Author Topic: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge [Completed]  (Read 97329 times)

Offline wfgodot

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: Business Tycoon! (New May 6)
« Reply #60 on: May 07, 2016, 11:18:08 AM »
ah, the lovely neighbors!  I love Satoru trying to be friendly, and then quickly making excuses to get the heck away from them all.  And I had to giggle at them standing there while the tram was coming.  Poor Maximiliano, he looks like he is going to grow up to be a cutie!  I suppose it doesn't matter either way since you have Yuki.  Speaking of, it must be very frustrating for her and Tatsuya with their traits.  LOL she looks irritated even in her sleep!

lol... I happen to love Erika's new look.  Too funny!
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Offline tjtemple

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: Business Tycoon! (New May 6)
« Reply #61 on: May 08, 2016, 02:21:19 AM »
Sorry but I can't help laughing at your weeping at Erika's shoes  :D

And Yuki's pouty lip even asleep is just brilliant. How hard is it to stop them spontaneously playing games on their phones? Is that an instant fail, or have you disabled autonomy?

I love them all doing their homework together!

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: Business Tycoon! (New May 6)
« Reply #62 on: May 08, 2016, 04:46:00 AM »
@LivvieLove  Thanks for your enthusiastic comments! Alas, only one sim can be moved in per generation (Comedian restriction), so Erika and Mr. Too-Old-For-Her Paolo will never happen.
                      But we have other long-term plans for sweet Paolo.
                      You’ll soon see how I tried to spend all that cash (the operative word here is “tried”). With a sense of futility and hopelessness, I opted for needless superficial remodeling, lol.
                     Satoru’s achievements are standing the test of time quite well, I believe.

@Nettlejuice  I think that, deep down inside, Erika is an attractive sim who has bad hair and shoes, lol.
                      You’ll see what we do with all that money.
                     Tats and Yuki get incredibly tense during the day, so the last thing they do every night is “mess around." They're intolerably cute together!

@KRae          That’s exactly what I thought when I saw Erika standing behind the table! Then she stepped away...  By the way, KRae, do you own cc for yourself?

@wfgodot    I’m not sure what to do about the neighbors. I’m not ready to enable auto-ageing for non-active households yet.
                    The Gen2 spares really got the short end of the stick because there are still so many restrictions.  Only Tatsuya will have children.
                    Erika ended up with Jade’s eyebrows and lips but Satoru’s eyes, so no live-out baby daddy for Erika after all.
                    After the fire, the entire household had a 24-hour Tense moodlet (24 hours!), except Satoru who extinguished the fire. That worsened Tatusya’s and Yuki’s stress even more!
                    Thank you for noticing Yuki’s face while sleeping. After I snapped the shot, she made that little unhappy face, so I took a second shot. She seems to be clenching her fist, too.
                   Lol, you would like Erika’s look! I’d put pink knee socks on her just for you, but we can’t plan outfits yet.

@tjtemple   Thank you for laughing. Nothing worse than trying to be funny but no one gets it.
                   Yeah, Yuki had had a bad day. She gets that negative “Need video games” moodlet all the time.
                   According to the challenge creator Pinstar, if a sim spontaneously violates a rule, the player can just stop the sim and continue the challenge.
                   In this case, games and phones are prohibited. If I leave them alone for even a second, they’ll play games on their phones or get a drink from the fridge.
                   With the phones, you just cancel the action. Drinks are more bothersome because you also have to throw away the drink.
                   It’s not a failed challenge unless I intentionally direct that action, unaware of the restriction.

                   Funny you should mention autonomy, because I played for the first time today with “Autonomy Off.”
                  While they no longer play games on their phones nor grab drinks out of the fridge, I can’t help but think that I’m also missing other really hilarious autonomous moments.
                  Today, I’ve been trying to play super fast to a day that includes one career lift and three birthdays.
                  Once that’s over, I’ll probably go back to Autonomy Off.

I love them all doing their homework together!
                  So do I, but I realized later that I had two images of the kids doing homework last chapter, lol. Consequently, the next chapter only has half of one, kinda.

