Author Topic: A Scheme of Mad Genius: The Varela Immortal Dynasty  (Read 3155 times)

Offline SeraNita

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A Scheme of Mad Genius: The Varela Immortal Dynasty
« on: July 04, 2016, 07:42:03 PM »
A Scheme of Mad Genius
The Varela Immortal Dynasty

Table of Contents:
Immortal Stats
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Offline SeraNita

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Re: A Scheme of Mad Genius: The Varela Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2016, 08:07:31 PM »
The Discovery

This story starts out rather unremarkably. A simple scientist, living with her precious little sister. This scientist is rather brilliant, but socially awkward to the extreme. Her only friend is her sister, and the Voices. It is upon the death of her sister, at the terrible fate of a comedy act gone wrong, that the Voices become her only companions.

You see, the Voices tell her many secrets, and it's these secrets that give the scientist her greatest inventions. Upon putting her sister to rest, the scientist learns of the greatest secret the Voices have offered yet.

"We know of your desires. We know, and we heed. Long have you been the hand to our plans, and now we plan to give you a hand. Open your mind and we shall tell you our final secret: the power to live with your loved ones forever."

And so the Voices whispered their secret, and the scientist listened. Stepping forth with the knowledge coveted by the Voices, the scientist entered the portal between universes, known as The Bin, and stepped forth to begin her journey to keep her sister for eternity.

With this, my fledgling Dynasty has begun. It's been a long time since I've told stories via a forum, so if the formatting or images isn't right, I apologize. This is more or less coming from my head with some screenshots to help. I generally fail my dynasties partway or get bored and stop playing them, but I'm hoping that this will motivate me to keep my eye on the prize and finish the challenge I started in Sims 3.

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Offline SeraNita

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Re: A Scheme of Mad Genius: The Varela Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2016, 10:18:45 PM »
Chapter 1
The Founding

Deep inside The Bin, a bored Watcher finds a lone Sim, one that appeared from nothing. Curious, the Watcher decides to open up the household, and places her onto an empty lot in the town of Windenburg.

A bit of tweaking here and there, and the Sim has a small house.

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Taking a moment to further inspect the Sim, the Watcher finds that her name is Emi Varela, and for a Bin Sim, isn't bad looking.

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I think I'll keep you around for a bit, Emi. I've never played a Bin Sim before.

"I'm not just some 'Bin Sim', I'm from an alternate universe! The Voices brought me here to achieve the ultimate secret of immortality!"

....Riiiight. So I picked up an Insane Sim, of all the traits.

"Insane? Foolish one! The Voices tell me things, do you not hear them whisper?!"

Um...Just gonna...find you a job...(so I can avoid conversing with you for a few days..)

After a cursory glance at Emi's Aspiration, Nerd Brain, the Watcher gives her the Scientist career, and allows Emi to roam the lot caring for herself while her new Watcher catches up on the latest Dynasty Stories in some strange Club called The Forums.

So, tried to find a good picture of Emi, but all I really have is her CAS portrait. Live and learn, take more photos. I'll be keeping the statistics up to date as I go, which isn't the same rate as this story will be, so be warned before opening that spoiler!

Offline Caterina

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Re: A Scheme of Mad Genius: The Varela Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2016, 01:38:04 AM »
I love everything about this, the formatting of the titles and subtitles, the spoilers for chapter links and stats, the author's note spoilers.  Your writing is potent with perfectly chosen words, concise and descriptive.  Your founder is very exotic looking for a 'bin' sim.  I can't wait to read more and more and more!

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: A Scheme of Mad Genius: The Varela Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2016, 05:54:39 AM »
She is beautiful ^_^ I love your writing, it's really captivating and I look forward to reading more.
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Offline SeraNita

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Re: A Scheme of Mad Genius: The Varela Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2016, 12:57:22 PM »
Thank you all for the kind words, this is of course a work in progress and a bit of an experiment for me. I'm not used to writing with images, so I'm still trying to figure out where to drop in the screenshots.

@FrancescaFiori Thank you! I was a little iffy on the Prologue because it looked like a text wall to me, and I wasn't sure if anybody would want to bother with a beginning that boring.

@Caterina Thank you for the compliment! Emi is not technically a Bin Sim, she was placed by herself in the Bin without her sister at some point. Probably more bugs, they seem to like my game. I was honestly surprised to find her, just as new as when I made her, but without her sister (who did actually die of hysteria, which left me halfway sad and halfway hysterical myself). This is the first Insane Sim I've ever taken the time to really play, aside from the Asylum Challenge back in Sims 3, so writing a crazy is both frustrating and hilarious.

