In the distant town of Champs-La-Sims, France, a very special young lady arrives.
Liddell: Alright. Let's do this thing.

French Guy: Hey, will you go get my lost item from some Celtic ruins?
Liddell: Eh, I guess.
Pippin: But first, she does some excavating.

Liddell: That's a really nice hat!
Egyptian Guy: Thank you!
Liddell: I was talking to the lovely lady, sir. Not you.
Pippin: And so, Liddell adventured...

Pippin: and took full advantage of having a motive mobile...

Liddell: Why does this look like a scene from Scooby-Doo?
Pippin: and found treasures...

Pippin: and met more lovely foreigners.

Pippin: and then returned home with 3 more BlackOps completed (since that's all she's allowed to count from travels abroad) to find things were still pretty much as she'd left them.

Quinn: I sure do love my wife!

Lisette: I sure do hate my father!
Pippin: And Liddell returned to the library (which she now owned) to find a familiar face.

Zoe: Hi, Liddell! I haven't seen you since you were a teen. Heavens, you've become quite lovely.
Liddell: And you have purple hair.

Liddell: I do love purple.
Zoe: Can't say I'm not fond of blondes.
Pippin: Pump the brakes, Liddell! Not a legal spouse option!
Liddell: Psh, you act like there are any decent legal options, Pippin.
Zoe: Sorry, were you talking to me?
Liddell: No. Strange magic voice from the sky. You know, Watcher stuff and whatnot.
Pippin: That should scare her off.
Zoe: You have a Watcher? I find that so interesting!
Pippin: (facepalm) Well, looks like Liddell has found some happiness, but sadness is creeping its way into the household.

Pippin: Quinn lived for a very full 105 days.

Pippin: Despite maxing his career, the writing skill, and completing his LTW, he only got a medium tombstone, but that will be enough.

Pippin: Rest in peace, Quinn Flanagan. You've done your job surpassingly well.