Author Topic: Immortality Awaits: New Grill, Promotion, New Girl (7/15)  (Read 11446 times)

Offline Caterina

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Immortality Awaits: New Grill, Promotion, New Girl (7/15)
« on: June 18, 2016, 06:26:13 PM »
A Mother's Sacrifice

Dear Gabriella,

     Take a deep breath because it will probably be as difficult for you to read this letter as it will be for
me to write it.  My name is Alexa Valencia-Goth and though you have no memory of me, I am your

     You are a descendant of a great warrior named Manning Valencia.  He was brave, strong, and quite
handsome.  He was a great leader who loved eating almost as much as he loved being outdoors.  Our
watcher selected him from ‘The Gallery’ to be a mate for your great-grandmother, Karina Kelly.  Karina
loved the artistry of nature and loved collecting things from the world around her.  In all her life, there
would be nothing that she loved more than her family.  Their story began in the Pre-Historic era.  They
were cave people.  Yes, they actually lived in a cave.

     My mother, Nara Valencia, was the first of six children born to Karina.  While Karina and Manning
where soul mates, they were never married.  Marriage did not exist in the Pre-Historic era so it was
common for both men and women to have many mates.  Nara had one full blooded sister, named Lara
Valencia.  Then came Mara Flex, Kara Bjergsen, Donning Lothario, and Lunning Munch.  They were all
very capable sims and accomplished many things.  Their nourishment came from fish cooked at a fire pit
and from fruits and vegetables harvested from wild plants and eventually from their garden.

    It has been known that not all living things last forever.  As evening fell on a gray and cloudy day, the
Grim Reaper came to claim Manning Valencia.  The family gathered inside the shelter of their cave and
mourned the loss of their dear father.  Looking back, it must have been then that it happened.  In that
moment, your destiny began to unfold.

     When Mother became a young adult, it was time for her to find a mate.  The family travelled to a
nearby gathering place.  That is where she met my father, Alexander Goth.  Still saddened by her
father’s passing, their first few days consisted of her crying on his shoulder while he consoled her.  They
formed a close bond.  Out of their love, I was born.  As mother placed me into my bassinet, the other’s
celebrated.  In a few days, I would grow to be a child.  This would signal the start of a new era.

     A spacious Roman Villa was built on the flat land outside of the cave.  The adults went about their
lives learning the new skills which had become available upon entering the Early Civilization era.  In the
days that followed, skills were mastered, the garden was completed and perfected, father’s hair turned
grey, and my sweet grandmother passed.  Once again, we were all present when Grim raised his scythe
and swiped her life force away.  I knew now the pain and sadness my mother had felt when her father
died, the pain of losing a loved one.

     One day, my father surprised everyone and proposed to my mother.  Couples were allowed and
expected to get married in this era.  They had a beautiful wedding in the peristyle, a Roman indoor
garden.  What tears of sorrow had brought together, laughter soon tore apart.  It was later that week, at
a house party, that my Uncle Lunning told one too many jokes and caused my father’s unexpected death
by laughter.  Only my mother, Uncle Lunning, and my Aunt Kara were in the dining room when he died.
 Of course, Grim showed up with his tablet in one hand and the other hand on his hip.  He seemed
frustrated to be there.  He looked as if he had a problem to solve.

     Shortly after my father’s death, my mother collapsed in the yard on the way to the mailbox.  Grim
appeared to do his reaping.  He stood, solemnly, defeated, his arms hanging down at his sides.  I
collected mother’s urn and placed her gravestone next to father’s and the other’s near the back of the
house.  Six of my ancestors had died so far.  Six souls Grim has come to collect from our family.  What a
horrid, horrid creature!  Or was he?  For just as I had those thoughts, he tapped me on the shoulder and,
with tears in his eyes, asked me for my help. 

     Yes, six times Grim had come to perform his duty.  But, after the first time, death was not the only
reason for coming.  That night in the cave when Manning was taken, so was Grim’s heart.  It was love at
first sight.  Six times he watched as she covered her eyes as tears of sadness fell for those she loved.  Oh, 
to be loved by her.  But how?  Her time was running out.  Soon, he would be there to collect her soul. 
Soon, she would be lost to him forever. 

     Aunt Kara was a beautiful girl.  She was even more beautiful on the inside.  It showed in her paintings
and in her music.  Her creativity was endless.  Even as a young girl, she crafted such wonderful and
unique garments.  Perhaps it was her clothing that had caught Grim’s eye because she was holding her
face in her hands crying the first time he saw her.

