Author Topic: A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty (Chapter 6 7/20)  (Read 11668 times)

Offline laurela

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Hi! I'm laurela, and I've been an avid sims player since the very first game. Despite my experience as a sims player, I have yet to try to make a dynasty or legacy (I get bored after 3 generations), so here I am attempting a Life States Dynasty. A few things first:
  • This is a HoF attempt, and it is currently in progress. This dynasty is officially in HoF! YAY!!
  • I will post all my updates here on the forum, as well as on my blog here. The blog is PG I guess, and I might write things there a little differently. So if you're uncomfortable with some words or more descriptive explanations, I suggest you read here. :)
  • A summary of the heirs and the chapter links will also be here on the first post. NOTE: Contains spoilers.
  • Please do tell me if there is anything I write here that is offensive or blunt, as I am naturally a blunt person and I may not realize. I don't bite, I promise. :)
  • Lastly, enjoy reading!
So, without further ado, here we go!

View the Phillos Family Tree here! (Spoilers ahead)

FOUNDER: Mafi Phillos (Human)
Traits: Angler, Clumsy, Couch Potato, Slob, Snob
LTW: Professional Author
Spouse: Jules Macduff (Witch)
Offspring: Annie (human) & Andrea (witch)
1-Best Friend: Marigold Maldano (fairy)
2-Career Rewards: Writing Certificate & Honor Trophy (author)
3-Opportunities: Tough Negotiating, Enroll in University, The Right Way to Borrow
4-LTRs: Acclaimed Author, Long Distance Friend, Observant, Moodlet Manager
5-Wishes: Master Writing Skill, Make at Least 25000 per week in Royalties, Write a Masterpiece, Write 25 Novels, Write 40 Novels
6-Skill Challenges: Specialist Writer, Prolific Writer, Speed Writer, Personable, Celebrity, Super Friendly
7-Masouleum Piece: Sports Books

GENERATION 2: Andrea Phillos (witch)
Traits: Brave, Good, Lucky, Perfectionist, Sailor (yes, I rolled all of those)
LTW: Zombie Master
Spouse: Tristan Van Gould (vampire)
Offspring: Mikayla (witch), Michaela (vampire) & Ella (vampire)
Toddler: Peg Box & Xylophone, Best Friends with Jules & Mafi
Child: On Honor Roll, Research Project
Teen: On Honor Roll, RI: Waylon Woff, Level 3 in Cemetery Worker Job
1-Best Friend: Erica Wolff (werewolf)
2-Career Rewards: Cooking Certificate & Food Processor
3-Opportunities: All-New Bi-Pedal Dishwashing Machine, From One Chef to Another, Some Reading Material
4-LTRs: Magic Hands, Fireproof Homestead, Attractive, Collection Helper
5-Wishes: Learn All Recipes, Max Cooking Skill, Max Alchemy Skill, Be Worth More Than 300000, Marry Tristan
6-Skill Challenges: Menu Maven, Master Alchemist, Star Chef, Alchemists Anonymous, Excellent Elixirs, World Class Chef
7-Masouleum Piece: Potent Invigorating Elixirs

GENERATION 3: Ella Phillos (vampire)
Traits: Absent-Minded, Heavy Sleeper, Loves To Swim, Can't Stand Art, Hates the Outdoors + Brave (nerd group)
LTW: Turn the Town
Spouse: Sebastian Phillos (imaginary friend)
Offspring: Emilio (vampire) & Emil (IF)
Toddler: Peg Box & Xylophone, Best Friends with Andrea & Tristan
Child: On Honor Roll, Research Project
Teen: On Honor Roll, RI: Brandee Guy, Level 3 in Cemetery Worker Job
1-Best Friend: Raquel Still (fairy)
2-Career Rewards: Logic Certificate & Photography Certificate
3-Opportunities: Caring for the Careless, The Giving Sort, The Appropriately Named Deathfish
4-LTRs: Steel Bladder, Haggler, Vacationer, Food Replicator
5-Wishes: Discover All Potions, Reach Level 10 of Medical Career, Master Social Networking Skill, Be Worth More Than 500000, Own 5 Venues
6-Skill Challenges: Master Chemist, Skill Professor, Celestial Explorer, Professional Greeter, Grand Master, Teacher Extraordinaire (I honestly don't know how I supermaxed Logic  :o)
7-Masouleum Piece: Ninja Vanish Potions

