Author Topic: A Distraction (Big Brother)  (Read 43346 times)

Offline starlives

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Re: A Distraction (Big Brother) - Week 6
« Reply #45 on: May 17, 2016, 04:43:37 AM »
Lovely shot of Alys reading on the bed - what beautiful skin colour she has!

Great shots of Ro and India in the kitchen and India and Grim berating each other.

You are allowing some of their wishes I presume (Grim mopping up the puddle) so they must be building up LTR's. Do you have a plan to use these?

Love the way you give each of those evicted their own special send off.  Goodbye Jake.  I enjoyed seeing you wearing your towel although the pink long johns were just a little hurtful on the eye and certainly did you no favours!

Offline CeresIn

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Re: A Distraction (Big Brother) - Week 6
« Reply #46 on: May 17, 2016, 01:29:30 PM »
The end of Wednesday arrives and Di becomes HoH again.  Her one spell of guitar-playing took her to level 3 and nobody else has even a single point.  I’m so pleased about all the time I spent personalising guitars for everyone :(.

I feel for you :(. But I loved Di's guitar.

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Offline hazelnut

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Re: A Distraction (Big Brother) - Week 6
« Reply #47 on: May 20, 2016, 01:01:38 PM »
Speaking of the nemesis, it was pretty nifty how India goes from nerd bashing Grim to hitting on him.  What a crazy duality she is!

This version of India is far more mercurial than the first incarnation.  She’d certainly hit on anyone and everyone but I can’t remember her fighting anybody apart from mummies.  She definitely had it in for them – but then, the first one she ever met cursed her.  I suppose that would tend to cause resentment :P.

Lovely shot of Alys reading on the bed - what beautiful skin colour she has!

I probably spent longer creating Alys than any Sim since and it wasn’t entirely because of inexperience.  She’s still one of my favourites.

You are allowing some of their wishes I presume (Grim mopping up the puddle) so they must be building up LTR's. Do you have a plan to use these?

I bought them all Simmunity as soon as they could afford it – the epidemic of sniffles was getting irritating.  I think everyone who’s left is also immune to both heat and cold.  I was originally planning to buy No Bills Ever with the first one who could afford it but haven’t actually bothered with it.  They’re getting a steady stream of celebrity gifts, which are helping with the cash flow.  I think they have enough money for the rest of the game and, if not, I’ll abuse Motherlode.  The other reward I might buy someone is Fireproof Homestead, although they've been lucky so far and not needed it.

Goodbye Jake.  I enjoyed seeing you wearing your towel although the pink long johns were just a little hurtful on the eye and certainly did you no favours!

Jake would never go anywhere without his faded old red flannel undies.  He might catch cold... although I agree that the towel suits him better :).

I feel for you :(. But I loved Di's guitar.

Thanks.  Grim’s was my personal favourite – it was the ITF guitar, recoloured to look skeletal.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: A Distraction (Big Brother)
« Reply #48 on: May 30, 2016, 09:34:57 AM »
Week 7

This week’s skill is logic:  there are two chemistry sets on the big patio outside the main living area and assorted chess sets and telescopes scattered around the rest of the house and garden.

Alys seems shocked.

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Come on, Alys.  It isn’t as bad as all that.  Is it?

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Apparently it is.  (And, incidentally, I’ve just noticed that Alys has lost weight while she’s been in the house.  All the swimming they’ve been doing between skilling periods, presumably.)

I really don’t know why she’s fussing.  This lot have already proved perfectly capable of ignoring inconvenient skilling objects.  Of course, chess is supposed to be fun – but then, so are musical instruments and easels  ::).

And ignoring the logic objects proves to be equally easy.  The chairs are quite convenient…

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…but that doesn’t mean they have to use them for the intended purpose.  As so often before, the housemates are perfectly happy to pick their way around skilling objects to get on with the important business of chatting or berating each other’s ignorance.

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As a small distraction from the lack of progress in logic, Terry becomes the second person to earn a social group trait, again through nerd influence.  She becomes a supernatural skeptic, because it seems to suit a stage magician.

The end of Wednesday arrives without a single logic point being gained.  I was afraid of this.  So, OK, time for Plan B.  Di moves out of the HoH suite and isn‘t replaced.  From now until, um, whenever (Sunday morning?) they’re into extra time.  The first one to learn logic becomes Head of House.  After that it’s Rethink Time – and we’re probably looking at another skill.

Most of Thursday goes past as uneventfully as the previous three days.  At last, late in the evening, someone sits down at a chessboard and fails to pull out a book.

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Di is clearly tired but she’s already shown herself to be one of the keenest learners in the house.  Can she stay awake for long enough to pick up a skill  point?

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Progress is slow but she doesn’t give up.  Around her, everyone else retires to bed.  Di’s determined.

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And, at 12.25 am on Friday, she becomes Head of House for the second consecutive week.

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Unsurprisingly, Terry is up for eviction again.  She’s joined by Alys, who’s too quiet to have made much of an impression on her housemates..

As in previous weeks, living on fast food and alcohol fruit juice hasn’t exactly encouraged meticulous housekeeping.

