Yeah, I have to be on the ball to keep Jax from the blasted cowplant! It's gotten to the point where I would watch her for the 2 days of danger after being eaten and then just let her go for it if that's what she wanted after the moodlet expired lol suffice to say, she has been eaten about 10 times already! The plus side is I have a hang of a lot of essences of xxx stored up :-)
I haven't really noticed the Active and Glutton traits in the way you mean @oshizu but, now that it's mentioned, I just have to check it out. Jax is by far the heir with the most fit body figure, so, it is entirely possible.
I'm hoping to have Heir #3 up at some point this weekend. I apologise for being lax with the updates, but, RL has been crazy to the nth degree!
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