     He would do anything to save her, even give up his own immortality.  Grim offered to tell me the
secrets of immortality but said that immortality wouldn’t come without sacrifice.  He promised
resurrection and immortality for all of my ancestors, for myself, and for all of my descendants.  But at
what price?

     I said ‘Yes’ to the marriage proposal.  I said ‘Yes’ and ‘I will’ at my wedding to your father Gabriel
Tucker.  I had met him at a dinner party the night my father died.  I cried poolside as I sat beside your
father eating cake at our wedding celebration.  I cried, because I said ‘Yes’ to the Grim Reaper.

     You were conceived on our wedding night.  There was no such thing as birth control in the Early
Civilization era.  While there might have been a way to influence the gender of your unborn child, it was
not known at this time.  There were no fertility potions, fertility massages, or fertility reward traits
either.  I had no idea whether you would be a boy or a girl.  It didn’t matter to me.  I would love you
unconditionally forever and wherever you may be.

     Standing in front of the bassinet about to give birth, my face was not covered in pain, but in sorrow,
or perhaps, it was fear.  I feared that I had made the wrong decision.  I was filled with sorrow because I
knew that moments after you were born, you would be taken from me.  I would not get to cuddle you.  I
would not get to feed you.  I would not get to see you grow up.  In fact, I would not get to see you again
until you were an elder woman.  I had cried because my sacrifice was you, my first born child.

     Minutes after you were born, something unexpected happened.  I gave birth to a son.  Gabriella, you
have a twin brother named Gabe.  He will remain here with me while you are sent off to fulfill your

     Your father made it into the room just in time to see his new babies for the first time.  The two
bassinets were side by side but yours was already empty.  My father’s ghost was holding you.  You
looked so peaceful in his arms.  He would be the one to take you to “the bin”.  From there, you would be
placed, by our watcher, into a new world, into the Modern era, thousands of years in the future, where
Potions of Youth are not banned but are used to make immortals.

     Gabriella, you must be there now reading this letter.  The land you are standing on is yours.  You own
it!  It is called “Twin Oracle Point”.  A fitting name don’t you think?  There should be $10,000 in your
bank account to help get you started.  Also, I have attached Grim’s instructions. 

So, take a deep breath and try to calm your nerves.  You got this!  I believe in you.  See you soon.

Your loving mother,


P.S.  When you see Grim, and you will many times, don’t be afraid of him.  He is not as bad as he looks. 
Don’t hesitate to ask him any questions you may have, after all, they are his instructions.  He will probably
be willing to help out in any way that he can because he too will benefit from your success.

Time to get started…immortality awaits.

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Immortality Awaits: A Mother's Sacrifice
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2016, 11:49:18 PM »
Wow! Interesting beginning. Sounds like you did a history challenge? I'm excited to see what happens next!

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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Immortality Awaits: A Mother's Sacrifice
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2016, 09:02:47 AM »
I want to try the History Challenge so much after reading this. Best of luck with this dynasty and I look forward to seeing Gabriella.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

Offline Caterina

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Re: Immortality Awaits: A Mother's Sacrifice
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2016, 10:06:05 AM »
Thanks for the comments! 

I started a History Challenge but have not finished it yet.  When Gabriella ages to child, the next era, the Middle Ages will begin and I will need to rebuild their house in the style of that period.  I think that is why I took a break from the challenge.  It is a little bit overwhelming of a task.  I put a lot of time and research into building their Roman Villa. 

I really was enjoying the challenge though.  It is fun to dress your sims in the clothing of the era.  I will be adding pictures later today.  I wasn't sure if I wanted to break the format of the letter and include the pictures there or not.  I decided not to and have since figured out a way to work them in.  I started a notebook to write my ideas down so that I don't forget any of the good ones.

I am finding I am much more of a perfectionist that I thought with regards to my writing.  It took the better part of two days to put that letter together.  I think I will be spending more time writing the story than playing the game.

Offline Caterina

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Immortality Awaits: Unexpected Treasures - Part 1
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2016, 03:41:30 PM »
Unexpected Treasures - Part 1

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
A sim in a white gown appears on a vacant lot in Newcrest.

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     A moment ago I was standing here, not knowing who I was, where I was, or how I came to be here in
this place.  Strangely, one side of my gown felt weighted down by something.  I could feel that there was
something in the pocket on that side.  It was paper, rolled like a scroll and bound by a leather cord.  I
opened it carefully and started…reading.  I can read?  I have a name, Gabriella Valencia-Goth.  It was a
letter from my mother.  Tears started to well in my eyes.  I have no memories of her, no memories of my
life before now.

