Well no matter what I do, I can't get any sims back to their human form. If I change a male werewolf to human, exit CaS, reset the sim and then use CaS to turn them into a werewolf again, that does fix them being pitch black. But even when I use MC to turn them human, they stay in werewolf form.
Unfortunately, a new glitch has popped up. No door in my world will work now. If I manually walk my sim just right next to a door, he'll go through it. But he won't if he has to walk at all. No clue what caused it. Only thing that changed is my dead dog came back to haunt me. I removed her, saved and quit the game, came back and it was still broken. I used MC to reset the whole town. I have gone to buy mode to sell all the doors and buy new ones. idk Nothing works and I have no clue how this happened or how to fix it. I've googled it and can only find one other person having this trouble. They also believe it was started by a ghost. Who knows. But it does break my save completely. So I guess even though I've fixed the first glitch, I have to abandon the world after all. Shame, I thought maybe after four years of playing the game, I may finally finish one sims life. But I've spent days constantly restarting the game (Which takes forever) and googling and everything else, so I don't think I can spend yet another several days trying to fix this new glitch. Unless there is something you guys know to try.
Thank you guys for all the help, you've been really awesome.