Mila: So what's it like? Being a watched sim?
Dominic: Do you want the truth or shall I break it to you softly?
Mila: That bad?
Dominic: Yep.
Mila: Ouch.
I heard that. Dominic: Well, it's not like it's been a bed of roses watcher.
Blame Pinstar, he made the rules, not me.Mila: I'm sure you're doing your best watcher.
Thank you Mila, I'm glad someone appreciates me around here.Dominic: See what I mean?
Joe: Oh gawd, this just is utterly revolting. *gag*
Umm, you've got a couple of days off coming up so we'll go fishing and stock up.Joe: Doesn't help me right now watcher. I mean, really?We really have to live like this? Far OUT!
Joe: *sigh*
Dominic: *sigh*
*sigh*You playing hard to get hun?Dominic: She's only calling you that babe 'cos she's forgotten your name.
I have not. *Looks up Windenburg townies list on forum* Anyway, Dominic, Moira seems to be giving you the run-around. *snort*Moira: It's not that I don't want to stop and chat love but for some strange reason every time you talk to me I have this over whelming need to run away.
*giggle*Dominic: It is not funny watcher and you better fix this, fast.
Happy now?Dominic: Very.
Moira: Oh this is so much better.
Dominic: I love you babe.
Joe: *Awkward*
Yes, well... err. Night everyone. So the next day brought promotions for everyone.
Man you pull the goofiest of faces Joe!Joe: Don't care, gotta a promotion!
I'm not sure if you're proud or bored.Dominic: Both actually. Feeling a little bi-polar right now, be good if you could fix that.
Sure, well, there's some left over grilled fish...Dominic: Suddenly I'm not hungry.
Joe: Why are you taking pics of me washing my hands?
Well, it's all you've been doing for the last 20 mins and I'm bored of waiting for you to do something else quite frankly.Joe: Fair enough. I look good no matter what I'm doing.
Oh The Ego has spoken... *eye roll*.Joe: Oh admit it watcher, you think I'm hawt.
Do not.Joe: You're always watching me.
Doesn't prove anything.Joe: *snort* Keep tellin' yourself that watcher.
How's the new comedy routine coming along?Dominic: Good thank you, nearly done actually. You want to hear it?
Sure!Dominic: Well, least you stayed awake for it watcher.
*Smothered yawn* Of course I did, it was lovely.Dominic: It was supposed to be funny, not lovely.
Oh I meant funny... did I say lovely? How strange. Joe: Zzzz
I think we all need a bit of fresh air. Come on, let's all go outside and not look at the stars.Dominic:
Not look...?
Yeah, apparently they'll burn your eyeballs out until some astronaut has done something or rather to the atmosphere.Joe: LOL, That's hilarious Dominic, you should totally use that in your routine!
Liberty: *Cracking up* Oh my gosh... hahahha burn your eyeballs out! LOL Who'd ever think up such a thing?
Hiya Liberty! What's so funny.Joe: Oh nothing watcher
*Everyone cracks up again*
Okaaaay then... Liberty: Joe! Did you just cheat?
Joe: *feigning innocence* Nope. *grin*
Liberty: Oh man, that smile of yours is going to get you in trouble one of these days. lol.
Joe: I hope so *eyebrow wiggle*
Liberty: LOL!
That's a nice modern looking painting.Joe: Nice? Modern? This is a representation of the mutual exclusiveness of reality and representation, design and representation, abstraction and reality. THIS is NOT
nice ...ugh.
Ummm... err... well umm. That is a wonderful example of paradox and a highly stimulating ...errr... piece. Joe: Thank you watcher.
You're welcome. Aww, love wins after all.Dominic: That it does watcher, that it does.
Oh and by the way...
Dominic: Yes?
You just maxed your comedy skill, grats!Moira: Oh darling! That's lovely! Another major step towards us being together again!