Author Topic: Top Secret: The Spiffendale *Unofficial* Immortal Dynasty [COMPLETE]  (Read 212591 times)

Offline wfgodot

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale *Unofficial* Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #510 on: March 03, 2017, 06:17:57 PM »
Pernille was an awesome kid.
Congrats on finishing your public enemy aspiration!  Cressida really has some beef with Maya though, lol. 
Houda is doing her best, isn't she!  Good job Houda. 

Wendell, smoldering!  I love how proud he is about it.  Personally I think letting him out of the house was the best thing ever.  His sudden attitude change is excellent, I really enjoy it!  And you know I adored the way he talked about Rocco.  Oh no, and it wasn't just mentioned in passing one time.  He did it again to correct Otto's obvious mistake.  I love it.  I love him.  I love Otto too.

Way to be a dirty hipster, Thad.

Loved Cressida fulfilling her whims.  Oh might as well just take this computer home.  Yes, why not.

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale *Unofficial* Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #511 on: March 03, 2017, 09:55:39 PM »
Well, Cressida has to start making friends somewhere. I suppose Vlad will do... Also, congrats on finishing public enemy! Nailed it!

Wendell is so, so spoilt.

When did Thaddeus turn on you? I think eventually the Immortality goes to all their heads, doesn't it?
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Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale *Unofficial* Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #512 on: March 04, 2017, 07:41:12 AM »
I am very hard-pressed to pick a favourite. I think I'm very much like Francesca where every current heir is my favourite. Or maybe that's just 'cause Cressie is beyond awesome! She's AWESIM!!! And grilled cheese yo!

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale *Unofficial* Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #513 on: March 04, 2017, 08:30:06 AM »
Cool! Clearly I need to kill off play with more aliens!

Good work Cressida! That career outfit is perfect for her.

I think I'm joining Oshizu in Team Morris. Unless Cressida was actually nearby, because she's scary ;)

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale *Unofficial* Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #514 on: March 06, 2017, 02:28:59 PM »
@oshizu Yes, Wendell really blooms under all the attention, but I'm very glad you're still gunning for Team Morris. :)
I was actually worried about Cressida's neck for a minute, too! Vlad really snuck up on me! But she was fine. No plasma for you tonight, Vlad!
Wait until you see Cressida's level 9 career outfit! She rocks the socks off of that one!

@wfgodot Glad you enjoyed Wendell's tribute to Rocco. :) He's really strutting his stuff lately. His field trip has reinvigorated him to no end.
Thad the hipster. Ugh. He gets worse.

@Whirligig That's actually a great idea! Vampire friends! Then she wouldn't have to worry about them dying as long as she never invites them over in the daytime. :)
Thaddeus' betrayal was very sudden and disappointing. He's an irredeemable hipster now, and way too cool for school (and his Watcher). :)

@Magpie2012 Hehe! I'm glad you like Cressida. We are both very flattered by your Awesim praise! Grilled cheese forever! :)

@Alex Yeah, man! Aliens! I'll have to print up some Team Morris banners. Ones that have a picture of Cressida on the back so you can switch them around if she comes near. ;)

Chapter 118:  Trendsetters

Arianna:  Always gotta be different, don’t you, Morris? Could you just sit?

Morris:  I find the air circulation in this part of the room to be superior, so the aromas of the ambrosia reach my palate in a superior way. I’m surprised the rest of you haven’t done more experimentation, given the number of times we’ve all eaten this same meal in this same room.

Arianna:  Don’t you dare try to start a trend, Morris! Sit and eat!

Pernille:  Well, he’s got a point! Why don’t we break up the monotony a little bit and eat somewhere else? We could have a picnic outside or something!

Arianna:  You see what you did, Morris?

Wendell:  Don’t get distracted, Thad! You’ve still got 3/4 of yours left!

Thaddeus:  But it just looks so cool when they disappear! I have to get up and watch!

Wendell:  Okay, but I’m still hungry and if you don’t sit back down soon I’m totally eating yours.

Cressida:  Look, Houda, I’m glad you’re impressed by my upgrading skills, but I’m going to need you to give me some space.

