Author Topic: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge [Completed]  (Read 97252 times)

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: Stranger in the Night (new May 14)
« Reply #90 on: May 14, 2016, 09:19:42 PM »
Kage isn't too bad looking at all! So long as he treats our Daia right! :D

I feel kind of silly, but I only just now realize that you post on a week-by-week basis. Doh. I'm not sure why that took me so long! Don't mind me, my brain is still a little frazzles. I love all the makeovers and I love Daia's hair pink! I'm glad she'll keep it! Congrats to Yuki on maxing that career and good luck to our dear Sasuke with his Comedian self! This family is such fun to read about!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: Stranger in the Night (new May 14)
« Reply #91 on: May 14, 2016, 09:54:40 PM »
@KRae   I realize that the reason I'm often writing about these age-gap relationships is because (1) I want my teens to have a plan and (2) auto-ageing is disabled except for my active household.
              This means that infants remain forever infants, teens remain forever teens, so I'm targeting young adults for my teens. Even child Erika with Pablo could have been possible, since Pablo doesn't age.
              I'm glad you like the pink hair. I'm a fan and RL practitioner of crazy hair colors.

@LivvieLove  The reason you hadn't noticed about my update intervals is because they have been sporadic. At the start, I played until a certain event that interested me occurred--that's where the chapter
             would end. I realized recently I sleep better if each chapter lasts a week, so I'm not forcing myself to stay up late playing until xx happens (two more sim-days and the twins will age up, etc.)
             Kage is amazing--just wait and see! Oh wait, you wouldn't see because he's a cat burglar... Hehe, I revamped my Gen3 and Gen4 plans in order to move him in. And his hair is pale lavender.
             Well, once Daia completes her career, our family will be able to visit other lots and houses--it will be fantastic not to be stuck at home with the gnome and trashcan all the time.  ;D

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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: Stranger in the Night (new May 14)
« Reply #92 on: May 14, 2016, 11:30:10 PM »
@oshizu ah! That would make sense then! See, I always stay up too late playing the Sims - I'm just a lost cause though. ::)
Kage sounds like he's fantastic. I'd love to see him in that catsuit I mean cat burglar suit... *coughs* This darn cough still hasn't gone away. I love that he's got odd-colored hair like Daia.
You're already on the countdown to getting out of your regular lot! I would go crazy being stuck in the same place for several generations, just watching the Sims come and go... I'm not sure how you do it!
That Gnome and Trashcan give your lot such character! =D

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: Stranger in the Night (new May 14)
« Reply #93 on: May 15, 2016, 09:07:17 AM »
Please add Kage to the house or else >:D Daia and Kage make an adorable couple and so fashionable in their pink and grey themed clothes. I think that's the first time I've seen everyone eating at the same time? Congrats Yuki, I suppose having access to a computer allows her to rise in her career faster that Tats. A new inanimate object to think of themselves as an important part of the family, I love it =D
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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: Stranger in the Night (new May 14)
« Reply #94 on: May 15, 2016, 09:29:22 AM »
Thanks for your votes for Kage!  :D

Tatsuya is a journalist so he can also use a computer for writing his articles. He brings way more work home, though. Yuki gets off work, plays video games for 2-3 hours (which restores her fun), then she's done for the day. Tatsuya gets tense at work from his Need to Swipe moodlet, comes home unhappy but must interview 5 people then write articles about each one to complete his daily task. The next morning, he wakes up sleep-deprived.
Some days, I think he'll get a promotion then his Need to Swipe tenseness stops the performance bar; other days he comes home too tense to start his daily task right away.
The Klepto trait came out after the AC Rules were fixed; it's impossible to satisfy the "Need to swipe" without visiting other homes/lots. But he's L8 now, so almost there.  :)

Sorry for the talking gnome. There's only so much to write about when the family can only leave the lot for work/school.  :(

Offline oshizu

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Sanada Apocalypse: Jade's Final Journey (new May 17a)
« Reply #95 on: May 17, 2016, 06:49:59 AM »
Week 9/Day 57: Jade’s Final Journey

Day 57 (Sun)

Ahhh, the wonders of electronics! Kenta, Satoru, and Jade enjoy watching “Iron Chef Newcrest” on their brand-spanking-new penguin TV!

