Author Topic: Homeless Shelter  (Read 57675 times)

Offline Nutella

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Re: Homeless Shelter
« Reply #90 on: June 13, 2016, 08:27:17 AM »
Got it, thank you.

Offline Makenziegma

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Re: Homeless Shelter
« Reply #91 on: June 13, 2016, 07:28:15 PM »
Thank you Marian. My grandson took precedence over my sims. Priorities  :-)

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Offline MarianT

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Re: Homeless Shelter
« Reply #92 on: June 13, 2016, 09:13:53 PM »
Jane Addams moved out 12 sims for 60 pts. 1 died at 2 pts; 2 in the house had 2 pts each and 1 had only 1 pt. Grand total is 67 pts.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline jewels129

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Re: Homeless Shelter
« Reply #93 on: June 14, 2016, 02:38:54 PM »
I could not get those last 3 sims to skill fast enough...

8 moved out X 5         =40
1 died +1 (aspiration) =1
3 remaining X2 each    =6

Total 47

Offline Nutella

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Re: Homeless Shelter
« Reply #94 on: June 15, 2016, 03:12:13 PM »
Just a quick reminder that this event ends Thursday (tomorrow) at midnight, so make sure to post your score before then. Good luck to everyone finishing up.

Online Metropolis Man

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Re: Homeless Shelter
« Reply #95 on: June 16, 2016, 08:09:22 AM »
All done. Did better than I thought I would to be honest...

17 Sims moved out = 85 puts

6 points for remaining Sims. = 91

Offline SIMantics101

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Re: Homeless Shelter
« Reply #96 on: June 16, 2016, 09:15:44 PM »
This was a very busy month, so I only got through a couple of sim-weeks, but I wanted to still post what I did.

Charity Goodman's shelter helped two homeless sims get back on their feet and three others take steps in the right direction.

2 sims x 5 credits = 10
1 sim  x 2 credits = 2
2 sims x 1 credit= 2

For a total of 19 points.

Thank you to the creators and moderators of another fun challenge.  And congratulations to the top scorers!

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Offline rokrchik

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Re: Homeless Shelter
« Reply #97 on: June 16, 2016, 09:41:14 PM »
Ends at midnight tonight - any particular time zone? Or just midnight where the poster lives?

Offline Nutella

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Re: Homeless Shelter
« Reply #98 on: June 16, 2016, 09:48:47 PM »
Midnight your local time.

Offline mcbalisen

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Re: Homeless Shelter
« Reply #99 on: June 16, 2016, 09:52:53 PM »
Youcan Stayhere finished with 68 points.

13 sims moved out x 5 = 65 points
1 sim remaining x 1 (aspiration) = 1 point
1 sim remaining x 2 (job, aspiration) = 2 points

Offline _Annika_

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Re: Homeless Shelter
« Reply #100 on: June 16, 2016, 11:17:14 PM »
  • No moving and no marrying.
  • All Sims in your household can marry, but spouses cannot be moved in.

I'm confused...

Also, are mixology potions banned?

Offline Minnie Mouse

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Re: Homeless Shelter
« Reply #101 on: June 16, 2016, 11:34:44 PM »
Another last minute finish for me... :P

15 sims moved out x 5 = 75
3 points for remaining sims

Total = 78

On an entertaining note... I don't know what the pre-Dine Out patch did to my game, but immediately afterwards, a townie by the name of "Grim Reaper" spawned in full reaper garb! He was a detective at the police station where one of my sims was working. I saved to a separate file there so I can go back and try to move him into my household! :D

Thanks for the challenge guys. As usual, it was a blast!

Offline rokrchik

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Re: Homeless Shelter
« Reply #102 on: June 17, 2016, 02:27:34 AM »
Martina McIntosh ended with a total score of 63.

13 sims moved x 5 = 60
3 points for remaining sims

Total: 63

Online Metropolis Man

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Re: Homeless Shelter
« Reply #103 on: June 17, 2016, 05:37:25 AM »
This event is now closed. Yet another feather in the cap for Nutella. She is on quite a tear this season. Well done. And congrats to all participants. Everyone is now free to discuss strategy.