Cressida:  Man, it is so hard to find something in this house that hasn’t already been fully upgraded. After nine generations everything is pretty much perfect.

Morris:  All right, Houda, now watch closely. This is a knife method that I invented myself after years of practice.

Houda: May I ask a-

Morris:  Shhhh! You’re supposed to be swishing that cocktail in your mouth to get the full range of all the fragrance notes! No talking! If you allow too much oxygen to enter your mouth the effect will be ruined!

Cressida:  Okay, I guess a double bed was a pretty good idea after all.

Aditya:  You think you might remove some of the child art from the walls at some point? You know, to set the mood?

Cressida:  *sigh* I swear. You give him an inch . . .

Cressida:  Oh, is it my turn to be irrationally shouted at by the crazy man? Well, allow me to present you with an excoriating retort that shakes you to the very core of your being!

Thaddeus:  Dang! Definitely not going for the Public Enemy next time.

Cressida:  Well, our date’s gone gold and chess is boring. Do you mind if I try out some of my new mischief interactions on you?

Aditya:  *becomes immediately very sad*

Cressida:  Whoa. That’s intense. I might actually feel a tiny bit bad about “subtly debasing” you. The life of a puppet-master is a lonely one. But . . . the power!

Aditya:  I’m going home now. I leave you a sadder but wiser man.

Cressida:  Well, that’s how I like ‘em, so . . .

Morris:  And that’s how I convinced the bartender at Chez Llama that Australian Finger lime leaves* were the only acceptable garnish for their signature cocktail, and that key lime leaves were a completely base substitution.

Thaddeus:  Dude, your hand!

Morris:  Quiet, Thaddeus! I’m tending to the education of our new butler, and gesturing wildly is an indispensable part of this anecdote!

Thaddeus:  But-

Morris:  Shhhh!

Cressida:  Well, this is a worthwhile way to spend the rest of my time until I hit elder! I could almost certainly perfect this art form.

Catherine:  Painting?

Cressida:  No, no. Grilled Cheese Portraiture. The painting is incidental.

Catherine:  Whatever floats your boat, dear.

Cressida:  Okay, that’s what I’m talking about. This is dressing like a boss!

Watcher:  Look who else took up painting! I’ll give you one guess! I’ll give you a hint. He’s blue and his name rhymes with Lotto.

Watcher:  Cleaning out personal inventories (yet again!) only to discover a pile of Wendell selfies! Now we have a Wendell vanity wall. Because we definitely needed one.

Wendell:  Sweet! Erika invited me to a secret underground circus performance in the city!

Watcher:  Oh, no. Not you, too!

Wendell:  That was lame. There weren't even any elephants. And the traffic back from the city was excruciating.

Watcher:  Oh, thank goodness! I can only handle one hipster at a time.

Otto:  Ba-dah! I’m awesome! You know, I used to work as a bartender, but I got fired because I was always smashed, just like these bottles are about to be!

Watcher:  Oh, hey there, Mr. Confident. Looking pretty sure that what you’re doing is an excellent idea. Let’s just hang out here for a few minutes and see if you’re right.

Watcher:  Oh, yes. Breathe it in! What an effortless joy is working out!

Watcher:  Eye of the Tiger, Morris! You got this! You are in no way about to pass out!

Watcher:  The incline? Really? You don’t think that’s pushing it at all? Oh! There it goes! There’s that “Very Uncomfortable” moodlet! And as soon as you leave I will be locking the door to this room.

*an earlier version of this post referenced kaffir lime leaves instead of Australian finger limes, but I have since learned, thanks to a helpful reader, that "kaffir" is a really offensive word to people in South Africa. Not wishing to offend any potential South African readers, I have gone back and changed it. Plus, now I know about Australian Finger Limes, which are really cool, and their juice vesicles are sometimes referred to as "lime caviar," which strikes me as something Morris would totally know about and be into. Thanks!

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale *Unofficial* Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #515 on: March 06, 2017, 03:00:11 PM »
Yay, Morris remains incredibly handsome! Thanks for squashing his attempt to introduce some variety into the ambrosia ritual, Founder Arianna!

