What fantastic hair ! It looks really great in game as well !
@LivvieLove if you've got other links to high quality hair like this, I'd like to know them I've always found it very hard to find nice hair for men that don't look a bit long or "anime" ! (Same with frizzy hair for women, but maybe I'll open a thread to ask for this)
Well, if you're up for it! (cracks knuckles) Let me break out my collection!
I know this isn't quite "realism" hair here, but Kijiko has some of my favorite hairstyles ever. So
here is the link to his/her male hairstyles for The Sims 3. They have women's hair too, but a lot of it is just the male hairs converted for females and nothing I found particularly good for
my females.
I'll toss in a few pictures of some of my favorites on my Sims.
So, the image below is Kijiko's
White Toyger Kitten on a teenage boy (AKA: My darling Sheogorath):
Disguised Quinn is modeling Kijiko's
I use these hairstyles all the time, and I love a LOT of them. They might not be 100% up your alley though, so I also use Cazy hairstyles a lot. She's got a few really good ones for men (a lot of them are too shiny for my liking, but it's a good place to start).
Here is her list of men's hair.
One of my favorites by her is
Per Sempre. I have pictures of it,
buuuut they are kind of spoilery for my Legacy, so if you'd like to see them in game just let me know and I'll PM you. Just kidding! I have one of toddlers, not actual adults, but it's not spoilery! -- If you want a picture of an adult just PM me then.
I mean, I tend to use a lot of different hairs for my game. Depending on your style Nightcrawler might be up your alley for male hair.
You can find some here. I
like the pictures of them... but I have yet to find a Sim they look nice on in game, so there's that.
I've also dabbled in almost all the mainstream common hair-creators (Peggy, NewSea, SkySims, etc), and there's a few really good gems in the sea of average-to-meh hairstyles for men there. I'm trying to think if there are any men's hair that stick out to me off the top of my head... Nope, nothing is coming to mind at the moment.
Finally, one of my favorites is Taty's retextures. You can
find her blog here with all the awesome retextures she does. It's a lot of women and her site download process is a bit annoying, so just a heads up.
Anyways, this is what I've got for now! =D Hopefully it's ok that I've put them here!