Offline oshizu

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Sanada Apocalypse: Trick or Traits (New May 8)
« Reply #63 on: May 08, 2016, 02:19:31 PM »
Dear readers,
I hope no one minds that I've switched to a larger font. My vision is not that great and the smaller font tired my eyes.

Week 05/Day 029: Trick or Traits

Day 29 (Sun)

Watchette: The sun rises on Sunday morning and, in a fit of sheer spite and architectural schizophrenia, I give the house another renovation for two important reasons.

Most importantly, Jade’s $50,000 business opp on Friday tremendously boosted our cash holdings. No way we would just meekly hand over the post-bills remainder to the mob!
What could we do but spend, spend, spend?
With glee, I go and buy an expensive Environment 7 painting for each floor, then remember that we can only buy the lowest-quality item in each category (Start-up Entrepreneur restriction).
This isn’t a challenge fail because I both bought them and eliminated them without leaving Buy/Build mode.  Close call!
Also, I want to avoid getting stuck placing items with a footprint larger than 1x1 that can’t be moved until Bodybuilder is cleared.
It’s not the dream house but it’s the best we can do under the circumstances. 

So, what’s left?  Recoloring, pricier floor and wall coverings (they don’t have “stats”); pricier furnishings with no Environment or Comfort values, such as cabinets and chairs; and a few more 1x1 items and clutter.

Oh and a third floor.
(Yes, I know. The challenge creator suggested in a post—but not his rules—that we go up and down one floor each. I’ve added a third floor, anyway.)

Satoru: Our fourth child Sasuke will eventually enter the Musician career, which requires a piano.
Our house had no space anywhere for a piano and we couldn’t create space by rearranging furniture, since we can’t move items with a footprint larger than 1x1.
Now we have space for a piano and, if need be, can even wall off a bedroom for an eighth sim.

Satoru: I’ve been mentoring Tatsuya in Painting, even though he’s going into Journalism.
Watchette just informed me that my time  would be better spent mentoring Sasuke on the new piano.
Still, Tatsuya painted an amazing portrait of me the other day!

Tatsuya: When Dad leaves for work at noon, I’m working on Handiness and Yuki on Wellness.
That’s when Watchette asks us to upgrade the rocket instead so we can use up a little more of our cash without increasing our bills.
That’s fine with us.

Erika: Well, it’s 6 pm and I’m off to my first night as a Level 2 Babysitter.
I tried to get into a Playful mood before work, but everyone was too busy to listen to my jokes!  >:(
Did you notice my work outfit also comes with pink sneakers?
They don’t look so weird, though, because my hoodie’s hood is linked with pink, too.
Girl, you’re going to be such a knockout when we get our dresser back! Well, technically, we bought a dresser this morning. We just can’t use it…yet.

Jade: What skills should Erika be building, Watchette? She already meets the L4 Charisma requirement for clearing the Babysitter career.
W: I’d like her to take over fishing to free up Satoru for other things, like rocket upgrades.
It would be great if she could learn to cook without starting a fire!

Jade: What about me?
W: Just continue helping all the kids max Logic, including Yuki, and Creativity.
You can’t mentor any skills except Logic but, rather than mentor you in other skills, it’s faster for Satoru to mentor the kids directly.
However, you’ve had lovely four children and maxed your career—you’ve done an excellent job, Jade!

Jade: Thanks, I’m happy that you’ve noticed all my efforts!

Erika: I’m back from work! And, darn, I’m just a half tick away from maxing Babysitter!  Next Saturday, for sure!
Here’s a close-up of our hard-working Erika, with Jade’s lips and eyebrows.