GENERATION 4: Emil Phillos (Imaginary Friend)
Traits: Genius, Easily Impressed, Mean-Spirited, Loner, Over-Emotional
LTW: Renaissance Sim
Partner: Navita Singh (werewolf)
Offspring: Julieanne (werewolf) & Julia (IF)
Toddler: Peg Box & Xylophone, Best Friends with Ella & Sebastian
Child: On Honor Roll, Schoolyard Chums
Teen: On Honor Roll, RI: Wilhemina Wolff, Level 3 in Cemetery Worker Job
1-Best Friend: Christopher Moody (vampire)
2-Career Rewards: Hero Medal (Time Machine) & Inventing Certificate
3-Opportunities: Fresh Fish, Master Invention, Scientific Documents
4-LTRs: Fast Learner, Dirt Defiant, Efficient Inventor, Suave Seller
5-Wishes: Own 7 Venues, Master Inventing Skill, Build a Time Machine, Be Worth More Than 1000000, Master Laser-Rhythm-a-Con Skill
6-Skill Challenges: The Scrap Collector, Diabolical Detonator, Widget Wonder, Tinkerer, Master Guitarist, Consignment Profit
7-Masouleum Piece: Widgets (Smashers)


PROLOGUE, PT. 1: It's Just Philosophy
PROLOGUE, PT. 2: Oh, Witches....
CHAPTER ONE: In The Beginning, There Was Nothing.... But A Laptop
CHAPTER TWO: Mafi's Race
CHAPTER THREE: The Girl With The Red Jeans
CHAPTER FIVE: Too Hot, Perhaps?
CHAPTER SIX: If You Don't Succeed, Try Again
I have no idea what to put here.

A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty

Offline laurela

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Re: A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2016, 06:33:50 AM »
PROLOGUE, PT. 1: It's Just Philosophy

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Hi! I'm Mafi Phillos. Pronounced ma-fee phi-lis. Yes, that's how it's actually pronounced. No, I'm not wrong about that. Anyway, I am one of the last descendants of the students of some famous Greek philosophers. I think my great, great great great...
great great great great...
great great great great...
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Where was I?? Oh right. Great great great grandfather was the son of Plato and student of Archimedes. At least, I think so. I don't really know. That's what my parents told me. As a descendant of these great philosophers, I know everything about them. For example, I know Pythagoras invented that traingle theorem thingy that nobody really cares about. I know Aristotle really loved to eat Fried Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwiches. I know that Socrates discovered the Freezer Bunny. But I know a little known fact about all these ancient Greek philosophers. All of these philosophers were actually occults. Well, all of them except Plato. They were all members of the ancient supernatural world. Much like the Greek Gods, or unicorns I guess. A lot of them were never discovered to be occults, but there were 7 who were extremely notable occults. None of these were discussed in your history textbooks, so hold on for a wild ride.

I have no idea what to put here.

A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty

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Offline laurela

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Re: A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2016, 06:39:23 AM »
PROLOGUE, PT. 2: Oh, Witches....

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Plato was the first known occult. Well, he isn't really an occult as he is human, but he was actually a jellybean ghost who accidentally intook some Ambrosia so he became normal. And if you are all unaware, Plato also invented both jellybeans and ambrosia. Amazing, isn't he? He was the first who documented that a lot of other philosophers were occults.

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Pythagoras was the first one Plato knew was an occult. Pythagoras was a witch. No wonder he could solve all his math homework so quickly. He was a talented alchemist who became obsessed with turning other people into occults, so yes, he was the reason every other philosopher is an occult.

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Epicurus was a vampire turned by Pythagoras. Epicurus became the first ever immortal vampire, until he died of a meteor shower. He found out about the secrets of immortality by mixing potions endlessly, thus him becoming immortal.

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I barely know anything about Thales, because he basically never existed. He was an imaginary friend created by a pigment of Epicurus' imagination. He was interested in inventing doohickies and whatchamacallits. He actually invented the first time machine.

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Archimedes was a werewolf who was also turned by Pythagoras (sigh).  Besidses being smart, he was a gifted sculptor and had a passion for exercising (natural of werewolves, I guess.)

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Aristotle was a fairy who was, again, turned by Pythagoras (witches are so troublesome). He loved anything that had to do with the outdoors. He also loved salads a lot.

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Lastly, Socrates was a fiery red-orange ghost (I'm guessing he died in a fire?). I don't really know how he became one, but whatever. It is little known that he is a master of art. Although, he became vey rebellious with it. Thus, he invented street art.

Now, why am I here anyway? Personally I still have no idea but I'm here to do what all of my ancestors could not do. For years, my ancestors have tried to recreate these philosophers. For who they were and what they could've been. But over the past 10 centuries, nobody has been able to do so. By doing some particular tasks, I will be able to recreate these philosophers in my own image. It won't be easy, but I know I can do it, despite my laziness and absent-mindedness.
I have no idea what to put here.