When I was researching Hindu names for boys a few days ago, I learned that Aditya (singular) refers to the Sun God. You're welcome (haha, I can talk like wfgodot!)
Does Cressida not mind much that Aditya seems so passive? Aditya, talk some smack now and then, you hear?

Loving Cress in her latest career outfit! Will she be submitting "grilled cheese sandwich portraiture" for her museum items?
If not already, I feel they should be categorized separately than "regular paintings" since they're only accessible after completing the aspiration. *steps off soapbox

Morris and his touch-feely approach to butler training! He should host a Master Class, like Usher!
Hang in there with the fitness, Morris! I'm cheering you on! A little less weight will be better for your heart, ambrosia or no.

A tip I learned from this forum last year about elders and fitness training:
If an elder has Fitness, you can set them to skill up Fitness when you're away from the home  lot and they won't get the Dangerously Exhausted/Uncomfortable moodlet.

Offline wfgodot

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale *Unofficial* Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #516 on: March 06, 2017, 07:24:45 PM »
Wow, what an event to eat some abrosia.

Good to see Morris training up his new butler.  And of course, making good use of his hands whilst doing so.

Cressida looks really pretty in that screenshot where she's talking to Aditya and looking awkward!  I'm glad to see they finally have a bed they can share.

Oh, look at Otto's adorable painting :)  Everything he does is so innocent!

If an elder has Fitness, you can set them to skill up Fitness when you're away from the home  lot and they won't get the Dangerously Exhausted/Uncomfortable moodlet.

Mind blown!
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Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale *Unofficial* Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #517 on: March 06, 2017, 10:36:48 PM »
Well done with the gold date! My Vampire test file has the date timer bug. The date has only been going on for an hour max and I get the "date unsuccessful". It is so freaking frustrating!

Do you know, I've only heard of the kaffir lime in the last five years. Here in SA the "K word" is used as a derogatory term for black Africans, so we have to be so careful using it. But, much like the "N word" in the US, it's fine for them to use it. I've never quite understood that.

Brilliant chapter as always! *Waves Team Cressie flag with Morris on the back

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline Whirligig

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale *Unofficial* Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #518 on: March 07, 2017, 05:02:47 AM »
I feel for Arianna sometimes. I wonder if she sometimes thinks this is an ISBI instead of a dynasty. But can you blame Morris for wanting to vary things up a little bit. He's eaten Ambrosia almost as much as she has.

Thaddeus:  Dang! Definitely not going for the Public Enemy next time.

Wait, what do you mean 'next time'? What are you planning?

Oh yes, that outfit is much, much better.

I n'aaawwed at Otto's painting. Tell him he's adorable.

Don't go doing anything silly, Morris. We'll all be disappointed if you do!
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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale *Unofficial* Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #519 on: March 08, 2017, 01:15:47 PM »
@oshizu Glad you enjoyed Morris's return to the spotlight! I actually read that about Aditya meaning sun god when I first met him. I think it's so cool! I had the darndest time remembering his name at first, but now I really like it. As for Aditya himself, I'm afraid being a live-out spouse has caused his personality to suffer a bit. He doesn't speak to me that much, other than saying, "I'm very handsome and not too bright," so he's more of a sidekick husband. Besides, Cressida's true love is grilled cheese. :)
Thank you so much for the tip about leveling fitness while Morris is at home! I'm so trying that!

@wfgodot I really like that shot of Cressida as well! She looks uncomfortable, but I just had to include it. :) I'm glad you liked Otto's painting. I'd hoped you would.

@Magpie2012 Oh, my gosh! Thank you so much for telling me about the K word. I had no idea! I'm tempted to go back and change it to something else, as I'm horrified to have word that's a racial slur in any country in my story, but your comment provides such good, useful information that I kind of want to leave it in so that people reading the story can learn about it the way I did. Maybe an asterisk. I'll think about it. Suggestions welcome!
Your flag-waving made me smile. :)

@Whirligig I don't know about Arianna, but I certainly feel that way sometimes. :)
All I meant by "next time" is that Thad's insane trait makes him yell at somebody autonomously at least once per day. More often now that he's immortal I leave him idle most of the time. Make a wood sculpture, nap in the bush, find someone you like and yell at them. That's his retirement plan. :)

Chapter 119:  Hipster

Cressida:  Obligatory birthday shot!

