Author Topic: Apocalypse Challenge - Team Joe  (Read 6677 times)

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Apocalypse Challenge - Team Joe
« on: July 16, 2016, 07:38:11 PM »
"Well, we survived."
Yeah... it's only been 3 seconds though.
"No dummy, I mean the apocalypse thingy."
Oh right.... For sure.

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Re: Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2016, 07:38:28 PM »
Game Stats

Generation 1

Joe Rici, no skills, new CAS made sim
Traits: Dance Machine, Creative, Music Lover
Career: Painting: Patron of The Arts
Restriction Lifted:

Friend 1:
Dominic Fryes
Traits: Music Lover, Self Assured, Neat
Career: Entertainer: Comedian Entered House @L4
Restriction Lifted:

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Re: Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2016, 07:38:41 PM »
Joe: "Right. Let's check out this house then eh."

Joe: "It's a shack! What the heck! I thought you said I'd be living in the lap of luxury."
Well, you will be... eventually. Look it's not so bad, take a look inside Bud.

Joe: "K, well least it's got a fooze ball table, cool."
Yeah, probably against the rules but I couldn't find any info about that.
Joe: "Well I don't see how a fooze ball table could fail me before I've even started.
You'd be surprised Joe.

Joe: "What?"
There's someone I need you to meet. QUICK!!!

Dominic: "Ah, yeah. No, don't think so Joe. That doesn't sound like a good deal at all."
Good grief! Don't tell him about the rules. Tell him a joke or two, or something. Just make a new friend.
Joe: "Hey, did you hear the one about the chicken?"

*Face Palm* Good one bud, he's now nearly hysterical.
Joe: "Well, you're the one who suggested telling him some jokes!"

Well, welcome Dominic. Better get you to a mirror. Oh wait! We don't actually have any. Umm... how about a nap in our extra hard and uncomfortable cheap bed then?
Joe: "Heh, nice one watcher. I'll let you handle that. I'm off for a jog."
Dominic: "I'm sure I'm going to regret this decision in the morning. *giggle*"
Na, you'll be fine. We'll have the rest of your family join us in no time.
Dominic: *giggle* "Just how much time is that exactly watcher?"
*cough* Umm.. errr. Oh you know, two shakes of a lambs tail and all that mate. No worries at all.

A Little later...
Dominic: "This doesn't seem so bad."
Told you.

Joe: "So painting huh?"
Joe: "K. It's a bit dark in here though."

Oh! We have a visitor!

Mila: "Hear you are looking for a chef?"
Joe: "Oh! We are?", we kinda changed our minds Mila, but thanks for popping round and all. *Awkward* Umm... so you survived ok ... and all that?
Mila: "Yep, life would be a lot better if you could get some work done though watcher."

Hmm, maybe I should have picked you after all Mila.
Mila: "Too late now watcher."
Joe: "Yeah, just what is our plan of attack anyway?"
Joe:"Strategy then?"
For what?
Joe: "Please tell me you actually have a plan watcher."
Oh, thank goodness. There's someone else at the door Joe.

Joe: "Hey dawg, make your self at home man. I gotta little lady to met."
Joaquin: "lol K."

Morgan: "Flirty giggle"
Joe: So, you wanna hang out?"
She's to young for you.
Joe: "Shut it watcher."

Joe: "Grubs up!"
Still smiling I see.
Joe: Nothing like making a new good friend watcher.
Very true.

Dominic: Oh fish! Lovely!
Glad you like it. *You'll be seeing a lot of that*

Joe: "Yeah, wait till you taste it before getting all enthusiastic, just sayin."

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Re: Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2016, 08:11:52 PM »
One step at a time.  Congrats on making it through your first 3 minutes.

I played the Apocalypse Challenge rules for Sims 3.  You don't know how many restarts I had because I didn't get my founder back to the home lot before 6:00pm.  If you are not on your home lot by 6:00pm on Day 1...a zombie hoard/horde eats you and you have to start over!

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Re: Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2016, 08:55:18 PM »
Yay! I'm so excited you're doing this! I love a good Playalot story (and a handsome Playalot founder). Can't wait to see how this unfolds!

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Re: Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2016, 09:03:52 PM »
Morning! How'dya sleep?
Dominic: "Good. S'cuse me"

Dominic: "Which joke should I tell?"
How about the one where a blond walks into a building?

Looks like you're making in-roads with the painting there Joe.
Joe: "Hm hmm."
What's with the scribbly ones?
Joe: "They're not finished yet."
K, well... I'll catch you after work Bud.
Joe: "Work? I have work to go to?"

Later that afternoon...
Joe: "Nailed it!"
Joe: "Yep".

Joe: "So lemon for the fish?"
No, just to chew on when you're hungry and we have no money.
Joe: "I'm not liking the sound of that."
Just planing ahead, man, that's all.
Joe: "I'm not liking the sound of that either."

Looking fabulous darling!
Gardener: Thank you.

