Author Topic: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge [Completed]  (Read 97330 times)

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: Bad Hair Daze (new May 9)
« Reply #75 on: May 10, 2016, 01:11:22 AM »
Probably nothing much re: Yuki, I have a 'rule' that I don't give townies make overs unless they are spouses. Mainly just to keep confusion over 'who is who' down to a minimum. Yuki's role as a helper is pretty much all off-screen, unfortunately.  :)
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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: Bad Hair Daze (new May 9)
« Reply #76 on: May 10, 2016, 02:45:16 AM »
Probably nothing much re: Yuki, I have a 'rule' that I don't give townies make overs unless they are spouses. Mainly just to keep confusion over 'who is who' down to a minimum. Yuki's role as a helper is pretty much all off-screen, unfortunately.  :) 

I wasn't talking about a make-over, I meant what role she would be playing in your dynasty as the founder's sister-in-law. But you answered my question.

In my dynasty, all the move-ins got new clothes, even if they weren't spouses; pollinators should look good and gardeners/fisherfolks would be rewarded for their hard work. Plus, I'm shallow.

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: Bad Hair Daze (new May 9)
« Reply #77 on: May 10, 2016, 07:01:08 AM »
Oh they look totally adorable with their lovely shiny hair and new outfits!  This challenge is going to be as pleasing on the eye as it is on the humour from now on! 

Congratulations Tats and Yuki; Daia is adorable! 

And yes @oshizu , I do miss the Garlands :( , though I am playing with my favourite Maverick clone on a practice for the homeless challenge; just to get my Garland "fix" :D 

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: Bad Hair Daze (new May 9)
« Reply #78 on: May 10, 2016, 09:09:07 AM »
Oh, thank goodness you can give makeovers because Erika is looking gorgeous, that everyday outfit is perfect. Welcome little Daia and congrats to Yuki and Tats. I wonder what that evil woman is talking about, she looks (dare I say it?) pregnant or has she always been like that? o.O
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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: Bad Hair Daze (new May 9)
« Reply #79 on: May 10, 2016, 01:26:42 PM »
Oh my goodness! What an update!

Congratulations on the dresser unlocked!

Yuki and Tatsuya are just adorable! Welcome to Daia! She looks positively gorgeous like her mom! I love that hair on Yuki!
I LOVE Erika's makeover too! You've got such gorgeous kids - especially those twin boys.
I also love the visit from the mischief lady just to cackle at the house.
So unusual. I love it. =)

Oh Oshizu, I must say your updates make my day. Did something actually happen to our poor Satoru?
I always like him and Jade, I know a lot of people are partial to Summer, but Jade is pretty fantastic. =3 Hopefully the neighborlady was mistaken.

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: Bad Hair Daze (new May 9)
« Reply #80 on: May 10, 2016, 03:38:14 PM »
Oh, I love your little trick of finding out if Yuki is expecting!!!  How neat.  Well done, Kenta.  I know you made your "watchette's" day with your achievement.  And probably the family's as well.  Congrats on Daia, she looks completely adorable.  I don't know why, I just adore little girls in glasses!!!!  If you recall, I had Marci in them, too.  Just 'cause.  I love Yuki's cat shirt (and Erika's every day outfit)!

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: Bad Hair Daze (new May 9)
« Reply #81 on: May 11, 2016, 12:20:55 AM »
Woo! Your collages are looking pretty cool! You're moving right along with the challenge.

I'll have you know I'm in the middle of my Wonder Child Challenge. I'm not writing a story for it, to make sure I use the most of her childhood, but her family will feature in some of the story once she starts her AC. Her name is Vanarra!

This is bookmarked now so I don't miss any more updates.

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Sanada Apocalypse: Penthouse Crib? (May 11)
« Reply #82 on: May 11, 2016, 02:53:12 AM »
@tjtemple   Thank you! Half the gang has regular hair and I used lots of in-game clothes/accessories, too! Yes, I’m happy with Daia’s cuteness so far, though all she’s been doing is leveling Logic, poor thing.

@Nettlejuice  I’m glad you approve of Erika’s everyday outfit. Sadly, she prefers her bathrobe, lol. About Satoru, I’d planned a surprise but the game mechanics would complicate my challenge.
                   I’m still wondering if it is possible.

@LivvieLove   Yes, I’m very happy with the twins! Each generation gets a little easier with more adults who can mentor! Like you, I also prefer Jade to Summer in her role as founder's spouse.
                   But I checked my failed thread earlier this morning and reconfirmed that Satoru’s kids with Summer were more attractive, at least the two I aged up to teens.

