Author Topic: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge [Completed]  (Read 97257 times)

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Wow! Mitch looks fantastic! That is definitely the right party outfit. ;) Congrats to the happy couple. As much as I'll miss Mauricio and Karina, I can't wait for babies!

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Offline Luna264

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This is so exciting! But also a little sad. I'm going to miss all these sims once this challenge is over.

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Offline LivvieLove

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Mitch is looking great!
I love Tao and Amanda! Thank goodness those pesky high school days are over now for her - soon Mina too!

Amanda has indeed become quite slim, but she is still gorgeous!
Maybe it's time for her to kick out a bunch of ice creams in one sitting? ::)
Also, that closet heart is rather dense to be dust... maybe the closet also doubles as a part-time hookah lounge? (Shrugs). Beats me.
The lack of enthusiasm at your parties is just saddening. What happened to the Sanada spirit?

Also, I love the picture of Go and Tao practicing stories... that was HILARIOUS. They look like the cover of a boy band album.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Oh, Mel, don't you know that's Lei's dad from another universe? xD Congratulations Mitch and Sara, their wedding ceremony looks very romantic with the cherry tree and fountain in the background. He looks hawt in his Dancers outfit and I am dying to see him in a kimono.

Tao's face during his epic story, so cute I need a close up, ha ha! Amanda and Tao, I am bursting to know what all the kids will look like.

Have you repaired your game? Maybe save the game when Mitch isn't in his work uniform, repair game and load up to see if that fixes it? (You've probably tried this already but it's worth a shot).
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Offline oshizu

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I set the "bowtie collar" to all the guys' last party outfit. Since The Dancers have been inactive, I hadn't seen Mitch in that outfit since the day he moved in. I was surprised he changed into it himself.
(Well, okay, I guess there's a 50% chance, but still...). I'm ready to let Mauricio and Karina go.

Awww, thank you!  That is so sweet of you to say that!

Lol, you never cease to amaze me. How did you recognize that as hookah smoke?
The lack of Sanada spirit is probably my fault. There's always so many birthdays every week! I really have to trick them into gathering and staying focused on the birthday sim, hehe.
I had Tao and Amanda get together because it's convenient for the household and keeping bloodlines separate, but Tao and I aren't that enthusiastic about her. Not sure why.
Go and Tao--they were standing at adjacent mirrors doing separate "Epic story" interactions, but when I checked up on them later, they were being very crazy. Boy band album cover, I like that.

Thank you for the kind words about Mitch and Sara's wedding ceremony. Since I can't build outside and they can't drink bar drinks, I've been completely lazy about wedding parties and birthday parties.
So far, only Mitch has thrown parties for his Chef and Mixology aspirations, hehe.
Oh the nooboos! I'd really love to have a son and daughter with each couple, but there's not enough room in the house. Unless I max everyone's careers then move the girls out, lol.
Actually, Tao and Amanda can't have children unless Amanda moves home.
I haven't tried repairing my game yet. Mitch's work uniform is a little annoying but it doesn't affect gameplay (like lagging or stuttering), but you're right, I should try repairing the game soon.

Offline oshizu

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Sanada Apocalypse Challenge: Stork Bait (June 18)
« Reply #215 on: June 18, 2016, 08:09:10 AM »
Week 21/Day 141: Stork Bait

Day 141 (Sun)

Go: Watchette, I don’t know why you made me waste all those hours in front of the mirror, leveling Charisma.
Now that I’ve completed Computer Whiz, I can use Make Connections to boost my job performance instead!
And I hear that, unlike Negotiate Bonus, Make Connections never fails to boost job performance!
My mistake, but I hadn’t imagined that you’d finish Computer Whiz so quickly. Superb job, Go!

Mina: Mauricio’s been occasionally mentoring me in violin.
Not that I really need to max violin, but Watchette keeps trying to play this challenge as if it were an Immortal Dynasty.
Yeah, sorry. Old habits die hard…

Karina: What’s right with this picture?
1)   My career panel shows I’ll definitely reach Level 10 of the Bodybuilder career on Monday;
2)   The household currently consists of only seven sims; and
3)   The “Try for baby” interaction is greyed out.
Yes, Mauricio moved out this afternoon, but whether our household is actually too full to “try for baby,” well, only time will tell.

Karina: After checking the challenge rules, I confirm that clearing the Journalist career allows me to take a pregnancy test.
And yes! I’m eating for two!