Day 30 (Mon)

Satoru: After our massive Sunday spending spree, which even included my starting to install a wormhole generator on the rocket, we are still left with $30, 153.
Around 10 am, we receive a bill for $4,138. (I wonder if it’s this low because we did all of our spending yesterday?)
Sadly for us, the mob’s take this week amounts to $26,015 of our hard-earned cash!!!  *sheds manly tears

Day 31 (Tue)

Satoru: Hey, this music room is pretty cool!
By the way, now that we’re over that post-apocalyptic grunge phase, when can I lose this stupid camo tank top?
Patience, patience, my dear. The Dresser’s Return is not far off.

Jade: Satoru gets to wait until he ages to adult naturally to an adult. But on my adult birthday, I get rushed along  with a cake?!
Satoru: Awww, honey, it’s not like that! I hadn’t maxed Chef until the day after my birthday, so I didn’t cake up because we didn’t have an oven yet.
Oh, and sweetheart?
Jade: Yes, darling?
Satoru: You’re just as lovely as ever! Happy birthday, my gorgeous Jade!
Jade: *blushes

Day 32 (Wed)

It’s Wednesday and all the kids are off to school. Everyone loves Yuki!
Good thing the twins are 13 days younger than Tatsuya and Yuki, or Tatsuya would be facing some stiff competition!

Tatsuya: Hey, look who I met and made friends with this evening, while I was out trying to boost my Mischief!
It’s Siobhan Fryres from Windenberg! Her younger sister, Morgan, goes to the same high school as me and Yuki.
Who me? Nah, Yuki’s got nothing to worry about! Siobhan’s an adult and one of Mom’s co-workers.
I hear Watchette’s planning to move her in eventually, after she moves in one other person.
What? You want me to tell you the name of that other person? Oh puleeze!

Day 33 (Thu)

Tatsuya: It pains me to prank a nice person like Siobhan, who may be a future housemate and perhaps even future daughter-in-law.
Tonight, I’m on the prowl for someone else “less nice” to pester.
Ahhhh, perfect! It’s  that Jealous, Evil, Music Lover next-door neighbor, Traci Markham!
*shares conspiracy theory

*tricks with hand buzzer
W: Enjoying yourself, Tatsuya?
Tatsuya: Of course, not! Well, maybe just a little…hehehe.

And as a parting shot, I send her a Noxious Cloud.
As you all know, this a complex social conducted in two phases. Watch closely and learn!
Phase One: pass gas as evidenced above by the green musical note (because beans are a musical fruit?  You didn’t learn that poem?)
Phase Two: use one hand to subtly waft the aromatic breeze toward your target.  In the demonstration above, I am using my right hand.
Mischief, Level 5!!!

Whoops, I forgot this lady is evil!  Time to go home!
No, I’m not running away from her! I need to get my beauty sleep for school tomorrow, okay?
W: I can’t believe that after all you did to Traci Markham, you two somehow ended up as friends!
I guess your being young and cute doesn’t hurt.

Day 34 (Fri)

Tatsuya: First of all, I’d like to share that I swiped a potato while at school today at Mischief L6.  For some reason, Watchette was insanely happy about the potato.
I guess she hasn’t appreciated all the books, posters, and dirty dishes I’d brought home so far.
W: That’s because the potato's not a local plant.

At school today, Yuki and I had lunch with Morgan Fryres, then invited her over after school to do homework and hang out.
I’m almost convinced that Dad deliberately forgets to change out of his sleepwear or athletic outfit.

Satoru: Oh, hi, Morgan!  Nice to see you again. I just got back from jogging. Mind if I sit down here?
Tatsuya: Daaaad, Morgan’s a friend of Yuki and mine. You know, like, from high school?
W: By the way, I probably shouldn't have moved Satoru's painting to the right, but Jade's portrait just has to go there next to his. I've decided to let this one go....

W: Uh, no offense, Tatsuya, but would you mind picking someone else for leveling your Mischief skill?

Day 35 (Sat)

Yuki decides to autonomously serenade Tatsuya.
In fact, I’d turned free will off (thanks to a tip from christina3106) to stop the family from constantly taking drinks from the fridge (restricted by the Mixologist career).
I’d queued Flirt for Yuki because she had a whim to flirt with Tatsuya and she did her one Flirt social.
Next thing I know she’s singing hearts at Tatsuya. Did Yuki just override my “Free Will Off” setting?

