, until you are bored, then read my story.

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Offline LivvieLove

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  • "Sh! Be quiet! The nutters are out to get me."
Yes I adore that picture too! I'll probably use it for my profile when I finally get around to it  ::)
As for the Valley language, I've decided I might as well give it away, as it's unlikely that anyone will ever guess it. Unlike you and Tolkien, I can't make up my own language, so used an existing one.
You can probably get from my spelling that I'm English, however my grandfather was from the South Wales Valleys (Wales is a country in Britain by the way), and I can speak a fair amount of Welsh (mainly because I have too much time on my hands).
The only problem is that only about 650,000 people can speak it, so all the translation services are really bad, and therefore no one will have any idea what it means, so I'm trying to keep it to the minimum at the moment. As for the future, we'll see...
Oh! I've always wanted to visit Wales. I'm plain ol' American, born and raised in cornfields so visiting Europe always seems so exotic to me.
Anyways, for Nym? I've got a bit of a secret.
It is a language I made up, yes; but it's a mashup of several languages. Most of them being several forms of Elvish with a bit of Latin (as I can read and used to be able to speak Latin, I'm rusty now). It's not something I just slopped together though, which is what it always sounds like when I say 'I combined x and x languages to make it.' I actually came up with a system of endings and ways of combining words to make what I want to say, so that I am proud of. XD
I say you should feel free to add in Welsh where you'd like!
Hey, perhaps you can always throw in a translation guide for us newbies who can't speak a lick of Welsh. ;D I love learning new languages. I'd love to learn Gaelic if possible, eventually.
Everyone laughs because I'll never use it, but... I love it so much.

Offline Nienor

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Oh! I've always wanted to visit Wales. I'm plain ol' American, born and raised in cornfields so visiting Europe always seems so exotic to me.
Anyways, for Nym? I've got a bit of a secret.
It is a language I made up, yes; but it's a mashup of several languages. Most of them being several forms of Elvish with a bit of Latin (as I can read and used to be able to speak Latin, I'm rusty now). It's not something I just slopped together though, which is what it always sounds like when I say 'I combined x and x languages to make it.' I actually came up with a system of endings and ways of combining words to make what I want to say, so that I am proud of. XD
I say you should feel free to add in Welsh where you'd like!
Hey, perhaps you can always throw in a translation guide for us newbies who can't speak a lick of Welsh. ;D I love learning new languages. I'd love to learn Gaelic if possible, eventually.
Everyone laughs because I'll never use it, but... I love it so much.
Go for it LivvieLove! Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic, even Manx Gaelic - who cares how useless they are? That just makes them more fun!
Maybe you could add a bit about Nym and the patterns and grammar rules in the Book of Atalan?
And by Elvish, do you mean, like Sindarin and Queyna? Have you actually learnt them?
If you're bored, try my Perfect Genetics Legacy thingy.
Deidre McMillan's (DV Maid) Perfect Genetics Dynasty
If you're not, go and read the Silmarillion, until you are bored, then read my story.

Offline LivvieLove

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  • "Sh! Be quiet! The nutters are out to get me."
Go for it LivvieLove! Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic, even Manx Gaelic - who cares how useless they are? That just makes them more fun!
Maybe you could add a bit about Nym and the patterns and grammar rules in the Book of Atalan?
And by Elvish, do you mean, like Sindarin and Queyna? Have you actually learnt them?
I should add it there. I need to work on that guide more, and write more chapters... XD I have a list of things to do, it seems. ::)
Not that I mind doing any of them, I just always look at it like "there's always more to do." Haha!
Yes! Sindarin and Queyna and bits of other Elvhen. I do not speak it fluently, but I have learned bits and pieces here and there. I could hold minor conversation.
As for Gaelic, I'd probably do Irish Gaelic. I have a collection of useless languages I'm learning, I might as well go full-brigalia. ;D

Offline chetanhaobijam

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I have been reading this dynasty and it's great . So, following this story and waiting for next update.

Sent from my Micromax A94 using Tapatalk

Chetan's Designs(my Sims3 Creations)

Offline Nienor

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I have been reading this dynasty and it's great . So, following this story and waiting for next update.

Sent from my Micromax A94 using Tapatalk

I'm glad to see that you're enjoying the story Chet!
I sad to say though that I'm on holiday at the moment, and the wifi is really bad - so the next update will be in about a week when I get back.  You don't know how hard it's been to even reply to this. :-[

I should add it there. I need to work on that guide more, and write more chapters... XD I have a list of things to do, it seems. ::)
Not that I mind doing any of them, I just always look at it like "there's always more to do." Haha!
Yes! Sindarin and Queyna and bits of other Elvhen. I do not speak it fluently, but I have learned bits and pieces here and there. I could hold minor conversation.
As for Gaelic, I'd probably do Irish Gaelic. I have a collection of useless languages I'm learning, I might as well go full-brigalia. ;D
Sorry - I'm heaping more work onto your already burthened shoulders. Perhaps it's a good thing I'm away.  :)
This also means that I can't read anyone else's stories as the pictures won't load (so I'll have to wait for the amazingly long 'In the Nix of Time' update, that I've just seen. (It's not that I don't like it.) So  :-X from me for a little bit.
If you're bored, try my Perfect Genetics Legacy thingy.
Deidre McMillan's (DV Maid) Perfect Genetics Dynasty
If you're not, go and read the Silmarillion, until you are bored, then read my story.

