Author Topic: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge [Completed]  (Read 97251 times)

Offline oshizu

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I really appreciate how you've followed this story, even when it's veered from being completely focused on the Apocalypse Challenge.
Actually, I've been playing around with two ideas.
1) A rags to riches challenge that would end when I've built and am running five 5-star restaurants
    I'm not a big fan of building but this challenge would require me to become familiar with the restaurant dynamics
2) Some kind of legacy challenge based on Pinstar's legacy.

Alternatively, do you have any suggestions? I've read about most of the legacy-based challenges popular these days. I'm really leaning toward #1 above at the moment.
The problem with #1 would the lack of nooboos, lol.

Offline Magpie2012

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My vote would be for the Legacy ;-D simply because it should take longer so we'd have way longer with your sims and their *cough* achievements *cough* but only if our favourite highly achieved sim gets to be the founder!

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

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Offline oshizu

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Thank you for your suggestion of a Legacy Challenge, which I've never done before. I'll have to read up on the various Legacy challenges and see what might suit my playing style!

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Sanada Apocalypse Challenge: Support Your Local Barista
« Reply #303 on: July 13, 2016, 06:28:04 AM »
Week 27/Day 183: Support Your Local Barista

Day 183 (Sun)

Sara: The day seems to be passing so slowly! With Jade and Makoa both working today, the rest of us need to stay at home.
Yet, there’s not much left for us to do. I spend an hour or two in the pool.

Makoa: I have a few hours before work, so I dance a little. Who knows? The Dancers might meet one more time for a grand finale.
Kyle just needs to get a little more meat on those scrawny bones!
Kyle: I heard that, Makoa!

Tao: Albert drops by this afternoon and I find himself upstairs doing his homework so I help out.

Mitch: Because I really have nothing better to do, I’ve started baking.
I’m not sure what to do with all the breads and bagels I’ve baked so far.
Maybe I should buy a cupcake machine so I could at least sell what I bake.

Tao: Albert doesn't stay long, so I go chat with Kyle who’s trying to build his charisma.
Of course, it’s simpler for Kyle to just talk to a mirror, but I’m teaching him to use various socials to build  other skills as well.
Like “Discuss gourmet dishes” or “Discuss fitness techniques.”

There you go, Mitch. Knock yourself out! *yawns
Mitch: This is actually a lot more fun than I thought it would be!

Go: Looking behind  the house, I see that the pirate gym is over-run with pirate princesses.
There’s Kyle’s daughter Hana in the crow’s nest and Maia navigating.
And that’s Olivia Spencer-Kim-Lewis in the pink tee-shirt.

Go: Would any of you like to hazard a guess regarding the identity of the pretty little girl in braids?

Go: I realize that Kyle has already completed his career-related skilling, but I can’t simply stand by and not help him gain more skills.
Kyle: I’m very grateful, Uncle Go! Dad’s been helping me as well. Auntie Sara, too!
As everyone knows, more skills mean more aspiration points, which means more reward traits.
And more reward traits mean, of course, that my life will be more comfortable and relaxed!

Day 184 (Mon)

Jade: Did I already share with you that I earned the Level 7 promotion Sunday afternoon and joined the Master of the Real branch?
I work in only eight more hours, but I’ve stayed up to wait for the Negotiate Bonus: Painter option to reappear on my phone.
I’ve completed my daily task and I’m feeling Very Confident, so wish me luck!

Another successful negotiation!
And my boss liked what I had to say, gave me a small cash bonus, and pushed my performance bar almost one tick to the right!

Makoa: I’m currently Level 8 of the Author career.
By the time Jade is done negotiating, it’s 3 a.m. but I don’t work Monday so I stay up to negotiate a bonus as well.
I also negotiate a bonus successfully!
I missed the shot of Makoa giggling after his successful negotiation (because I’d been waiting for a different reaction), so here’s a close-up of Makoa instead.