@wfgodot    The greyed-out try for baby thing only happens with a seven- or eight-sim household, so I’m not sure if it actually qualifies for a trick, lol.
                    I love the two-day infant stage--I may never use another pregnancy test again!   Ahh yes, the dresser unlock! It’s weird how important the little things seem in this challenge!

@boomboomraccoon  Haha, I wouldn’t actually say the collages are “cool” yet, but it was fun trying to figure it out. Since you have the graphics design degree, you must have all sorts of specialized
                   image- processing software! I used freeware and felt like I was doing most of the heavy lifting myself, lol.
                   Btw, once you post in a thread, you can check updates really easily but clicking “Show new replies to your posts” at the forum’s top left corner. You get a list of any updated thread you ever posted in.
                  Thanks for reading! Looking forward to meeting Vanarra!

Week 7/Day 43 (Sun): Penthouse Crib!?

Day 43 (Sun)

Jade: Our last update skimmed past several important events that occurred between Saturday morning and our very first Gen3 baby’s birthday on Sunday evening.

On Friday, we’d already received messages to throw birthday parties for Satoru and Erika, so it was just a matter of time for them both.
Since this challenge must move forward, however, Watchette chose to cake them both up sooner rather than later.
Please note that we are not being mean or miserly by not having birthday parties or dates! (Comedian restriction)

Erika aged up first thing Saturday morning. We’d hoped to sleep in but we all gathered downstairs in our sleepwear.
Upon changing clothes, we celebrated Erika’s birthday with much noise and fanfare.

Erika: Right after I aged up, it was Dad’s turn. He’s an elder now, but a charmer all the same. 
No more running around shirtless, though, so the rest of the Sanada boys heaved a collective sigh of relief.
Watchette, you need a tissue?

Kenta: And here we are, sans Dad, in our post-dresser finery. 
Yes, yes, you have me to thank for that. Please take a number and go to the back of the line!
Hehe, finally got rid of Jade’s yellow and black top!
From left to right: Erika, Kenta, Yuki, Sasuke, Tatsuya, and Jade.

Satoru: It’s Sunday afternoon and, yes, I’m on a computer, writing skill books.
Instead of retiring after my birthday, I quit my job and joined the Writer career, which lets me "Write Books" as its daily task.
As a teenager, I’d planned out this strategy with my father back on the island.
In my remaining days, I’ll be writing skill books for my descendants and their extended household.
Looking back, I wish I’d written that final bestseller while on the island to finish the Bestselling Author aspiration.
I could have been writing a Book of Life for each family member now.

Day 44 (Mon)

Daia: My brothers have left for school and the grown-ups are all at work.
All the grown-ups, that is, except Auntie Erika.
Sasuke (left) and Kenta (right) attend the same high school but wear different school uniforms.
Dad’s dressed like an office worker, but he’s a writer. Grandpa wears the same outfit, too.
Mom never wears a uniform to work, Dad says. When you look as good as Mom does, who cares?

Erika: Since Daia is a Whiz Kid, I mentor her in Logic while she plays chess in the morning.
From noon, we leave for the riverside to go fishing.
W: I keep thinking of @KRae ‘s comment and wanting to change the color of Daia’s glasses, but I can’t enter CAS while anyone’s at work or school.
Daia: Nooo, please let me keep the orange glasses!

Sasuke: The portraits of me and Erika are done today—they’re both masterpieces!
I painted Erika’s portrait and Dad painted my portrait.
Out of all the portraits, I like Sasuke’s portrait most of all. I love his black hair with red highlights.
Since the make-overs, Sasuke has become my favorite sim, especially since all Tatsuya and Yuki do when they’re home lately is sit at their computers.

Day 45 (Tue)

Erika: Mom’s work doesn’t start until 10 am, so she’s the last to leave home today.
Dad used to earn more than Mom, but not anymore.
Since he’s switched jobs, his hourly wage has dropped from $450/hour to $50/hour! 
Mom’s really big-hearted and hasn’t complained even once! She says it’s important for our family that Dad write those skill books.
W: Jade, you are looking good!

Trashcan: Hey, what’s the big deal cutting me out of the picture? I should be in every picture when anyone comes and goes from the house!
Watchette: Sadly, it’s true, Trashcan! You’re probably in more shots than anyone else in the household.
I blame this challenge which doesn’t allow us to leave this lot.
But Daia will be changing that for us when she grows up!

