The wish said woohoo *his wives name*when pregnant.
Do you mean that the wish to woohoo
generates during his wife's pregnancy, or that the wish actually states that he wants to woohoo with her
while pregnant?
It's normal for sims to get random wishes to woohoo with their spouse, and it's "normal" for this wish to pop up while the spouse is already pregnant. You could, of course, choose to role play it however you like lol. But if it
specifically states that he wants to do this while she's pregnant, it is definitely the result of an interaction injection mod of some sorts. Without mods, sims can't woohoo while they're pregnant and they don't get wishes to do something that can't be done.
As far as something "sneaking in" with another mod, this is entirely possible. Some mod creators do have a reputation for being trustworthy, but in reality you never actually know what you're getting until you put it into your game. And there's the risk.
It's easy to tell which mod creators are trustworthy: they're the ones who tell you that using mods of any kind are risky...
even theirs. Any statement to the contrary is false.