With a mother as beautiful as Yuki, it’s no wonder that Daia has also turned out so lovely.
The first photo is from Daia’s birthday party last night.
The second one is taken early this morning, after the cat burglar Kage leaves.
Daia secretly mourns the departure of the mysterious thief who stole her heart.

Sasuke is hard at work writing a comedy routine. He plans to bring home a promotion tonight.
Advancing in the Comedian career isn’t easy. From Level 6, Sasuke will only work three days a week.
That means three promotions would require two weeks under the most ideal circumstances.

Day 58 (Mon)

Sasuke: Last night, I got promoted to Level 6 Solid Storyteller, as expected, but now I’m off until Thursday evening!
How am I supposed to max this career if I only work three days a week?  Daia, I’m so sorry!

Anyway, my sister-in-law Yuki is off today. She’s invited over her co-worker and fellow geek, Travis Scott.
Watchette believes he’d be able to clear the Oracle career faster than anyone else in town.
We’ve all been taking turns introducing ourselves and showing him our best side. He seems like a nice guy.

W: Yuki, stop doing the puppet hand right this instant!
Not only are you scaring our guest, but you’re being a bad role model for your sons and grand-daughter.
Just because you’ve maxed your career, doesn’t mean you get to act like a diva, dear!

Yuki: I’m not being mean or anything! I’m just telling a joke about politicians!
Then why does Travis look so uncomfortable?

Erika: Oh hey, Travis, nice to meet you, I’m Erika, the second of the four Gen2 kids.
Sorry for my outfit---I just got finished working out.
Kenta: Look at you, girl, all slim from working out! You are looking goooood.
Still, we finally got Dad to stop prancing around in his workout shorts and now you’re using his pickup line?
Erika: *mutters under her breath: Shut up, little bro.
And who is our handsome guest, may I ask? *bats eyelashes
Travis: Hey, Erika. My name’s Travis Scott. I work with Yuki. Wow, there sure are a lot of you living here!
Erika: You think so? *flirts with air kiss
Kenta: Pssst, back off, Erika. Yuki was the Gen2 invite. Travis will be the Gen3 invite, which means he’s Daia’s invite!

Erika, what are you making a face like that for? Why are you still trailing after Travis like goldfish poop?
Erika: Erm, I might have been trying to flirt with him, but he’s all bent out of shape.

Kenta: Darn it, Erika, you’ve gone and made our guest mad!
Erika: I thought he kinda liked me a little.
Kenta: What are you going to do if we invite him to live with us and he rejects us because of you?
Tatsuya, you’re the eldest brother, you say something, too.
Tatsuya: Okay, listen very closely, you four: Shut up, all of you! Can’t you see I’m trying to get into the zone? Aaaauuum…
Kenta: Gee thanks, that was real helpful, big bro.

Yuki: Everybody, stop and put down your plates!  There’s green smoke around that quiche so I don’t want you to get food poisoning.
I’m throwing away all eight servings of this quiche right now!

Satoru: Yuki? Look over here. I think I found the source of your green smoke. And it wasn’t the quiche!
Erika: So you think Travis might have liked me if I hadn’t smelled?
Yuki: You need to learn, dear Erika, when it’s time to let go! Anyway, he’s not for you.

Satoru: So I thought Yuki had invited Travis over for dinner? What happened to our guest?

Yuki: I’m not sure, Dad. One moment, he’s downstairs with Tatsuya, Erika, and Kenta.
The next moment, he suddenly remembers he has to be somewhere. Tatsuya, what happened down there?
Tatsuya: It’s better you don’t know, dear. Otherwise, you and Travis will be embarrassed to work together.

Trashcan: Hey SBGnome, why did we both get cut out of that scene where Travis walks off into the night?
SBGnome: Not a clue, porchmate. Frankly, I’m disappointed. I’d changed my tie because I knew we had a guest!

Day 59 (Tue)

Sasuke: Dad spends a lot of time on the third floor. I guess I’m really lucky to have all this space, considering Dad’s always had to share space with the rest of us.
It’s so like him to spend his remaining days on maxing Guitar so he can pass on that skill in the family.
Dad is such a rock star!
Oh, Satoru! I see your father Jin gave you his animal-fur coat for good luck!
And yes, readers, look behind the beautiful Satoru to note that we’ve started stockpiling those virtuoso violins that cost $15,000 each.
On Sunday evening, I noticed with a shock that the family had over $55,000. No way we’d hand all that to the mob!
On Monday, after a bill of $8,601, we paid a mere $802 to the mob, hehe. 