Daia: I will?!

Erika: Now that everyone’s gone, I can relax and read my Rocket Science skill book.
W: Must be nice to just lounge around in your bathrobe all day.
Erika: Why bother to change if I’m not going out and nobody can see me?
Do you mind not working?
Erika: Not really. Daia and I did a great job yesterday! She’s almost Level 5 Logic already.

Daia: And we’re back from school!
Did you know that Sasuke (left) and Kenta (right) become young adults in four days?
W: I just realized that. How shocking!
Kenta had an annoying school day and stomps the ground in his fury.
Sasuke has the giggles and strange tiger-like stripes, because he’s sick.
As for me, I’m planning to keep these orange frames. Grandpa says they are “unique.” Is that a good thing?

Satoru: Tatsuya and I get home two hours after the kids.
Tatsuya gets promoted to Level 6 and selects the Journalist branch. Great job, son!
Daia: Mom, why does Dad get all the ugly work outfits?
Are the Journalist outfits just as bad as the Author ones?

Day 46 (Wed)

What are you up to on your day off, Jade?
Jade: Pretty obvious, innit? I’m trying to boost my Wellness skill from L8 to L10 so I can “share Detox secrets.”
It rids the other sim of several negative moodlets so it’s an extremely useful social.
Where’s Erika?
Jade: She’s leveling Rocket Science for her Renaissance Sim aspiration, though it’s a waste of time.
We can’t spend our reward points, anyway. (Pro Athlete restriction).
She’s fine. She can do what she likes as long as she drops everything as soon as Daia gets home.
Instead of getting a job, Erika can cook and mentor everyone in Logic.

Tatsuya: Hey, Watchette, I nicked a lemon today at work.
Excellent job, Tatsuya!  Lemons are also non-local plants!
And I’m sorry about this morning, making you arrive at work with your daily task “Not Started.”
I’ve never played a Journalist before and didn’t notice your daily task had switched yesterday from Write Books to Write Articles.

Tatsuya: So, off I go to interview four people for writing my articles!

Hours later…
Tatsuya: I have to say this is one time-consuming career, Watchette! I work from 8 am to 4 pm.
After dinner, I spend 4 hours chasing people down to interview, and then 3-4 more hours writing articles.
When do I sleep?

Day 47 (Thu)

Satoru: You’ve always given Sasuke extra attention, even after picking Tatsuya as the heir.
Tatsuya and Yuki even have a daughter already. What are you planning?
 W: You know I love your whole family but—I can’t help it—Sasuke’s been my fave ever since he fought with Max Villareal in grade school.
And now he’s a teen and he's even snazzier with his new hair and outfit. He resembles you much more than Tatsuya does!

Satoru: I’ll have to agree.  So?
Since grade school, I’ve been preparing him for Comedian instead of Musician.

Once he maxes Comedian, we can move sims out of the household.
Then, Sasuke could even move someone else into the household, maybe even have a child of his own (inside or outside this household? I'm still unsure about passing on Jade's lips).
I haven’t done all the math yet, but we’ll have more options.

Satoru: So what about the Musician career?
I’d love to have stereos and radios, but switching aspirations doesn’t matter if we can’t spend reward points.

Just look at you (left) and Sasuke (right) as high school students! And it’s not just the hair! 

What are you doing home from school? You know you can’t use the phone to take a vacation day, right?
Sasuke: Grandpa’s an Author now, so he wrote me an excuse note last night.
So what are you going to do today?
Sasuke: Right now I’m obviously leveling three skills at once!
While Mom mentors me in Logic, I’m playing chess alone while socializing with Erika by alternating between Friendly (Charisma) and Funny (Comedy) socials.
Very clever, Sasuke. Since Erika doesn’t work, she won’t run off on you like walk-bys.
And by the way, Jade and Erika, I’m so glad we had Kenta clear the Teen Retail career, so you can both wear sleepwear all day long. *sighs

So, Sasuke, you gonna sit here all day with the PJ Brigarde? Anything else in mind? 
Sasuke: What else?  Victimize innocent walk-bys so I can keep skilling up Comedy and Charisma!
Right now, I’m L5 Comedy and L6 Charisma, but maxing Comedian requires L10 Comedy and L8 Charisma.

Looks like you made a new friend, dear.
Sasuke: Oh yeah, Sergio Romeo is all right. I know some folks avoid him because he hates children, but look at the way he laughs at my jokes!
Have you met Travis Scott or J Huntington III yet, Sasuke? I’m curious which Tech Guru you’d like the best: Sergio, Travis, or J.
Where’s Erika?

