Author Topic: Gravestone in Notifications - Glitch?  (Read 2491 times)

Offline xXxOneLovexXx

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Gravestone in Notifications - Glitch?
« on: April 26, 2016, 11:26:09 PM »
So I have this save file going, it's where I have one male Sim, a ton of Cats ( And a Unicorn! ) , and a Plumbot , with whom I'm trying to overrun the future ( Into the Future ) through making babies with as many women as he can, and then moving those out, and getting them to have kids, and so on and so forth.

I'm playing with cheats enabled, including adding things to household ( Unicorn and the Sim with the issue which will be stated below ) , familyfunds, and static needs.

I had my Sim, Carel, try for baby with a roommate, who I then added into the household ( So I get auto custody of the kid, and hopefully an Imaginary Friend ) . She kept on feeding the Cats, and making them sick as a result ( The one she was feeding had the Piggy trait, and because of the static needs, none of them needed to eat ) , so I created a small fenced in area for her to stay in while I had Carel do various things. It's at the very beginning of fall, and she has an umbrella.

Not long after her stay in the square of fence, I got a notification. It was something about a carpool arriving in an hour. Now she has a job, yes,but because she's pregnant, she has like a week off still, and wasn't going to be going to work anytime soon. That isn't the only weird thing, however, as the icon beside the notification was a gravestone .

The thing is, I believe the gravestone only shows up when a Sim in your household is dying? Or they're in mourning ( Funnily enough, not long after I got the original notification, someone did indeed die, but it was an NPC Sim and even then, there wasn't a gravestone icon. ) , which neither was happening.

So not long after I received the notification that Carel was in mourning because of the random NPC Sim who I didn't even know ( Make Everyone Know Me and Make Friends For Me cheat ) , I received this -

Is this a glitch? Or is there something wrong with her / the pregnancy ( Though I didn't think anything could go wrong with it ) ? And no one she knows has died

On another note, Carel, who is a Vampire, has no moodlets. He had recently came back from the future, got a sickness as a result, and just recently got out of the hospital, but the only moodlet he has is the Vampiric Vigor, which is strange because normally he has all the full need ones, and various others depending on what he's doing. He's also supposed to be mourning


Edit - The carpool thing popped back up!

Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: Gravestone in Notifications - Glitch?
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2016, 12:30:56 AM »
I've never run into this myself. But I have had something similar happen before. Carpool is coming, but never shows up. And the Sim doesn't even have to go to work that day. I think it may be a glitch. I'm not sure if there is anything that can be done about it. I never did anything.

If you're up for testing, you could try resetting the Sim/household or evicting the household and move them back in.

Reset Town, Individual Sims and/or Evict Household
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Offline xXxOneLovexXx

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Re: Gravestone in Notifications - Glitch?
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2016, 04:45:18 AM »
It really isn't any harm done, I'm just wondering what's going on with it, since it's never happened before. Either way, she had the baby, and I kicked her out already xD
However now I'm having an issue with the fist thing that pops up when you grab an object / drag it.. In both moving something in, into, or out of an inventory, and in build mode when trying to move, delete, or add something. It makes it difficult to do anything, considering Carel has the neat trait, and is constantly trying to put his skill books away. I've shut the game off for a while, not sure if it'll keep up with it or not

I've never run into this myself. But I have had something similar happen before. Carpool is coming, but never shows up. And the Sim doesn't even have to go to work that day. I think it may be a glitch. I'm not sure if there is anything that can be done about it. I never did anything.

If you're up for testing, you could try resetting the Sim/household or evicting the household and move them back in.

Reset Town, Individual Sims and/or Evict Household
I can do a temp fix of switching between live and build mode, but it easily comes back