Author Topic: Fourth in the Four: Another Grim Dynasty  (Read 184524 times)

Offline Nettlejuice

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Jeez, way to be a jerk DBBD. I was debating if Morgan was gen 2's mum but of course it would be Cass, I hope  ;)
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

Online oshizu

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So many mysteries!
I'd had a feeling that Bella would be the baby mama, for some reason (and Artie doesn't need that lovely garden area "anymore").
I've never seen Cassie look so lovely.

Lol, DBBD being under-dressed at the party and ruining the birthday cake. He's turning into this forum's new whipping boy. lol

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Offline Shewolf13

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Yay! It makes me so excited to see Cassie as the spouse! Ok getting ahead of myself, probavly but-but, I can't help it!

Offline dontmindme

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ugh, DBBD, always ruining things. Still, yay for Cassie! Glad her dad could come back for that.

Offline Ricalynn

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You know since nothing interesting is going on or anything....  I almost feel bad for this.  Nah.. not really. 

Addy - I didn't even know you knew your way to the garden.
Artie - I'm just trying to help since you know all this work is going towards my immortalization.
Addy - That's almost sweet of you. 

Addy - Good you changed into real clothes and you learned how to use a watering can!
Artie - I was getting water in my slippers and now they have to dry.
Addy - Well yeah that's why you wear shoes when you garden.
Artie - Then why do people come out in their PJs.
Addy - Mostly that happened back when we had sprinklers to water everything.

Artie - This is actually kind of undignified.
Addy - Doing such an important task for the dynasty?
Artie - Using my hands to rip away at weeds while I'm kneeling in a puddle.
Addy - Aww.. poor Artie..
Artie - I could just stop if you're going to give me lip.
Addy - No no.. I think it's really nice considering what's going on in the house which is completely your fault.
Artie - How is it my fault!?
Addy - Because you're the easiest one to blame.

Mailman - Eeee *scootscoot*
Bella - How did you get in my house?!
Mailman - Side door.. excuse me.. just trying to get to your mailbox.  I couldn't reach it so I'm going to throw the mail in.  (by coming through the side  of the house that passed the mailbox! to go through the front door where he had been)

Addy - That's.. um.  That's really something.
Bella - I'm not sure what it is other than I was thinking about what was going on while I painted.
Addy - That makes more sense now.

Addy - You look pleased with yourself.
Artie - Oh I am.  I just made Boss!  And I'm not all old and wrinkly!
Addy - Well.. you will be soon.
Artie - I know but I finished everything but friends before my birthday. You know what that means..
Addy - What's that?
Artie - Just put a candle in my fishcake.
Addy - Uhh. Oh. Okay.. No.

This was his 4th crash in 4 days.  I'm beginning to think that someone is sabotaging the rocket and he is the luckiest Sim ever.

Addy - WHOA whoa whoa.  Just because Julianna did it doesn't mean you can Mister! 
Alex - What? 
Addy - You put that away and get some clothes on.  There are children inside the house again.
Alex - They're in bassinets.  This is the last day I can do this probably for the rest of my life.
Addy - I will do something so evil you can't even imagine..
Alex - Fine.. no naked fishing.
Addy - Thank you.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Fourth in the Four: Another Grim Dynasty || Chap 17: Contestant #1
« Reply #140 on: April 17, 2016, 02:43:35 AM »
So we should probably go back in time.   Before Mortimer and Julianna died, Artie started looking around for his future spouse.  Testing the water.. getting a few levels of Serial Romantic complete.  You know.. normal stuff!

Here is Contestant #1.

Mariana Pacheco
Self-Assured, Clumsy, Romantic
Job: Culinary @ Make-a-Dish

Artie - Well hello little ginger mamacita.  Addy, who is that?
Addy - Mariana Pacheco.  A friend of Bella's from work that wanted to come over.
Artie - Oh well.. Bella's busy so I should probably greet her.
Addy - Uh.. Okay.  Go for it.  Working on your friend requirement?
Artie - Sure.

Artie - *enchanting introduction* Hello.. my name is Artie Grim and you're gorgeous.
Mariana - Oh my! *insta-flirty* I'm Mariana
Addy - What are you up to.. and why do you have a grilled cheese?
Artie - Shh!  *clears throat*  It's nice to meet you Mariana.  I hope you're having a nice day.  I'm thinking about having a party and getting you to join me.  I would love to see your party clothes.

Mariana - What do you think?
Artie - Uh huh.  Though I might make it a formal affair, Can I see that dress?  It is a dress right?
Mariana - Of course!

Mariana - Ta-da!
Artie - Huh.  So what do you do Mariana?
Mariana  - Oh I work at the restaurant with Bella. 
Artie - That's amazing!  And you're an adult.  So am I.  Nothing like two adults meeting like this is there?
Mariana - *fans self* Oh .. no not at all.

Addy - Uhh.. She's glowing dude.
Artie - I thought you said there was no glowing this time around.
Addy - Unless they're an alien with a really high emotion!
Artie - *discovers she's an alien, becomes confident*  Oh so you're really out of this world, aren't you?
Mariana - You know it..
Artie - How about you go back to your normal wear for me darling?

Artie - Mariana...
Mariana - Yes Artie..
Artie - Will you be my girlfriend? *Whim complete*
Mariana - Oh yes yes! Thousand times yes.