Sasuke: She’s fishing over there. Can you believe I actually had to remind her to change out of her bathrobe before leaving home!?
No surprise there. And by the way, Sasuke, you’re doing really great for a teen!

Yuki: In other news, Daia received an A in grade school and I got promoted to Level 7 eSport Competitor!!!
And funny you should mention Travis and J, Watchette. I just met them both at work today!
As far as housemates go, I’d probably vote for J. You also prefer dark hair, Watchette, right?

Day 48 (Fri)

Tatsuya: Well, I just want to share that I got promoted to L7 Journalist today.
And not only did I swipe a dragonfruit at work yesterday, but today I brought home some grapes.
Watchette, may I remind you that I’ve also brought a potato, onion, banana, and lemon so far?
Awesome stuff, Tatsuya! I don't know how you're swiping produce from Walrus Books, but we can’t get any of those produce in this neighborhood!
Can’t wait until we can garden and sell our harvests! (Teen/Manual Laborer and Business/Investor restrictions, respectively)

Erika: Excuse me? Would you run that by me again, Sasuke?
How exactly did you end up with the whole third floor to yourself, while I’m still stuck in that tiny room with Kenta and Daia?
Sasuke: Well, I need space for my piano and violin. Plus, I’ll need a computer station later for writing jokes and comedy routines.
And…and…and…Watchette likes me better cuz I look like Dad? Help me out here, Watchette? Hello?!
*ignores Sasuke and Erika
This is a partial walls-down shot so you can see Sasuke’s bedroom and a bathroom. What? No, of course I'm not spoiling him!

For those of you readers who feel Sasuke does not deserve an entire floor unto himself, I present Exhibit Number One.
By a happy coincidence of sim genetics, he looks like he just stepped out of a Japanese manga or anime, or maybe a jpop or kpop boy band...
(if you’re familiar with any of those). (I’m sure @Nettlejuice is…  ;)

Sergio: Hey, Sasuke! Nice skyscrapin’ crib you got here on the third floor! How much longer you gonna be a teenager, anyway?
Not much longer, Sergio, not much longer!

Day 49 (Sat)

Sasuke: About an hour past midnight, my boy Kenta and I get the “throw a rocking birthday party” message so we summon the family to cake up right away.
You can see that my age bar is already bubbling, which seems faster than usual but whatever.
Grandpa is looking awesome for an elder and Dad forgets to change from his work outfit.
Kenta: Oh my, Erika. You’ve been spending too much time in your bathrobe, darling!!!
I just revisited your collage earlier and you’ve gained weight since then! Can you say “jogging”?
Sasuke: Hello: Can we get back to the birthday boy?
To my Music Lover and Cheerful traits, I add Outgoing.

Kenta: So Watchette took another shot of me in all my hawt-teenager-turned-hawt-young-adult glory, but Watchette decides to replace it.
Instead, you see my profile (pffft) facing little Daia’s face emerging from Sasuke’s stomach.
Watchette, you have a weird sense of humor!
Oh right, to my Art Lover and Cheerful traits, Watchette adds Neat. (I am Neat with Level 8 Fitness.  Do you know what that means?)
Sasuke: Time for us to get jobs!

Recap of Careers

Satoru   (69 days old):       Writer/Author, L6* (unlocked Chef)
Jade      (2 days to elder):  Business/Management, L10 (unlocked)
Tatsuya (7 days to adult):  Writer/Journalist, L7
Yuki       (8 days to adult):  Tech Guru/eSport Gamer L7
Erika     (13 days to adult):   All-around helper (unlocked Babysitter)
Sasuke (20 days to adult): Entertainer (Comedian), L3
Kenta   (20 days to adult): Painter, L3** (unlocked Teen/Retail)
Daia     (7 days to teen):    Grade school

*  Each sim can only lift a single career restriction. Satoru became an Author for its "Write Books" daily task, but cannot clear the Author restriction because he already cleared Chef.
**Kenta will quit the Painter career after reaching Level 7 for the taboret.

