Wow this challenge is so confusing. I am reading the rules and by the middle of them my brain is not working anymore. But I love a challenge and when I decide to do one, I wont let go until it is done. I have a few question and would appreciate a second or third pair of eyes to see I am thinking straight. Here we go:
1) Money permitting, can I call the repair man?
2) Can I buy the cupcake factory?
3) "May only enter buy/build mode on Sundays". Does it means I can build or buy anything (not included all restricted objects etc..) and rearrange or move anything no larger than 1 X 1 such as table, chair, small painted pictures, rocks, windows etc... only on Sunday and not other week's day?
4) Writer job: The daily task is read a book. Can I try to reach the first promotion without doing the "daily task"? Once my Sims reaches career level two, he/she can now practice writing and write book. After he/she has written a book, keep it lying around the house and "read" it as his/her daily task hence increasing chance of faster future promotions. Would this be allowed?
5) Fish in inventory: I have 3 Sims in the house and a small aquarium with one fish. Can I transfer the fish from the aquarium to the chosen cook's inventory?
6) Can I paint ordinary paintings without having to take the painter career?