Kyle: I’m so close to maxing the Barista career that I don’t need to do anything special before work today.
So Jade and I work out for an hour in the early morning hours.

Gned the Gnome: Good morning, Kyle! You ready for your last day of work?
Kyle: You bet, Gned!  As much as I love artisan coffee, this working from 5 am is for the birds!
Tremain the Trashcan: Have a great day, Kyle!
Mel the Mailbox: Don’t break too many hearts today, Kyle!
Kyle: Uh, Mel…I’m only a teenager!
Mel: That certainly didn’t stop Naoto! I mean, never mind, forget I said anything. *cough

Wow, you two are certainly up early!
Makoa: I haven’t been able to get to sleep yet.
Tao: I got up early to see Kyle off then I thought I’d help my nephew Makoa with the gardening.
Watchette, do we even need both sides of this rooftop garden anymore?
Not really. We only really need the vegetable and fruit plants, but it’s faster for all of you to level Gardening with more plants, right?
Also, the view from the rooftop garden over the river is very nice!

Gned the Gnome: Congratulations, Kyle! You did it!
Mel the Mailbox: You are awesome, Kyle! You maxed your career in just three two-hour shifts!
Kyle: And now I’m going to quit and never wake up at 4 am to work again!
By the way, Gned, what kind of gnome are you? Do you have a full title?
Tremain the Trashcan: Gned is the Strictly Business Gnome, Kyle!
Gned: Yep, that’s me!  Excellent work, son!

Sara: I’m not sure what Jade’s deal is. She doesn’t have the Slob trait, but she often passes gas while she’s getting a massage.
I felt bad for Jade because her mother has fallen out of favor, but I think I’ll ask Go to either massage Jade himself or teach his daughter some manners!
This isn’t funny at all, but Jade is laughing! She’s even pushing the smell over my way! Ugh!

Jade: To my complete surprise, I earned a promotion to Level 8 in a single day!
I really need to express my thanks to Uncle Tao and Auntie Sara, who took the time to massage me this morning before work!
Also, I thought you would get a kick out of the fact that I’m wearing a new career uniform.
You’d think that since I’m a painter, I would get to wear a more aesthetically pleasing uniform, right?

Jade: This is my second attempt to paint a portrait of Kyle. The one I painted on Friday evening turned out fuzzy for some reason.

Jade: I definitely prefer tonight’s portrait (left) over the one I painted before (right). What do you think?
I’m glad all the portraits are done! Now I need to decide how to display them all!

The portraits had been hanging downstairs for a while now, so I clean out the room, add lighting, and provide a small archway so that the household can come view the portraits if they wish.
You can see the portrait of Jade Rosa through the arch!

The portraits mostly hang from the southern wall of the room. I wonder if any sims will visit this room to remember family and friends.

Career recap

Makoa Kalani: Writer/Author, Level 8/10
Jade Sanada: Painter/Master of the Real, Level 8/10
Kyle Kaneda: Teen/Barista, Level 3/3 (cleared)

Another Burning Question for the Readers

I’ve noticed that when one of my painting sims creates a Painting by Reference work for the first time, they acquire the Photography skill (if they don’t already have it).
Many of my sims’ portrait paintings come out looking fuzzy and blurred. Would a painting sim produce more detailed, higher-quality portrait paintings if I had them max Photography first?
Yes, of course, I could test this myself by having two sims with Level 10 painting produce portraits, with one sim possessing Level 5 Photography.
However, I’m hoping to complete this challenge soon so I’m justing throwing out this question for general consideration.

As always, thank you so much for reading!
I have a feeling that Makoa and Jade will be completing their careers in another sim-week or so.
We will celebrate in several ways once the final careers are finished.

