Chapter 3: Kid and House StuffAbigail: So, um, Watcher can I do this one, please.
W: I don't see why not.Abbie: Right, well, um, Mum maxed her career in business you see and pursuaded the bosses of other business not to be so horrid which means adults don't have to work so hard any more. The knock on effect is we kids don't have to work so hard in school because the teachers are less stressed. Result.
I've started working towards my chef career by taking over all the cooking. Mum is really happy about this, she says that the next best thing to being a chef herself is having me do it, so she quit her business job and joined the writer career. What has this to do with chef career you may ask, well, um, she has to write for her daily task you see so she wrote me a gourmet cooking book. Now I can work on cooking and gourmet cooking at home and be ahead of the game when I start my career. Result.
Watcher has added another basement to the house because we had so much money that the mob would take otherwise. It's got a yoga mat and exercise machines as well as a spare room which, um, I guess will be a bedroom. Now we can all get into a good mood for work and stuff. Result.
W: Abbie, why do you keep saying 'Result'?A: Oh Watcher, don't you know <giggle>, all the cool kids at school use it. And, um, I'm one of them now I sit at the back of the classroom you see. Result.
W: Ah, a teenage thing then.A: Um, can we show everyone pictures of the house now you've redone it.
W: Sure, why not.A: So we have Basement 2, Basement 1, Ground Floor, 1st Floor, 2nd Floor, Roof
A: What else, um, yeah, Bakari became teen, joining me in highschool. He's pretty sad about it cause he aged up in the middle of the night and nobody was awake to celebrate you see. He immediately decided he wanted to be a party animal, um, but that's not going to happen because no-one is interested in fun, just survival. He also got our Dads self-assuredness so, um, maybe he'll not be too sad all the time when people turn down his invites.
Mum had a chat with him over breakfast you see, and now he is happier and trying to decide whether to get people interested in parties (comedian career) or teach parents to influence their kids better (teen-babysitter career).
I think that's about it. Um, Watcher have you got anything to add?
W: No, you've done a great job undating everyone.A: Result then?
W: Yes, result.