Kenta: Today, Daia earned an A in high school and I got promoted to Level 6 Painter. But my work is never done.
Check me out being the indispensable spare, mentoring Sasuke in Fitness!
By the way, do you think we’re too skinny? Watchette says we rock the slim jeans when we’re slender.
Oh and hey Watchette?
Yes, dear Kenta, what can I do for you?
Next time we go into CAS, I’d like darker eyebrows, okay?

Day 60 (Wed)

SBGnome: And there goes the lovely Jade Rose-Sanada. A full-time job and four kids later, the 119-day-old Jade is looking as lovely as ever! *waves goodbye
Trashcan: *wants to wave but doesn’t have arms
SBGnome: Watchette, I agree that changing her top was the right choice! She is one classy elder!
Did you hear she received her first notice from Grim yesterday morning?

Daia: Thank you for mentoring me, Grandpa. I’d been wanting to learn how to play guitar!

Day 61 (Thu)

Jade: Around 6 am this morning, I received the second notice from Grim.
I checked my age bar and it’s bubbling so I don’t have much time left.
To help out the family, we have both continued working but we take today off.
Dearest Satoru received his second notice nine days ago, but he is still going strong.
Has he been waiting for me?

Jade: What’s that you’re saying, Satoru?
What do I do with you? You’re such a naughty, naughty man! Stop making me blush! Oh my!

And then, all of a sudden, Jade autonomously whispers, “Noosh,” in a low seductive voice and kisses him.
You can stop anytime now, you two!

Tatsuya: Watchette recently pledged not to take any more career promotion screenshots unless they’re for maxing the career.
But you have to see this one—look how close I came to maxing Journalism today. What a tease!
And now I’m off for the next three days, so we’re looking at baths and showers next Monday afternoon!
Kenta: Don’t forget me! I have darker eyebrows now!

Day 62 (Fri)

Satoru: In the morning, Erika quietly celebrated her adult birthday with her siblings.
Jade slipped off to work in the morning without saying anything.
Soon after she returned home, Grim arrived to escort her to the far shore.
Jade, you have been my life. How can I live on without you?

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: Jade's Final Journey (new May 17)
« Reply #96 on: May 17, 2016, 07:16:32 AM »
Don't apologise, I love the additional characters of the trashcan and gnome. This is my first time seeing the Sim versions of the My Sims in one screenshot (Yuki and Travis). I feel bad for Travis, getting turned off by Erika's hygiene issues, lol. Jade is one awesome mother, career woman and grandmother, it's so sad that she's gone <3  :'(
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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: Jade's Final Journey (new May 17)
« Reply #97 on: May 17, 2016, 04:04:34 PM »
Jade passing utterly broke my heart! Oh man! I feel so terrible for Satoru!
It doesn't help that my work was playing "Say Something" in an attempt to make me ugly cry while I read this... It didn't work.
Now who's cutting onions in here?!

RIP Jade... you will always be missed. Thank you for giving Assume your kissable lips...  :'(

Don't hate on my man the trash can! He and the gnome are my new besties. It's totally a thing that's happening.

Offline oshizu

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Sanada Apocalypse: Welcome to the Family (new May 17b)
« Reply #98 on: May 17, 2016, 08:20:14 PM »
@Nettlejuice   About Erika, she seemed interested in Travis but he got angry when she kept flirting with him.
                       I didn't realize she was smelly! I saw the green smoke in the kitchen/dining room and everyone going Ugh! Yuk, so I thought the food was spoiled and threw it out.
                       Doesn't spoiled food share the same green haze as a smelly, low-hygiene sim?  Lol.

@LivvieLove   Thanks for always supporting Jade. She really was a great spouse and mother.  The trashcan and gnome have a new friend...

Week 9/Day 62: Welcome to the Family!

Day 62 (Fri)

Hello again! When we last hit the 25-image limit per chapter, our founder Satoru Sanada has very recently lost the love of his life.
Rest in Peace, Jade. You were an exemplary wife, companion, and mother. And what a businesswoman!

