Author Topic: A Distraction (Big Brother)  (Read 41360 times)

Offline hazelnut

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Re: A Distraction (Big Brother) - Week 4
« Reply #30 on: May 08, 2016, 05:43:53 PM »
India and Ro remain the most interesting members of the household, especially when they’re interacting…

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…although Ro has now been overtaken by Grim as India’s Least Favourite Housemate.

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India is now also a shoo-in for the title of Smelliest Housemate.  Maybe it’s because her previous incarnation had had a steel bladder almost forever.  Whatever the reason, she keeps putting off going to the loo until it’s much too late – and doesn’t seem particularly bothered about showering after her ‘accidents’.

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Despite this, she’s still an object of romantic fascination for several people within the household – and she doesn’t seem to have given up on evicted housemates, either.

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Elsewhere in the household, the most noticeable effect of a week of science is a pronounced upturn in inkblot tests, throwing of rubber ducks and ignorance-berating.

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At least it’s quiet underwater.

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Since it’s now definitely summer and the invisibility cloak has been removed from that corner of the garden, this week’s voting takes place out of doors, where the science station stood a few days ago.

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It would seem straightforward: the reluctantly chatty one vs. the window-gazer.  Never rely on Sims to be predictable: eight out of eleven vote to eliminate Vish.

Like Georgie, he’s OK about it – and he’s happy to be reunited with Nita.

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Online PeregrineTook

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Re: A Distraction (Big Brother) - Week 4
« Reply #32 on: May 08, 2016, 07:19:03 PM »
Ro and India make the BEST faces!! 
I'm so loving this challenge and the clever way that you've "recycled" characters from previous stories.  Until it gets to the point that either Ro or India end up in the bottom two, I'll simply be enjoying each eviction with no specific strong feelings on the outcome.  Just enjoyment of more progress being made  :=)

Offline starlives

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Re: A Distraction (Big Brother) - Week 4
« Reply #33 on: May 09, 2016, 06:29:07 AM »
Another close call for Sage!  Hang on in there boy, people just don't appreciate yet how much you can "see" looking out of windows!

Great update.  So clever to think of using the science project machine.  It is always so popular at University and I have had a lot of fun with it in some of my games.  Wonderful screenshots yet again.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: A Distraction (Big Brother) - Week 4
« Reply #34 on: May 09, 2016, 02:06:02 PM »
Oh noes :( Bye, Vish!

Sorry :(.

Ro and India make the BEST faces!! 

They are pretty amazing - and seem to bring out the best (or do I mean worst?) in each other.

I'm so loving this challenge and the clever way that you've "recycled" characters from previous stories.  Until it gets to the point that either Ro or India end up in the bottom two, I'll simply be enjoying each eviction with no specific strong feelings on the outcome.  Just enjoyment of more progress being made  :=)

Thank you :).  I'm going to be very disappointed if/when one of them gets knocked out - the house will be a much duller place without their interactions.

Another close call for Sage!  Hang on in there boy, people just don't appreciate yet how much you can "see" looking out of windows!

Great update.  So clever to think of using the science project machine.  It is always so popular at University and I have had a lot of fun with it in some of my games.  Wonderful screenshots yet again.

Thanks :). Of course, I had to cheat slightly to get one.  I hadn't realised before that they can't be bought, even with buydebug.  I cheated Georgie's science skill up to 10 just before she moved out and then kept her reward for everyone else to use.

Offline CeresIn

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Re: A Distraction (Big Brother) - Week 4
« Reply #35 on: May 10, 2016, 10:52:30 PM »
This is really entertaining, although I would have liked to see a little more of his lordship if only for my HP obsession. Great updates!

Offline hazelnut

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Re: A Distraction (Big Brother)
« Reply #36 on: May 11, 2016, 01:54:18 PM »
This is really entertaining, although I would have liked to see a little more of his lordship if only for my HP obsession. Great updates!

Thanks :).  Sorry he went out so soon, although he was never going to be a really popular member of the household.

Week 5

Again, some of the Sims seem reluctant to leave the area after the elimination.  Sage stays behind to throw a duck at India…

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…which she appears to find amusing rather than annoying, and then Grim keeps her out of bed for a little longer while he hits her with a glove.

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One that looks disconcertingly like a dismembered hand, to me at least  ???.