@Nettlejuice You're too kind  :) I spent a good chunk of time on Emi and her sister when they were first created, and I wasn't sure if I quite got the look down. I'd originally made them to be a test file of Get To Work when I bought it recently (Sims sale on Origin = Shut up and take my money!) and Emi was about halfway through her career when a visiting Johnny Zest killed the crowd a little too literally and Grim had to make a surprise visit. After that, Emi more or less shut down and wouldn't do anything. Getting her to try to alleviate the Sad mood just set off insane anger, so I gave up and moved on to a different family. When my mad scientist suddenly reappeared in the Bin while I was planning to do an IDC, I just had to make a story behind it.

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Offline Joria

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Re: A Scheme of Mad Genius: The Varela Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2016, 05:56:56 PM »
So loving this story SeraNita!  Your Sim is gorgeous and I love the way you are writing her.  This is going to be a fun read.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline SeraNita

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Re: A Scheme of Mad Genius: The Varela Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2016, 10:23:40 PM »
@Joria Thank you for such high praise! I poured a lot of time and effort into this challenge story, and I'm glad that you're enjoying it so far! My founder Emi is quite the character all by herself, most of what I write for her is just straight from gameplay reactions. I've never had such an expressive, willful, and stubborn Sim. She warms up to who she wants, regardless of whether that was my plan or even normal for Sims in general.

Chapter 2
The Date

So far, our resident mad scientist has spent a solid work week focusing entirely on breakthroughs, promotions, and occasionally the lab's rocket ship.

Now that the weekend has encroached, a nearby neighbor comes to visit the small house. To the poor Watcher's shock and partial horror, Emi takes to them right off, rolling whims to chat and even flirt.

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"I think I'll take this one, Watcher. Check please!"

Check? Wait what? No no no NO, you can't mean HIM!

"What's the big deal? He's not bad looking, his income is good, he's housemates with a potential pollinator, and the thought of having children with him doesn't automatically make me want to cry in a corner."

You can't marry him! That's the DBBD! He'll get you knocked up, take off, and be a total jerk to your and your child for the rest of eternity!

"The what now? Watcher, I dunno what a DD-whatever is, but I'm picking Joaquin, and you can't make me pick somebody else!"

You can't refuse me! I'm your Watcher! Watchers must be obeyed!

"So Joaquin, how would you like to head over to the club tonight? I hear they've got a sick DJ booked."

"Yeah, sure. Meet you there?"

"Definitely. It's a date, then."

*muffled screaming*

To the Watcher's surprise (and secret relief), Emi gets through the whole night without embarrassing anybody, screaming at the furniture for some unheard insult, or freaking Joaquin out. Perhaps there was hope yet for this dynasty founder.

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"So then I said, 'if you don't even know that liquid is, why would you try to drink it, dummy?'"

"Haha, I know what you mean. I work at the science lab over in Oasis Springs and some of my coworkers are just plain stupid. The other day, our receptionist talked Dennis Kim into drinking a tainted Rose Perfume serum. It looked, smelled, and probably tasted obviously tainted, but he drank it anyway!"

I can't believe it. She's already breezed through the date goals autonomously. What is with this girl?

"So if you want, we can meet up tomorrow night at my house and I can show you this awesome trash can I bought recently. Every time I drop trash in, money shoots out!"

"That's amazing! I'll definitely come over to see it. I need to go now though, my shift starts soon. Call me?"

"Oh, definitely. ;)"

Every dynasty I've ever done, the couples have always been incredibly hard to keep in a room together and getting an heir was like pulling teeth. It's been one night and not only did she get their romance bar almost 3/4 of the way full, but she landed a gold medal date in record time, got him to agree to going steady, and if my hunch is correct, she's not inviting him over to stare at the expensive trash can. Just who is this woman and how does she do that?

Thank you all for the continued support and kind words! I cannot begin to describe how happy it makes me to go on lunch break after a tough morning at work to see the sheer amount of compliments left here! I've had more views in the time this thread has been up than I've had across all of my other stories combined, and it leaves a really happy Watcher with a lot of motivation to see this tale through to the bitter end.

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: A Scheme of Mad Genius: The Varela Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2016, 12:48:21 AM »
Oh, that's wonderful! I love it when sims get along so naturally and easily. I wouldn't worry about Joaquin, either. I know he has a bit of a reputation, but I think he's capable of being a good guy sometimes. :)

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Offline SeraNita

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Re: A Scheme of Mad Genius: The Varela Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2016, 10:43:47 AM »
@FrancescaFiori It's one of those rare moments where two sims are just autonomously perfect for one another. I was shocked to see how well they did with one another, seeing as Emi is both a Loner and Insane, which would generally make her really awkward if I'm not feeding her socials. With Joaquin, though, she just autonomously chats with him, and hasn't been attempting to insult him or otherwise be nasty like she is with most of her coworkers. They're actually a pretty cute couple when they're not busy forwarding the Dynasty or working. Joaquin dotes on her a lot and she built a relationship with him so fast that she doesn't get tense around him at all. They also crack a lot of jokes and do this hilarious giggle like kids sharing a secret.

