Fatherhood is a glorious thing which cannot be described by mere words.Sean: Hey, hot stuff, wanna go have another baby?
Pippin: Way to ruin the narration, Sean. Of course, his cheating and poor reputation seems to have gotten in the way of his relationship with his young daughter, Lisette.
Lisette: You're a jerk, Dad!
Sean: That's no way to talk to your father, Stanley!
Lisette: My name's not Stanley!
Pippin: Fortunately, nothing is getting in the way of Liam's relationship with Fiona.
Pippin: Well, nothing except for her sister, Morrigan.
Morrigan: All the kisses are for me!
Pippin: Meantime, Liddell keeps writing.
Liddell: I'm so exciting.
Pippin: And when she's not doing that, she's chatting up potential spouses.
Liddell: Eh, I guess you're passably attractive.
Lawless Kid: Yeah, I suppose I am. I work out, you know?
Liddell: Sorry, what? I stopped paying attention to you after you said, "yeah."
Pippin: And Fiona went into labor.
Liam: Oh my Watcher! Someone's at the door!
The Rest: You're right! Someone
is at the door!
Fiona: Umm, having a baby here...
Pippin: And elsewhere, little Alice and Lenore were learning their skills.
Susie: ...and keep your name out of the tabloids, dear. That will just reflect badly on our family name and the dynasty.
Pippin: That's just good parenting right there! And meantime, Liddell chats up another potential spouse.
Potential Spouse: ...so, yeah, I think that's basically why I would be a fantastic fit in the military.
Liddell: Oh. I'm sorry. I wasn't actually listening. Your purple hair is really cool, though.
Pippin: And in other news, Liddell's formal wear is really awesome!
Liddell: It's so true!
Pippin: And while that was happening, a 100 day old Quinn maxed the journalism career.
Quinn: Why did we never make my work outfit more fashionable?
Pippin: ...good question...meantime, more baby-making was happening.
Pippin: And Liddell invested more time into practicing her magic.
Liddell: I'm guessing we're killing time while we wait for another BlackOp?
Pippin: ...maybe...but look at what an awesome picture this made!
Liddell: If we're hurting that much for BlackOps, why don't I just travel abroad and do a few odd jobs?
Pippin: Because...hmmm...that's actually a really good idea.