Offline Nettlejuice

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I don't have a lot of time but know that I am reading! I love that shot of Tao playing the guitar, the shadows being cast over the window and the pool in the corner makes for such a lovely image. Surfer Dude, I am so pleased for Erika (and another Hawaiian t-shirt wearer  :P). What is up with Mina, ow can she not be friends with the three coolest Sims ever? I'll give her dagger-eyes  :o
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge: Support Your Local Barista (New: July 13)
« Reply #305 on: July 13, 2016, 06:29:20 PM »
Go Kyle! Knocked out that career so fast!
Man... this story is coming to a rapid close and I don't think I'm prepared!
I still wish I understand what went wrong with Mina... I feel bad for Go! :(

I'll be waiting to see my lovely Sanada family run to the victory line with baited breath. =)

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge: Support Your Local Barista (New: July 13)
« Reply #306 on: July 13, 2016, 08:42:29 PM »
I love the portrait gallery! I hope some of your sims go and visit it.

I can't remember, have you considered doing the Rival Dynasties challenge after this one? I'll read whatever you decide to take on, but I think that one would be especially fun.

Way to go, Jade! Getting a high-level promotion in a single day! I laughed about her very rude massage behavior, though. I get massages a couple of times a year and what she does is sort of my worst nightmare. The fanning was just too much!

I can't wait for the final celebration. I'll keep my fingers crossed that it includes a performance from The Dancers!

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Offline Joria

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge: Support Your Local Barista (New: July 13)
« Reply #307 on: July 14, 2016, 09:52:56 PM »
Me too what they all said.  Now, about your Sims and next endeavor.  I'm really, really hoping you will do a rotational story, whether it is for the challenge or just the experience.  You have such lovely Sims, (especially the guys), and I hope you are not only saving each and every one of them, but also maybe sharing some in the gallery?  They would be so gorgeous to see and have you play with again, and to do them in a rotational play would be awesome.  Really, it is less complicated than an apocalypse.  However, a rags to riches game would also be awesome!
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline oshizu

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Sanada Apocalypse Challenge: B.I.L.T.
« Reply #308 on: July 15, 2016, 08:42:48 AM »
Week 27/ Day 185: B.I.L.T.

Day 185 (Tue)

Kyle: I have an hour before school starts, so I ask Uncle Go to mentor me in fitness.
Go: It’s a good idea, Kyle! Your father and I are planning a final get-together of The Dancers sometime soon.
You’ll be the youngest member and it just won’t do for you to look too scrawny, right?

Go: By the way, I’ve been hearing some of the middle-aged ladies around town referring to you as the B.I.L.T.
What the heck does that mean?
Kyle: Oh, that was my nickname when I was working as a barista.  It means “Barista I’d Like to…
Go: Just a minute, young man! Please tell that it doesn’t mean anything shady, Kyle?
Kyle: I wish! It just means “Barista I’d Like to Tip”!

Mitch: I was super excited about baking at first, but this is just taking too long!
Bake, bake, bake, bake, refill! Bake, bake, bake, bake, clean!
And I still can’t bake eclairs until I gain five more levels!
And cleaning? Sheesh, I’m a lazy sim. Everyone knows how much lazy sims hate to do chores!

Tao: Go and I would like The Dancers to consist of only current and former household members.
We’ve asked Paolo and Marcus to leave so that there’s room to add Makoa and Kyle.
As you can tell by Kyle’s eagerness to get in shape, he was so excited to be invited.

Makoa, how about becoming a member of The Dancers?
Makoa: I’m sorry, but I really don’t think The Dancers is the club for me!
Tao: Whoa, cool down, Makoa! *steps back
Too bad you don’t want to join the club. It’s this household’s only club and it’s just for family!

Makoa: Oh really? I apologize for saying no, then. Do you think I could be a member?
Tao: Unfortunately, no! I just don’t think you have what it takes to join The Dancers!
As a club, The Dancers doesn’t function as your usual club and it doesn’t spend any points.
Rather, it’s used to summon and gather sims who are part of The Dancers, which is especially useful when the sim isn’t part of the household.