Mariana - *starts posing randomly*

Artie - *just goes for it, whim complete*
Mariana - *gasp!*

Mariana - *leaves for work*
Addy - Whatcha thinking?
Artie - I don't know yet..There's potential. We'll see how I feel after work.
Addy - Makes sense.  Sleep on it.. Seei if you get anymore urges.
Artie - Exactly.. Plus I need 2 more first kisses.
Addy - Oh yeah.   Well there's always Candy.  She was a reaper for the costume party.
Artie - Yeah but she's not exactly exotic.
Addy - No but she likes you.
Artie - We'll see.  Okay time for yoga.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Stories: Artie | The Race | Grim Chronicles | Revenge | Licious | Artie's TS4 Dynasty | Grim Rivalries | Speed Dreamin'

Offline Ricalynn

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The day we  got the notification about Mortimer and Julianna, Artie met another young lady coming over to visit someone. 

I give you Contestant #2.

Melody Holder ( Yes that's ACTUALLY her name )
Self-Assured, Squeamish, Materialistic
Job:  Start Up Entrepreneur

Remember her?  Downtrodden teen from Willow Creek?
Artie - Well hi.  And who might you be?
Female - Hi.. I'm Melody.  I came over to see Alex is he home?
Artie - Oh sure but why would you want to see him when you can see me?
Melody - You're awfully sure of yourself aren't you?
Artie - Yes.  Yes I am. 

Melody - And why would I want to see you?
Artie - Because I'm the owner of this house.  I'm handsome, funny and into you.. rawr. 
Melody - What?
Artie - I just can't avoid the pull of your beauty that's all.
Melody - Oh.
Artie - So where do you work?
Melody - I'm a Start Up Entrepreneur. 
Artie - Oh fancy.. So I'm thinking of having a party and I was wondering if you would show me your party side.

Addy - How does that keep working?
Artie - I can see that you could use a hand picking out new clothes.  Though I have to say you're.. eclectic style just does something for me.  Are you single?

Melody - Well yes I am actually.. and you're just so . shirtless.
Artie - Why thank you for noticing..
Melody - Oh I have no problem seeing that.
Artie - Mmm.  Just the way I like 'em.. not blind. 
Melody - You're so funny and handsome.  How about we exchange numbers?
Artie - How about we do something better?
Melody - Like what?

Swap spit apparently.

Artie - Melody.. do you want to be my girlfriend?
Melody - YesYesYesYesYes!
Artie - I like the enthusiasm.  Though sweetling.  I have a pool you know.. How about you show me that bathing suit, just because?

Melody - Okay but I'm going to get closer to the door so all your neighbors don't see..
Artie - Oh sweetheart.. there's no need to hide.  At least it's the same color section of the color wheel.
Melody - Oh Artie.. you're just so...

Addy - Oh well.. hello Miss aggressive.
Artie - *pops whim to break up with Mariana and watch movies with Morty*
Addy - Well then.. I'll tell everyone you're calling an all hands.  If you can pry yourself away.
Artie - *muffled.. * in a minute.

Next Update
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Stories: Artie | The Race | Grim Chronicles | Revenge | Licious | Artie's TS4 Dynasty | Grim Rivalries | Speed Dreamin'

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Online oshizu

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Hahaha, Artie is hilarious as a Serial Romantic. Love his corny lines and they're actually working!

His timing for wanting to watch movies with Mortimer was that's how that happened!
And we're left in suspense about Contestant #3.
Good stuff!

Offline LenaLJ

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Wonderfull story Rica, i do not get to comment after each chapter as you are posting so fast (atleast compared to very slow me)
But Artie is wonderfull, and those coloured sims too, i need to find that mod myself, my game is nice spawning sims with interesting haircolours, but i miss the skins so badly from my rainbow sims.

And Artie, do not break Cass heart, if you do so I will hate you!

Offline Ricalynn

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I like to think he popped the wish because of the notification so he still had his reasons.  It was a nice touch.  And yes he's hysterical.  And contestant #3 is technically Cassie.  I was going to do Candy but there were some Whims involved and several more I can't tell about yet.

And I know I'm posting fast.  I had a few long play sessions recently and I'm attempting to keep the story as close to game time as possible.  And yes I love the rainbow skins and I'm going to PM the link to you @LenaLJ  anyone else who wants the CC let me know and I can send it over.  The fact that it works genetically and the game uses it is like the best thing especially since in sims 3 even with rainbow slider the sims never spawned different colors.  As for hair, I've yet to find one I like so I still use only Maxis/ea hair and colors. But they have a lot of good ones even if townies rarely use the funky ones.  Thank you for reading!

Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Stories: Artie | The Race | Grim Chronicles | Revenge | Licious | Artie's TS4 Dynasty | Grim Rivalries | Speed Dreamin'

Offline Nettlejuice

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Hmm, I kinda like Melody Holder (fab name and purple is one my favourite colours). I would still like to see Cass 'win' so eagerly waiting for her chapter.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

Offline Magpie2012

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Wow... I'm so mad at Joaquin! I'm sorry, I can't call him DBBD because he's my Non-DBBD in my legacy that i just posted *sigh*
As always, I absolutely loved this Rica!
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

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Offline Trip

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YES I want those skins! I was about to PM you about it anyways but forgot.

It might be too much to hope for Mariana at this point, but I'm a big sucker for washed-out tones. I guess we'll have to see what happens.
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Offline Shewolf13

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I gotta vote for Cassie! Though watching him with the other two was great!

Offline reggikko

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I have the feeling that the something Artie needs to tell Cassie is that he's chosen someone else. Perhaps he has already married someone, but has not moved them in yet so he could finish Serial Romantic. That would be why he no longer needs the fancy wedding set-up.