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: A Penthouse Crib? (New May 11)
« Reply #83 on: May 11, 2016, 03:31:18 PM »
I would say Sasuke is a teeny bit spoilt but it is no wonder he's the Watchette's favourite, I'm a fan too! All your Sims look like they stepped out of an anime/J-K pop group ^-^ How are you finding the micro style build of their home? It can't be easy to get everyone in place with so little space. That trashcan is way too jealous for an inanimate object.
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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: A Penthouse Crib? (New May 11)
« Reply #84 on: May 11, 2016, 04:11:44 PM »
@Nettlejuice  The house's 8x8 grid means that there's always a wall or something obstructing the view. That's why I've sometimes resorted to walls-down shots.
                      I use Actions/Group to gather the family for birthdays and such. Here's how Sasuke's caking up started out.

What I finally figured out is to wait until everyone's in the room to light the candles so they'll gather around the birthday sim.
In the shot above, I had candles lit on two cakes then summoned everyone.  Didn't seem like the right moment for Sasuke to blow out the candles.
Then, I removed the candles from both cakes, and started over by lighting candles on just one cake.
Can't believe it took me this long to figure out how to get people to focus on the birthday sim!

Lol, that trashcan! I realized yesterday that the trashcan and mailbox are in so many shots! When I took a shot of Jade, it looked so different and I realized the trashcan wasn't in it, lol.

All your Sims look like they stepped out of an anime/J-K pop group ^-^
I'm taking that as a huge compliment. Thanks!

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: A Penthouse Crib? (New May 11)
« Reply #85 on: May 11, 2016, 06:42:05 PM »
Aww! What a lovely chapter!

I really love Sasuke! Go get that comedian career and bring in the cute nooboos!
For what it's worth, I love Jade's lips on him. Very kissable. ::)

(Pulls out a tissue and sniffles) It is sad that the elder birthday has dawned upon Satoru... I guess my cough will have finally cleared up. I'll miss all of his... achievements. ;)

Fantastic chapter Oshizu! =) You're really nailing all of these unlocks though. You make me want to play an apocalypse challenge... BUT that's far too many restrictions for me. ;) ::)

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: A Penthouse Crib? (New May 11)
« Reply #86 on: May 11, 2016, 07:32:54 PM »
I'm usually not wit a silent reader, so I try to bookmark stories as often as I can remember.

And despite my degree, I'm still using free ware, I just am more familiar with using it and how to "make it look nice".

I had to do a quick restart, because I didn't know the rule about plumbob lamps.

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: A Penthouse Crib? (New May 11)
« Reply #87 on: May 13, 2016, 08:58:55 PM »
Oh, Satoru.  Sighhhh...

On the other hand, I think your twins are gorgeous!

hehe... I never even noticed the trash can until it began to speak up. 

I really love the house.  I don't think you could have done any better, given the restrictions.  I love the colors.  And it's like a mixture of modern meets log cabin or something.  As for the top floor.  LOL, the favoritism is quite obvious!  But your favorite sim is your favorite sim. 
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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: Stranger in the Night (new May 14)
« Reply #88 on: May 14, 2016, 07:54:37 PM »
@LivvieLove   Thanks for the Sasuke love. Now that Kenta has a new look, my favoritism is not as extreme. Plus Daia turned out lovely (she rocks Yuki's rosebud lips).

@boomboomraccoon  Sorry to hear about the restart. The WCC is a short challenge, though, so not such a pain to redo.

@wfgodot      As you have probably figured out by now, I am a very fickle Watcher. At one point, I'd even remodeled 3rd floor bathroom into a bedroom for Daia, then realized I couldn't move her bed due to its 1x2 footprint.
                     Thank you for the nice words about the house. I cannot wait to lift the restriction regarding the 8x8 grid. The trashcan has a rival...
                     Also, any sim that will clear a adult career just gets more attention because they need it. Still, I'm very grateful for the support that spares provide.

Week 8/Day 50: Stranger in the Night

Day 50 (Sun)

Satoru: We open today with a shot of our Bathrobe Beauty, Erika, on the treadmill in our mini-gym, armed with a smile and a steely determination to shed those pounds.
I’d also like to point out the mistake made in Erika’s age last chapter, which described her as the same age as Yuki.
To clarify, as of today, Tatsuya, Yuki, and Erika will become adults in 6, 7, and 12 days, respectively.

Kenta: Congrats on your promotion yesterday to Level 7 Author, Dad!
Satoru: Well, I’m done with the skill books. That’s been my number one priority these past weeks.
I might look them over again and try to write a Bestseller for each category.
Kenta: Or you could just take it easy.
Satoru: You’re right, son. I got my first notice from Grim this morning.