I run upstairs to share the big news with Mauricio.
But because Go has roped him into mentoring him, I can’t get Mauricio’s attention.
Check out my little baby bump!

Go: Here you go, Karina, I’ll stop working out so you can chat with Maurcio.
Karina: Thanks, Go. Mauricio, love, we’re going to have a nooboo!
Uh, that’s sooooo not the reaction I was expecting, hun.
Mauricio: I’m just bummed that we can’t live together during your pregnancy!

Karina: What are you going on about? The minute I get my final promotion on Monday, I’m moving to Oasis Springs to be with you!
Now give your pregnant wifey a big smile!  There you go!

Tao: Man, I’m feeling fantastic tonight!
Amanda: Congrats on your promotion to Level 6 Pro Athlete/Rookie! You’re doing great, Tao!
Tao: I know you didn’t ask me to meet you out here to talk about my job. What’s up, girl?
Amanda: Well, I’ve been a young adult since last week and I don’t get the feeling you’ll ever pop the question.
Are you still hung up on that girl—what’s her name again?—Lei Chant?
Didn’t you read that last update, Tao? I don’t want to sound harsh, but Lei already has a boyfriend.
Don’t you know? No one’s going to love you like I do, Tao!

Tao: But I thought maybe when I attend the Chants’ wedding that I might…

Amanda (to herself): This boy just doesn’t know when to let it go. Hmmm, I see I’ll just have to teach him what’s best for him.
Darling Tao, you are the only one in the simverse for me. And you may not realize this now, but we were meant for each other.
Won’t you give up your foolish dreams about that Lei girl? She doesn’t love you! I’m the one who loves you! Look at me!

Tao: I know you’re right. *sighs   Ooh, sparkly!
Amanda: Do you like the riing, sweetheart? Was that a yes?
Tao: Okay!
Amanda: Not as thrilling an engagement as I’d hoped, but I’ll take it!

Since they are both bros, they squee about their engagement then cap it off with a bro bump!

Amanda: (to herself0 I better snag this fellow before he traipses off to that wedding!
Tao, you know how the house is. We can’t have a wedding party, so shall we just elope?
Tao: Uh, you mean, like right now?
Amanda: Yes, this very moment!   *whispers: Get out of his heart, Lei Chant!

Karina: Watchette, why have you been making me watch the Kids’ Network all day?
I thought it would be cool if you had twins or triplets, especially since you’ll be living at the Landgraabs!
We don’t have any room for multiple births in this house.

Karina: You know very well that you’ll only get multiple births when you don’t want them!
Mauricio: I just don’t understand how anyone could regard that dude’s suggestive dancing as appropriate for children!

Day 142 (Mon)

Well, you’re looking pretty proud of yourself this morning! Wanna share?
Mitch: I got promoted to Level 8 Chief Drink Operator, which means I completed the Master Chef aspiration.
And that means any food I cook will never spoil! Now, tell me: Who’s Da Man?

Go: Hey, Tao, what’s up with Amanda? I thought she got a job after she aged up to young adult last Friday.
Tao: Yeah, she did. But she missed working that Friday and then got three days off in a row. She doesn’t start working until tomorrow.

Amanda: I know, I know. It sucks, right? I’m so eager to start my new job, but I have to wait until tomorrow.
Until then, I’ve just been leveling Fitness and Logic to prepare for Tuesday. *sighs
This morning, I invite Daia Sanada over to mentor me in logic. She’s my brother-in-law Sasuke’s niece, so we’re not directly related.
But she’d mentioned the other day that she’d be happy to help me build logic. This family really takes care of its own!

Tremain the Trashcan: Karina, you did it! You did it! You maxed the Bodybuilder career!
Karina: Yep, yep! I completed it on my adult birthday but, since I’m pregnant, I won’t age up until after the birth!
Well, Watchette, what are you waiting for? Please move me to Oasis Springs so I can be with Mauricio!
Karina, believe me, I would love to move you this very instant, but I need to wait until Sara and Go get back from work in two hours.
Mel the Mailbox: Well, meanwhile, you can start renovating the house!
Gned the Gnome: I’ll have to remain in this glass cage until Amanda clears Space Ranger.
When the heck is she going to start working, anyway?

Thanks to Karina’s efforts, we may now freely move objects with a footprint larger than 1x1. We may carry multiple stacks of items in personal inventory.
We can freely move objects in and out of household inventory (but the use/placing of career reward objects remain locked by the Interstellar Smuggler career).

