Author Topic: Apocalypse Challenge Build - Agave Abode  (Read 4606 times)

Offline Joria

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Apocalypse Challenge Build - Agave Abode
« on: July 17, 2016, 10:33:51 PM »
Here's the second AC build I've put up in the gallery.  Once again I'll do both the bare bones starter, and then how I finished it up. 

Name:  Agave AbodeAC1
By:  Origin ID Joria
Lot Size:  20x15
Bedrooms: 3  Bathrooms 2 plus 1/2
Cost: $18,344 Gallery price
Hash Tags:  #carlsforum #Joria #carlsforumrdc

The outside looks rather weird with floating stairs and floor/roofs but don't let that deter you.  In order to keep costs down I had to remove the third and fourth floors but left the stairs and what would be floors and roof so when you added the other stuff at least the stairs would be in place.  I thought that would be easier rather than just showing it entirely finished.

This is the ground floor level.  There are "cut out" or empty spaces between the counters.  This is for where the eventual stove and refrigerator will go.  In the meantime, there is that nice chest that will hold the fish you catch, and I think the produce you harvest, but no cooked food.  I tried to put a bathroom, or half bath on every floor and leave room to later add a shower.  The crate standing in the middle of the lounge area is where you later put your penguin tv.  The Penguin, by itself, cannot be moved, but you can move the crate with the penguin on it!  Note the easel, bookcase and mirror for skilling.

There is only one basement level.  This has the master bedroom, (double bed), a helper's room, and nursery/child room.  The single bed in the helper room can be a double bed if you bring in a couple or add up to two more beds to accommodate helpers.

Second floor is where you find a focus room and gym/play area.  The gym/play area can actually be a bedroom if needed, or the focus room could. 

Here's the link:  Agave AbodeAC1

Agave Abode AC2 is the finished product, though you can redesign as you wish.  Hash tags and all except the name,  price, $38,815 and number of bathrooms, 4 remain the same as above.

First floor:


Second floor focus room and energized room:

Third floor:  Inspired skill room:

Link:  Adobe AgaveAC2

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline _Annika_

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Re: Apocalypse Challenge Build - Agave Abode
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2016, 02:54:43 AM »
I love how bright and airy it is. Are you allowed to use the camper beds? Don't they have better stats than the mod-pod bed? What EPs does this build need? And where do you get the chest? I need one!

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