Chapter Five //
Do or DieHey guys, Gaia is still going strong! Last we left off in the official story, Gaia was getting really nervous about babies!
Now, she's had two. Meet Annapurna Diua, the heir, and her twin, Diana Diua!
Both of the girls are being raised to Heir standards, being told 'mommy will choose an heir'. I feel like story-wise, no one will feel left out and maybe when they grow up and have their own kids they realize why Gaia and the gang didn't tell them the full truth. Besides, Diana is going to be a kind of test run for gen3 anyways because I think that will keep me from thinking I can't do this.
Hebe/Dina took her baby to the hospital while Gaia had a home birth.
She decided that she didn't want Dion to be in their lives at all, because a fringe-father is worse to her than none, and therefore, took Seshat/Nina for sibling moral support. Seshat found the computer, and, honestly, they weren't much help. What can you expect from the resident dollhouse crasher?
The baby was a boy. We named him Thomas.
For all of you on the edge of your seats about the VPP... Everyone is an elder now and I won't be subjecting you to wrinkly dad face. If you can guess from the back of his head, you win! And by win, I'll specifically take the time to go into an older save file to get a screenshot of the cuter, younger Divine Procreator.
Here's something I found from brief attempt at photography with Sehsat/Nina, in memory of Katrina Caliente.
Status report-- Gaia had the girls about 4 days before her Elder birthday. As I write this, Gaia was just promoted to level 9 in her career, woo! She has three Good Friends, and we just hauled in the first few Angelfish. She has two parties left, they will be the House Party, and Party at a Friend's House. She also has 3 of her 7 whims. Would have more but she keeps getting emotion +2 for 2 hours and I get distracted with the girls.
The twins have completed two aspirations (Artistic and Motor), and are on the last leg of both the Social and Mental aspirations.
Before I cut to the statistics at the bottom, I'll say this. As the chapter title suggests... We will make it to the First Immortal by the next update, or fail. I'm optimistic, guys. I like my odds.
StatisticsGaia: 105 days old; Career (9); Bestselling Author (X) Freelance Botanist (X); Writing (10) Gardening (10) Charisma (10)
Hebe: Career (
Master Chef (X) Master Mixologist (X); HCooking (10) GCooking (10) Mixology (10)
Seshat: Painter Extraordinaire (X); Painting (10) Photography (2)
Adonis: Musical Genius (X), Guitar (10) Charisma (10) Children (38)
Ambrosia: Snapdragon (X) Lily (X) Orchid (X) Cherry (X) Apple (X) Pomegranate (X) Death Flower (X) Angelfish (3) POY (52)
Annapurna: 8 days to Teen; Artistic Prodigy (X) Rambunctious Scamp (X) Social Butterfly (2/3) Whiz Kid (2/3); Creativity (10) Motor (10) Mental (9) Social (4); B in Grade School
Diana: 8 days to Teen; Artistic Prodigy (X) Rambunctious Scamp (X) Social Butterfly (2/3) Whiz Kid (2/3); Creativity (10) Motor (10) Mental (10) Social (7)