Sara: Hey, Mitch, have you seen Karina around? She’s supposed to have come home from work at 6 pm.
Mitch: Karina? Oh, Watchette moved her over to the Landgraab Estate in Oasis Springs.
Sara: Are you kidding me? It’s only 6:30 yet! Why was Watchette in such a hurry?
Mitch: I’m pretty sure she was in a hurry because of us…there’s only six of us in the household now.

Sara: Mitch, you know I love you to pieces, don’t you?
Mitch: Just as I love you, Sara darling. Why?
Sara: Would you mind not wearing your flipflops to bed? They're spoiling the moment!

Day 143 (Tue)

Mina: It’s after 1 am when I’m finally ready to cake up to a young adult, and everyone’s gone to bed already except Go.
You can get a rough idea how much larger our first floor is after Watchetted did her post-Bodybuilder renovation.

Mina: Go, please stop working already. I just became a young adult!
Go: Hey, baby girl, you don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to hold you again!
Mina: You ready to go put out some stork bait, big boy?
Go: I think I hear the next Sanada heir whispering in the breeze!

In the two hours before leaving for work, Go proposes to Mina and she accepts.
In hopes of capturing an even better shot, I accidentally push the wrong button and speed past the entire proposal. Sheesh!
When they elope, I wait so long that there’s hardly any confetti left. Oh well. At least Mina’s an honest woman!

One reservation with the stork.

One renewal of marital vows.


It just occurred to me that Lei sent Mel the smartphone so that Mel would spy on Mitch for her, lol.  :o

I recently discovered that Tao has been reading "Refreshed, Recycled" behind my back!

After Karina cleared Bodybuilder and moved out, I went a little crazy with the house. I even cheesed an indoor pool, which I'll share next week.

Next update: "Stork Watch!"

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge:Stork Bait (New: Jun 18)
« Reply #216 on: June 18, 2016, 01:18:12 PM »
Oh, poor Amanda! How is she supposed to compete with a girl in a different simverse? Oh well. She'll probably be fine. She seems like a girl who gets what she wants.

"Stork bait" made me giggle. :) Bring on the nooboos!

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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge:Stork Bait (New: Jun 18)
« Reply #217 on: June 18, 2016, 03:43:35 PM »
Wow, if only I knew Lei's 'allure' worked in more than one universe! Had Amanda not proposed I'm sure the aliens would have abducted Tao for Lei with the snap of a finger, lol.

There really will be so many nooboos coming soon, congrats to all the couples. In the last screenshot, Mitch's belly is slightly protruding and I thought he was pregnant  :P My game also gave him those flip flops for his sleep attire even after a makeover but it was finally fixed.

The house is starting to look more 'normal' now that you can extended it.

Your remark about inappropriate dancing on kids TV, I had to giggle there. So many shows from the 90s that my parents didn't allow me to watch makes sense now.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge:Stork Bait (New: Jun 18)
« Reply #218 on: June 18, 2016, 08:36:53 PM »
Yay for babies!

Amanda and Tao have an interesting relationship it seems. Tao is so... enthusiastic. I kind of feel bad for Amanda!
I guess I'm one of the few fans of her here... ::)

I'm happy for Karina and Mauricio! I have always liked them together, even though Karina is a little... buff.. XD
You know what, I shouldn't even judge. LOOK AT ALL THEM ACHIEVEMENTS ON KARINA.
Yeah, that's right. Muscular ladies need love too.
And Karina is much easier to love at a distance. XD

Offline oshizu

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Sanada Apocalypse Challenge:Stork Watch, Part I
« Reply #219 on: June 19, 2016, 08:16:08 PM »
Week 21/Day 144:  Stork Watch, Part I

Day 144 (Wed)

Go: It’s after midnight so, technically, Wednesday has arrived.
Allow me to give you a quick tour of the house before I go to bed.
We all sleep on the bottom floor now.
Watchette’s logic is that if our eyes are closed sleeping, we don’t need any scenery anyway.
I requested a Japanese style room, but we can't buy the futon bed until I clear Startup Enterprenteur.
Considering our entire living space used to fit into an 8x8 grid, my 5x5 bedroom seems so luxurious!

Since the river is on the south, this walls-down shot of the first floor shows the northeast corner of the house.
This northesast room is where we prepare for work by practicing yoga to acquire a desirable mood or meditate to sustain promotion-friendly moodlets.
For perspective, this yoga room alone is 6x6.

Both the Focused Room and a greatly downsized garden have moved to this eastern side of the house.