And where is everyone else you ask?
In fact, while Jade was out front dying, Erika and a few family members are celebrating her adult birthday.
“Someone” locked the front door so everyone couldn’t pile out and get plunged into sadness.

Tatsuya: Dad’s in a bad way, so it’s up to us to take care of family matters today.
Did anyone happen to ask Travis about his career?
Daia: Yes, I did. He gets off work today at 7 pm.
Tatsuya: Smart girl! Let's wait until after 7 pm then try inviting him over. Erika, you make yourself scarce when he visits.
To atone for her behavior during Travis’ last visit, Erika prepares dinner and dessert, while Satoru sadly watches TV.

Erika: Dad keeps calling the Sadness Hotline but he can’t get out of his funk.
Once I’m done cooking, I’ll try consoling him, offering mental relaxations tips, and complimenting his outfit.
Thanks, Erika! Help your Dad overpower his Sad +5 moodlet! Nice job!

Strictly Business Gnome: Just after 5 pm, Sasuke dashes off to work. Bring home that Level 7 promotion, Sasuke.  *waves goodbye
Mailbox: You can do it!
Trashcan: Oh great! Now I have more competition from the mailbox?
Mailbox: Oh puhleeze! I am the bearer of good news and collection plaques. I deliver and accept payments for bills. All you do is hold trash. *sniffs haughtily
SBGnome: Hello, you two? The point of showing Sasuke leaving for work is that he’s wearing the everyday outfit of Johnny Zest!
W: Yeah, that surprised me since I’ve never played Johnny as an active sim.

Daia: Explain to me again why you’re mentoring me in Handiness when I’m going to be a Diamond Agent, Dad.
Tatsuya: Well, you rolled the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration so we can go three ways:
1)   You buy the $15,000 virtuoso violins with the family’s surplus cash then sell them from your personal inventory (this works now Business/Investor restriction); or
2)   You earn income from your job (but you’re still a teen);
3)   You craft the camping mascot sculptures and sell them from your personal inventory (need to clear Villain to place the giant mascot sculpture on our lot, then Patron of the Arts).
Daia: Why bother completing my aspiration when I can’t use the reward points (Pro Athlete restriction)?
Tatsuya: Well, Mom and Dad started a stockpile of Moodlet Solvers in the family inventory which the family can use after clearing Mixologist and BodyBuilder.
Daia: All I really want to know is: when is Kage moving in?

Satoru: Looking through my contacts, I suddenly remember that Nancy Landgraab is already a  Level 5 Criminal.
I briefly ponder the moral implications of separating her from her family.
Yeah, but don’t forget that it’s faster to earn skill levels than job promotions in this household.
Satoru: Let’s invite her over and see what she thinks about helping us with Oracle. We’ll let Tatsuya persuade her.
Tatsuya: Hey, what about Operation Travis, Dad?
Satoru: It's on hold for now.

Tatsuya: Dad and I switch places, and he takes over mentoring Daia in Handiness.
I’d never met Nancy before but since I’m a Kleptomaniac with max Mischief, we share a few interests.  ;)
For one thing, she’s not turned off by my enthusing over the thrill of the steal.
Also, she laughs at my photos of the various pranks I’ve pulled around the hood.

Tatsuya: Before long, Nancy and I are fast friends. But will she agree to help us?
I promise her that the Sanadas will always protect and look after the Landgraabs, especially Malcolm.
You may all safely assume that Travis is completely out of the picture at this point in time.

Well, hello there, Nancy! I’m called Watchette. Welcome to the fam!
And we’ll make sure you want for nothing here, well, within the scope of all of our (many) restrictions, that is. *coughs

Satoru: Maxing Oracle requires Level 10 Mischief and Level 8 Programming.
Nancy: Uh, right. Currently, I have Level 1 Mischief and Level 2 Programming, but I reached Level 2 Mischief just now doing my daily task. Piece of cake.
Off to work I go!

Minor Crimelord Nancy Landgraab, terrorizing the neighborhood, one sim at a time!
(I laughed to notice that, even before she moved in, Nancy had already been disliked by our next-door neighbor.)

Daia: To take Grandpa’s mind away from his grief, I ask him to mentor me in Fitness.
That’s right, Grandpa, take your sadness out on me!
W: Thanks, Daia!