A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty (Prologue 6/04)
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2016, 07:07:25 AM »
You've hooked me in, great start and I look forward to Mafi's story and her descendants =D
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

Offline laurela

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Re: A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2016, 11:55:12 PM »
@KRae @Nettlejuice Thank you so much! I'm glad you guys liked the intro!

CHAPTER ONE: In The Beginning, There Was Nothing.... But A Laptop

Having to leave everyone in Sunlight Peaks (or was it Sunlit Tides? I don't know) was really hard. Okay I'm kidding it was the easiest thing to do in the world, because I was so excited to start to do this for myself and all of my ancestors.

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But the problem was, I had no idea how to actually start thing whole thing. Do I just like, throw myself into a job and hope I get something? Am I just gonna start painting sculptures and sculpting paintings for this museum thingy? I don't know. But I knew what I wanted to do first, and it was to develop my passion. Writing, like Plato.

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I'm pretty sure Plato didn't start writing in an airconditioned room with a mini-fridge by his side on an §1800 laptop in a little old shack in Moonlight Falls, but that's how I roll. I knew I had to do this fast, because I couldn't become a ghost like old Plato or Socrates (I think that's how most of the others failed?). I got interested in writing sports books, as they were really short and earned a lot of money. Soon enough, I got to about §30,000 in royalties PER WEEK just by writing sports books. They were raved on by critics and people just couldn't stop reading them.

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One day I started becoming bored of writing sports books day and night. So I decided to go out one night and I befriended a witch named Jules Macduff.

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Okay I'll be honest, Jules DEFINITELY wasn't the most attractive of sims... in fact he was just plain ugly. I don't know how I got attracted to him, but it happened I guess (I'm kidding. His level 7 in the alchemy skill was SURELY ATTRACTIVE).

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After my quick trip to university (can you believe I passed my exams without attending any of my classes? crazy!), I got home and I immediately married Jules and we endlessly wached TV the whole night (Ah, laziness).

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(Yes, this pic includes post-plastic surgery and makeover Jules. It'll be featured more in the next chapter.)
I have no idea what to put here.

A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty

Offline chetanhaobijam

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Re: A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty (Chapter 1 6/05)
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2016, 01:03:24 AM »
Great start. Best of luck to Mafi. Looking forward for next update.
Chetan's Designs(my Sims3 Creations)

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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty (Chapter 1 6/05)
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2016, 12:11:05 PM »
Jules isn't so bad but I do hope the kids take after their mother  ;)
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

Offline laurela

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Re: A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty (Chapter 1 6/05)
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2016, 08:19:15 PM »
Jules isn't so bad but I do hope the kids take after their mother  ;)

Andrea and Annie (their kids) actually did take more of their mother's genes and they do look good! I'm excited to post it, but I'm still working on the pictures  ;D
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A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty

Offline laurela

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Re: A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty (Chapter 1 6/05)
« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2016, 07:49:07 PM »
Hey guys! I might not be able to post an update for the next few weeks because I'm gonna be really busy. I'll try to get one in some time, but no promises! Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. Thanks! :)
I have no idea what to put here.

A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty

Offline laurela

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Re: A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2016, 08:13:26 AM »
CHAPTER TWO: Mafi's Race

Of course, in order to make sure our babies didn't have any of Jules' ugly genes, I made him get plastic surgery. He seemed very reluctant at first, but I think the end results of the plastic surgery (and the makeover) were nice.
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The new look definitely suits him. Thank the heavens for revolutionary plastic surgery technology. I can't imagine what my ancestors had to go through if they had to deal with ugly spouses and children.

After writing numerous best-selling sports books, I got bored. Immensely. I had no idea what to write anymore because I had basically written every book at the bookstore and library. But then, an idea just popped into my head. Why don't I try writing a Masterpiece? No, not a masterpiece of work, I meant the genre. Why don't I write about the misadventures I have had, and the ones I will have in this journey of trying to recreate the philosophers.
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I knew it was a golden idea. I hurriedly ran to my laptop to start writing my masterpiece. After a few moments, I realized something. I HAD NO IDEA WHAT THE TITLE SHOULD BE. I legit sat there for 5 minutes thinking of a title, and still nothing. Then I slowly realized something.

I am Plato. I am the first of the 7 philosophers. I am the one documenting the lives of the next philosophical occults. I am the start of all of this. So, I decided to name my masterpiece "Mafi's Race", after myself, and this 'race' against time to recreate the philosophers.
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It took me a week to finish the entire book (2000. pages. of. words. how. did. I. even.). But it was all worth it, as the book ended up being a best-seller. I was beyond ecstatic, so I told Jules while we were watching tv.
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He gave the standard 'that's great, honey!' response, but I knew he was happy for me.
I soon became an adult and I was missing one more opportunity, but nothing was coming up. I also became extremely cautious of my look.
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Like, wrinkles? Eww. I so cannot wait to become young again and immortal so that I don't have to age. One day before my elder birthday, I finally got an opportunity at work, and it was all I needed. I took a fountain of youth elixir courtesy of hubby, and of course to celebrate, we had a little bit of fun.....