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And what’s the solution?  Tidying up?  Don’t be silly.

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Obviously, you just eat outside and wait for someone else to clear up the mess.  (And, inevitably, the someone else turns out to be Grim.)

Alys thinks she knows who’s likely to be kicked out.

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She follows her usual maxim: when in doubt, read.  (And she’s noticed that Jake and Vish’s room is now free, so that she can read in peace.)

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The other resident bookworm was slightly slower off the mark but he’s appropriated Burl’s bed as a reading space.

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On Saturday morning, India, who’s been pretty well-behaved so far this week, waylays Simon outside the bathrooms.

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He doesn’t seem to know what to do with a blown kiss.

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Then he decides.  He doesn’t like it.

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India’s outraged.  Why can’t people cope with a bit of harmless flirting?  Well, two can play the ‘horrified rejection’ game.

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As Simon slinks off in bewilderment, she tries out chat-up lines on Terry instead.

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Offline hazelnut

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Re: A Distraction (Big Brother) - Week 7
« Reply #49 on: May 30, 2016, 09:35:50 AM »
Sunday morning.  Terry’s making the most of her last day of persuading people to keep her in the house.  Alys is too hungry to bother.

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On the other hand, maybe it’s not going to work out too well for Terry.

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I’ve never seen Sara look that scary before.  On the other hand, Alys isn’t exactly winning friends.

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Fortunately for her housemates’ noses, she does head off for a shower soon after this.  And then she invites Sara to play tag.

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I’ve not seen her do that before in this game.  I suppose the loner and couch potato traits tend to outweigh her childishness.

Terry spends most of the day in the pool…

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…but then her social butterfly trait kicks in and she initiates a group conversation with most of the others.

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Voting time rolls around again.

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As in the first week, it’s a tie, which means that Diana gets to use her casting vote.

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And all that time in the pool has paid off.  Di now quite likes Terry, while she barely knows Alys.

So, while everyone else goes off for an evening out in the city, Alys leaves the Big Brother house with as little fuss as possible and moves into an obscure little house under the bridge.  It’s small and simple but it has everything she needs: a kitchen, books and a big TV.  Now she can follow the rest of the series in comfort.

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Offline Alex

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Re: A Distraction (Big Brother) - Week 7
« Reply #50 on: May 30, 2016, 09:44:53 AM »
Hope Alys (and her teddy) enjoy the rest of the series :)

Hypothetically, what would happen if Di liked (or hated) them both equally?

Offline hazelnut

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Re: A Distraction (Big Brother) - Week 7
« Reply #51 on: May 30, 2016, 10:27:10 AM »
I'd do what I've been doing anyway for close decisions: carry on playing in a separate file (with static needs), send a potential evictee up to the person to chat and see what happens.  Then do the same with the other one.  It usually leads to a very clear preference.

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: A Distraction (Big Brother) - Week 7
« Reply #52 on: May 31, 2016, 02:27:49 PM »
I'm so enjoying this! 
Not a whole lot of Ro in this one (and you know I'm biased), but it's always fun to see India being her sweet and sassy self  :=)

Offline CeresIn

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Re: A Distraction (Big Brother) - Week 7
« Reply #53 on: June 01, 2016, 06:03:27 PM »
Ohhh to bad for Alys, she was my favorite but with her traits it was a matter of time.

Offline starlives

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Re: A Distraction (Big Brother) - Week 7
« Reply #54 on: June 02, 2016, 09:26:31 AM »
Nice update.  Oh Sage how you would have loved to have had chess tables and telescopes available during your time in the house!

I wonder what trait pushes Di to try out new things more than the others?  Sara's Shy trait must be giving her a hard time if she has no friends but then Alys must have suffered quite a lot with so many other sims around and her Loner trait.  I do find it fascinating how combinations of traits define the character of our sims and make them so individual.  I really must try a Big Brother type game to experiment with trait combinations.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: A Distraction (Big Brother) - Week 7
« Reply #55 on: June 02, 2016, 03:59:54 PM »
I'm so enjoying this! 
Not a whole lot of Ro in this one (and you know I'm biased), but it's always fun to see India being her sweet and sassy self  :=)

Thanks :D

Gosh, you, biased? ;)

Ohhh to bad for Alys, she was my favorite but with her traits it was a matter of time.

She was probably my favourite, too - although I'm very fond of all of them (with the possible exception of Voldemort).  I'm not sure whether that makes it easier when one gets eliminated or harder.

Nice update.  Oh Sage how you would have loved to have had chess tables and telescopes available during your time in the house!game to experiment with trait combinations.

He would.  And I bet Vish would have loved the arty stuff and Burl the musical instruments, if only they hadn't already been kicked out :(.  In a way, that's one of the fascinations of this challenge.  (I had the list of skills selected in advance, so that I wasn't tempted to skew it in favour of the Sims I liked best ;p.)

I wonder what trait pushes Di to try out new things more than the others?  Sara's Shy trait must be giving her a hard time if she has no friends but then Alys must have suffered quite a lot with so many other sims around and her Loner trait.  I do find it fascinating how combinations of traits define the character of our sims and make them so individual.  I really must try a Big Brother type game to experiment with trait combinations.

It is interesting.  I also have no idea why Di's so keen to learn (or why Lea and Sara aren't far behind).

Alys spent a lot of time on her own but was quite prepared to tolerate the others for the sake of swimming.  Sara's fairly sociable (and so was Gertie in The Island, who was also shy but turned out to be the eventual winner).

Offline hazelnut

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Re: A Distraction (Big Brother)
« Reply #56 on: July 17, 2016, 03:51:43 AM »
Sorry, folks – I really didn’t mean to get distracted from the distraction  :-[.  I’ve been taking part in a building contest over at MTS and haven’t had time to do any other Simming for the past six weeks or so.  I played through another round just after posting the previous update but seem to have made fewer notes than usual, so this chapter is going to be a bit skimpy.

Anyway, on with the show…

Week 8

We left the remaining housemates going out for a night on the town.  Their destination is the restaurant – but first, a round of drinks outside.

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The barman doesn’t seem too happy about serving the Grim Reaper – although Grim turns out to be something of a party animal, knocking back three cocktails in rapid succession.

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Most of the others relax after a drink or two, and chat more than usual, although Flu disappears and is eventually discovered in a taxi, heading back home.  He’s forcibly returned to the restaurant, just in time to join everyone else as they file inside.

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I’ve decided that, since this lot are so reluctant to learn new skills, from now on they’re going to start each week with a class.  Hopefully, having one point at the beginning will make them keener to develop their new skills.  This week, it’s mixology.

Possibly because they’ve been sampling the professional product before the class, everyone chooses to go to bed rather than practising their drink-mixing.  A particularly disconcerting paparazzo turns up in the early hours to stare in at the sleeping Diana.

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Unusually, Ro is the first to have a go at the week’s activity.

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She’s followed by several of the others.

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Meanwhile, there are more developments in the love-hate relationship between Grim and India.

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Di seems to find mixology less appealing than most of their previous skills but she does eventually gain a second point.  She seems delighted, even though most of her drinks are horrible.

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As the end of the skilling period approaches, it becomes clear who’s going to be the new Head of House.

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Lea really likes mixing drinks and she’s soon trying out show-offy tricks instead of just pouring stuff into the shaker.

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Mostly unsuccessfully, it has to be said, but at least the quality of her cocktails is improving rapidly – something the other housemates aren’t slow to notice.  Lea rarely gets the chance to sample her own creations.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: A Distraction (Big Brother) - Week 8
« Reply #57 on: July 17, 2016, 03:58:52 AM »
Wednesday midnight arrives and Lea replaces Di as HoH.  Predictably, she’s soon napping on sofas again.

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India and Ro are up for eviction, which could make for an interesting voting session.  I know they’d kick each other out of the house given the chance, but how will the rest vote?  Will India’s friends outweigh her enemies and has Ro’s madness alienated people?  On the other hand, whichever way it goes, the house will be less fun after this week :(.

India, unfazed by her nomination, continues to socialise and flirt.

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Although getting into an argument with the current HoH may not be the best idea.

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Grim is also not doing much for his future prospects.

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And Ro…  Well, Ro is Ro.  She spends most of her time talking to herself in the bathroom or moaning about not being able to get into the HoH’s suite.

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Everyone gathers as usual at teatime on Sunday for the elimination.  Lea votes first.  No surprises there: after their argument in the bathroom, India is by far her least favourite housemate (with Grim a clear second at the moment – what did he do when I wasn’t looking?)  Sara, as usual, is pretty neutral in her opinions but eventually decides that India should go home.  It seems Simon liked India’s advances more than he appeared to – he unhesitatingly casts the first vote against Ro.  Terry’s equally clear that she prefers India.  Di’s decision was never in doubt.  She and India have been best friends almost since the beginning.  Nor was Grim’s – in fact, his relationship bar with India is currently completely red.  Three votes each.  So it’s all down to Fluellen.

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He’s been quite sociable this week but I only ever seem to see him in group conversations.  Has anyone made a strong impression on him?  As it turns out, yes.  Although they’re still only acquaintances, one of his relationships is much stronger than the others – and it’s with India.

“Sorry, Ro.”

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“No, it’s OK.  Now I can escape.  It’s all a conspiracy.  Didn’t you realise?

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“Did you know there are hidden cameras in here?  They’re always watching you.  Better get out as soon as you can.”

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And so yet another reader’s favourite contestant is eliminated.  Sorry, Pippin.  Ro was unfortunate: her only negative relationship was with India, her fellow nominee.  I’ll miss her.

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: A Distraction (Big Brother) - Week 8
« Reply #58 on: July 17, 2016, 09:42:49 PM »
No!  It can't be true!  That loud cracking sound you heard was my heart breaking  :=(

Offline chetanhaobijam

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Re: A Distraction (Big Brother) - Week 8
« Reply #59 on: July 17, 2016, 10:44:48 PM »
Great to see another update in this story. Sad to see Ro leave the house. Yes, go on India. Looking forward for next update.

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