Thaddeus:  Obligatory family member celebrating with crazy-wide-open mouth!

Wendell:  Did someone say, “Handsome devil?” Anyone? Someone? No?

Watcher:  Okay . . . what? Seriously? The glasses now? You couldn’t just be a hipster in attitude, you had to be outwardly and obviously pretentious as well? Am I going to catch you on a fixed-gear bike next?

Thaddeus:  Look, I don’t even know what you’re talking about. I don’t really think about what I wear. Now, could you possibly take your basic-ness somewhere else? The smell of Frappuccino is giving me a headache.

Watcher:  I take my coffee black and you know it! THADDEUS! You . . you . . . HIPSTER!

Thaddeus:  *eyeroll*

Cressida:  Smashing the dollhouse gives me a happy moodlet, and fixing the dollhouse gives me a happy moodlet. Win-win! I could do this all day! Being both mean and handy is amazing!

Cressida:  Those birds freak me out. And I’m me, so that’s pretty impressive. Good show, creepy birds.

Watcher:  Dude . . . your jeans. Those are the tightest jeans I’ve ever seen in my life. How do you even get them on? Where did you find them? Wait . . . are those the girl skinnies from Backyard Stuff?

Thaddeus:  I guess I anticipated that your narrow, gender-conformative mind would take issue with that but, like, I still find it disappointing. I mean, what are girl pants? What are guy pants? They’re pants. I put them on my legs. Do we really have to police the masculinity of denim?

Watcher:  I don’t know, dude, but those are some extremely tight pants.

Thaddeus:  *sigh* *eyeroll*

Wendell:  Ah, the romance festival! Where your girlfriend can immediately throw rose petals all over your grandson and everybody is cool with that and you all just go drink some pink tea together.

Erika:  What? It’s a friendly interaction.

Otto:  And all those phone calls asking me out to hang with you at bars?

Erika:  I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Thaddeus:  Ugh. It’s just so-

Watcher:  Don’t say “mainstream.” I will honestly figure out a way to punch you if you say “mainstream.”

Thaddeus:  I was going to say predictable. It used to be better. It’s gotten all commercial now. I don’t know why we even come here anymore.

Watcher:  Because the house is laggy and Cressida only works three days a week and things would get super boring if we just sat around doing yoga and rolling our eyes all day.

Thaddeus:  *sigh* Whatever.

Guru:  So . . . what sort of answer to your question will not get me beat up?

Cressida:  The one you could have given me five seconds ago. Too late now, though. *shrug*

Guru:  I knew I should have just said, “match made in heaven.” Why do I always try to get creative?

Cressida: Hehehehe. Now I get to watch her sweat all night. This is a great festival, after all! The tea ain’t bad, either.

Watcher:  Gosh. The peasants didn’t want to sit with you? Shocker.

Thaddeus:  Or maybe ironically observing the festivities from afar is the only way to really make this event tolerable.

Watcher:  Yeah, well, you just continue being too cool for school there, buddy. I’m going to actually have fun.

Thaddeus:  I think it’s nice that that’s possible for you. Having such simple tastes must be a real boon. I envy you, honestly. I wish I could be so easily entertained.

Watcher:  You know they’re selling that pufferfish nigiri stuff over there.

Thaddeus:  Please. That’s so five minutes ago. Nobody eats nigiri, anymore.

Watcher:  I was thinking more about some of it from five hours ago. Or five days ago, even. Semi-fermented nigiri is where it’s at.

Thaddeus:  That’s not a thing, and if you kill me off you’ll just have to get Cressida pregnant and start all over again.

Watcher:  Then stop being so murderable! Ya dang hipster!

Wendell:  This rose-colored lighting really brings out my awesome.

Cressida:  Hey! I know you’re super angry because I just flirted with someone else, but want to renew our vows?

Aditya:  Yes! Very publicly and loudly!

Cressida:  Oh, Aditya, your name means sun god and truly you are-

Aditya:  SPEAK UP! And, that’s right! You keep walking, buddy! And don’t forget who wore this shirt better. It was me!

