You haven't mentioned things you've tried to help troubleshoot the problem, so please forgive me if you've already tried any of these.
Does this happen with a new game? If not, it maybe just that you have a bloated saved game. - A game that may be too-large or too buggy to load. This happens from time to time, specially if you've been playing it for a long time.
On my older computer, it would actually "freeze" at almost full loading bar. It took it about 8-10 minutes to load. Specially with games that I had been playing on for a few months or more.
Here are some troubleshooting tips to try:
1. Delete the Game Cache Files Turn off Interactive Loading Screen
> Options > General Settings > uncheck the Enable Interactive Loading Screens box
Turning this off will help the game run a little more smoothly
3. Turn off Memories
> Options > General Settings > Memories, in the drop down menu select Disable Memories
While your in this tab, it may help to make sure Enable Shop Mode and Lessons are un checked. -- Turning off memories means less game bloat/overly large game save file.
4. Try a factory reset
Sims 3 Factory Reset - How-To do this if my game is acting odd or doesn't want to fully load.