Offline Joria

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Re: A Scheme of Mad Genius: The Varela Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2016, 01:16:52 PM »
Joaquin, aka Walking the Dog, is a very good spouse!  I have him as the spouse in my Rival Dynasty and never have a problem with him.  He's very loving and an excellent father as well. I think you'll do fine with him, especially since he started the whole thing.  You may have problems with Sergio as a pollinator though.  In my dynasty he came with a romantic interest in another Sim and trying to get him to pollinate is a nightmare as he is very faithful to his sweetheart.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline oshizu

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Re: A Scheme of Mad Genius: The Varela Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2016, 01:34:03 PM »
I'm not sure what you meant by "not bad-looking for a Bin Sim." Emi is absolutely gorgeous!
Best wishes to the lovely Emi Varela!

Offline SeraNita

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Re: A Scheme of Mad Genius: The Varela Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #13 on: July 14, 2016, 06:49:41 PM »
@Joria Yeah, he has a relationship with Siobhan at the start of my save, so I usually start off with her. I find that if you ask to just be friends afterwards, he has no issue with moving on to the next contender. I usually just jump between the single women in town until each of them has one kid, then wait a life stage for the next batch (i.e., teens age up to YA, pollinator hits Adult) and start over, depending on the ages and their relations (so Morgan is out for Sergio in general, since he got Siobhan already) until I find a new spare that can act as pollinator (that is NOT blood related; I want to diversify the gene pool, not stagnate it into a billion little Pancakes) and I rinse and repeat.

@oshizu The joke is rather that my bin sims turn out awful. They tend to have tiny eyes and no body shape, so Emi is a massive improvement on my usual product.

Chapter 3
The Perfect Couple

The evening after Emi's stellar date with Joaquin, she invites him back over to her little hut for a talk.

A talk which, to the Watcher's horror, had turned into a very serious question phrased by a very, VERY bad pickup line.

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"Hey, I just met you,

and this is crazy,"

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"But we're meant for each other,

so marry me maybe?"

That is the single most awful marriage proposal I've heard in all my time. There's no way he would acc--

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"I'd love to marry you."

"Yay! Tomorrow at sunrise?"

"Sounds good to me."

Wai-wha-how-...UGH! Whatever! Do what you want, I don't even care anymore! *pouts*

The next morning, at the Bluffs, the guests all arrive to an overexcited Emi blocking the tunnel.

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"So I told the girl, 'We don't need to convince the aliens to visit us, I see them at the bar all the time!' And she just gave me this pitiful look, like she'd been hoping to discover them or something."

"Hahaha! Yeah, the other day my granddaughter Olivia was trying to tell me that one of these days, Bella Goth's going to go missing. What crazy imaginations kids have, eh?"

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Emi, where are you going? We need to get this show on the road! The guests are getting bored and just swimming instead!

"Just a sec, Watcher. Gotta drop the kids off at the pool."

But the pool is over--oh. Ohhhh. Just gonna...y'know, check on the cake or something. *cough*

Finally, the two were saying their vows beneath the arch as the crowd gazed on (the ones that would leave the pool, at least)

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"I promise to spare you from my random angry mood swings and take them out on your housemate instead. I promise to bring into this world a child bearing the best of our features to live beside me in immortality. And I promise that when this is all over, I will resurrect you along with--"

OI! Paolo! You're killing the moment! Shoo!

"Sorry, Watcher. Figured the ladies would like to see some beefcake wander by."

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"I promise to give you the best genes possible for our future generations. I promise to keep our green and pink bars so full that you'll never feel tense around me. And finally, I will wait patiently by the Reaper's side until the day we can be together once more."

Hey, wait, where did your wedding dress go, Emi?

"Oh, I changed. The white washed me out and the skirt was torn after my detour."

*sigh* Well, at least you wore something nice and not your athletic wear...

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By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you Founder and Spouse. Now go make some adorable nooboos.

"Don't have to tell me twice. Now, who wants cake?"

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Now where'd your clothes go, Joaquin?

"I took an amazing dive off the stairs while Emi was cutting the cake. The tux was lame."

The reception party dragged into midday, when an exhausted Emi took a catnap in (thankfully) a different bush.

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Well, it's 2pm, everybody's had cake, the requirements are met, and the bride's passed out in the shrubbery. I'd say that was a successful party. Let's head on home, kids. We got a manor to construct.

I want to thank everybody again for the continued support. I'm trying to get more used to taking pictures, as I'm accustomed to just playing and not writing about it. Hopefully the increase in images should help break up my infinite wall of text.

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Re: A Scheme of Mad Genius: The Varela Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #14 on: July 14, 2016, 07:03:42 PM »
What a wonderful story, SeraNita! You're a phenomenal storyteller. And your text doesn't look like an infinite wall to me! ;D