Cressida:  Oh, hey! New ring! That’s a nice touch!

Aditya:  Anything to show the world that you’re mine and only mine!

Cressida:  You’re pretty cute when you’re possessive, but I belong to no one. Except perhaps the inventor of grilled cheese.

Watcher:  . . . .Okay, what? I wrote a whole plotline, girl. I wrote you out and  . . . how many times have I given up, now? Is anyone keeping count? Welcome back, Salma! I’ll go re-assign your bed to you, just in case. Who will be our butler next time we travel off the lot? Sir Chilipepper? The Ghost of Jorge? Could be anyone! Stay tuned!

Watcher:  You look much too cheerful right now. I’m pretty sure hipsters don’t smile.

Thaddeus:  Well, I might be giving up the whole hipster thing. It’s exhausting, and I’m very old. Do you have any idea how many new bands are formed every day? And some of them are bad and some are good and some are so bad they’re good and . . . it’s hard to keep track.

Watcher:  Well, I’ve got to tell you, that’s a giant relief to me.

Thaddeus:  I’m keeping the glasses, though.

Watcher:  That’s fine. I’m too lazy to go back into CAS right now, anyway.

Watcher:  Oh, good. Found all your old plate-dropping spots. Carry on.

Watcher:  Oh, look! It’s the only thing that could cheer me up right now!

Diego:  This isn’t Echelon. What nonsense. It’s like the second I phoned up and asked Morris to re-join Upper Echelon he immediately started a club gathering and elected to stay home. Oh, they’ve got talking toilets, now! I’d better go check them out, although I hate it when anything I like changes even slightly, so I’ll have to despise them on principle.

Cressida:  Whoa. My internal eye is making me dizzy.

Morris:  Oh, Diego darling, I’ve missed you so!

Diego:  Then I am sorry I did not stay away longer. I like being missed.*

Morris:  Don’t you dare quote Oscar Wilde at me! If you do that I might never end this club gathering for the whole rest of the dynasty.

Diego:  Well, then you’d better make me a drink so we can settle in, because we are all of us in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.**

Morris:  You're incorrigible!

Cressida:  Well, I’ve maxed my career, but something is somehow still missing . . .


Cressida:  Oh, of course! That was it! I wonder if the dust that accompanies my summoned grilled cheeses is supposed to be golden fairy dust or just powdered cheese. Hmm.

*From An Ideal Husband
**From Lady Windermere's Fan

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale *Unofficial* Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #520 on: March 08, 2017, 02:35:02 PM »
From the standpoint of dynasty goals, I'd first like to congratulate Cressida on maxing her Boss career!
Great work, girl, and you look absolutely classy in your work uniform!

Wendell and his posing--too funny. I'm glad Thaddeus has given his hipster thing a rest--I wasn't liking him that much, though the black frames are a fantastic look for him!
I feel bad for the adorable Thaddeus--Akito is gone and Thaddeus has yet to find a new narrative niche! :-(  (But I secretly giggled at your description of his retirement plan...)
Aditya shooting daggers at the random dude wearing the same Romance Festival shirt is too funny!

So not true for Morris with the Diego comeback!
The Ideal Husband--I confess I haven't seen the stage version, but will forever love Rupert Everett and Julianne Moore in the film adaptation.
Those two (D & M, not R & J)--as culturally snobby as always! I love it! So that's why Morris had been working out? Hmmm?

Soooooo...the Spiffendales are now awaiting Cressida's elder birthday?
In the meantime, may I request more Morris and Diego? Please? Pretty please with a cherry on top?

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale *Unofficial* Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #521 on: March 08, 2017, 03:07:00 PM »
Congrats on your promotion (and your grilled cheese), Cressida! And good to see Salma back again - I'd missed her.

I like Thaddeus' glasses too :)

You could always replace the kiddie pictures on Cressida's walls with Grilled Cheese Portraiture. I'm sure Aditya would find that much less creepy.

Offline wfgodot

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale *Unofficial* Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #522 on: March 09, 2017, 05:23:05 PM »
It's cheesy, buttery steam, is what it is. 