Oddly, when Tao first invited Makoa to join, Makoa actually refused quite angrily as shown in the shot above.
So I had Makoa ask Tao if he could join The Dancers, but Tao rejected him to my surprise.
Finally, Makoa accepted when Tao extended a second invitation.  Silly sims.

Kyle: After Jade comes home from work, we all head out to Desert Bloom Park so that I can fish at my third fishing spot.
Auntie Sara offers to mentor me in logic, which I gladly accept.

What are you two doing in the public restrooms?
Jade: Well, all the plumbing and appliances at our house are already upgraded, so Dad is mentoring me while I upgrade this sink.
Go: I wonder if it would have been easier if you and I both stayed at home, Jade.

Mitch: Look who I run into at the park! Long time, no see, Naoto!
Can you explain to me again how you’re related to Go?
I’m the younger brother of Go’s mother Daia. Our parents were the second-generation Tatsuya Sanada and Yuki Behr of Windenberg.
Mitch: Well, I guess that explains where you got your looks and why you’re called the Cougar Whisperer!

Day 186 (Wed)

Hey, Surfer Guy, you’re sure out and about early in the morning! It’s not even 8 a.m. yet!
And why are you wearing a suit?

Surfer: I’m not sure, Watchette. I’m just a lonely Surfer Guy who longs for the waves but lives far from the beach!
If I can’t wake up early to catch some waves, I can least enjoy some morning air and light exercise, right?

Surfer: Whoa, do you see what I see, Watchette?
What do you mean?
Surfer: Isn’t that Go Sanada and Tao Kaneda skinny-dipping together?
Well, yeah, I guess. Are you going to stand there and gawk?
Surfer: Of course not, the lighting isn’t very good at this spot!

Now what are you doing, Surfer? A phone call from Erika?
Surfer: Yeah, she told me to forward my shots of Go and Tao to some organization named Cougars Anonymous…
Surfer, how could you!?
Surfer: What do you mean, how could I? This was all Erika’s idea!
And why the heck am I sending photos of Go and Tao in the buff to some wildlife conservation agency?

Kyle: How am I doing, Auntie Sara? I’m already level 8 Fitness but I’m still so skinny!
Sara: You look fine for a teen, Kyle! Don’t be in such a rush to grow up, you hear?

Sara: Makoa! What do you think you’re doing to your poor father!
Makoa: I couldn’t help it! I was just feeling so relaxed and then…

Mitch: But you don’t need to wave your stinky air into my face, son!
Sara: And here I’d been planning to talk to Go about his daughter’s manners! I’m ashamed of you, Makoa!

Makoa: I came home with a promotion to Level 9 Bestselling Author.
I’m so close to maxing this career but my only problem is that I only work three days a week now.
If I can successfully negotiate a bonus twice before Saturday, I have a really good chance of maxing my career this week.

Even though I successfully negotiate a bonus, my performance bar doesn’t move.
I guess this means I won’t be maxing my career until a week from now on Tuesday. *sighs
When I go downstairs to complain about Negotiate Bonus to Mom, she’s all ears!
She is such a good listener and my most enthusiastic supporter. She always knows just what to say to cheer me up!

Makoa: Dad’s always there for me, too!
Except tonight, well, he seems to be really into his baking!
When Dad cooks or mixes drinks, he moves with such an artistic flair, don’t you think?

Day 187 (Thu)

Jade: Today, I bring home the promotion to Level 9 Master of the Arts, but I find myself in the same predicament as Makoa.
I work only three days weekly now, so my next two work days are Friday and Monday.
Next week, for sure, I’ll be clearing this career!

Makoa: I think I know now where my brow and nose come from!

Makoa: So this is that film we’ve been hearing about—Superkids: Cortex Catastrophe.
You have to pay attention, Uncle Go, because the plot is very nuanced, subtle, and complex. Allow me to summarize the highlights.
Go: Uh huh, whatever. What the heck is this junk we’re eating now?
Makoa: Some kind of scone, I think. Dad’s been trying to max baking these days.
Go: Blech!  Tao, please prepare some real food, okay?

With Makoa and Jade working only three days a week and the rest of the household with very little left to do, we are crawling towards the finish line!
Makoa and Jade—you only have one more promotion each!

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge: B.I.L.T. (New: July 15)
« Reply #309 on: July 15, 2016, 10:45:55 AM »
Dear Cougars Anonymous,
Please subscribe me to your newsletter. I wish to support you in your important work.

P. S. You're so close! Hang in there!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Offline Joria

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge: B.I.L.T. (New: July 15)
« Reply #311 on: July 15, 2016, 05:46:59 PM »
I too would like to support "wild life" in any way I can.

roflmbo.  Too funny KRae.  Can I put in my bid also?

What do you mean, "Blech" about scones?  Scones are yumbalicious.  Well, some of them anyway.  I know it feels like crawling toward the finish line to you but I hate to see them go and have this story end.  It is endlessly entertaining.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline oshizu

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge: B.I.L.T. (New: July 15a)
« Reply #312 on: July 15, 2016, 11:26:47 PM »
I love scones but only for breakfast. Sadly, because Mitch has been trying to max baking, the household has been inundated with doughnuts, scones, tarts, cupcakes, and other pastries.
Go just wants to have a regular meal. :-D

Offline oshizu

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge: If a T-Rex Attacks (Newer: July 15b)
« Reply #313 on: July 15, 2016, 11:41:48 PM »
Week 27/Day 187: If a T-Rex Attacks You

Day 187 (Fri)

Tao: Kyle, I think it’s time we sat down and had a little talk about the birds and the T Rex.
Kyle: Uh, Dad, don’t you mean the bees?
Tao: No, I mean the Tyrannosaurus Rex, King of the Tyrant Lizards. You must be prepared for life, son!
What do you do if you are attacked by a T Rex?
Kyle: Untie its shoelaces?
Tao: No, you’re such an amateur! Challenge it to a push-ups contest!
What if the T Rex is wearing loafers or flip-flops? You gotta use your brain, son!

Sara: We’ve had the most horrible luck with domestic help!
Our first maid used to stand for hours downstairs, without lifting a finger to clean the rest of the house.
After I fired her six weeks ago, the Maids United Agency sent us this woman as the replacement.
Today, she arrived at our home two hours ago but all she’s done so far is pick up Makoa’s bowl then walk over to the TV.
Since then, she hasn’t moved away from the TV.

Makoa: Mom, did you see that the maid brought my empty bowl back? Shouldn’t she take it to the dishwasher?
Sara: That’s really the last straw.  She needs to be fired!
Mitch: Don’t look at me? I’m just trying to learn the experimental dish Tao just prepared for me…
Sara: Grrr, you boys always make me do all the dirty work! Lady, you’re outta here!
I can’t believe you charged us $71 for picking up Makoa’s bowl, watching TV, then putting it back down in front of Makoa!

Makoa: I phone in a request for a new maid. Unfortunately, our original maid returns.
Of course, the first thing she does is throw out the impeccable Trout Meuniere dish that Uncle Tao had just finished preparing.

Makoa: Hello!? What do you think you are doing? Didn’t you notice that my uncle was in the middle of preparing that dish when you first arrived?
You’re fired! Again!
Sara: Makoa, please be a dear and phone in a request for another maid.

Makoa: Good afternoon, is this Maids United? My name’s Makoa Kalani. I’m phoning to request a new maid at Rippling Flats in Newcrest.
Yes, yes. I know that we fired one this morning but the replacement you sent us is someone my mother had fired last month.
Neither of them do any work at all. They just restack dirty dishes from one location to another, without actually cleaning.
So you’ll send us another maid this afternoon? Very good!
But I’m warning you! If you send back either of those two maids again, she will be fired immediately and you’ll never hear from us again!

Makoa: Unbelievable! As soon as I see her walking toward our house, I phone to cancel the maid service.
Next, I immediately dismiss the maid but she still charges us for doing nothing at all.
Well, that was a tremendous waste of practically an entire morning!

Sara: Kyle brings his twin Albert home with him from high school.
It’s sad that I get to spend so little time with my nephew Albert! And I’ve never even gotten to meet my nieces Maia and Hana!
This evening, at least, Mitch and I can help the twins with their homework. I feel so bad that all of Kyle’s siblings are C students.

Jade: I had a really stellar day at work today! And I can definitively confirm that I’ll be maxing Master of the Real this coming Monday!
After finishing my daily task, I relax in the hot tub where I’m joined by Kyle and his brother Albert.
Kyle: Why isn’t your hair green, Jade? What happened?
Jade: Watchette probably just forgot to change my hair for my swimwear outfit. Not a big deal.
Albert: Miss Jade, you would look just as gorgeous, no matter what color your hair is!

Jade: I must remind myself that these two are just teenagers…
By the way, you can really tell how hard Kyle’s been working on his fitness when you see him next to his zero-fitness twin brother!
Still, they’re both very cute!  Kyle, would you remind me again when you and Albert become young adults?
Kyle: In four days, Miss Jade, on next Tuesday!
Jade: Albert, how would you like me to become your personal trainer….uh, next week?
Kyle: Don’t worry, Miss Jade! Dad and I can mentor Albert!
Jade: No, you can’t! You’ll both be too busy doing….other stuff. *coughs (Dad’s gonna kill me…)

Tao: Hey, I’ve been hoping that you all wouldn’t mind if I threw a birthday party for my girls here tomorrow.
It’s time for Maia and Hana to age up to teenagers. I’d do it at their house but that house is so cramped.
Also, Makoa has work tomorrow and I don’t want to leave the lot, making him lose his buffs.
Go: Sure, I adore those little girls. Let’s throw them a lavish birthday party!
Jade: Albert, that means you and your mother will come, too, right?
Go: *looks at Jade suspiciously
Tao: I’ll bake the main dishes. Kyle, could you help out with the birthday cakes and snacks?
Kyle: Sure thing, Dad!

Tao: Jade, I’m really happy to see you getting along so well with my boys!
Jade: Uh…thanks?

Albert: Dad, Miss Jade’s been really nice to me. In fact, she promised me that next week she would….Ouch!
*whispers: Why did you just kick my leg, Miss Jade?
Jade: *whispers to Albert: Ssshhh, just keep smiling at your father and let me handle it!
(to Tao, loudly): I get home from work at 3 pm just like your boys, so I promised to help him with his homework if he comes over after school.

Kyle: *whispers (to Albert): Why is she lying to our dad?
Albert: *whispers back: I have no idea!

Day 189 (Sat)

Go: Albert, it's great to have you join us for breakfast, but what time did you get here this morning?
Albert: Um, I’ve been here since yesterday, Uncle Go. I was planning to go home but Miss Jade asked me to stargaze.

Go: Well, that couldn’t have taken all night, Albert. Why are you still here?
Albert: Well, next, she offered to give me a deep tissue massage. I thought it might feel good but it actually hurt quite a bit!
Sara: Jade, I didn’t know you knew how to give a deep tissue massage.
Jade: Erm, it turns out that I didn’t…
Albert: And then I took a little nap and when I woke up my dad was up too, so I ended up watching TV with him…
Go (to Jade): You are skating on very thin ice, young lady.
Jade: Pffftt!
Tao: I’m just going to stay out of this…

Mel the Mailbox: I’m not sure if Lei is still checking the photos I’m sending her way, but I’ll send her one of young Albert, just in case!
Gned the Gnome: I know you’ve been using the smartphone Lei sent you to take the photos.
But are the photos really for Lei or for your own collection?
Tremain the Trashcan: You know, I’ve been wondering the same thing! How old is Lei now anyway?
Mel the Mailbox: I don’t have to tell you either of you anything! Hmmpph!

Tao: I phone in a birthday party. It’s the first prestige birthday party we’ve ever thrown in this house!
Maia is my first daughter to arrive. She blows out her birthday candles immediately!

Kyle: Maia looks a lot like Albert and I, don’t you think? Her hair is a lighter shade of lavender now.

Tao: Hana hasn’t arrived yet. I have to phone her and invite her to current lot just to make sure she arrives!
Meanwhile, I see Naoto speaking with his sister Daia Sanada in the kitchen.
She was an amazing Diamond Agent, I hear, but she’s a terrible caterer!
She didn’t produce a single dish the entire party, leaving her cutting boards of half-prepared dishes all over the kitchen and on the bar.
We wanted to invite Go’s grandfather, Kage, too, but he’s an incorrigible kleptomaniac.

Tao: So, you finally decide to arrive, little Hana!  We’ve all been waiting for you!

Kyle: As a teenager, Hana looks so much like me that people would probably mistake us for twins!
She keeps her blonde hair but gets a short hairstyle instead.
I wanted to get a photo of Maia and Hana together but, for some odd reason, Maia changed into her sportswear and went jogging.

Go: The final shot of the party has to be Tao’s gorgeous wife, Nana.
During the party, Tao was busy herding the birthday girls, looking after the guests, and DJing.
Nana, however, knows how to enjoy a social event—mingling, making small talk, and supporting her husband in subtle, discreet ways.
I’d love to throw a wedding party for Tao and Nana before this challenge ends!

Kyle: That was a fantastic birthday party, but I’m glad it’s over!
I’ve taken a Muscle-Relaxing Soak with Invigorating Cinnamon incense then ate a High-Energy Protein Plate.
Would you mentor me, Dad? I’m so close to maxing Fitness!
Tao: Ahhh, where did my skinny little teenage boy go?
Kyle: Darn it, I’ve reached Level 10 Fitness but not my maximum body potential. What was the point of all that epic weightlifting?!

Kyle: Well, I did five more minutes of epic weightlifting and completed the Bodybuilder aspiration!
I’m definitely ready for The Dancers now. The real question is: Are The Dancers ready for me?
Gentle readers, sincere thanks to those of you who have expressed an interest in the activities and objectives of Cougars Anonymous.
Your dedication to the preservation of “wild life” (good one, @KRae !) are duly noted.

Makoa: grumble, grumble, mutter, mutter
Did you have something to say, Makoa?
Makoa: How in the heck did that little pipsqueak complete the Bodybuilder aspiration before I did?
Well, that’s an easy question! He’s the son of Tao so there’s his genes, for one.
Secondly, he has fewer responsibilities than you since he’s an unemployed high-school student now.

Makoa: But I’ve spent hours trying to complete Bodybuilder and am constantly being mentored!
As I said earlier, Kyle is Tao’s son. He’s dying to perform with The Dancers and he’s been working hard to look good.
You, on other hand, got angry with Tao when he first invited you to join The Dancers.

Makoa: *sighs

Makoa, don’t be sad! You’ve done a fabulous job in this challenge!
You completed the Bestselling Author aspiration, which has to be one of the most time-consuming aspirations of all.
You’ve also written Books of the Life for everyone except yourself. You’re doing great!

Makoa: Thanks, Watchette. Feels nice to be appreciated!

I don’t work for three more days until Tuesday, but I’m only 1.5 ticks away from my final promotion.
With Jade getting her last promotion on Monday, it looks like this challenge will be ending next Tuesday!

P.S. The identify of the little brunette girl in pigtails will be revealed in the next update.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge: If a T-Rex Attacks You (Newer: July 15b)
« Reply #314 on: July 16, 2016, 04:20:30 AM »
(Whistles) My, MY! Kyle has certainly gained a lot of (coughs) achievements! I love it!
There's so much going on that I missed! I love the T-Rex conversation.

Also, put me down for that Cougar's Anonymous newsletter... ;)
Gotta keep up with all those... achievements!