The area behind the main room offers various recreational activities, housing the Inspired Room, a sauna, the hot tub, and a new pool.
The hot tub room looks empty now—Watchette’s deciding whether we need a patio and movie theater room eventually.
Maybe an outdoor patio on the second floor, after Amanda clears Space Ranger? 

The second floor is comparatively small. Who wants to be going up and down the stairs all the time?
There’s the gym, a new massage room, a wedding arch, and the rocket ship.
The mirrors are also here to allow skilling charisma without interference from other moodlets.
The house is so spacious now!
Yes, but each of you will mostly be spending time in only certain areas of the house, anyway.
And, by the way, you can also glimpse my failed attempt at a plant-covered pergola over the pool.
For some reason (because it’s a walled room?), I couldn’t place plants atop the pergola.
Just as well, though, since I realized that plants on top of the roof violates the Space Range lock.
I wish I’d had more of a plan for the entire house, but this challenge will no doubt finish during the next generation’s adult stage.
That’s how I always excuse myself for not getting serious about building, hehe.

Mina: At 1:40 a.m. on the dot, I’m woken up by the “Eating for Two” message!
It’s eery how soon after Go and I tried for baby that I got pregnant.
And darn it, I made a mistake and ate half of my gender-influencing produce already!
Anyway, I need to share the Big News with Go. As a family-oriented sim, I know he’ll be ecstatic.

Much later at 9 a.m….
Gned the Gnome: Good luck on your first day of work, Mina! *waves
Tremain the Trashcan: I hear that she’s with child, but she certainly doesn’t look pregnant!
Mel the Mailbox: Well, she’s still in her first trimester! Her second trimester doesn’t start for 17 more hours!

Gned: Go, who is the Sanada heir, is really doing a fantastic job!
He’s been zooming through the career promotions, leaving the older Sara and Tao in the dust!
Mel the Mailbox: And such a handsome fella!

Amanda: For some reason, I have started looking somewhat anorexic, so I spend a little time lifting weights this morning.
With my luck, I’ll end up looking over-muscular when all I want to do is gain a healthier look!
If we could maybe buy an ice cream maker, I could follow @LivvieLove’s advice…

Tremain the Trashcan: Wow, Amanda is looking lovely as always, but she’s lost so much weight?
Mel the Mailbox: Do you think she’s worried about Tao’s old flame?
Gned the Gnome: What old flame?
Mel: I thought everyone knew. During his high school years, he’d been going steady with a girl in Windenberg when Watchette started pressuring him to be with Amanda…

Tao: I’m in a Very Happy mood this morning, so I’m once again leveling up charisma by telling an Epic Story.
Here are the close-ups that @Nettlejuice requested.
What kind of story are you telling, you little goofball!

Mitch: I am feeling positively fantastic ths morning. Can you tell?
I’m the only one who’s not working today. I reach Level Mixology by noon.
Now I’m strolling in the neighborhood, chatting with sims to boost my charisma.

Gned the Gnome: I can’t believe Tao has another work uniform!
Tremain the Trashcan: I know, right? We’ve watched him wear three different work uniforms for the four career levels 3 to 6.
Mel the Mailbox: And Watchette didn’t take a screenshot of every outfit? Watchette, you are slipping! And you call him your favorite sim!
Hehe, I actually did post one of each outfit. You didn’t notice?

Mitch: I’m wary of chatting with just anybody, though, because they might end up at our house while I’m out.
Look there’s Mauricio! I sit and chat with Mauricio, politely ignoring the two strangers who come sit at our table.

I sit and chat for a bit with Summer Holiday in back of her home.
We’re co-workers at the same restaurant. She’s also the wife of Go Sanada’s great-uncle Kenta Sanada.
Well, I guess it’s time to head home and make dinner. The others will start coming home soon, one by one.

In the interest of showing more shots of the nooboos, I’ve decided to split this chapter in two instead of ending with one or two shots of each nooboo.
Previously, @Nettlejuice had asked for shots of the members of my first Immortal Dynasty, so here they are.
I’ve changed the life stage of everyone, except the children, back to Young Adult.
The founder had dark pink hair, as you can see. Her son, Mitch Jr., is named after his father Mitchell Kalani.
All the male heirs received lavender hair as soon as they aged up to teen.

The fourth-generation heir is Takao. His twin children, Tadakatsu and Sara, were aged up to teens and appear in the current challenge as Tao and Sara.
This means Tadakatsu/Tao and Sara were Mitch’s great-great grandchildren in another simverse.
But don’t overthink that little factoid because this is the Sims…
The Sakatas household represent the first of my eight failed immortal dynasty challenges.
All that remains of this household is one save file (dated December 2014) and an Excel spreadsheet.