     I paused for a moment to take a deep breath like my mother suggested.  My hands were shaking.  As I
looked down to resume reading the letter, I noticed that some of the pages had fallen to the ground.  I
scooped up the pieces of parchment and realized that they were drawings.  The same signature was
written on the bottom of each one and a brief note about the image was written on the back and, they
were numbered.

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“Your great-grandfather Manning Valencia.”

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“Your great-grandmother Karina Kelly.”

     Manning did appear to be very strong and handsome like mother described.  Karina had beautiful
green eyes and cute little freckles.  I just realized…I haven’t a clue what I look like.

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“Windenburg – Manning sees Karina for the first time.”

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“Their first kiss.”

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]

    Hmmm…no note on the last two.  Oddly enough, I think I know what they were doing in that bush.

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“Karina about to give birth to your grandmother, my mother, Nara Valencia”

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“Karina with her beloved family.”

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“Roasted fish over the fire pit for dinner.”

     Living in the Pre-Historic Era looked very difficult.  Their cave seemed very cozy with the fire pit
inside.  Just acquiring enough food to eat must have kept them very busy.  I wonder what they did in
their free time.

Offline Caterina

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Immortality Awaits: Unexpected Treasures - Part 2
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2016, 03:59:28 PM »
Unexpected Treasures - Part 2

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“Karina’s collections and more Woohoo-ing in a bush.”

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“Karina about to give birth for a second time to my Aunt, Lara Valencia.”

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“Karina mated with Marcus Flex resulting in a third daughter, Mara Flex.” 

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“Karina mated with Bjorn Bjergsen resulting in a fourth daughter, Kara Bjergsen.” 

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“Plenty of room in the cave for everyone.  From the Left:  Nara, Kara, Mara, Manning, and Karina”

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“Karina mated with Don Lothario resulting in a son, her fifth child, Donning Lothario.” 

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“Karina mated with Lucas Munch resulting in a son, her sixth and last child, Lunning Munch.” 

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“I’m not sure who was in the bush this time but it looks like they were having some fun.”

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“Manning holds the new man-child tightly to his chest as Karina rests outside, exhausted from delivering her sixth child.”

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Immortality Awaits: A Mother's Sacrifice
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2016, 12:11:20 AM »
Yay pictures! I like the way you worked them in. The story was very readable with them, but I have to confess I love pictures. Manning is very handsome. He has kind of a Khal Drogo thing going on. Can't wait for more!

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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Immortality Awaits: A Mother's Sacrifice
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2016, 09:10:21 AM »
I loved seeing your History Challenge attempt and your writing is wonderful to read =D
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Offline Caterina

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Re: Immortality Awaits: A Mother's Sacrifice
« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2016, 11:37:37 AM »
     Manning is "Khal Drogo by viltor87" from the gallery. 
     Karina is "Cute Girl by minemz", also from the gallery.

     Yay! and Thanks!  I haven't given up on my History Challenge yet.  I do plan to complete it.  I have the massive task of bulldozing their lot and rebuilding their house in Medieval style to finish before I can resume playing it.  The cave I downloaded from the gallery.  Their Roman Villa I created myself from researching floor plans from the time period.  It turned out kind of nice, especially the first floor.

I will post more pictures today so stay tuned.

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Re: Immortality Awaits: Unexpected Treasures
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2016, 04:01:18 PM »
Unexpected Treasures - Part 3

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“Manning’s reaping.  From the left:  Manning, Mara, Nara, Lara, Grim, Lunning, Karina, Kara,
and Donning.“

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“My mom meeting my dad for the first time in Oasis Springs (your grandparents, Nara and Alexander).”

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“A baby on the way.  Hint:  It’s me!”

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“Everyone celebrating and preparing to pack for the move into the new era.”

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“Dad, mom, and I entering our new villa for the first time.  I loved my new gown.”

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“Our Roman Villa – view from the top, you can see the garden on the left where Uncle
Donning and Uncle Lunning spend most of their time.”

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“The second floor was mostly bare.  My uncles each had their own room.  Aunt Lara
and Aunt Mara shared the room near the bottom of the drawing.”

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“The first floor, clockwise from the bottom left: Gran’s collections, the study where I
wrote your letter, the living room, the den, a utility room, five roman baths, the workshop,
the peristyle, the art studio, the dining room, the kitchen, my room, mom and dad’s room,
Gran and Aunt Kara’s room, empty space for a shop, and the entry way.  There is a small
pool in the courtyard which is filled from the rain water which runs off of the roof.  The sitting
room between the courtyard and the peristyle is where you would find Aunt Kara playing
violin or practicing her speech in the mirror.”