Kenta: I see you dyed your hair—the silver highlights are cool. By the way, how do you like my latest makeover?
Satoru: Your everyday outfit is perfect for you, but you don’t think the blond hair is too much?
Kenta: Nah, the Jpop idols have been doing it for over a decade, Dad! And it makes the Maxis hair look like new, right?
Satoru: Watchette, why is my son wearing guyliner?
Hey, just a little! The Jade lips were overpowering the rest of his face, so…
Kenta: By the way, who’s that weird lady in the blue bathrobe over there. Someone you know?
Satoru: Never saw her before in my life…

Kenta: Check out my party wear—it’s the same as before but looks completely different with blond hair in a different style, doesn’t it?
Satoru: I like the way you’ve been working out while still keeping a slim profile.
Kenta: I know, right?  Watchette made me a Neat stay-at-home, which probably means I would have been doing lots of cleaning in my sportswear.
Satoru: Hahahaha, but now you’re too skinny. Nice plan!
Kenta: You know, I’ve been looking for the right time to say this for a while.
You’ve been a really wonderful father and an amazing founder, Dad!
Satoru: Thanks, Kenta. It’s been a good life! And it’s a lovely evening tonight, isn’t it?

How was your first night in the Entertainer career, Satoru?
Satoru: Well, I went to work in a Very Playful mood, thanks to Dad’s gummybear pancakes and to swapping jokes with Erika.
So you moved your computer stuff?
Satoru: Yeah, it’s over in the opposite corner of the room now, overlooking the street.
Watchette, I really love this space you created for me! It’s like a celebrity crib!
Well, you can show your appreciation by flying through the ranks of the Comedian career, sweets.

Day 51 (Mon)

In the early morning hours, Jade becomes an elder.
Sasuke, Satoru, and Tatsuya celebrate energetically behind Jade, while the others simply stand there staring—party poopers!

Strictly Business Gnome: Move over, Trashcan, there’s a new sheriff in town! Please call me SBGnome.
Trashcan: Oh no, you di’nt, Watchette! Tell me this ain’t true! I gotta share this porch space with an attention hog?
SBGnome: An attention hog? That would be your role, wouldn’t it?
I’m here to symbolize the fact that the Apocalypse Challenge is all about clearing careers.
I’m the one sending everyone off to school and work, then welcoming them home every day with an inner smile!
Trashcan: *mutters: I thought that was my role!
SBGnome: Trashcan, you just continue standing there next to the mailbox, looking pretty, okay?
And by the way, after paying their $6,798 bill, the family pays off $29,838 to the mob.
*whispers: Hurry and clear the Villain restriction and expand the house, Watchette!
Get me away from this needy Trashcan!
W: I’m working on it!

Tatsuya: This Kleptomaniac trait is a killer since we can’t visit other lots!
I spend most of my work day with a tense “Need to swipe” moodlet that destroys my work performance bar.
I’m Level 9 Mischief now, though, so I seem to have graduated from swiping produce to swiping metals.
Too bad! Non-local produce is more valuable than metals right now.
Tatsuya: Anyway, off to do my four interviews and articles, or maybe woohoo with Yuki because I’m in such a poor mood... 

Yuki: Poor Tatsuya! His job is so much more demanding than mine!
I’m a Level 8 Pro Gamer, so I play video games for several hours every night as my daily task. You’re jealous, right?
Last night, I completed the Computer Whiz aspiration and earned the Webmaster trait, too!
Using my new new Socialize/Make Connections interaction, I hope to max my career by early next week at the latest.
SBGnome: Have fun at work, Yuki!  *waves

Day 52 (Tue)

Jade: Late last night, Satoru told me that his age bar is full.
I wonder how many more times we can all enjoy chatting over breakfast like this?
Yes, it’s strange to have fried fish for breakfast but Erika and Kenta are trying level up their fishing and cooking skills.

Satoru: Around 11 am today, I checked my age bar and saw that it’s bubbling.
This past week, I’ve been trying hard to prepare my beloved family for my absence.
Is there anything I’ve left unfinished?
Sasuke and I worked on his fitness for a while, but I don’t want him getting too fatigue for work tonight.
Instead, he asks me to mentor him in Handiness.
Yuki: I’m off today. My Video Gaming skill is already Level 9 but I need to max it for my career.
That’s why I’m spending the day alternating between Video Gaming and Meditation.

So, what game are you playing, Yuki?
Yuki: The Refuge.
Ooh, you arrived at a new village! I love discovering a new village! Wait! What’s happening?
Why did you just zap that guy? What is that weapon? Is it an Ultimate Weapon? 