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Sanada Apocalypse Challenge:Stork Watch, Part II
« Reply #220 on: June 19, 2016, 11:02:16 PM »
Week 21/Day 144:  Stork Watch, Part II

Day 144 (Wed)

Mitch: I’m back from strolling around the neighborhood, which didn't do as much for my charisma as I'd hoped.
Since I’m feeling Very Happy now, though, I decide to level charisma in front of the mirror.
Yes, we all realize that this is not the fastest way to level charisma, but there are six sims in this household.
We can’t all be the object of Watchette’s attention all the time.
And did I mention that I’m feeling fabulous! What? Oh yeah, my little baby bump? I’m in my second trimester!

Go: Hey, dude, have you been reading the forum? In another simverse, you just died in an immortal dynasty.
And Grim Reaper blabbed to that hothead Kessy that you’re going to have a nooboo.
Mitch: What?  Whaaat? Kessy found out already?!  I’m ruined, ruined!!! *cringes in fear
Go: So, what you gonna do, bro? You’re not going to the Chants’ wedding, but Sara and Tao are!
Mitch: Well, technically, I got pregnant through artificial insemination…

Go: Oh no, you soooo can’t use that excuse—there’s an incriminating shot of you and Sara a few updates ago.
Mitch: Oh right, what should I do?
Go: Well, let’s hope Kessy won’t stay mad.
Watchette initially planned to add you to this house after you passed in Kessy’s story, around the time Nettlejuice started missing you.
But then Watchette got impatient and added you earlier! Are you going to be okay, Mitch?
Mitch: Yeah, deep down underneath, Kessy has a compassion as vast as the ocean.
She will feel happy for me when she sees the boy…I hope.

Day 146 (Fri)

Mitch: Tonight’s the big night. I’m so close to my Level 9 promotion that I had Sara write an excuse note for me today.
I don’t want to have to leave work early and take a performance hit!
Watchette moved my portable bar over to where Sara is writing her novels.
Sara: Since our child will join the Writer/Journalist career, I thought I’d try to max Writing since I have all my career skills done.
And it’s nice that Mitch is practicing bar drinks nearby, so we can both enjoy the Happy +1 “Hanging with Bros” moodlet!
A shot of Mitch and his glorious third-trimester baby bump!

Mitch: Sara, it’s time! It’s time!
*Sara continues writing her novel and doesn’t go into prenatal panic at all

Mitch: Allow me to introduce you to our son, Makoa Kalani.  His first name means “brave.”

Sara: Oh, our darling son is here! Let me hold him, too!
Actually, she would have continued writing her novel, if I hadn't forced her to quit and come see the baby...

Mitch: Sara, when you click on the bassinet, do you get the breast-feeding option?
Sara: No, but that’s no surprise since I’m not the one who carried him to term.
Mitch: But I’ve been clicking the bassinet ever since Makoa’s birth, and I don’t get the breast-feeding option, either.
Sara: But we’re not supposed to bottle-feed him until you clear Mixologist.
Mitch: I know. Let’s wait until Makoa starts howling to be fed.
If I can’t breast feed, I’ll just always be the one to feed him until he becomes a child on Sunday. Sound good?

Mitch: Whew, I’m beat! Thanks for rearranging the furniture for us, Watchette.
Everything I need is in one part of the room—Makoa, Sara, a sofa, the bar, and Sara’s computer!

Day 147 (Sat)

A little while after midnight...
Mina: Hey, Go, stop working for a minute and come over here! I’m in my third trimester now, you know!
Go: Whoa, it’s a good thing you’re due in a few hours. You must feel so uncomfortable!

Mina: Do you want to feel the baby, my adorable family-oriented sim?
Go: Dag, dag, nooboo!

Mina: Gah, I’m so uncomfortable!
Go: Can I give you a massage!
Mina: Yes!  Erm, it’s actually my lower back that’s aching, not my shoulders. But I’ll take it!

Mina: *autonomously blows kisses at Go. 
That massage puts me in the mood!

Go: You little vixen! We need to nap so we can wake up when the little one arrives! Now you’ve done it! *becomes Very Flirty
Go and Mina are going strong! Theirs is a pairing that I’d planned from the very start.
But it’s too late to take your naps now, you silly sims!