Sasuke: I arrive home at midnight with a promotion to Level 7 Rising Comedian. I'm off until next Tuesday.
Two hours later, our new housemate Nancy Landgraab returns home and Watchette finally gets to give Nancy a makeover.

W: Don’t mind the makeovers—I’m just having a little fun since so many restrictions are still in place.
Nancy’s defaults used orange a lot so I kept that color. I didn’t change Nancy’s formal wear at all (except the hair).

Tatsuya: Spicing up her look is the least Watchette can do, considering she’s left behind so much to help us out!
Sasuke: I guess so, but when I introduced myself to her she had the nerve to “Complain about TV size"!
Kenta and I never even knew what a TV was until we were young adults! Hmmph, insulting our poor penguin like that!
Penguin TV: Squwack! I know, right?
I guess that’s what Snobs do, Sasuke. Don’t take it personally, haha.

Day 63 (Sat)

Satoru: Eleven days have passed since Grim sent me my second notice, so he could come by for me any day now.
Watchette asks me to prepare some dishes, so I start cooking up a storm.
As soon as I start, I became Inspired, which was probably Watchette’s intention all along.
She’s right. I want my family to remember me as always inspired and happy, not sad and depressed.

Yuki: Tatsuya and I remain as lovey-dovey as always.
He is sensitive to my moods, understands that I’m a Loner and gives me space, and he is ever romantic.
MySims Yuki highly approves of my choosing Tatsuya as my husband!

Sasuke: I’ve forgiven Nancy Landgraab for complaining about the size of our Penguin TV that first night we met.
I hear the Landgraab crib in Oasis Springs is off-the-hook kitted out with everything nice.
To think that she’s willing to leave all that behind to sleep in a cheap camping bed, just to help us out.
And by the way, she’s been pranking everyone she meets in our neighborhood and is leveling Mischief like a boss, I mean, like a Minor Crimelord.
She’ll def get promoted her next shift.

Kenta: My twin Sasuke and I are as tight as ever.
I’ve reached Level 7 of the Painter/Master of the Real career.
The new plan is for me to stay until Level 9 and then see what happens.
I can’t sell my paintings yet (Patron of the Arts restriction), but the household can use the extra income from my wages.
You two look awesome in clothes, but pathetically bony when shirtless. I’ll need to think about that. Um, for Lei’s sake. *coughs

Erika: Since Kenta has a full-time job, even though he’s the one with the Neat trait, I’ve become the stay-at-home sim.
I clean, cook, offer wellness socials, mentor Logic, go fishing, and generally make sure the house is running smoothly.
It’s a good life—you’ll never see me stressed out about my day.

Daia: I’m the youngest member of the household and I’m still in high school.
But ever since I earned an A at school last week, the fam writes me excuse notes and lets me take vacations days.
It’s great—I have more time to socialize (build Charisma) and learn other useful skills.
But everything is progressing so slowly! At this rate, I’ll have to give up on Kage and have a daughter to marry him. *weeps

Recap of In-Progress Careers

Tatsuya (12 days to elder)  : Journalist, Level 9 (will max on Monday)
Sasuke (5 days to adult)    : Comedian, Level 7 (3-day work week)
Nancy (13 days to elder)    : Criminal (Oracle), Level 5 (3- or 4-day work week)
Daia (5 days to  YA)           :  Secret Agent (Diamond Agent), not started yet

Just a two-day update, but I’m trying to keep to a pattern of weekly updates that start on Mondays.

Thank you so much for reading! I appreciate your patience in reading about this family that can't do anything or go anywhere.  :)
But that will change!!!

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse:Welcome to the Family (new May 17b)
« Reply #99 on: May 18, 2016, 02:50:20 AM »
It took two days of reading from start to last update, not complaining, just explaining.  I have to say I have really loved and appreciated how you've told about each thing that needs unlocking and what they can and can't do etc.  This has to be the most complicated challenge EVER, and definitely not one I will ever attempt.  I love reading about them, but it just sounds too restrictive and too much like work for this lazy Simmer.  So I'll just have to enjoy your story telling and explanations instead.

