Author Topic: The Flanagan Decadynasty--The Final Update (Please Graveyard)  (Read 78876 times)

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: The Flanagan Decadynasty--Spouse Hunting and Killing Time
« Reply #75 on: July 22, 2016, 03:30:17 AM »
Oh, I love this family! Way to go Quinn on maxing that job!
I must say I do love Quinn. XD Always have, always will.

I must say Liddell knows what's up. "Huh? I stopped listening after you said 'yeah.'"

I'm always happy to see more Quinn and Susie genes. I can't wait to see how the babies grow up. =)

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Flanagan Decadynasty--Spouse Hunting and Killing Time
« Reply #76 on: July 22, 2016, 11:42:27 PM »
That's so funny that Liam came dressed that way--a born pollinator, that guy!

Woot woot! Congrats to the centenarian Quinn for maxing his career!
It's nice that he could live long enough to help his twins learn their toddler skills.

Without knowing his traits, I think the purple-haired guy has the kindest expression and prettiest face among Liddell's prospects so far.
Can't wait to see Fiona's nooboos!

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Flanagan Decadynasty--Spouse Hunting and Killing Time
« Reply #77 on: July 25, 2016, 01:10:29 PM »
Oh, I love this family! Way to go Quinn on maxing that job!
I must say I do love Quinn. XD Always have, always will.

I must say Liddell knows what's up. "Huh? I stopped listening after you said 'yeah.'"

I'm always happy to see more Quinn and Susie genes. I can't wait to see how the babies grow up. =)
It took quite a while before anyone really captured Liddell's attention.  Of course, it couldn't be one of the eligible options  :=/
The babies turn out wonderfully glorious!

That's so funny that Liam came dressed that way--a born pollinator, that guy!

Woot woot! Congrats to the centenarian Quinn for maxing his career!
It's nice that he could live long enough to help his twins learn their toddler skills.

Without knowing his traits, I think the purple-haired guy has the kindest expression and prettiest face among Liddell's prospects so far.
Can't wait to see Fiona's nooboos!
Purple-hair guy at least has the advantage of being Liddell's chosen color.  Well, he's not the color, but his hair is.
Quinn did an excellent job.  That founder of the year award is in the bag!

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Flanagan Decadynasty--Away, Going and Passing...
« Reply #78 on: July 25, 2016, 01:11:16 PM »

In the distant town of Champs-La-Sims, France, a very special young lady arrives.

Liddell:  Alright.  Let's do this thing.

French Guy:  Hey, will you go get my lost item from some Celtic ruins?
Liddell:  Eh, I guess.
Pippin:  But first, she does some excavating.

Liddell:  That's a really nice hat!
Egyptian Guy:  Thank you!
Liddell:  I was talking to the lovely lady, sir.  Not you.
Pippin:  And so, Liddell adventured...

Pippin:  and took full advantage of having a motive mobile...

Liddell:  Why does this look like a scene from Scooby-Doo?
Pippin:  and found treasures...

Pippin:  and met more lovely foreigners.

Pippin:  and then returned home with 3 more BlackOps completed (since that's all she's allowed to count from travels abroad) to find things were still pretty much as she'd left them.

Quinn:  I sure do love my wife!

Lisette:  I sure do hate my father!
Pippin:  And Liddell returned to the library (which she now owned) to find a familiar face.

Zoe:  Hi, Liddell!  I haven't seen you since you were a teen.  Heavens, you've become quite lovely.
Liddell:  And you have purple hair.

Liddell:  I do love purple.
Zoe:  Can't say I'm not fond of blondes.
Pippin:  Pump the brakes, Liddell!  Not a legal spouse option!
Liddell:  Psh, you act like there are any decent legal options, Pippin.
Zoe:  Sorry, were you talking to me?
Liddell:  No.  Strange magic voice from the sky.  You know, Watcher stuff and whatnot.
Pippin:  That should scare her off.
Zoe:  You have a Watcher?  I find that so interesting!
Pippin:  (facepalm)  Well, looks like Liddell has found some happiness, but sadness is creeping its way into the household.

Pippin:  Quinn lived for a very full 105 days.

Pippin:  Despite maxing his career, the writing skill, and completing his LTW, he only got a medium tombstone, but that will be enough.

Pippin:  Rest in peace, Quinn Flanagan.  You've done your job surpassingly well.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: The Flanagan Decadynasty--Away, Going and Passing...
« Reply #80 on: July 25, 2016, 08:03:55 PM »
I can do this.
I can recover.
I'm sure of this!

Anyways, poor Zoe and Liddell. Lovers who cannot be (legally). Perhaps they can still see each other after Liddell gets that silly marriage thing out of the way... Heh.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Flanagan Decadynasty--Away, Going and Passing...
« Reply #81 on: July 25, 2016, 10:38:18 PM »
Yay! You're back with another dynasty! *Runs to bookmark*
Yep, here I am!  Glad to have you along for the (hopefully HOF) ride  :=)

I can do this.
I can recover.
I'm sure of this!