Erika: Who is awesome?
Tonight, I maxed the Babysitter career. You know what that means for us?
Watchette can freely choose whatever traits she wants for us, without having to use a random trait generator.
Until Musician is cleared, though, aspirations must still be rolled.

Day 36 (Sun)

Satoru: Erika works Saturday from 6 pm until midnight, so all the birthday caking technically starts on Sunday.
Birthday notifications for Tatsuya, Yuki, and the twins had actually started arriving early Saturday morning,  but we postponed the cakes until after Erika cleared Babysitter.

Tatsuya and Yuki are now young adults!
Tatsuya’s already cleared Nerd Brain. To Creative and Klepto, he adds Cheerful.
Yuki can now start on Computer Whiz once she joins the Tech Guru career. To Loner and Geek, she adds Family Oriented.

Jade: Kenta and Sasuke have become teenagers!
Kenta (on the left) rolls Angling Ace (-_-) . To Art Lover, he adds Cheerful.
Sasuke (on the right) rolls Painter Extraordinaire. To Music Lover, he adds Cheerful.
For some reason, I couldn’t add “Active.” And yes, I lurv the Cheerful trait.

Tatsuya: Watchette missed taking a good shot of my caking up, so she gives you Yuki and I chilling on the roof.

The kids all get jobs, except Sasuke who’ll join the Entertainer/Musician career as a young adult.

Tatsuya joins the Writer career to become a Journalist (baths, showers!)
Yuki joins the Tech Guru career to become an eSport Gamer (computers, TVs, tablets, gaming gigs!)
Kenta joins the Retail career (may enter Buy/Build mode or replace broken objects anytime; the dresser!)
And Erika joins Kenta in retail for her Renaissance Sim aspiration. (I’m sure maxing one teen career counts for the aspiration, but am testing if three will, too.)

Jade and Satoru (in unison): Ahhh, our little babies are growing up so fast!
Watchette: And we’ll be able to use the dresser in 3-4 more days! *cackles gleefully 

Thank you for reading! Makeovers galore in the next chapter!
Gone are the pink/grey high-tops, red plaid pants with zippers, bad hair, camo tank top, and more!

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: Trick or Traits (New May 8)
« Reply #64 on: May 08, 2016, 05:00:07 PM »
How on earth did I miss this! And the first attempt too apparently! Is it in the Graveyard, Shizu? Would love to see more of Satoru's pecs achievements *cough*

Livvie, I seem to have caught your cough O_o
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline wfgodot

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: Trick or Traits (New May 8)
« Reply #65 on: May 08, 2016, 05:12:29 PM »
You know, I really like the changes to the house.  The new colors look great!  It looks a lot more.. hmmm... cozy?  now.  I feel Tatsuya's pain on the pranking.  The mischief aspiration is going to be Cam's second, and he's already done a bit of working on it.  It feels terrible being so mean to sims I know are descended from Don, Ali... lol.  And they all seem so innocent, too, before I unleash Cam on them.  Well, happy birthday to everyone!  I can't believe your firstborn is already a YA.  I like the last pose.
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Offline tjtemple

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: Trick or Traits (New May 8)
« Reply #66 on: May 09, 2016, 07:29:52 AM »
The house looks briliant!  How great that you got such a windfall.  And fancy Yuki defying your autonomy off setting!  How very dare she!  I love that final shot of them up on the roof! :D

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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: Trick or Traits (New May 8)
« Reply #67 on: May 09, 2016, 08:08:34 AM »
I'm so glad the money was put to good use, the house looks awesome. Is there no restriction to freewill? The kids growing up and going into all the different careers is sure to benefit you and i can't wait for the makeovers.
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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: Trick or Traits (New May 8)
« Reply #68 on: May 09, 2016, 08:47:05 AM »
I was out walking with my mother (age 86) on Mothers' Day and saw a woman wearing a hot pink jacket, bright red pants, and peach colored shoes. I thought of your sims.