Joe: "YUK! This is spoilt."
Just don't eat the last mouthful and you'll be fine.
Joe: "I'm not eating this!"
K... just suck on some of those lemons then.
Joe: "Very funny...not."

Zesty: Heh, congrats on the promotion.
Joe: "Thanks. I'd offer you some snacks but it's all spoilt."
Zesty: "It's cool, not hungry anyway." *Stomach grumble*

Promotion! Woo!
Dominic: "Yep, can we invite my family to move in now?"
Err, not quite yet.
Dominic: "Maybe tomorrow then?"
... *mumble good night sleep. Mumble*

Joe: "Morning watcher! What's on the master plan for today?"
Painting, work, skilling, fish.
Joe: "Awesome!"
I hate it when you're sarcastic.
Joe: Lol

Moira: "Hunney, you're the one who said it wouldn't be for long. You can't blame me for not seeing as much of us all as you want."
Dominic: "It's not that, it's just that I don't ever get any time to myself Moira."
Moira: "We're all fine. You and that watcher just need to focus on the task at hand so we can be together. Right?"
Dominic: "Right. Miss you darling."
Moira: "Me too hunney."
Nancy: "Soppy PDA. Yuk."

Looking fabulous Pizza guy.
Pizza Guy: Thank you darling.

Oh, very attractive.
Joe: "Shut it. I'm so freaking bored."
Wondered when your dance trait was gonna kick in.
Joe: "I NEEEED to dance. OMG I'm dying of boredom."
Did you get promoted?
Joe: "Yes."
Well, that's just dandy. You can have the afternoon... no, the next 10 minutes off then to celebrate.

Joe: "Wheee! So much fun! Whoop. The fish is off still. Yay me."

K, little ray of sunshine, painting time!
Joe: ...

Later, after a few hours of painting...

And let's have one last look at your gorgeous face as we say good night to the world until tomorrow.
Joe: "Watcher?"
Yes Joe?
Joe: "I think I'm going to hurl."

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Offline Caterina

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Re: Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2016, 12:36:02 AM »
I like Joe's pouty face.

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Re: Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2016, 07:28:59 AM »
I was about to say How did I miss this, until I realised *d'oh* it only went up today lol

Aren't you tired of having such amazingly sexy founders yet *cough* achievements *cough* are a wonderful thing to share with the forum though ;-)
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Re: Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2016, 07:35:00 AM »
Yay! Another Playalot story. Good luck -- Apocalypse challenges are tough.
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Re: Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2016, 08:46:21 PM »
@Caterina thanks! I was actually quite nervous about starting. I still hadn't decided which townie to start with, it was between Dominic and Mila and because Dominic showed up first I just rolled with it all. I was pretty surprised when Mila knocked on the door though, felt like the game was trying to tell me something. lol I'm glad there are no timing restrictions, I really am no good at watching the clock in sims games!

@FrancescaFiori Well, I decided that if I played another challenge it would keep me motivated to swap between this one and my ID as I tend to get a bit bogged down when focusing just one one. I also have never even attempted an apocalypse challenge so hopefully I can make it through at least a few generations before I stuff it all up!

@Magpie2012 Never get tired of eye candy  ;) Although Joe's Dance Machine trait is really difficult to manage as he now has a permanent bored+1 moodlet as he has no access to a radio. I did plan it that way though, when I randomized his traits Evil kept coming up and I really didn't want a 'negative' trait that had no negative moodlets so I thought Dance Machine was probably the best as I have no way of ever getting rid of that bored moodlet. It also slows everything down, he eats slower, walks slower and skills way slower due to it.  ;D

@MarianT thanks. Yes, now that I've finally summoned up the courage to attempt one I can see that they are tougher than I had previously thought. Still, nice to have something to keep me on my toes. Joe is a new CAS sim with no skills because I wanted to make it as difficult as possible and while I'm not regretting that decision a few skill points in charisma might have been nice... It's quite a difficult skill to level up in due to not having mirrors or much time to chat due to constant skilling.

I don't have a plan really story-wise as I'm really not sure how interesting skilling up and eating spoilt fish is going to be, nor how entertaining looking at the various "omg I'm so bored" faces that Joe pulls may be so I might post the odd 'Watchers Perspective' chapter and play it by ear basically.  :) Thanks for reading along.

*Also my town seems over run with rotund male sims with the feminine walk. lol... no idea what that is about!!  :o
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Re: Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2016, 10:57:15 PM »
Always exciting to see someone else throw their hat into the Apocalypse ring!  :D With such an interesting approach, too! So many things I wouldn't have thought about doing, which is something I love about the Apocalypse Challenge; all the different ways to approach it. I'll be excited to see where this goes! Good luck!