Offline Nutella

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Re: Homeless Shelter
« Reply #104 on: June 17, 2016, 10:10:27 AM »

-- Easiest requirement out of the three.
-- Most aspiration are easy to complete, but I find that the "Bestselling Author" aspiration takes too long.  Seems like if you sit down and not stop to finish one book it takes 4 hours, if you take a break and come back to write the same book later it takes way longer than 4 hours.  It never used to be like this, not sure why it was happening.
-- Another tedious aspiration is "Grilled Cheese".  You have to sit down and eat 2-3 grilled cheese in a row until you get the popup saying the aspiration is unlock on the top right corner of your screen.  If that message doesn't popup, you don't get the talk about grilled cheese social option. 
-- Eating 10 grilled cheese takes forever, but you can cut the time down by having your other sim eat half of it first, then store it in the household inventory.  The grilled cheese aspiration sim can finish it up later.


-- I play this challenge without "Get To Work", mainly to avoid the Doctor and Detective career.  I have to follow the sims to work to get promoted from level 2 to 3, which I find annoying, wasting my time as I can get a lot of things done if I don't follow them to work.  Without that expansion pack, I had 10 careers to rotate.
-- All careers from level 1 to level 2 only takes one day. 
-- All careers (except business) from level 2 to level 3 takes two days.
-- Business career is the only one that I found which take only 1 day to get from level 2 to level 3.
-- Trick is need to stay in "very energized" throughout the workday while working hard.
-- I use Deep Tissue Massage with incense for +2 happy (24 hours), fertility massage with incense for +2 happy (12 hours), muscle relaxing soak with incense for +2 energized (12 hours), and energy centering yoga with incense for +2 energized (8 hours).  Adds up to +8 to stay very energized for the whole work day.
-- My business homeless sim is always YA or adult female, because if not they can't get the fertility massage for the moodlet.
-- For the entire challenge, I only found one homeless sim with preexisting career, I use "Ask about Career" social interaction.


-- I have 22 skills to rotate, the trick is to invite homeless sims in with preexisting skills, preferably max skills.

1.  Charisma - Great Kisser reward.  I use a homeless sim with soulmate aspiration, easy to get 3000 whim points to buy the reward.
2.  Comedy - Hire Comedian. 
3.  Homestyle Cooking - Cook grilled cheese while very inspired.
4.  Gourmet Cooking - Cook caprese salad while very inspired.
5.  Dancing - Dance while very confident.
6.  DJ - Hire Headliner DJ.  Don't use the DJ that spawns in bar, they might not have max skill.  If you hire the most expensive DJ, they will always comes with max DJ skill.
7.  Fishing - Fisherman, always max skill.
8.  Fitness - Gym Trainer, always max skill.
9.  Gardening - Gardener, always max skill.
10. Guitar - Hire Guitarist. 
11. Handiness - Repairman, always max skill.
12. Logic - Amysdelight, very focused, and mentoring.
13. Mischief - Mischief socials while very happy.
14. Mixology - Find a mixologist that is high level.  Visit bars, click on the bar to check the mixologist level.  I manage to find a level 9 mixologist, couldn't find a level 10.
15. Painting - Prose and pop, very inspired, and mentoring.
16. Piano - Hire Pianist.
17. Programming - Amysdelight and very focused.  This one is quite hard to level, I did not like this skill at all.
18. Rocket Science - Amysdelight and very focused.  This one is difficult too, as bad as programming.
19. Video Gaming - Amysdelight, very focused, and use an upgraded gaming mat.  Have your homeless sim with max handiness upgrade the gaming mat for fast skill gain.
20. Violin - Hire Violinist.
21. Wellness - Hire Massage Therapist.
22. Writing - Prose and pop, very inspired, and mentoring.

Few Tricks:

-- I had my created sim level logic, painting, and writing.  These are the 3 skills that she max so she can mentor homeless sim with the "Mentor" reward.

-- Hire Pianist/Guitarist/Violinist, have these NPC sims play the instruments in your home.  Make sure you have money and keep rehiring them, while they play the instruments in your home, they will level the skills.  After about a week, you can check to see which NPC have max skill.  Example: have your original sim pick up a violin and start playing, then click on the Violinist, check to see if the social "Have XXX mentor" is available.  If it is, then that violinist have max violin skill.  If the mentor social is unavailable, keep hiring them back to play.

-- Hire Comedian.  This work the same way as instruments, except there is no way you can check to see if the NPC comedian have max comedy skill.  So I kept rehiring the comedian for like 3 weeks, pretty sure he was max skill by the time I invited him into the household.

-- Hire Massage Therapist.  All massage therapist comes with wellness level 9 or 10.  I will hire therapist and have my original sim keep getting massage from this therapist.  Yes, you do spend a lot of money from massages, but you are also leveling their wellness skill.

-- Dancing.  This one you can actually invite homeless over and dance with them together.  It will level their dancing skill, but you must have free sim around to dance with them.