@Caterina Congratulations! I'd love to hear about your experiences when you come back.
@JudesSims Sorry you've had so much bad luck lately! I hope things get better soon!
@oshizu That is a nice benefit, although I don't know if I'm going to rely on food much when I get it, since, at least with the energized meal, the moodlet only lasts two hours. And in my house, it takes about that long to get it due to how many sims there are. One thing I do miss, however, is birthday cakes, considering I want my kids to become YAs as soon as possible.
Some major things have happened since I posted last! For one, both my founder and his wife have maxed their careers. Oracle and Management are complete! Soon after I made the last post, my founder got promoted and his schedule changed, and along with the Hack Mainframe interaction, allowed the two of them to get promoted quicker. My founder maxed it on like his first day of adulthood, and his wife about a week later (she still had a few days of YA left due to all the pregnancies). And speaking of pregnancies...
I think I mentioned in an earlier post that I wanted 4 children this generation. And for the first three pregnancies, I wished for twins with no luck. Then I get to the fourth, and guess what happens!
Yep, twins. I even predicted it beforehand. I feel like this is what always happens: we always get twins when we don't want them, never when we do.
So now I have five children, and seven sims. This created a problem, because it meant if I wanted to move in this gen's house when my heir aged to YA, (she was about to become a teen when they were born, a few days before my founder maxed Oracle), they wouldn't be able to have children until one of the parents died or Diamond Agent was completed and somebody moved out. This isn't the end of the world, but the thing is, I'm really impatient. My first generation had kids on the first day, and I'd like to continue on that pace in the future, because the quicker this challenge moves the less likely I'll abandon it. Also, I hate playing with full/large households because of how slow everything is, especially in a challenge like this where you have to micromanage.
All of this made me decided to move in my spouse, who will become a Diamond Agent, early. This will allow me to move out my founder and his wife and the two children who'll max teen careers earlier. (I didn't want to move out the first gen, but they're not needed as much as the space is. And this way, I won't have to deal with their ghosts when they die.) It felt a little weird, since thisI'll create almost an almost a two week age difference between him and the heir, but it doesn't bug me too much.
On the plus side, this allows me to complete an extra career this generation. After some deliberation I think I'm gonna go with Journalist. It was that or Comedian, which lost out because I'm really starting to get tired of all the hand washing.