If your game is updated, you probably get that wish, despite no Late Night, because the game updates have a feature or game mechanics of the latest expansion or object pack in it. One example I can think of is when the update came out right after Fast Lane, which included the 'Vehicle Enthusiast' trait and the car relationship and naming game mechanic.
As for the pregnancy and hot tub debate, I believe it has something to do with public (and sometimes private) hot tubs having bacteria growing in them. One reason I know about the bacteria is that my step mother actually got some form of rash from her 2 year old nephew, while on a camping trip. Almost everyone else got the same rash. It could also do with the jets, the slippery surface of hot tubs providing a hazard for pregnant women, and boiling temperatures not being good for the baby. I don't know, and as mentioned, I do not want to google anything with the phrases 'hot tub' and 'pregnant' in it.
I got a wish from my super star actress sim to live in a penthouse, and her boyfriend had the same thing. I was incredibly mad, because I'd rather them live in a ground floor house than a apartment...ESPECIALLY when they need to grow plasma fruits.