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: Trick or Traits (New May 8)
« Reply #69 on: May 09, 2016, 11:50:54 AM »
How on earth did I miss this! And the first attempt too apparently! Is it in the Graveyard, Shizu? Would love to see more of Satoru's pecs achievements *cough*

Livvie, I seem to have caught your cough O_o
Sorry, @Magpie2012, it's rather contagious, isn't it? I only seem to get it around Satoru though... so strange.
He has some miiiighty fine... erhm, achievements. ;)

Oshi! Sorry for the delay on the comments, this work weekend kicked my rump. :P
The chapter is incredible, as always. =)

PS: This is a real thing:
architectural schizophrenia
I totally suffer from it.
I LOVED the house upgrade though.

Erika is gorgeous! I love her when she doesn't match - I can't wait to see what she looks like when she actually does. Don't mind me, I've grown a fondness for non-matching Sims I guess.
No idea where that came from... ::)

Yuki and Tatsuya are so adorable. I love the poses. :) Also, can I say I really love the face his brother made in the picture above that one as he aged up? He seems so pleasantly surprised.

I can't wait to read more!

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: Trick or Traits (New May 8)
« Reply #70 on: May 09, 2016, 08:02:00 PM »
@Magpie2012  Thanks so much for finding "us"! I've missed your funny comments!

@wfgodot       Actually, pranking is fine if one has the right victim. In the dynasty, my mischief maker harassed the postlady--she always had to come back, lol. 
                       But yeah, I mostly pick on not-in-the-world townies, especially those with regular jobs. Sadly, this family can't travel so it's gloves off with the next-door neighbors, lol.
                      Thanks for the nice words about the house. It's so much nicer now that I've given up on the post-apocalyptic look, lol.

@tjtemple      I was really surprised at the $50,000 opp, but I'd never played the Management career before. Do you miss the Garlands?

@Nettlejuice The challenge creator never stipulated the Free Will setting. I have to admit that it’s nice not having to constantly chase after the siims to snatch and throw away their drinks. 
                      But I feel I’m missing out on some potentially weird autonomous actions too.  So when I restart, I’ll probably enable Free Will again, maybe (Did I say this already? Maybe to myself?)

@KRae          Thank you so much for thinking of us, lol. <3  Erm, I actually rather partial to hot pink, red, and peach together... (thinking about how I just dressed the little girl before reading your comment...)

@LivvieLove  Oooh, you like the Erika who doesn't match? Darn, I'm sure you won't find her new look an improvement then. I feel bad about her because she interests me less than the others.
                     And of course there's the Gen3 girl...
                     In my game, Satoru is now an elder.  :-(  He's still cute, though.
                     That face you mentioned the brother making as a teen? He makes an almost identical face as a child in the preceding screenshot...  ;D

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: Bad Hair Daze (May 9)
« Reply #71 on: May 09, 2016, 08:39:36 PM »
Week 6/Day 36: Bad Hair Daze

Day 36 (Sun)

Jade: Here we all are again, seated at the table as usual. Because we took naps earlier to stay up for all the birthdays, we can stay up a little longer afterward.
While most of us eat and chat, Kenta and Sasuke do homework for high school.
Just go to bed, everyone! You’ll have a big day tomorrow preparing for your new jobs and classes!

Yuki: Tatsuya had asked me last night to meet him by the riverside this morning. He proposes!
I feel like I’ve been waiting for this day all my life!

Tatsuya:  I’d been so nervous since yesterday, but Yuki loves the ring and says yes right away. That’s my girl!  Erm, actually, that’s my wife!
In hindsight, I wish I’d planned that Yuki and I would both be more dressed up for our rendezvous this  morning.
Watchette: That’s totally my fault. I considered it briefly but wasn’t sure I could deal with any more of your outfits.
Also, I was so excited for you to propose! 

Tatsuya: Since we can’t throw a wedding party (Comedian restriction), we decide to elope right away.
Yuki and I are so meant to be!