Yuki: Can we not have this convo right now, Watchette? I’m playing a Pro Tournament.
Would you please go watch someone else for the next three hours? I’m a loner and you’re ruining my concentration….

Day 53 (Wed)

Tatsuya: Only three more days until my adult birthday and I finally get promoted to Level 8 Journalist!
This promotion took three days of running around interviewing people and writing articles on them.
(Well, okay, yesterday, four out of five of my interviewees were family members.)
I’m swiping different things from Walrus Books (where I work), too!
I swiped an uncommon metal on Monday and a rare element on Tuesday. Frankly, I prefer promotions.

Jade: Hey, hot stuff, could I interest you in a little sumpin’ sumpin’?
Satoru: Yeeessss! Oh, Jade, how could you tell my fun meter’s tanked from mentoring Kenta and Sasuke all day long?
Jade: It’s not just for you, dear. I worked really hard to get one last raise before I retire and feel extremely stressed right now.
Satoru: Why are we still downstairs talking?
For all their excitement, they both ended up with negative moodlets from “mediocre woohoo.”
Unlike Satoru who completed the Bodybuilder aspiration, poor Jade ended up dangerously exhausted as well.

Hey, Tatsuya, I see you arrive home with your usual “Need to Swipe” tense moodlet but today you are wearing a smile for a change.
Tatsuya: Yep, I finally got promoted to Level 8 Investigative Journalist!
I was feeling a little anxious, seeing as I have my adult birthday and Daia has her teen birthday this Saturday!
That’s great news, Tatsuya. And nice to see you in your everyday outfit. No offense, but your journalist outfit…ugh.
Tatsuya: I’m off to go round up those interviews!
How are you doing, Daia? Why are you looking so embarrassed?
Daia: I dropped my tray in front of everybody at the cafeteria today. I’m going to be embarrassed for the next eight hours!

Yuki: Arrgggh, I maxed the Video Gaming skill this morning and got promoted to Level 9 APM Queen tonight, but the stress is taking its toll!
What? You want to know what APM means?
Actions Per Minute—haven’t you ever watched a Starcraft tournament video with a friend who's a Starcraft fanatic?

Day 54 (Thu)

Sasuke: Did you hear I got promoted last night? I chose the Comedian branch, of course, and I’m now a Level 5 Jokesmith!
One of Mom’s co-workers came to visit tonight. Her name’s Siobhan Fyres and we’ve become, how do I put this, very close.
And look at The Tricer back there! He totally approves! Oh wait, no....that's his sleeping face.   :(

Day 55 (Fri)

Jade: Kenta, you’ve maxed Painting and Fitness; you also cook and you’re handy. 
You’re the perfect Neat sim. What’s the point in asking me to mentor you in Logic?
Kenta: Well, I’m just trying to become as indispensable as possible. And I think Watchette is digging me more since my blonde look.
If I add another mentoring skill, she’s less likely to move me out as soon as Daia maxes Diamond Agent.
Jade: Whatever the reason, I’m just glad you’ll eventually inherit three of Satoru’s mentoring skills.

Look at you, Yuki! You’re a Level 10 Champion Gamer!  You are just awesome!
Yuki: I know, right? Thanks to the eSport Gamer unlock, our lives will get a little easier.
We can use phones, computers, TVs, tablets, and gaming gigs!
Well, we don’t have room for a gaming gig now.
But as soon as our living space expands, we can place the super-primo gaming gig I earned as a career reward!
Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go buy some stuff!
Or so I thought. In fact, we can only buy the worst-quality item in every category plus there’s little space to place more stuff. Penguin TV, anyone?

Day 56 (Sat)

Tatsuya: A little past 1 am, we have a double celebration for my adult birthday and Daia’s teen birthday.
I can’t believe our little girl is a teenager already!
There she is right in the middle of her transformation! No separate shot of me, since I’m looking pretty much the same (on the very right).

Daia: Hey, Watchette, how did I end up with pink hair?
Your original hair color is black, so I changed it to pink for one of your everyday outfits and your party outfit.
But when we left CAS, I discovered your hair turned pink for every outfit. Do you hate it? I was too lazy to go back to change it.

Daia: I love this hair!!! May I keep it while I’m a teenager? I promise to go back to black hair when I’m an adult. Please?
I secretly hoped you’d want to keep it, hehe. Are you heading up to Sasuke’s room?
Daia: Yeah, I think it would be cool to learn how to play the guitar.