Anyways, poor Zoe and Liddell. Lovers who cannot be (legally). Perhaps they can still see each other after Liddell gets that silly marriage thing out of the way... Heh.
I knew you'd be broken up over this one.  I was pretty devastated when it happened.
Yeah, Liddell and Zoe may keep being a thing maybe  ;=)

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Offline chetanhaobijam

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Re: The Flanagan Decadynasty--Away, Going and Passing...
« Reply #82 on: July 25, 2016, 11:15:14 PM »
Great update. I guess Liddell is having great time in France, excavating and meeting nice foreign people. Great going, Liddell. And lastly, RIP Quinn. Your contributions will not go in vain.

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Chetan's Designs(my Sims3 Creations)

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: The Flanagan Decadynasty--Away, Going and Passing...
« Reply #83 on: July 26, 2016, 06:23:31 PM »
You mentioned not knowing you had become a classic, Pip? You've been classic since before the Classic's were classic lol *see what I did there *wink* hehe*

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Flanagan Decadynasty--Away, Going and Passing...
« Reply #84 on: July 27, 2016, 11:32:43 AM »
Great update. I guess Liddell is having great time in France, excavating and meeting nice foreign people. Great going, Liddell. And lastly, RIP Quinn. Your contributions will not go in vain.

Sent from my Micromax A94 using Tapatalk

Thanks, Chet!  I always enjoy having my Sims travel, so sending Liddell to France was fun for me as well.
It was sad to lose Quinn, but his departure was necessary to get the appropriate-sized tombstone.

You mentioned not knowing you had become a classic, Pip? You've been classic since before the Classic's were classic lol *see what I did there *wink* hehe*

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Oh, Mags, you are such a sweetheart!  And yes, I see what you did there *winks back*

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Flanagan Decadynasty--Away, Going and Passing...
« Reply #85 on: July 27, 2016, 05:06:10 PM »
Rest in peace, Quinn Flanagan, Husband of the Year and Founder of the Year. You will be dearly missed!

Oh noooo! That purple-haired boy with the gentle expression has been metaphorically kicked to the curb by another purple-haired young woman of dubious intentions.
The dynasty requires Liddel to be wed and bred, even temporarily. Hmmmm, how will Pippin handle this situation.

And, more important, what color hair does Fiona's nooboo have?

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Flanagan Decadynasty--Away, Going and Passing...
« Reply #86 on: July 29, 2016, 11:48:18 AM »
Rest in peace, Quinn Flanagan, Husband of the Year and Founder of the Year. You will be dearly missed!

Oh noooo! That purple-haired boy with the gentle expression has been metaphorically kicked to the curb by another purple-haired young woman of dubious intentions.
The dynasty requires Liddel to be wed and bred, even temporarily. Hmmmm, how will Pippin handle this situation.

And, more important, what color hair does Fiona's nooboo have?
Haha, I love that you stay focused on Fiona's offspring  :=)
There are always ways to work around Sims' romantic inclinations.

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Flanagan Decadynasty--Sibling Dynamics
« Reply #87 on: July 29, 2016, 11:50:39 AM »
When grief strikes a household, everyone finds their own ways to cope

Pippin:  For some, this means turning to whoever is convenient for distraction.

Pippin:  For others, it's finding comfort in the arms of their true love.

Pippin:  For others...

Pippin:  the closing door opens a new one.

Pippin:  But for Susie, grief gave way to joy as her twin toddlers grew to be children.  First Alice,

Pippin:  then Lenore.

Pippin:  And they each developed their own looks and personalities.

Lenore:  The world is full of beauty and wonder!
Alice:  Rock on, dude!
Pippin:  And Liddell got back to her writing.

Liddell:  It's what Dad would have wanted.
Pippin:  Meantime, the twins became best of friends!

Pippin:  But they were both very suspicious of their bus driver.

Lenore:  She's up to something.
Alice:  I just don't trust that Jezebel!
Lenore:  Who's Jezebel?
Alice:  I'm not sure, but I'll bet our bus driver knows!
Pippin:  And while the twins were best of friends, they didn't necessarily enjoy their elder sibling as much.
Alice:  Writing again?!?!  Ugh, you're so boring!

Liddell:  That is so true.

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Flanagan Decadynasty--Sibling Dynamics
« Reply #88 on: July 29, 2016, 12:49:05 PM »
Haha, my interest in the hair color of Fiona's nooboo can be attributed to your very own love of redheads! And I note that Fiona has a redheaded daughter!
Will the Flanagans ever become a redheaded dynasty? (rhetorical question for dramatic effect, sorry!)

By the way, in your first shot, what is going on with Sean's green reptilian hands? Has he always been a supernatural life form and did I just forget because of my infatutation with his lilac hair?

Did you intentionally take your "the closing door opens a new one" screenshot in front of the ladies' washroom sign? rofl

The twins are so adorable! Is it a trick of my imagination and foolish desire or does Alice slightly resemble Quinn?
It will be such fun to watch the sassy twins grow up while we wait for the lovely Liddell to finish up with her writing. :D

*waits eagerly to see how Pippin "work's around [Liddell]'s romantic inclinations"

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: The Flanagan Decadynasty--Sibling Dynamics
« Reply #89 on: July 29, 2016, 02:17:39 PM »
Yay for Liddell and Zoey! =)

I love the twins, though I'll be honest I had to go back through to look to see which was which after the first read! ::) Silly me. They have different skintones.

I still miss Quinn, but tis the life of DecaDynasties. =)

Also, @oshizu, I think those are gloves on Sean's hands, though I could be wrong... I just know there's no supernatural states that change hands. :)