I've loved how you went from grunge to great in your houses and attire.  I totally get the J-K Pop thing, (my kid is a cosplayer!), and so I appreciate the looks with the pastel hair etc.  Not fond of the blonde though.  Just a personal prejudice, I dislike blonde men for the most part.  Their looks anyway.  The family interactions are fun and funny and you so often make me smile or giggle a bit.  My favs are The Tricer, the GTW Gnome, the Trashcan and now, the Mailbox.  You've made them so much fun!  They are definitely my kind of people.  The people-people are great too, just too busy doing their thing to be able to just hang around and be adorable.  I love Yuki's hair style!  Is that Maxis?

I love your cat burglar!!  I hope to see him worked into the story.  He's too adorable to not have more of a life.  My thief is just kinda blah.  I'm so glad to see you've come out with all the great stories you are writing.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse:Welcome to the Family (new May 17b)
« Reply #100 on: May 18, 2016, 06:48:00 AM »
R.I.P. Jade, you were indeed a wonderful spouse to Satoru.  Send him my condolences and a platonic, motherly hug!

Oh my goodness, Daia is just gorgeous!  I adore her hair especially in the selfie with Yuki.

Another great update @oshizu, please don't worry about your Sims never going anywhere; it's great to read your story, and your explanations of the restrictions you're enduring and conquering!

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse:Welcome to the Family (new May 17b)
« Reply #101 on: May 18, 2016, 08:16:55 AM »
I don't let my IDC Sims travel even though there is no restriction, I'm just lazy so to see you doing your best and making every scene interesting is wonderful. I want a talking penguin TV of my own, Nancy is a perfect addition to the house - and even better that she's a (minor) Crimelord (I always had her quit that career when she was in my dynasty). I really hope Kage can join the household, lei and I will be so upset if he doesn't D= Wishing you luck <3
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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse:Welcome to the Family (new May 17b)
« Reply #102 on: May 18, 2016, 01:57:19 PM »
And we've officially added mailbox to my new friends list... and the penguin TV! How DARE Nancy insult my new friend!
Anyways, Daia is gorgeous. I weep for her missing out on Kage... I love the twins, as always, and I'm so happy to see Satoru going strong! Keep knocking out those restrictions and bringing in gorgeous family members!!

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Sanada Apocalypse: Console Cowgirl in Da House (new May 19)
« Reply #103 on: May 19, 2016, 12:18:30 PM »
I’m sorry about spilling too much ink about the restrictions at first. A lot of that, I think, was me thinking out loud because the challenge was hard to sort out initially.
I do appreciate your reading through all the explanations—I’m trying to minimize them.
Lol, poor blond Kenta. He’s a spare so I didn’t give him fancy hair but made it blond instead, in keeping with the boy band look. These days, every J/K pop band has a blond.
I’m happy you enjoy the inanimates who have taken life. They are always sitting there and don’t need to work or skill, so they’re my chance to get silly. Yuki’s hair is cc.
I’m very glad the cat burglar made a favorable impression. I recently replanned this challenge in order to move him in asap. I’m hoping Gen3 Daia will still be young enough to marry him and have children. Thanks for reading, Joria. You’ve always been such an inspiration and a friend!

Awww, I guess your weren’t favorably impressed with the cat burglar, Kage, from the klepto challenge (or did you miss a chapter?).
Yes, I’m very happy with Daia, too. In my games, even if I start out with an attractive sim, later generations don’t improve, so Daia is an exception to my past experience.
Thank you for reading, despite all the boring-to-read restrictions, Tracey!

I don't let my IDC Sims travel even though there is no restriction, I'm just lazy
Haha, so you say before posting two amazingly fabulous updates where your household travels first to an island retreat then later to the Bluffs!
It’s so fascinating how the storytellers in this forum each get obsessed (I used this term in a good sense) with different aspects of storytelling. Whenever you update, I have to restrain myself from commenting on every single image, lol.
Yes, Nancy is really fun to play, now that she’s completely freed from her roles as wife and mother. Actually, I’m surprised her family don’t contact her. Geoffrey’s only phoned once.
And yes, Kage moves in as soon as Nancy maxes Oracle.

@LivvieLove  The porch crew loves you back. I know my story is completely lacking in narrative depth of your incredible stories but I'm having fun, so I thank you for coming along.  ;D     And we’re working on Kage. *cracks whip at Nancy

Week 10/Day 64: Console Cowgirl in Da House!