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Re: Apocalypse Challenge - Team Joe
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2016, 06:41:27 AM »
Thanks @officialghosts I think I'm going to need all the luck I can get!  :P
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Re: Apocalypse Challenge - Team Joe
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2016, 07:30:53 AM »
Mila: So what's it like? Being a watched sim?
Dominic: Do you want the truth or shall I break it to you softly?
Mila: That bad?
Dominic: Yep.
Mila: Ouch.
I heard that. >:(
Dominic: Well, it's not like it's been a bed of roses watcher.
Blame Pinstar, he made the rules, not me.
Mila: I'm sure you're doing your best watcher.
Thank you Mila, I'm glad someone appreciates me around here.
Dominic: See what I mean?

Joe: Oh gawd, this just is utterly revolting. *gag*
Umm, you've got a couple of days off coming up so we'll go fishing and stock up.
Joe: Doesn't help me right now watcher. I mean, really?We really have to live like this? Far OUT!

Joe: *sigh*
Dominic: *sigh*

You playing hard to get hun?
Dominic: She's only calling you that babe 'cos she's forgotten your name.
I have not. *Looks up Windenburg townies list on forum* Anyway, Dominic, Moira seems to be giving you the run-around. *snort*
Moira: It's not that I don't want to stop and chat love but for some strange reason every time you talk to me I have this over whelming need to run away.

Dominic: It is not funny watcher and you better fix this, fast.

Happy now?
Dominic: Very.
Moira: Oh this is so much better.
Dominic: I love you babe.
Joe: *Awkward*
Yes, well... err. Night everyone.

So the next day brought promotions for everyone.

Man you pull the goofiest of faces Joe!
Joe: Don't care, gotta a promotion!

I'm not sure if you're proud or bored.
Dominic: Both actually. Feeling a little bi-polar right now, be good if you could fix that.
Sure, well, there's some left over grilled fish...
Dominic: Suddenly I'm not hungry.

Joe: Why are you taking pics of me washing my hands?
Well, it's all you've been doing for the last 20 mins and I'm bored of waiting for you to do something else quite frankly.
Joe: Fair enough. I look good no matter what I'm doing.
Oh The Ego has spoken... *eye roll*.
Joe: Oh admit it watcher, you think I'm hawt.
Do not.
Joe: You're always watching me.
Doesn't prove anything.
Joe: *snort* Keep tellin' yourself that watcher.

How's the new comedy routine coming along?
Dominic: Good thank you, nearly done actually. You want to hear it?

Dominic: Well, least you stayed awake for it watcher.
*Smothered yawn* Of course I did, it was lovely.
Dominic: It was supposed to be funny, not lovely.
Oh I meant funny... did I say lovely? How strange.
Joe: Zzzz
I think we all need a bit of fresh air. Come on, let's all go outside and not look at the stars.
Dominic: Not look...?
Yeah, apparently they'll burn your eyeballs out until some astronaut has done something or rather to the atmosphere.

Joe: LOL, That's hilarious Dominic, you should totally use that in your routine!
Liberty: *Cracking up* Oh my gosh... hahahha burn your eyeballs out! LOL Who'd ever think up such a thing?
Hiya Liberty! What's so funny.
Joe: Oh nothing watcher
*Everyone cracks up again*
Okaaaay then...  :-\

Liberty: Joe! Did you just cheat?
Joe: *feigning innocence* Nope. *grin*
Liberty: Oh man, that smile of yours is going to get you in trouble one of these days. lol.
Joe: I hope so *eyebrow wiggle*
Liberty: LOL!

That's a nice modern looking painting.
Joe: Nice? Modern? This is a representation of the mutual exclusiveness of reality and representation, design and representation, abstraction and reality. THIS is NOT nice ...ugh.
Ummm... err... well umm. That is a wonderful example of paradox and a highly stimulating ...errr... piece.
Joe: Thank you watcher.
You're welcome.

Aww, love wins after all.

Dominic: That it does watcher, that it does.
Oh and by the way...
Dominic: Yes?
You just maxed your comedy skill, grats!
Moira: Oh darling! That's lovely! Another major step towards us being together again!

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Re: Apocalypse Challenge - Team Joe
« Reply #13 on: July 18, 2016, 03:12:27 PM »
Oh em gee you're doing it , you're doing it!!!!  Again with the drop dead gorgeous guy, almost as cute as Dude.  Very, VERY nice AC house.  Much nicer than my cubes, style wise.  Funny dialogue.  Sighhs happily.....Playalot's back!!  Now do I just wait, (because it can be a long time between updates when playing an AC), and not read for a day or so, or do I happily torment myself by reading a wee bit each time and jones for the next chapter?  Ahhhhhh, decisions decisions. 
*you can always re-read, dummy.*   

*** Hey, who you calling a dummy?  This is a Playalot story!*** 

 *I rest my case* 

Now see what you've done?  You've got me Watcher talking to myself!  (Hits send so she can re-read what's been written so far.)
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Apocalypse Challenge - Team Joe
« Reply #14 on: July 19, 2016, 05:15:23 AM »
Aw thanks @Joria , such an encouraging comment. It does take quite a bit of playing to get enough screenshots as the sims spend a lot of their time repeating actions such as skilling and hand washing lol. I've got a little update to post tonight which brings us to the end of the first week.  :)
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