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“Floor Plan for the Villa”

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“Karina’s Reaping.  From the left:  “Kara, Grim, Lara, Donning, dad (Alexander), me, Lunning,
and Gran (Karina)"

     At this point I stopped reading the letter and took another deep breath.  I was overcome with
emotions.  That last drawing of Gran's reaping was heartbreaking.  My poor mother had to witness
death and experience loss at such a young age.  That Grim...I don't like him.  He has already claimed two
of my ancestors.  Who does he think he is impressing with his flashy moves?  Leave them alone! 

     I took an even deeper breath.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Immortality Awaits: Unexpected Treasures
« Reply #11 on: June 21, 2016, 05:21:37 AM »
I am blown away by the villa, even the 'round' grass details. I must applaud you for sticking to the design, I usually give up halfway and make it into something different when working from reference. I would love to read your official HC when you post so I can appreciate the former cast more.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Re: Immortality Awaits: Unexpected Treasures
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2016, 11:33:41 AM »
Unexpected Treasures – Part 4

     Aunt Kara’s drawings were mostly wonderful.  They made me happy because I was able to see what
my family looked like and what their home looked like.  I knew I had to continue reading the letter but at
the moment I was fearful to uncover what was to come for the rest of the family. 

     I returned the letter and the drawings to my pocket where I had found them and decided to check my
other pocket just in case.  Inside I found a smart phone and another unexpected treasure, a heart-
shaped pendant.  The heart was inscribed with my name on one side and a quote on the other: “Believe
that you can and you are half way there.”  Believe that I can what?  Hmmm … perhaps I’ll find out what
when I finish the rest of the letter.

     I put the necklace around my neck and took my first ‘selfie’.  How do I even know these things?  I
wanted to see what I looked like, who I looked like, and I couldn’t wait a second longer.

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“My first selfie.”

     I have my mother’s hair color and my great-grandmother’s green eyes but not her freckles.  My gown
is very much like the one’s my mother and aunts were wearing at the Roman Villa.  I haven’t come
across a drawing of my father yet so I don’t know what I’ve inherited from him.  I don’t even know his
name.  I put the necklace and my phone back in my pocket and pulled out the letter again.  Eager to get
some answers, I began reading.

     The next part was about my grandmother’s wedding, my grandfather’s passing, and about that Grim.

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“A surprise proposal.”

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“Your grandmother and grandfather in front of the wedding arch.”

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“The wedding guests.  From the left:  Aunt Mara, Uncle Donning, Alexander Goth, Nara Valencia, Aunt
Lara, Aunt Kara, an unknown party guest, and Uncle Lunning.”

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“You may now kiss the bride.  Alexander and Nara Valencia-Goth”

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“Father’s death by laughter.”

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“A frustrated Grim at yet another reaping.  From the left:  Alexander, Lunning, Nara, Kara, and Grim”

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“Grim looking solemn and defeated as he came for my mother.”

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“Six times he had come…”

     How dare Grim ask my mother to sacrifice anything after all he has taken from her family!  She had
promised him her first born child and she wasn’t even married yet.  It must have been very difficult for
her to continue on knowing what the future would bring.

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Re: Immortality Awaits: Unexpected Treasures (new 6/23)
« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2016, 12:13:49 PM »
Unexpected Treasures - Part 5

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“Your father, Gabriel Tucker proposing to me in the dining room where Grim had come to take my
father only days before.”

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“I said ‘Yes’ to the proposal.”

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“I said ‘Yes’ and ‘I will’ at our wedding.”

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“The newlyweds, Mr. Gabriel Tucker and Mrs. Alexa Valencia-Goth.”

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“I cried poolside beside your father who was eating a piece of the wedding cake.”

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“In front of the bassinet in our bedroom about to give birth to you.”

 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
“My precious twins, Gabriella and Gabe.  My father’s ghost is holding you in his arms and that is Gabriel
standing in front of your brother’s bassinet.  It was the last time I saw you.”

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“The peristyle.  It’s like time stood still at the villa when you left.”

     Tears welled in my eyes again and I began sobbing.  I held the letter and Aunt Kara’s drawings to my
chest.  They were all I had of my past.  I will treasure them always.  The heart-shaped pendant I will wear
around my neck to remind me who I am, where I came from, and that I can do anything if I believe that I
can.  I believe, mother.  I believe.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Immortality Awaits: Unexpected Treasures (new 6/23)
« Reply #14 on: June 23, 2016, 03:27:51 PM »
Oh no, so sad that Alexa only saw her daughter for a brief moment. Your founder is beautiful, it was great seeing the genes being passed down the line.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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