Day 64 (Sun)

Nancy: I’m still getting used to this odd household. First of all, everyone’s really nice or I wouldn’t be here.
Well, quite frankly, I’ve let the Sanadas believe that their persuasive powers convinced me to be move in but there are two real reasons.
One, the Director of the Simverse Center of Genetic Excellence, Dr. Eugene Icks, is an old family friend.
He and my father had attended an exclusive boarding school in Switzerland for the rich and genius in their younger days.
Anyway, Dr. Eugene icks phoned me last month to ask that I collaborate with the Sanadas, should they need my assistance.
Secondly, I’ve agreed because Satoru and his eldest son Tatsuya made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. Corny but true.
So, anyway, here I am attempting to do a speed run of the Oracle career.

So far so good, if I do say so myself. I realize it’s Sunday morning now, but come see what I was up to my second day here.
When I arrived Friday evening, I had Level 1 Mischief and Level 2 Programming. After my 8 pm to 2 am shift that night, I took a nap then woke up early to catch me some joggers.
I love to yank the chain of hot-headed sims, like Katrina Caliente!

I later meet a high-school student near the grilling area next-door to our lot.
No age-ist am I! No ma’am, not me! I harass teens as badly as I harass young adults and elders.
He is unimpressed with my noxious cloud and “the sound of one hand wafting,” but what a great reaction to the handbuzzer!

On my way to the riverside, I run into another random townie. She yelled at me for asking her due date.
You know, the hand buzzer trick just never gets old!

Over by the riverside, I run into Walking the Dog, the DBBD who broke my friend Ashlynn’s heart. Mwahahah!
I think I’ve worked him to the boiling point, don’t you? 
Huh, what? The DBBD is jogging naked? I’m just an innocent bystander here. Why would you pin that on me?

By 7 pm Saturday evening, I am Level 6 Mischief. What did I tell you? Piece of cake!

SBGnome: There goes Nancy off to work! Have a great night, gorgeous! *waves goodbye
Mailbox: Well, fellow porchmates, what’s the verdict?
Trashcan: My vote? Nancy looks hottest in her work outfit.
Nancy: I know, right? Watchette’s makeover makes me look younger but nothing beats my work outfit!

Kenta: Are you done, Nancy, reminiscing about Saturday so we can move on to Sunday?
Nancy: Sure, knock yourself out. I’m done talking.
Kenta: Well, actually, nothing out of the ordinary happens on Sunday.
Nancy: Excuse me? I came this close to a Level 6 promotion, which would let me choose the Oracle branch!
Kenta: Yeah, everyone is so impressed how fast you’ve been skilling (because that’s all you do…)

Kenta: Back to the rest of Sunday, though, we skill, mentor, do our daily tasks, work, and eat together.
Nancy: I continue leveling Mischief and Programming. Meanwhile, Erika, her bathrobe, and The Penguin seem to be in a relationship.
Kenta: I know, right? Erika, I’m asking Watchette to take that bathrobe out of your wardrobe!
Erika: You wouldn’t! *looks horrified

Sasuke: As for Dad, he seems a little happier this evening. He’s been watching TV with some townie kid. Nancy met him while she was out skilling Mischief and he followed her home.
Kenta: I think she said his name’s Mauricio. It’s nice to see Dad smiling again.
If only we had space to place a closet!

Day 65 (Mon)

Satoru: Though I don’t have the Active trait, I have the Long-Lived trait from the Bodybuilder aspiration which is probably why I’ve lived so long.
Sasuke’s my third child and second son. We’re both off today, so I’m devoting this day to mentoring him. He maxes both Handiness and Fitness by the afternoon.
Sasuke: Thanks, Dad!
W: And I take back what I said previously, Sasuke, about you looking pathetically bony. *wolf whistles

Tatsuya: Who’s the man?
Watchette, hurry and install those showers and baths, I cleared Journalist today!
Now, just by showering or bathing, we can gain different moods for skilling and work! The mood boosts stack with the longer-lasting wellness socials! And don’t forget incense!
Man, I am so tense! First dibs on a mud bath!

Sasuke’s bathroom gets both a bath and a shower because it’s large enough to hold both. The other three smaller bathrooms get either a shower or a bath.
Space is such a luxury! (All four sinks have been moved to family inventory.)