And then week 5 begins – and I’ve made a few changes.  For a start, the coffee machine has been removed.  I’m fed up of Sims, and especially the Heads of House, drinking coffee instead of going to bed.  (I have no idea why HoHs should be particularly susceptible but it seems to be turning into a definite pattern.)  Also, from now on the pool will be blocked off and a mini-fridge substituted for the full-size one during skilling periods, to encourage them to concentrate on the skill they’re supposed to be learning.  From Thursday to Sunday, they can have them back.

The skill for week 5 is painting.  Or, more accurately, the skill is drawing.  The easels remain untouched until they are removed at midnight on Wednesday.  (And then two Sims wish to buy an easel on Thursday ::).)

Early on Monday morning, Lea discovers the drawing boards.

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Amazingly, Jake picks up a sketchpad half an hour or so later (he’s the one who can’t stand art, remember).

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He appears to be making a serious study of what’s in front of him: is it the way the tree branches are blowing about in the freshening breeze or a life drawing of the skinny-dippers in the hot tub?

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Nope.  Is that a giraffe?

Ro is the next to discover the delights of drawing…

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…while, deprived of their coffee, Flu and Lea nap in the seating area.

The ban on cooking during skilling periods looks as though it could become quite popular – it’s the perfect excuse for breakfasting on ice cream :).

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Early on Tuesday, Simon has by far his worst episode to date – three traits replaced at once.  Although this could actually work out in his favour…

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Sure enough, within a few minutes, he’s picked up a sketchpad.

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For a while, it looks as though Alys has also taken up drawing (after all, she wants to become an illustrious author) but it turns out that she’s just found somewhere comfy to re-read Physically Fit to be Tied.

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This week’s skill isn’t quite as popular as science, but most of the housemates have a go…

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…although drawing can’t really compete with ice cream and rum punch pineapple juice.

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And Alys, far from making progress on her lifetime wish, rediscovers the big mirror  :P.

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As Wednesday evening approaches, Sara is in the lead.  She seems to be the keenest of this bunch to learn new skills.  But Simon, with his new (if temporary) artistic trait, isn’t far behind.  He keeps starting sketches but then abandoning them halfway through.  If only he could concentrate and finish what he’s started, he might overtake Sara.

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And he does.  With a last fit of enthusiasm before the deadline, he gets halfway through level 3 of painting and becomes Head of House for the second time.

His opinions haven’t changed much since week 1: poor Sage is put up for eviction yet again. He’s joined by Ro.  Although Simon isn’t exactly the sanest of Sims himself, he seems to find her behaviour disconcerting.  Surprisingly, India is not nominated – her relationship with Simon was well into the red a few days back but they seem to have repaired it when I was looking elsewhere and it’s now definitely green.

Simon settles straight back into the Head of House’s suite – and, this time, gets seriously into gaming and the TV, even picking up another cooking point through watching The Great Simlish Bake-Off.  The rest are envious.

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(And yes, that puddle on the floor is because India has had another little accident.  Not that she seems at all concerned.)

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The nerd infestation continues to gather pace and, completely unexpectedly (I’m a neglectful watcher), India reaches level 8.  I had no idea anyone was even close to that level.  In fact, several of the others are at level 6 and Grim and Alys are the only non-nerds in the house.

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(Not sure what’s going on with Terry and Grim in that screenshot, by the way.)

I briefly consider allocating social group traits randomly but then decide to continue with giving them traits they ought to possess already – and so India becomes flirty.

Sage rolls a wish to date Terry.  Sage, dear, I had no idea that you were so desperate for publicity!

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I have to say his behaviour doesn’t exactly scream out ‘publicity hound’.  Staring out of windows is still his favourite activity.

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In fact, he seems to be setting a trend.  Gazing out at the unfenced world is rapidly catching on as a leisure activity.

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I was pretty sure this week’s vote would have to be indoors again – there’s been a howling gale for two days and I’m sure it’d be bucketing down if I hadn’t disabled rain.  But then, mid-afternoon on Sunday, the skies clear, the wind drops and the al fresco vote is back on.

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It’s another close one.  Only India has a really definite opinion (and you can probably guess which way she voted ;) ).  Just as I’m thinking Simon will have to use his casting vote again, the last three swing it definitely in one direction… and it’s third time unlucky for Sage.

Sorry, Sage.  You’re a nice Sim but just a little too fond of berating the ignorance of Earthlings.

Well, at least there’s one Flower left to uphold the family honour.

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That is, assuming they have any.  Given Ally’s behaviour, I rather doubt it. :P.

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Sage hugs Flu, wishes him luck, and leaves.

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And so, at the end of week 5, half of the men have left the house, while all but one of the women survive.  This isn’t at all what I’d have predicted.

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Offline starlives

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Re: A Distraction (Big Brother) - Week 5
« Reply #37 on: May 11, 2016, 03:35:30 PM »
Nice send off for dear Sage.  By the way what was his Lifetime wish?

".....and then Grim keeps her out of bed for a little longer while he hits her with a glove.
One that looks disconcertingly like a dismembered hand, to me at least  ???." Loved this screenshot and agree with your comment totally.

Have to say that India is quite a character but I'm surprised that no-one has nominated her yet.  Is this because of her Irresistible trait perhaps!

Online PeregrineTook

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Re: A Distraction (Big Brother) - Week 5
« Reply #38 on: May 11, 2016, 06:44:46 PM »
Okay, I was rater nervous there for a bit.  I'd hate to see my Ro leave so soon.  I'm counting on her winning, actually.
I find it so funny how little interest your Sims are giving to some of the skill items! 

Offline CeresIn

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Re: A Distraction (Big Brother) - Week 5
« Reply #39 on: May 11, 2016, 10:17:12 PM »
I think I'm leaning toward Alys and India come in second.

Offline Alex

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Re: A Distraction (Big Brother) - Week 5
« Reply #40 on: May 12, 2016, 01:02:14 PM »
I love Simon's face when he's sketching - not sure whether it's adorable or terrifying  ;D

Offline hazelnut

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Re: A Distraction (Big Brother) - Week 5
« Reply #41 on: May 12, 2016, 03:07:44 PM »
Nice send off for dear Sage.  By the way what was his Lifetime wish?

Renaissance Sim (max three skills).

Have to say that India is quite a character but I'm surprised that no-one has nominated her yet.  Is this because of her Irresistible trait perhaps!

Maybe.  I think she's been very lucky - Di's been a close friend since the first week and the others who've been HoH like her.  It will be a different story if Ro or Grim becomes HoH.  She was also lucky in the timing this week - a few days earlier and Simon would definitely have picked her.

Okay, I was rater nervous there for a bit.  I'd hate to see my Ro leave so soon.  I'm counting on her winning, actually.
I think I'm leaning toward Alys and India come in second.

I really have no idea who's likely to win, which is part of what makes it such fun to play.

I find it so funny how little interest your Sims are giving to some of the skill items!

Me too.  I'm beginning to think it's some kind of rebellion: I normally spend so much time pushing my Sims to skill that they're happy just to loaf around and laugh at me when they're left to their own devices.  Although it's also a little worrying.  What if they have a week like the Islanders did with gardening, when nobody gets a skill point?  I could extend the skilling period but then, the Islanders had six days and still didn't get anywhere.  I suppose I'd just have to carry on without a Head of House for a week and try again with a different skill.

I love Simon's face when he's sketching - not sure whether it's adorable or terrifying  ;D

I know.  Like his dancing.  (And the towel makes it worse :D.)

Offline hazelnut

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Re: A Distraction (Big Brother)
« Reply #42 on: May 16, 2016, 02:56:35 PM »
Week 6

This week’s skill is guitar.  Since the drums weren’t exactly a raging success, I’ve given each of them a guitar and put it in their personal inventory.  Let’s see how that works.

Simon’s suffering from the Curse of the HoH again.

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Why won’t they sleep in that bed?  I’ve checked and there aren’t any access problems.  They just don’t like it for some reason.

It’s Monday evening before anyone notices they’ve acquired a guitar and gets it out to see what it’s for.

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Even after Di gives them a clue, none of the others show any inclination to try it for themselves.  Burl, why did you have to get knocked out so early?

He’s still in touch with the BB household, incidentally.  He regularly calls India for a chat and they’re still friends – in fact, she’s fonder of him than anyone apart from Di.  On the Tuesday evening, there’s a pop-up notification that Burl has learnt to play the bass – and there he is outside to prove it.

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Of course, he’s chosen an amazingly unmusical lot to serenade.  No-one appears to notice he’s there and eventually he gives up and goes home.

In fact, it’s not just skilling that’s getting ignored – the kitchen/dining area’s turning into a complete tip.  Maybe it’s because they’re mostly living on pineapple juice with silly umbellas.  They’re just in too much of a holiday mood to bother to tidy up.

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The end of Wednesday arrives and Di becomes HoH again.  Her one spell of guitar-playing took her to level 3 and nobody else has even a single point.  I’m so pleased about all the time I spent personalising guitars for everyone :(.

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Di has warmed to Grim since her last victory: this time she nominates Jake and Terry.

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It seems Terry missed the memo.  She can’t believe it when Jake tells her they’re this week’s nominees.   How could she be up for eviction?

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Ah, it’s OK, though.  After all, she’s female.  Jake’s bound to lose the vote.

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Although berating people’s ignorance…

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…and showing that she finds their conversation boring doesn’t seem like the ideal strategy.

Jake’s not antagonising anyone but he’s not making any particular effort to interact with them, either.  He does have a brief and nerdy conversation with Lea, which ends with the customary duck-throwing.  Jake has fast reflexes – that’s the first time I’ve seen any of them catch the duck.

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Lea is suitably impressed.

Mostly, though, Jake spends his time in the hot tub or working on his skills.  (So why didn’t he bother with the guitar, if he’s that keen?)

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He’s become quite an expert diver.

As the end of the week approaches, almost everyone spends most of the day (and night) in the water…

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…which means that Alys can read soppy romance novels in peace.

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Eventually, even she joins the others in the pool.

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Offline hazelnut

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Re: A Distraction (Big Brother)
« Reply #43 on: May 16, 2016, 02:58:03 PM »
India finds a new way to wind up perfectionist Ro: throwing her freshly-made hot dogs on the floor while she’s cleaning the worktop.

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“You did that on purpose, didn’t you?”

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“Did you see that, watcher?”

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It’s a pleasant breakfast the following morning.  Hot dogs make a nice change from pineapple juice and everyone's relaxed and chatty.

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Then Ro remembers where those hot dogs have been.

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Flu seems to have caught India’s bladder problem…

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…but at least Grim’s happy.  He’s been wanting to mop up a puddle for days.

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On his way to the shower, he meets India and they try to out-nerd each other.  Despite being officially the biggest nerd in the household, India’s definitely coming off worst.

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Then she has an idea.

“How you doin’?”

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Bad move.

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Simon has another episode and changes two traits at once.

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I think he’s getting tired of this.

Ro, on the other hand, is happy in her madness.

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Sunday.  Voting day.  It seems appropriate to have the vote by the pool this week, since most of them have rarely been out of their swimsuits since Wednesday.

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And Terry was right: Jake is eliminated, by seven votes to two (although it’s actually much closer than it would appear from just the numbers).

He stops at the front door to wave goodbye to the camera crew…

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…and then runs off to be reunited with his loved ones.

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There's a treat for Sally…

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…and a whispered ‘I’ve missed you, boy’ to Sheriff…

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…and then he rides off into the night.

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Skill update at the end of week 6

Sara: athletic 5, cooking 4, drums 3, painting 3, social networking 2
Lea: athletic 5, science 4, cooking 2, drums 2, painting 2, handiness 1
Fluellen: athletic 4, cooking 4, science 3, handiness 2, painting 1
Diana: athletic 8(!), guitar 3, cooking 2, painting 2
Ro: athletic 5, cooking 2, science 2, painting 1
Simon: athletic 3, cooking 3, painting 3
Alys: athletic 2, cooking 4, science 1
Teresa: athletic 2, cooking 1
Grim: athletic 2, cooking 2, handiness 1, painting 1
Jake: athletic 5, cooking 2, science 3, painting 1

And India has a cooking point!  Which means that everyone except Terry has built on their skills since week 3.

Their celebrity status remains unchanged.

Online PeregrineTook

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Re: A Distraction (Big Brother) - Week 6
« Reply #44 on: May 16, 2016, 10:56:55 PM »
Loved having so many shots of my lovely Ro!  Particularly enjoyed how she and her nemesis, India, had a hot dog battle.
Speaking of the nemesis, it was pretty nifty how India goes from nerd bashing Grim to hitting on him.  What a crazy duality she is!