Mina: Around 1:30, I go into labor so Watchette sends me and Go into the other room.
Go doesn’t go into a prenatal panic at all. In fact, he stands facing the wall in a very flirty mood.

Mitch: I wake up to hear Makoa crying. I’ve been holding off feeding him, hoping to get the breast-feeding option.
It hasn’t appeared so I am forced to bottle-feed him. I wonder how Go can be so calm over there.
In fact, what’s with this house and the lack of prenatal panic?
There you go, Makoa. What a handsome boy you are!

Mina: Go remains looking the other way, as I huff and puff my way through the contractions.

Mina: Finally, Watchette sends him over to me, but he just stands there grinning like an idiot.
Go: I’m still feeling flirty and I just popped a whim to watch Romance TV.
These must be the weirdest home deliveries I’ve ever seen in Sims 4!

Mina: Just when I think I can’t stand the pain a moment longer, she arrives!  She’s perfect!
What shall we name her, Go?
Go: I want to name her “Hisui,” which means Jade. On second thought, let’s just name her “Jade," even though that's the name of the founder's wife.

Jade: What’s with all the loud music? Why is Mom holding me right in front of a speaker?
Doesn’t she realize how sensitive my hearing is right now? Sheesh?
Whatever! I have arrived and I will be gorgeous! Now, let Dad hold me!

Jade: Ouch!!! Hey, pay attention, please! I know you’re not supposed to be holding me like this!

Jade: Pfft, don’t think I’ve forgiven you already for dangling me by the leg!
Mitch: Hey, folks, I finally got the option to breast feed Makoa after 4.5 hours.
I wonder if I’d needed to bottle-feed him once first.

Go: Hello, my beautiful little girl! Do you know why your name is Jade?
When you grow up, you’re going to have green hair, just like me!
Jade: Thanks. Whatever. I’m hungry. Got milk?

Mina: By the time I feed Mina then crawl into bed, its 3 in the morning.
I’m so glad I don’t work tomorrow!
Watchette, can you make me a little setup like Mitch’s? You know--bassinet, easel, sofa?

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge:Stork Watch, Part II (June 19)
« Reply #221 on: June 19, 2016, 11:42:17 PM »
@FrancescaFiori   The nooboos have arrived! I'm not sure why there was no prenatal panic, though. That was a first for me. And holding the baby upside down?!

Thanks for asking to see my first IDC sims. I made them young adults again and remembered how much fun they'd been to play. I'd only saved that file because Tadakatsu/Tao had been such a cute kid, lol.
Oooh, Lei would have had Jey and Ry abduct Tao? And yes, you were right about Mitch's tummy, hehe.

I've been thinking why I'm not gungho about Amanda anymore. I really disliked how high-maintenance she'd been as a teen, coming home angry every other day then getting so little done because she needed several hours to overcome the angry moodlet. I'm waiting to clear Startup Entrepreneur (Go's career) to buy the ice cream maker.
And Karina, she is definitely not one of my prettiest sims but she worked hard and maxed her career in a timely manner so that the next generation could be born. She also mentored the entire household in fitness at one time or another. I'm grateful for her contribution.  I laughed at your comment that it's easier to love her at a distance.
I'm actually wondering if my game's glitched. Overly muscular Karina; angry and anorexic Amanda; no more prenatal panic; dangling nooboos.  It's all pretty weird (and funny, I admit).
Maybe I will find Amanda someone who will be the besotted love slave she deseerves...

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge:Stork Watch, Part II (June 19)
« Reply #222 on: June 20, 2016, 12:06:49 AM »
Yay, nooboos! Jade has got some serious sass for an infant.
I love Mitch with all his bare necessities. A couch, a bar, and a baby, and he's good to go.

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge:Stork Watch, Part II (June 19)
« Reply #223 on: June 20, 2016, 02:24:20 AM »
Nooboos of opposite genders no less!
I'm sensing something... my mush senses are tingling!  8)

I'm loving little Jade - and Mitch's pregnancy cracked me up. He better fear Kessy's wrath! XD

Poor Amanda... have you tried just having her pig out on a lot of food? She just seems so unhealthy.  :'( :-X

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Re: Sanada Apocalypse Challenge:Stork Watch, Part II (June 19)
« Reply #224 on: June 20, 2016, 08:51:28 AM »
You're so close! You make this gauntlet seem so easy! Karina's muscles never frightened me, but she did grow up with a very stern sort of face. I think Naoto was my favorite so far, he had lovely tattoos and never seemed too evil.