FOUNDER: Mafi Phillos (Human)
Traits: Angler, Clumsy, Couch Potato, Slob, Snob
LTW: Professional Author
Spouse: Jules Macduff (Witch)
Offspring: Annie (human) & Andrea (witch)
1-Best Friend: Marigold Maldano (fairy)
2-Career Rewards: Writing Certificate & Honor Trophy (author)
3-Opportunities: Tough Negotiating, Enroll in University, The Right Way to Borrow
4-LTRs: Acclaimed Author, Long Distance Friend, Observant, Moodlet Manager
5-Wishes: Master Writing Skill, Make at Least 25000 per week in Royalties, Write a Masterpiece, Write 25 Novels, Write 40 Novels
6-Skill Challenges: Specialist Writer, Prolific Writer, Speed Writer, Personable, Celebrity, Super Friendly
7-Masouleum Piece: Sports Books

Sorry this update took so long! I've been really busy but I hope you all enjoy this chapter! I may also post another story on here soon but we'll just see how that goes.
I have no idea what to put here.

A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty

Offline peachjam

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Re: A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty (Chapter 2 6/30)
« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2016, 10:57:43 AM »
Looking good, Jules! I can't wait to see his and Mafi's nooboos!

I really love how you set up this story-- how interesting and creative to use the Greek philosophers! I'm super excited for more. :)

Offline laurela

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Re: A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty
« Reply #12 on: June 30, 2016, 08:23:23 PM »
@peachjam I'm excited for all of you to see the nooboos too! Thank you so much! :)
Since these updates have been written long ago it's time to post them.

CHAPTER THREE: The Girl With The Red Jeans

A day later I started puking, and honestly I didn't know why (My moodlet manager said it was of 'Unknown Causes'). Then, I suddenly started craving watermelons. And I mean a lot of watermelons.

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As usual, me and Jules were watching TV, this time in our room (the pink is courtesy of moi). We were watching the newest season of Moonlight Falls's Next Top Occult when I finally felt a little kick in my stomach. And Jules was so excited to tell me: "Maf, I think you're pregnant." Then I let out an exhilarating 10 minute scream. It was long enough for Jules to pee, shower and have some cereal.

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After I settled down, we went back to watching TV and we talked about fishing. I believe Navita Singh was about to win the competition when we fell asleep. I don't know, I'm really forgetful.

The next day, as I was enjoying my ice cream, I started feeling the WORST cramps ever. Then I realized, OH SWEET TURKEY STUFFING, I AM GOING INTO LABOR.

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Jules and I lost it because we literally had no idea what to do. It was the first time any of us had to go through seeing childbirth. After a while Jules started watching TV again while I couldn't even sit down. An hour later, I gave birth to twins! My human baby, Annie, and the witch heir, Andrea.

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Jules and I were SO ecstatic!!!.... for about 5 minutes until the babies started crying and we had to take care of them. Because Annie was barely useful (a terrible set of traits and a non-witch), and thanks to today's technology, Annie successfully aged up to being a child and we enrolled her in boarding school, so that we could focus on Andrea.

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We had to play with the xylophone with Andrea not only to improve her skill, but also to improve our relationship with her (and also to finish the requirements). We eventually taught her to walk and talk.

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On a Sunday, Andrea aged up to a child and she looked absolutely stunning.

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Her bright red jeans are definitely eye-catching. Meanwhile, she definitely acquired the family tradition of constantly eating.

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(P.S: This collage is for fun’s sake, but it actually contains older Andrea and baby Ella pics)

...and the family trait of making some of the weirdest faces.
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(P.P.S: This collage also contains older Andie, Tristan Van Gould and teenage Ella pics)

As a young witch, Andrea couldn't yield a wand yet like her father, so she decided to take on baking for the meantime.
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I have no idea what to put here.

A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty

Offline Lisa46

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Re: A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty (Chapter 3 7/01)
« Reply #13 on: June 30, 2016, 08:51:13 PM »
Oh, this is nice! My LS founder married Jules as well, he was an awesome spouse.

Offline laurela

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Re: A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty (Chapter 3 7/01)
« Reply #14 on: June 30, 2016, 09:09:43 PM »
Oh, this is nice! My LS founder married Jules as well, he was an awesome spouse.

Thank you! Jules is amazing mostly because of his alchemy. He provided most of my elixirs for the family until Andrea could make her own.
I have no idea what to put here.

A Phillosopher's Tale - A Life States Dynasty

