I recently started playing the BFF's, attempting to get them up to speed, with the growfruit challenge. Their house has nice planters in their back yard. As part of that, I stuck with them and am in the process of leveling all their careers. Travis is in the tech career, and one of the rewards in his branch, (I chose gamer for him) is a gaming mat. After I installed it, everyone in the household, and most guests gravitate to it, when they get the chance. A few times, Travis even stopped eating, to go play with the mat. They may take care of some of their needs occasionally, but the pull of the mat is so strong, that they often put the gaming mat ahead of their needs, half of the time.
I am considering removing the mat. It might be different, if the mat contributed to Travis' gaming skill. It apparently doesn't count for Travis' daily task of playing video games. It has really unbalanced the autonomous behavior in the house. I'm just curious, if anyone else has had better success & can think of some reasons to keep it around. Their are plenty of ways to recharge fun, without Sims spending hours there. It sometimes makes guests anti-social too. A default session is such a long time. By default, Sims seem to spend a full session there.