Day 37 (Mon)

W: So, Tatsuya, your Mischief skilling buddy was hanging around the house this morning from around 5 a.m. for several hours.
Tatsuya: Seriously?
For real. Her evil self even threw her head back and cackled in a devious “mwahahahaha.” 

Tatsuya: You said she was hanging around for several hours. What was she doing?
I wondered that, too, so I looked over her shoulder while she was on the phone.”  Doh.

Jade: At 7 a.m., everyone’s up and getting ready for the day but that woman is still in our front yard.
I guess it’s up to me to go lay down the law.  Where’s Satoru when we need him, anyway?

Jade: Look, Ms. Markham, I’d like to let you down easy, okay?
Just because my son chatted with you one evening to help level his Mischief, don’t you be getting any ideas!
Tatsuya was a teen at the time and he’s now a blissfully married young adult!

Traci: Tatsuya? Who’s that? I was hoping to talk to Satoru.
Jade: What? You mean my husband? What do you want with him? Uh, he’s married, too, you know?
Traci: Well, I wanted to apologize for the other afternoon. When I invited him in for tea, I gave him the wrong beverage and he ended up passing out and stuff.
Jade: Do I want to know what “and stuff” means?
Traci: You mean, he’s never mentioned it to you?
Jade: Mentioned what, exactly?
Traci: Oh, look at the time! I better be going! Nice chatting with you, whatever your name is.
Jade: What could she be yakking about? Oh well, at least she’s off our property now.

Sasuke: Erika, wait up!  This is our first day of high school, you know!
Kenta: Forget Erika with her spinster bun and pink/grey high-tops!  She’ll just be a social liability for us anyway.
I mean, look at us! We’re amaaaaazing! We’ll be surrounded by friends in no time!
As in childhood, Sasuke on the left resembles their father, while Kenta on the right resembles their mother.
We give thanks that they were both spared Jade’s eyebrows!

Jade: After paying our bills of $4,651, the mob picks up their take of $17,222.
If it weren’t for the mob, we’d be quite wealthy by now!

Satoru: Jade and I prepare Tats and Yuki for their first day of work.
Tatsuya is a writer. We decide to do one wellness social each, so I “offer mental relaxation tips” (Happy +2).
Jade is supposed to “suggest visualization techniques” (Inspired +2), but she ends up just chatting instead, darn it.

Yuki is a tech guru. I “share detox secrets” (Happy +3) and “discuss cognitive focusing methods” (Focused +1). Next, Jade proceeds to “offer mental relaxation tips.”
Jade and I need to coordinate our efforts better. Jade can stick to the mental relaxation tips.
At least now we know that Jade and Erika buy their shoes from the same store!

Tatsuya: Since neither Yuki nor I have the Fertile trait, we’re a little anxious about whether Yuki will become pregnant tonight.
After two attempts, the social wheel shows the “Try for Baby” socials greyed out with the message that “This sim’s household is too big.”
That’s one way to find out you have a little one on the way!

Yuki: I’m just crazy about this man! I don’t even care that he wears mustard-yellow pajama bottoms! *tickles Tatsuya mercilessly
Shameless personal confession: I find these two simply adorable!

Day 38 (Tue)

Jade: Kenta is an odd boy. What do you think, Watchette? He’s so hard to please.
W: I’ll have to agree! When I’ve asked him to learn meditation these past two times, he quits after an hour or so with a “Meditation Boredom (from Low Wellness Skill)” moodlet.
I’ve never seen that moodlet before.

Jade: He’s very stressed out from his first day of work tonight, though Erika’s fine. I sent them both to the riverside to fish.
I caught Kenta late last night, trying to sneak onto a computer to play video games. Maybe he could paint to raise his fun.

Jade: Tatsuya and I both brought home promotions tonight!  Yay us!
Around 9 pm, while Tatsuya and I are in the middle of renewing our marital vows, I get the “Eating for Two” notification!
The baby will be born around the same time on Friday night. That’s just perfect, since I’m off weekends.
And check out my little baby bump!