Heeeyyy, dude!  Who the heck are you and why are you sneaking around, uninvited, in my uncle’s room?
Stranger: *caught by surprise while admiring Sasuke's portrait by Satoru
You tell him, Daia! Well, actually, don’t. I’m the one who invited him here.

Stranger: Sorry, I snuck into your house before the birthday celebrations. It’s kind of an occupational disease.
My name’s Kage (Ka as in Spanish “casa” and ge as in “get”), which means Shadow.
I’m the cat burglar your Watcher created last week for a tournament challenge she’s been playing lately.
She gave me a few days off, so I thought I’d drop in and see how the other half lives.
Daia: Look, Mr. Kage, you should have just knocked on the front door, you know?
Cuz if we share the same Watcher, we’re practically extended family.  But, seriously, you’re a cat burglar?
Kage: Why would anyone lie about that?
Check out these photos I took while I nicked a van full of swag from a mansion over in Windenberg!
Daia: Lol, dude, you stole their statue and even the kid’s computer? Hahahaha

My name’s Daia—it’s a Japanese shortening of the word Diamond, cuz I’m a teen now but I’m gonna be a Diamond Agent!
Kage: I’m honored and very pleased to meet you, Daia.  (But too bad you’re still a teen!)
Daia: Would you mind changing out of your cat burglar outfit? And I'd like to see you face, so no sunglasses, okay?
Kage: This better?
Daia: Oh, your hair is lavender! We definitely share the same Watcher! (Awww, too bad he’s already a young adult!)
By the way, are you single? (Oops, did I just say that out loud? Gah)

Kage: Daia, it’s so strange how the colors of our outfits match!
 I hadn’t intentionally planned that, because I’m still undecided about how to move forward with this challenge.
I’d dressed Kage about a week ago for the tournament, but you two look as if I’d dressed you at the same time!
It’s probably because you both have pastel hair colors.

Daia: Can we take a commemorative photo? You know, just so I’ll remember you? (as if I could ever forget….)
Oh my! (he put his arm around me!)
Daia came out so adorable and the two of them are simply gorgeous together, in my humble (and superficial) opinion.

Kage: Oh look, the sun’s up already! I need to run, Daia. See you around, kid.
Daia:K, bye!  *watches him walk away (even though the shot below is from the front, hehe)
What do you think of Kage, Daia?  You two seemed to hit it off really well!
(And, yes, @KRae , yet another age-inappropriate pairing—seems I just can’t get the timing right!)

Daia: Will I ever see him again, Watchette?
It really depends on your grandfather’s longevity. I want to move in someone to clear the Oracle career as soon as there’s room in the house.
Then, once Sasuke clears the Comedian career and Oracle is also cleared, we could move him into the world.
If you’re still interested when you’re a young adult, you could ask him to move in.

Daia: I see, that’s very complicated. Plus, Grandpa’s age bar has been bubbling for four days, since Tuesday morning.
We’ll just have to wait and see.


As explained above, I created Kage for this forum’s recent tournament challenge using the kleptomaniac trait.
Compared to a Wonder Child, who ends up with 26 days (child + teen stages) worth of skills, aspiration reward traits, and store-bought traits, Kage is considerably underpowered.
After playing him for 20 sim-days in the tournament challenge, I’d like to give him a Potion of Youth at the end of his young adult stage and import him to this challenge, once the relevant restrictions have been cleared (Comedian and Oracle).

I really can’t say if he will become the Gen3 (Daia’s) spouse or not; everything depends on available household space and how quickly the Oracle restriction can be cleared.

Actually, I had planned to ask your thoughts on adding Kage to the family. After having watched Daia and Kage together, though, I can no longer be dissuaded from marrying him into the family, hehe. If not to Daia, then to Daia’s daughter. (By the way, his visit to the Sanadas all took place in a separate non-challenge file, in case you were wondering.)

And we haven’t forgotten Paolo and Siobahn! They’re still waiting in the wings—I’m having difficulty deciding which restrictions should be lifted first.

All the restrictions as well as the skilling-centered and promotion-focused gameplay no doubt make the Apocalypse Challenge more fun to play than to read about.
So thank you very much for reading!

Offline KRae

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: Stranger in the Night (new May 14)
« Reply #89 on: May 14, 2016, 09:02:08 PM »
I'm loving the makeovers, especially the pastel hair. It's been a long time since I've been a teenage girl, but I can see why Kage would be pretty irresistible.