Offline LivvieLove

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  • "Sh! Be quiet! The nutters are out to get me."
@Nienor Don't you even worry about it. Haha, I overburden myself I swear it and give myself long lists just for the purpose of complaining about it. :-X
Also enjoy your time away! My amazingly long Nix update was from 7 hours of playing straight. ::) That's just how I roll. I'll be excited to hear more from Deidre and the McMillans. I just love how calm Deidre is about everything, including her low-IQ, coward, Police-Officer Hubby. XD

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Gray Is So Not My Favorite Color

My ever-increasing subjects readers,
I am sorry for the delay in getting the story of my wonderful life up to you, my technological aid, or 'Niënor', as she calls herself, decided to take a holiday, meaning she could neither translate my entries from Dyffrynaeg to Simlish, nor post them onto this website. However, she has finally started pulling her weight, and without further ado, here is the newest chapter!

Days 4 and 5 of Constant Wailing
Hal taught Michael to play the xylophone, or 'annoying pinging thing', as penance for teaching him to talk without my permission, and he was successful in this, although I still fear the lasting effect his contact may have had on Michael. Only time will tell if this is true.
Eleanor, being the first to talk and walk, soon learnt the skills she could at home, without much help from her parents. Her metal capacities clearly come from the McMillan side of her family.

I thus left Hal to look after the other children, and Eleanor and I headed to the library.

We read together the measly eight books they had, but I she had to finish the last one on her own, as I was interrupted by a sudden feeling of nausea.

There was no time to worry about it though, Hal had told me about the lack of serious illnesses here, maybe I just accidentally ate something that Hal had cooked. It didn't matter, I had to get home quickly, as to move on to the next child. (And besides, I can't honestly say that I trust Hal alone with the children. He might step on them or something.)

Surprizingly, Hal informed me that everything had been 'cool' whilst I was away. I have no evidence of that, of course. Especially since this looked far from the case when I walked in.

I set to work on helping to train the younglings as quickly as I could.
Michael, being clearly the cleverest of my children, probably due to his prevalent Valley features, finished the peg box before Teague (with my help), however I was interrupted from helping the other child by a strange feeling in my stomach.

I was pregnant again! I consciously decided not to aim for triplets for this batch, seeing the amount of work they were proving to be. (Honestly, it really wasn't that I didn't have enough time).

Hal however, seemed to take a different view of the matter.

'No! Not more scary green things. Why, Babe? I'll never get any time for eating doughnuts at work, or keepin' my muscles in shape at this rate!'

I rushed over to the library with Michael, so I could teach the last child to read. It's a shame that none of the books are in Dyffrynaeg, but I'll teach him it properly when he's older. After all, I learnt Simlish at school, but can speak it far better than Hal now! (Niënor: Yes, Deidre. This is why I have to translate all your chapters into Simlish, isn't it?) [/i]

Being my humble self, I denied myself a shower, and Michael food until we had finished reading the meagre stock of books. It was a race against time. I had to get him back home, and hopefully aged up, before the next children came.

I got there. I was safe. I had trained both children single-handedly.
'Babe? Umm... Sorry! Don't hurt me or force me to listen to the pinging thing, but, well, you know...'
'What Hal? I'm trying to relax!'
'We have three children.'

'Of course I know that you fool! Why wouldn't I?'
'You just said it, Babe? Sorry, I should have seen that you were talking to yourself again.'
'Hal, why can't you be clever for once? I never talk to myself! And you shouldn't have been listening. The apology was necessary though. I accept it. You shouldn't have tried to trick me into thinking I had two children!'
'Sorry, B-Deardruh.'
'How many times Hal? My name is Deidre. Deer-dree?'
'I'm sorry, you're so much cleverer than me. Please forgive me, beautiful babe?'
'Okay then Hal.'
And thus nobly and selflessly forgiving my stupid husband. Teague and I ran to the library

We returned to find the cake I desired on the table, ready to age the children up.
Teague the eldest went first. Luckily the crossed-eyes were only temporary, but Hal forgot to take another picture.

He was soon followed by Eleanor, who aged up much more gracefully, I carried her over to the cake and, if I do say so myself, the picture looks beautiful with our matching purple hair.

Although, afterwards she did seem to be a bit weary.

And lastly Michael.

With all children safely aged up, I turned to Michael, and told him to start learning Dyffrynaeg with me, before the upcoming birth.

'Well, mom babe. I dunno. I wanned to go and play soccer or baseball at the center, but not in these panties. Like, where did my diaper and bangs go?  I'm hungry, too. I'll get some fries, eggplant, cotton candy and jell-O, oh - and I need new pajamas, I hate these shorts. Like, gray is so not my favorite color.'

It seems I really should have not let Hal teach him to talk.

Deidre McMillan.

Next Chapter:
Adrian and Thomas
If you're bored, try my Perfect Genetics Legacy thingy.
Deidre McMillan's (DV Maid) Perfect Genetics Dynasty
If you're not, go and read the Silmarillion, until you are bored, then read my story.

Offline LivvieLove

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  • "Sh! Be quiet! The nutters are out to get me."
I'm glad you're back from vacation! I also hope you had fun! I'm so excited to see Deidre back! I'm also keeping my fingers crossed for a heir this go around! Triplets are tough, but you did a great job with them!
Meanwhile, Deidre's husband is proving to be a shining example of bravery and good-parenting! NOT. XD
I can't wait to see the future endeavors and children of our darling Deidre.