Day 66 (Tue)

Nancy: Tonight I got a Level 6 promotion and branched to Oracle/DigiThief. I have to admit that doing without the basics really makes you appreciate the little things!
A playful bubble bath is so much easier than eating a plate of gummybear pancakes while being spammed with wellness socials!

I’ve got my skilling system down—during the day, I torment the neighborhood with Mischief socials; at night, I “troll teh forum” and enjoy some hacking.
Considering you don’t have the Mean treat, I’m surprise how much you enjoy your work and skilling. It must be your Ambitious trait kicking in.

Day 67 (Wed)

The unlocking of baths means the return of bath towels!

Day 68 (Thu)

Nancy: On Thursday afternoon, I max Mischief at last. All the daily tasks for the remaining Oracle levels require programming, so I wanted to reach Level 10 Mischief first.
Not a great shot of me, but whatever. If I were the Watcher, Erika would be the first to leave the house.
Besides mentoring Logic, she’s useless.  Unless you count sitting around day and night in the bathrobe as “helping.”
Though I must confess, she's an easy target for my pranks since she’s always around…doing nothing.

Day 69 (Fri)

Sasuke: A few hours before leaving for work tonight, I finally max Charisma which means I can start using Negotiate Bonus! Here’s hoping I can make short work of the remaining two levels!
Hey, don’t forget to ask Nancy to “Instill false confidence” before you phone in to Negotiate Bonus.
Since we don’t have mirrors (Comedian restriction), a mischievous sim is very convenient for giving others a confident moodlet.

Satoru: It’s around 1 am of Friday morning and we're holding a triple-birthday celebration.
I’m grateful to have lived long enough to witness Kenta and Sasuke becoming adults, and my granddaughter Daia becoming a young adult.
After the cakes, Daia joins the Secret Agent career then everyone goes back to bed.

Day 70 (Sat)

Sasuke: A little past 11, I return home with a promotion to Level 9 Standup Star! I only work Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday next week, but I’ll max Comedian by next Friday night, for sure!
Can you believe it? All that hard work and I end up with the exact same tux and tie as Tatsuya’s Journalist outfit? Sheesh!
SBGnome: Great job, Sasuke!  You look very elegant in the tux! *pats shoulder

Satoru: Hey, guys. What’s going on with you?
SBGnome: Same ole, same ole. You know, not much changes when you’re glued to a porch like us.
Satoru: Just wanted to let you know before time slips away that I’ve really appreciated your looking after the family.
Trashcan: Hey, no. We’re the ones who should thank you for making us part of your household.
Mel the Mailbox: Yeah, I feel like I’ve really gotten to know the Sanadas, watching you walk back and forth all day, every day.
Gned the SBGnome: Mel? So now you got a first name? Then I'd like to be called Gned (pronounced “Ned”)!
Tremain the Trashcan: Oh, you just have to get into the act, don’t you, Gned! Then, my name’s Tremain.
Gned the SBGnome: Tremain? You’re kidding, right? That’s such a foufou name!

Satoru: Hey, hey, hey! Mel! Gned! Tremain! Focus, you guys. I have something important to say!
Anyway, It’s been 18 days since my age bar started bubbling and 8 days since Jade left us. I feel like I’ve accomplished everything I set out to do in my lifetime. I’m just waiting for Grim now.
Please, I hope you’ll continue keeping an eye on my family for me when I’m gone.
Mel, Gned, and Tremain: *sniffle, sniffle *Gned pulls out a hankie
Mel the Mailbox: It’s times like this I wish I had arms so I could reach for a tissue!
Tremain the Trashcan: Word!

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: Console Cowgirl in Da House (new May 20)
« Reply #104 on: May 19, 2016, 01:09:19 PM »
I suspect Nancy stole the DBBD's clothes so he had to do the run of shame home  :P Nancy moves fast for a Sim who has only been in the house for a few days, thanks to her we can have Kage soon. It's about time the porch buddies got real names. Is bathtime the only time Erika takes off her bathrobe? She's way too attached to it, it must be a luxury item. Congratulations, Tats! It's funny how dependant we become on showers/baths, I feel spoilt playing an IDC. Sasuke in Johnny's outfit and how fitting that he's in the comedian career.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast