Author Topic: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge [Completed]  (Read 97259 times)

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: Lookin' Good in the Neighborhood (new Apr 30)
« Reply #30 on: May 01, 2016, 03:56:58 PM »
Absolutely love that last update!  I about died from laughter with the hairy leg bit XD  And I vote for Yuki again!

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: Lookin' Good in the Neighborhood (new Apr 30)
« Reply #31 on: May 01, 2016, 07:56:49 PM »
@JudesSims   I'm developing a theory that the sims do the weirdest things for the weirdest simmers. I'm glad you enjoyed it, hehe.

@KRae           Haha, yes, I know, but now I can never go back to Oasis Springs. To be honest, I'd never played in Oasis Springs until this challenge because the scenery lacks appeal for me.
                      As soon as Satoru moved in, I covered that grassy lot with sand-related terrain paint. I am punishing myself with the ugliness in exchange for not having to live in Oasis Spring, lol.
                      Also, Satoru might be undercover?

@LivvieLove   Lol, I lost several hours of my life yesterday watching Lip Sync Battle videos on Youtube! The Magic Mike XL parody by Channing Tatum's wife was amaaaazing.
                      Channing was funny too and he's of course a superb dance but I love Justin in high heels and leotard moar!!!

@reggikko     That's so nice of you to say! *blushes   I'm obsessing over this challenge and all the babies right now, but I'd be happy to upload it for you later, if you'd still like it. I'l PM you when I do.

@tjtemple      Thanks for the feedback on the fill empty houses feature. I already replaced the steampunk with a beachhouse. They make my sims' lot look horrid but it's nice to imagine that they may
                      one day live the luxury life!

@tjtemple and @Shewolf13
                     Have you ever noticed that leg popping up in the middle of woohooo before? It doesn't happen every time; when it does, I'll usually see the leg one more time.
                     I'd noticed it happening before but, until that image, I could never press C fast enough, haha. I'm glad you both thought it was as ridiculous as I did.

Thanks to those of you who voted for Yuki!  I'm posting another chapter in a little bit. Be surprised!                 

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Sanada Apocalypse: The Tricer is Watching You (New May 1)
« Reply #32 on: May 01, 2016, 09:04:16 PM »
Week 03/Day 016: The Tricer is Watching You!

Day 16 {Mon}

W: After chatting briefly with Erika and Tatsuya in their room, I go to congratulate the happy parents.
I find them in the second-floor bathroom, where Satoru is taking a photo together with Jade.
It’s not hard to figure out the source of the children’s heart-shaped faces.

Erika: Mom’s the only one to leave home early today.
Since I aged up late at night, I have today off. Tatsuya’s using a vacation day to stay home with me!
Don’t forget to make the phone call, Tatsuya!
Tatsuya: Yep, I’ll do that right now! Oh wait, we can only use the phone to take or quit jobs!  *shoulders slump dejectedly
W: Whew, that was a close call there buddy! We need to wait until the eSport Gamer career is cleared!
Tatsuya: Grrr, so what was the point of my doing all that Extra Credit Homework and Studying Hard after I got an A last week, Watchette, huh?
W: Sowwy. I’ll make it up to you, though. Next Sunday, you can decide all by yourself on one thing to buy, okay?
Tatsuya: Well, okay…

Erika: Dad, what are we going to do today? I have the Social Butterfly aspiration, so you can’t really mentor me, right?
Satoru: True, but it’s important to max your Mental and Creative skills, too, if you have time. I can help!
Why don’t we go outside so you can meet four more sims, then I’ll mentor you until I leave for work at noon.
Erika: Sounds like the perfect plan!  Let’s go! Uh, Dad, do you have to go outside in those skimpy trunks? It’s kinda embarrassing how all the women stare at you…
Satoru: How can you even say that? Last night you were still an infant so you’ve never even been outside before.
Erika: Uh, Tatsuya warned me this morning after he found out he’d have to go to school.

Erika: In the grilling area behind the health club, Satoru has been showing off his cooking skills.
He woke up feverish this morning and I thought he was feeling better, but he’s been constantly moaning, groaning, and whining about not feeling well.
Because of that outfit and his constant whining, I decide to pretend I don’t know him.

I’m downstream of Dad’s grilling area, socializing like a boss!
That’s when I meet him!  <3 <3 <3
His name is Paolo Rocca and he says he's a carioca from Brasil.
I feel like we’ve met before—he says he feels that way, too.  It must be (*cues drum roll) destiny!
W: And….history repeats itself.

Erika: Hey, Paolo, are you pretty familiar with how this game works? I’m new. I was literally born yesterday!
Paolo: Yeah, kinda. I’ve only been around since….let’s see, when did Get Together come out?...oh yeah, I’ve been around since December 2015.
Why do you ask?
Erika: I was just wondering why children never have ankles. It makes my legs look pudgy, I hate it!
Paolo: Sorry, I can’t answer that for you because I was born a young adult.

Erika: Would you hang out with me until family comes home, Paolo?
Paolo: Awww, you’re all by yourself today? Sure. What time is that?
Erika: (lies) My parents won’t be back from work until 5 p.m.
Paolo: Lemme check my schedule. Lucky you! I’m off until tomorrow! What do you want to do?
Erika: Can we just hang out and talk?
W: Lol, Erika, have you no shame? Good thing Paolo didn’t catch you gazing at him with those puppy-dog eyes!

As their Watcher, I’m fully aware that she’s too young for him (the key word here being “now”), but they are just too cute together!
She so obviously adores Paolo, while he’s acting all cool about the whole “yeah, she digs me, what’s not to like?” thing.

Erika: Ooooh, Best Friends Forever!  *whispers: Can you say “inevitable”?

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…
Jade: Hey, look at us, the Power Couple!
Satoru: You bet. On the same day, you got promoted to Level 7 Vice-President…
Jade: And you got promoted to Level 8 Sous Chef, which means you completed your Master Chef aspiration!
Great job—now any food you prepare will never spoil, ever!
Satoru: Not to cut our celebration short, but I have to be back at work in three hours. Time’s a-wasting…
Jade: I hear you. Let’s go see about our third child, boo!

Tatsuya: I’m just minding my own business, playing chess on the second floor.
Dad virtually flies out of the bedroom like the March Hare, yelling that he’s late for work.
W: Give us a break, Satoru! No one cares if you’re late to work—you have the Pro Slacker trait!
Tatsuya: Excuse me, Watchette? I’m trying to have a convo here with The Tricer…
So, Mom’s in the bathroom, scrubbing the toilet bowl and…get this…smiling!

The Tricer, is it just my imagination or are my ‘rents totes bizarro?
Hello, The Tricer? Hey, why won’t The Tricer talk to me? Why isn’t The Tricer smiling?
Aren’t we friends anymore?  *sniffle, sniffle

The Tricer! Dude, don’t shut me out like this, I’m beggin’ you!
Okay, just be that way. I’m going downstairs to do my homework. Hmmmph!!!

Jade: I wonder what Erika is up to? I haven’t seen her since I came home. Well, I have been a bit busy. *blushes
Since Satoru’s working, I multi-task in the way I enjoy most—chatting with a friend while playing chess.
Remember that my career requires L10 Charisma and L8 Logic? I hit L8 Logic but my Charisma is still only L8.
I spy Paolo Rocca strolling by so I invite him to play chess with me.
My Brazilian friend was a housemate at The Partihause back when I used to live in downtown Windenberg.

 I wonder why Tricer’s eyes are open? They were closed just a minute ago!
The Tricer: That’s cuz The Tricer is watching you, lady! You better watch your step!
So maybe Paolo is your Good Friend. But he’s not only Erika’s Good Friend but also her one and only BFF!
Don’t make The Tricer hurt you!  Rawwwwrrr.

Day 17 (Tue)

Tatsuya: Last night, I was sneezing a bit before going to bed. I wake up this morning at 6:53 am, with a one-hour Dizzy moodlet.
Suddenly we get a notification:
Tatsuya Sanada is feeling very much under the weather. Better have him stay home at this point.

I check my School panel and it says: “Taking Sick Day.” Yaaay!  *pumps fist
Dad’s off today, too, so I hope he’ll help me with skilling!
Erika, enjoy your first day of school!  *waves

Day 18 (Wed)

The Tricer: The Tricer isn’t big on watching the Ambitious, Outgoing mother chatting up another young man while her gorgeous husband works.
On the other hand, The Tricer loves watching his amigo Tatsuya being mentored by the Family-Oriented father.
Watchette: Uh, why do you refer to yourself in the third person?
The Tricer: Why are you eavesdropping?

Day 19 (Thu)

Erika: Today, Mom comes home dressed really classy in a gray linen suit and a string of pearls! She got promoted to Level 8 President of the Management career!
Tatsuya: Dad also got a promotion to Level 9 Sous Chef. Way to go, Dad!

Day 20 (Fri)

Jade should have gotten off work at 6 pm and given birth around 6:30 pm this evening.
When Erika stacks drawings on the activity table, though, the game freezes until I notice her queue is stuck and click on her.
At that point, everything starts moving again and Jade immediately comes home, four hours later than normal at 10 pm. Poor Jade.

Jade: As you all know, Watchette had wanted twins for my second pregnancy so I could take a rest with birthing and we could all move forward with this challenge.
But I only gave birth to Erika then.
Well, Watchette apparently prefers to play male sims, so perhaps the outcome this time was destined. Be careful what you wish for!

Folks, meet Kenta (left) and Sasuke (right).
W: I know the Powers-that-Be granted me twins to spite me because I had given up, resigning myself to the path of three single births.
Yet I am grateful. I will deploy one of them to lift the ban of using the dresser! Mwhahahaha

*mutters: If I’d known they’d be twins, I would have given Kenta the name “Naruto” instead.
I light a stick of incense in supplication, fervently praying that that the twins will not inherit Jade's full lips...

Satoru: Jade and I renewed our marital vows this morning before she left for work.
Since I really want to buy kitchen appliances this Sunday, I do everything I can think of to boost Inspired and Happy before leaving for work at 6 pm.
The twins’  birth near the end of my shift must have given my performance bar a huge push.
Can you believe it, people? I maxed the Chef career tonight!

Satoru—my cheerful, art lover, family-oriented sim—adores time with his family. He looks fabulous in clothes, too!
Jade: Why all the shots of Satoru tonight? I’m the one who gave birth?
Yes, but Satoru’s age bar is bubbling green now. You don’t age up to an adult for another 11 days.
So we’re just taking a few moments to commemorate the Wonder Child’s beauty, I mean, achievements! *coughs

Jade: Tatsuya and Erika aren’t so happy about meeting the twins.
Tatsuya pops a four-hour Sad +2 “New Sibling (From Meeting New Sibling)” moodlet, which explains that “Tatsuya is in tears from meeting a new sibling he didn’t want.”
Erika pops a four-hour Angry +2 “Unwanted Sibling (From Meeting New Sibling)” moodlet, which explains that “Erika just met a sibling she didn’t want at all.”
Fortunately, they are both so happy for other reasons that the two negative moods never surfaced.

Day 21 (Sat)

Tatsuya: Today’s big event is my birthday, though it’s pretty overshadowed by the birth of twins last night!
Also, Dad maxed the Chef career but we can’t go into Buy/Build mode except on Sundays (Teen Retail restriction), so I’ll miss having a birthday cake by one lousy day.
Satoru: Sorry, son. Your next birthday, I will prepare you and your friends a fabulous feast, I promise!

Before my birthday, a friend of my Dad’s named Candy Behr comes over with her younger sister, Yuki.
Miss Candy says she needs to talk to Dad in private and sends the rest of us away.
Because Mom and Erika go off fishing, I stay behind to keep Yuki company. I’m a gentleman that way.
Yuki's pretty cool and we're friends in no time. Look, we’re even wearing matching pants. Well, almost.

Tatsuya: The Behrs leave and everyone’s back in the house.
We’re all pretty sure I won’t age up until around 6:45 pm, because... math.

Well, Dad, you returned from work at 6 pm without ageing up. How’s that supposed to work?
So without a cake, I just wait until I age up automatically like you’re supposed to?
Satoru: Yeah, I don’t know what’s going on. My age bar’s been bubbling since Friday. I wonder how long it bubbles for a non-elder birthday.
My birthday should be coming along soon, though, unless the “Days to age up” info is a false friend that only indicates when my age bar will start bubbling.

Satoru: After ensuring that the babies are fed and changed, we all take off to the riverside for some evening relaxation.
At Level 9 Charisma now, Jade continues to work on maxing her Charisma this weekend. Tonight she tells group stories to captive passers-by.
Meanwhile, after realizing that Fishing can also level the Mental skill (I guess this is a new thing), Erika has become a fishing freak.

Once I'm done grilling for my daily task, I mentor Tatsuya in Violin.  I hope to pass on each of my mentor-able skills to one of the children.
Around 10: 20 pm, I suddenly age up to an adult. *sparkles
Well, that was an unexpectedly long wait!

Satoru: Soooo, it seems that Tatsuya will be ageing up around the same time as the twins Sunday (tomorrow) evening.
In my dynasty, I caked up my sims as soon as they got the "celebrate with a rockin' birthday party" notification, so I completely forgot (or perphaps never knew) that notification arrives 24 hours before a sim would automatically age up. Is that correct?

Jade: Anyway, we all can't wait to see how the three of them grow up!
Satoru: But since I maxed the Chef career on Friday, we’ll also do a major renovation of our home tomorrow, adding a kitchen (at last!) and making room for three more sims (yes, three!).
So sorry, but no images of Tatsuya as a teen or the twins as children this time!

Come back next time to see the many transformations!

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: The Tricer is Watching You (New May 1)
« Reply #33 on: May 01, 2016, 09:22:34 PM »
Oooo!  Very nice!  Congrats on maxing that chef career!  Really loving Jade and Satoru.  I giggled about Erica and Paolo once more lol  Question, I haven't been able to find it yet, but is there any restrictions about the clubs for this challenge?

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: The Tricer is Watching You (New May 1)
« Reply #34 on: May 01, 2016, 09:29:56 PM »

About Erika and Paolo, I totally laughed when I saw her making those dopey goo-goo eyes at Paolo.

I'm sure Pinstar prohibited the three active careers of Get to Work and mentioned somewhere "no clubs."
I agree with him that clubs would make the challenge too easy. You can still use base-game Action/Groups feature to coerce sims to do stuff with you, though.
When I find what his wife said about that, I'll post it below.

Here you go: A response two months ago by ImaginingMystic (Pinstar's wife) to a question about using clubs in the Apocalypse Challenge FAQs:
Pinstar decided when he created the Apocalypse Challenge that he wasn’t going to update it for subsequent expansions. So I’m not really sure what the answer is to this.
I’d say don’t use them until later in the challenge if they are going to give you too much of an advantage early on though.
At some point we are probably going to have to re-evaluate Pinstar’s decision and update the challenge.
I think it’s going to become a necessity to do so with all of the expansion packs that are coming out.

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: The Tricer is Watching You (New May 1)
« Reply #35 on: May 01, 2016, 09:43:13 PM »

Yeah, I was trying to find them.  From what I can tell (and have been able to find), I saw that he wasn't updating for any of the new packs.  But I couldn't find anything about clubs.  Now, I could see the vibes being under the same restrictions as using emotional auras, but I'd love to have networking XD

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: The Tricer is Watching You (New May 1)
« Reply #36 on: May 01, 2016, 11:45:17 PM »
Wow! Congratulations on twins! =)

It looks like you've got your hands full!
Also, I certainly don't know about anyone else but I don't mind the great many pictures of Satoru's good looks ACHIEVEMENTS. Ahem. Sorry, got a cough, you know?

My fingers are crossed for your dresser unlock! ;D

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: The Tricer is Watching You (New May 1)
« Reply #37 on: May 02, 2016, 02:33:02 AM »
This chapter has SO much of your personality coming out :)  Your wit nearly distracted me from admiring Satoru's achievements :D 

I love the budding relationships between Erika and Paolo, and Tats with Yuki.  This is going to be so much fun to watch!

And many congrats on the twins at last; I am sure they will turn out to be a blessing :) 

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: The Tricer is Watching You (New May 1)
« Reply #38 on: May 02, 2016, 04:48:42 AM »
Love this. I didn't get to read your first attempt so it's all new to me. I like the way you make bringing in future spouses that are currently way too old seem fine. lol. It is only pixels after all.  ;)
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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: The Tricer is Watching You (New May 1)
« Reply #39 on: May 02, 2016, 05:21:04 AM »
Love this. I didn't get to read your first attempt so it's all new to me. I like the way you make bringing in future spouses that are currently way too old seem fine. lol. It is only pixels after all.  ;)

Thank you for reading and for your compliment!Somehow it's not as creepy when a younger sim is adoring an older sim, is it? 
Because it seem so much like crushing and it's from the perspective of my sims.
*whispers: Do you remember in the Man Dynasty when one of the heirs would hang outside the high school, scoping out a future wife? lol

Actually, I thought it might be fun to play with the cute single townies I've never played before. So I'm disabling ageing for townies for the first few generations.

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: The Tricer is Watching You (New May 1)
« Reply #40 on: May 02, 2016, 09:01:45 AM »
Oh so many missed updates! You got twins in the end and got pretty lucky with their clothes so far, well until we see them as teenagers that is. I do like that you're continuing the relationship between Erika and Paolo, Tats and Yuki. Congrats on maxing the culinary career, Satoru!
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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: The Tricer is Watching You (New May 1)
« Reply #41 on: May 02, 2016, 10:02:49 AM »
The inappropriate relationship that will not die!
(I've watched that Lip Sync Battle, too, and way too many others while visiting my daughter.)

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Sanada Apocalypse: An Eyesore No More, Eeyore! (New May 3)
« Reply #42 on: May 03, 2016, 04:18:13 AM »
Week 04/Day 022: An Eyesore No More, Eeyore!

Day 22 (Sun)

Satoru: When the clock strikes midnight, we all head home so Watchette and I can start on the long-awaited home renovations.
Tatsuya: Look, Dad, there’s something in the mailbox!
Satoru: You’re right, son. It’s for me. Once you’re older, I’ll share these secrets with you, too!
*glances around furtively then opens the envelope.

Date: May 2, 2116
Location: The City of Newcrest
Program: The Apocalypse Challenge
Project: RRR (Phase 2)

Subject: Your Lot and the Neighborhood

Greetings Citizen Sanada!

After dispatching you to the southern quarter of the City of Newcrest, we negotiated with a building contractor to construct homes in your neighborhood in the hope of contributing to the success of your endeavors there. We’ve heard that your Watchette successfully negotiated the construction of a Luxe Health Club branch in your neighborhood as well.

I am writing you today, however, to confirm alarming reports from the Newcrest Homeowner’s Association, claiming that some newcomer has covered his lot with sand and built a visually displeasing residence that resembles a home for zombies, thus damaging the neighborhood’s appeal. It pains me to think that these reports might be related to you.  Are such reports true?

I understand that you are trying to remain faithful to the spirit of your initial mission in a post-apocalyptic world. Nevertheless, just as you formerly endeavored to blend with the desert feel of Bedrock Straits, we ask now that you strive to better harmonize with your new neighborhood in Newcrest.

Never forget that you are an undercover agent; do not act or speak in ways that will attract unsolicited attention.
The entire simverse is depending on you!
Sincerely yours,

Dr. Eugene Icks, Director
Simverse Center of Genetic Excellence

Satoru: Watchette now feels justified in abandoning her pretense of post-apocalyptic grunge for the sake of better maintaining our undercover status.
The house takes all night to renovate, both inside and out. We’re all feeling more light-hearted already!
W: Excellent news! And thanks to all the recent promotion bonuses and wage raises, the family is flush with cash!
The trick is to spend as much as possible, while leaving just enough to pay our bills so the mob doesn’t get much.

Satoru: The second floor remains unchanged except for new wall and floor coverings.
The Tricer retains pride of place as guardian of the bassinets and chess table.

You’ll notice the first floor looks much more cheerful now! The furniture is now lighter in hue whereas the grungy wall/floor coverings have been replaced with light wood.
The new kitchen is so convenient!

In the basement, two new rooms have been walled off and partially furnished.
The future Focused Room will hold devices best used in the Focused mood.
Next door is the bedroom of soon-to-arrive newcomer.

The B2 floor has been expanded to include a third bathroom and a small reading area.
This floor will eventually be the location of the home entertainment area.

Our house is still a cube but Watchette has replaced the metal siding with wood and the lot is once again covered with grass!
We can’t wait for someone to clear the Villain career so the house can expand beyond its current 8x8 grid!

During the process of renovating our home, Watchette also asked that the Steampunk Inspired Villa be replaced with Lilac Beach House by Ginzu19.
The whole neighborhood now has a more tropical feel, don’t you think?

Tatsuya: Right around this time, Dad realizes that he can use the newly-installed kitchen to make me a birthday cake. 
I like the idea of not having to wait another 17 hours to age up. I also do NOT want to have my birthday around the same time as the twins, thank you!

Erika: Hey, before you cake up, can I tell my story from yesterday?
Tatsuya: Yeah, sure.
Erika: So it’s Saturday afternoon and I look outside to see a cute boy my age walking by.
I go out and chat with him. His name is Phillip Winkler and he’s Lazy.
As much as I adore Paolo, a friend my own age feels nice, too!  Especially a cute, young friend!

Don’t you think Phillip looks a lot like my brother Tatsuya?
Must be because Phillip has the same facial shape and hairstyle as Tatsuya.
I take Phillip home so I can compare them side by side.
Well, what do you think?  That’s Phillip on the right and my bro Tatsuya on the left.
How could I have ever thought they looked alike? Tatsuya is sooo much cuter!

Erika: Thanks for letting me tell my story first, Tatsuya. Watchette said there wasn’t room for it in the last chapter.
And the story wouldn’t have made any sense if I told it after you aged up.
Also, our readers can compare this shot with how you look as a teenager! (And maybe I should keep Phillip on the side?)

Satoru: For our household’s first-ever birthday cake, I make a sugar-free carob cake because it will give everyone a Happy moodlet.
If you’ve played an Immortal Dynasty, birthday cakes are a dime a dozen but it’s taken us three whole weeks to get to this point.
So, yeah, it’s a big deal. And there’s the birthday boy on the right, playing his violin.

Tatsuya: I age up with a flying leap and sparkles!
I’ve added the Kleptomaniac trait and Nerd Brain aspiration. Is there a ban on using the rocketship? I don’t see one.
I haven’t looked at all my outfits yet, but this everyday outfit is just plain embarrassing.

W: Tatsuya, take photos with your parents so we can see what you inherited from them in terms of looks.
Tatsuya: The shape of my face is definitely Dad’s. Look, we have the same cheekbone structure!
Same eyes, same mouth, and same nose, too, though my skin tone is lighter.

My eyebrows look tacky, though, as if I’d plucked them. Then I remember…Mooooom, I don’t want your eyebrows!

W: Okay, enough about you now, Tatsuya. The world recognizes your cuteness—move along with your day.
Let’s speed along to the evening, when the twins age up!

Jade: What are your plans, Erika?
Erika: Could we play chess together, Mom? I have zero Logic skill.
Tatsuya: I’m going to read three books for Nerd Brain.
Don’t forget, Watchette! You promised I could pick something to buy today! I want an adult violin and a treadmill!
W: They’re yours!

Tatsuya: Welcome home, Dad! If you’re not too tired from work, would you mentor me in Handiness?
Satoru: So eager that you can’t even give your old man time to change out of my work clothes, eh? Sure, let’s do it!

W: People, people, it’s great that you are so into your skilling, but don’t forget that we have twin boys to age up!
Wearing a pink T-shirt on the right, Kenta is born first. He is an Art-Lover and Social Butterfly.
In the dark red hat on the left, Sasuke is a Music-Lover and Artistic Prodigy.
Obviously, Kenta has Jade’s eyes and Sasuke has Satoru’s eyes.
Sadly, Erika, Kenta, and Sasuke seem to have inherited Jade’s fuller lips, thus eliminating them as candidates for the heir.

This generation, the only viable candidate for heir is the firstborn son, Tatsuya.

Satoru: Watchette, I’m really happy that you picked the child who you think will most resemble me!
W: That has always been the plan, Satoru!

Tatsuya: So Dad tells me that Miss Candy Behr and her younger sister Yuki are stopping by after Miss Candy gets off work tonight.
I guess it’s a continuation of the convo she had with Dad yesterday afternoon.
Candy: Thanks so much for letting Yuki and I come by so late tonight, Satoru.
Satoru: Sure, anything for the best friend of my younger sister Aya.
Candy: As I mentioned yesterday, I’m leaving tomorrow for a one-year DJ’ing gig at a super popular club called TAO Nightclub out in the city of Las Vegas.
But Yuki doesn’t want to change school districts for high school.

Satoru: You know our place isn’t as fancy as yours, but we’d all welcome her as part of the family.
Also, Jade and I have only one daughter so my girls will be thrilled to have more female energy in the house.
Erika won’t be a teen for another week, but my oldest son Tatsuya became a teen just yesterday.
Candy: Oh, what a coincidence--so did Yuki! How nice that they’re the same age!
Well, it’s late and I’ve got to run, Satoru. Yuki only had a little luggage, which she brought with her tonight.
Thanks again, Satoru. What a relief! I know she’ll be happy and safe here with you and your family.

Tatsuya: So, you won’t believe this, people, but remember that gorgeous girl with blue hair named Yuki?
The one I met yesterday afternoon while I was still a kid?
Well, Dad tells me that Yuki’s moved in with us. I can hardly concentrate on my homework!
I wonder what kind of music she likes? I wonder what kind of guys she likes?
Gahhh, I can’t believe I’m sitting next to her doing my homework like it’s nothing!


Not as much going on story-wise in this chapter as other chapters, but I finally let go of the feeling that an Apocalypse Challenge should look bleak and dystopian.
The Sims 4 doesn't have the world or content to make such a look possible. Moreover, the current Newcrest lot simply offers more possiblities!

Due to uncleared career restrictions, Jade's three pregnancies required three full sim-weeks. So despite the lack of narrative progress, this chapter established the neighborhood look,
bid farewell to the last infants of the founding generation, and welcomed Yuki into the household.
The household now has seven members.

Thank you for reading along as I flounder in the midst of figuring out how to narrate this type of challenge.

Offline wfgodot

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: An Eyesore No More, Eeyore! (New May 3)
« Reply #43 on: May 03, 2016, 07:02:51 AM »
aw, I missed an update.  I wanted to say congrats on the second child... And I really love the houses you dropped in, especially the Bahama one.  But now for your second update, I'm glad you got to update your house.  Is there a rule or something about keeping it so small?  I know there is much lacking because you have to unlock the things.  Or is that just the style you wanted as an apocalyptic sort of theme?  I see your message at the end about looking bleak and dystopian, but you didn't rebuild, only redecorate.

Wow, Tatsuya looks just like his dad!  I know how that is.  LOL.  Though, as he has aged up, I can now see a lot of differences in Matt and Luke.  Same features but they wear them a lot differently. 

Kenta and Satsuke!  How sweet.  I'm glad you brought Yuki back in.

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Offline tjtemple

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse: An Eyesore No More, Eeyore! (New May 3)
« Reply #44 on: May 03, 2016, 07:11:19 AM »
You're totally not floundering, I love the way you're narrating this; especially how you're explaining the rules behind your actions.  I will refer back to this thread constantly if I am ever bonkers brave enough to attempt the apocalypse challenge! 

I love what you've done to the house in the circumstances, and of course Satoru has aged up beautifully! 

I don't understand the problem with full lips (pouts with full lips) - is it a personal taste thing, or a rule ;)

Keep going my friend, you're doing great :) 