Nice work on your career, Cressida.   And a great shot of Aditya's glare as they renewed their vows!

Right here, Wendell, I'm the one who said handsome devil!  And you do look great, though I'm a little disappointed to see you're still calling Erika your girlfriend!  I thought she was no longer needed!  Poor Otto, he looks kind of uncomfortable about what just happened. 

Yes, I did love Otto's painting.  The guy is so adorable.  I don't know if its cause he's blue or cause he's childish but I could just hug him forever.  Still like Wendell best, though!

As for Thaddeus's jeans, I'm surprised he even found some that would be tight on him, the guy is so thin!  I'm glad he gets to keep the glasses.

I'm glad Salma's back but now I feel like the continuity is broken!  At least she's still the same Salma.  And it was really cool to see Diego, too.
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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale *Unofficial* Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #523 on: March 10, 2017, 01:47:08 PM »
Interlude:  Apology

Wendell:  Hi. I’m Wendell, the Ultimate Spiffendale. You may remember me from that time I was awesome, or that other time I was awesome, or that one time where I blew everyone out of the water with my awesomeness.

Thaddeus:  And I’m Thaddeus. The irredeemable hipster.

Wendell:  Quiet, Thaddeus. We’re here to apologize for that.

Thaddeus:  For me being a hipster?

Wendell:  No, for the Watcher being a jerk. Now sit tight. Let me do the talking.

Wendell:  You see, gentle readers, the reason we are here dressed as characters from a Samuel Beckett play is that our Watcher used to live in a couple of large cities, namely San Francisco and Oakland, filled with hipsters. Their superior taste in music, clothing, facial hair, and pretty much everything else made her feel inadequate, and she seems to have developed a rather nasty complex about it.

Thaddeus:  You think?

Wendell:  Quiet! That complex seems to have manifested itself in hostility towards poor Thaddeus here, and hipsters in general.

Thaddeus:  Also, from my personal experience with our Watcher, I can tell you that she sometimes can’t tell the difference between being funny and being mean, and sometimes she pushes things too far.

Wendell:  Yeah, like that time she teased Moss Benjaminz so much he ran off and married Sofia Bjergsen.

Thaddeus:  Or that time she threatened to kill me with bad sushi.

Wendell:  Oh, that’s right. She did that, didn’t she? What a jerk!

Thaddeus:  Right?

Thaddeus: Readers, there is no need to marry Sofia Bjergsen. Our Watcher is sorry.

Wendell:  She really is.

Watcher:  I really am.

Thaddeus:  Quiet, you! You’ve done enough damage. You don’t get to be in this one.

Watcher:  Okay, sorry.

  . . .

   . . .

Wendell:  Well? Shall we go?

Thaddeus:  Yes, let’s go.

[They do not move]*

[End Scene]

*sorry, Mr. Beckett

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Re: Top Secret: The Spiffendale *Unofficial* Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #524 on: March 10, 2017, 02:13:16 PM »
This is so, so, so, so very wonderful!
I love their suits, their perfect posturing, and all the the sepia tones! Their little contrite facial expressions! *almost dies laughing but gets charmed to death, instead

I almost feel bad about complaining that Thaddeus had become unlikable for me, but if complaining gets me results like this....
*puts on thinking cap to consider what else to complain about

Wendell, lol, trying to wedge his way into the spotlight (his head's so big now, it's a wonder he could fit into the screenshots--he's especially cute in these shots!)
I hope that suit and hat somehow become a permanent part of Wendell's wardrobe. It could be his "philosophizing about his own awesomeness" outfit?

And Thaddeus! Does this mean we get Thaddeus the Adorable back? He is the most gorgeous elder--absolutely no one does grey hair like Thaddeus!
(*whispers: Not even Morris)

I'm really very sorry for making you say you're sorry and for making you feel that you couldn't let your sims be whoever you want.

But this is one awesome post (Yes, Wendell, even more awesome than you are!).
Everything about it is fantastic, including you @FrancescaFiori ! What a stunning series of shots featuring two of our favorite sims!

And now I slink away to go sit in the corner for the rest of the day, wearing a Dunce cap.