Day 39 (Wed)

Sasuke: Did you see the portraits of Tatsuya and Yuki?
Dad painted Tatsuya’s portrait and Tatsuya painted Yuki’s portait.
Erika: Wow, those are really great!  Like the portraits of Mom and Dad!

Sasuke: And look at this portrait on the third floor!
That’s teenage Kenta on the right, painted by me.
Erika: Why does everyone in the house have a portrait, except me and you?
Sasuke: Well, that’s obvious, isn’t it? Spell it out for her, Kenta.
Kenta: We’re waiting for me to clear the Teen Retail career so we can plan outfits again.
That way, you and Sasuke can have makeovers before your portraits.
Erika: Watchette, am I being dissed right now or are they being thoughtful?
W: They are only thinking of you, dear.

Day 40 (Thu)

Satoru: Two great things happen today.
First, Yuki comes home with a promotion to Level 5 Project Manager.
Whereas Yuki works 5 days a week, Tatsuya only works 4 days a week so he’s going to need more time to max his career.
Second, Kenta maxes the Teen Retail career. No longer are we restricted to entering Buy/Build mode on Sundays only. Also, we are permitted to plan outfits!
Kenta: Who’s your daddy now, huh?

Erika: All us kids got make-overs tonight, but you only get to see mine this time.
Can you believe ithat I heard Watchette muttering something about saving the best stuff for Yuki?!
Note: I’m trying to figure out how to do this collage thing. Old dog, new tricks, yada yada.
I have a new respect for simmers who do this.
It’s really time-consuming, so be grateful, Erika. I’d initially planned to do this for Yuki instead.

Erika: Whatever, am I cuter now or what?
I'm not really sure... cuter, I think...

Day 41 (Fri)

Tatsuya: Yuki invites me to feel the baby. I can feel the baby kicking inside…how amazing.
Yuki seems so joyful and, of course, she’s as gorgeous as always.

Yuki: Around 9 pm, Tatsuya and I are blessed with a baby girl. 
We have named her Daia (it rhymes with Gaia).

Day 43 (Sun)

Yuki: Several really important events happened yesterday, but Watchette insists that we skip them because we've reached the 25-image limit).
Instead we're closing this chapter with a shot of Daia, who aged up to a child this evening.
Daia rolled the Whiz Kid aspiration and added the Genius trait.
W: I occasionally suffer a glitch where I can’t follow my sims around in a neighborhood with the camera.  This is one of those times but I’m too lazy to restart.
Daia is very cute (aren’t all sims cute in the child phases, though?)—please wait for the next update to confirm her cuteness.
(@KRae  Note the orange, red, and purple...  ;) )

Thank you so much for reading!

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: Bad Hair Daze (new May 9)
« Reply #72 on: May 09, 2016, 10:51:30 PM »
Hi *waves* yeah, the collages are a nightmare! I spent about 2 or more hours getting that one for Karquin as a child, just right! And it also doesn't help that I'm usinf free-ware. So one app does this, another does that and then still another puts the whole shebang together! But, you totally nailed it, Shizu!

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: Bad Hair Daze (new May 9)
« Reply #73 on: May 09, 2016, 11:39:29 PM »
Oh your sims are so CUTE with their makeovers! Love how you are playing this through. Good job on maxing those careers and requirements. I loved when you talked about the business investment work op! I love that 'chance card' and often pick the business career to play just for fun.
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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: Bad Hair Daze (new May 9)
« Reply #74 on: May 10, 2016, 12:54:48 AM »
@Magpie2012  I revisited your collage and posted on your thread instead of here, lol.  ;)

@Playalot        Thanks for the compliments! I'm not sure this is the right challenge for the way I like to play, but I've started (and restarted), lol.
                       You'd mentioned before that you liked the business career. I'd only ever played the Investor branch before with a spare, but Mon-Fri careers are quicker to max than the "artsy" ones.
                       I appreciate your stopping by.  ;D 
                       Oh, and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with Yuki in your story!

