Author Topic: A Breve Moment in Time (Short Dynasty) updated 5/2/2016 Completed  (Read 39670 times)

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Re: A Breve Moment in Time (Short Dynasty) updated 4/28/2016
« Reply #75 on: April 28, 2016, 11:59:14 AM »
@LivvieLove , No problem, you explain things very well.

@oshizu , Tomas was an age-stuck werewolf, his brother was a vampire. Werewolves can only age up in their human form. Once any supernatural becomes human, they age just like a human. His long life was just random. I had a sim on the normal 92 day lifespan live to be 152. I was shocked when he finally died. Fortunately it wasn't in a dynasty.

Tango became an elder on his way to his easels.
He aged up, changed his mind, and wandered off back downstairs.
The senior moments have already begun.

Hesper was at the library reading about street art. The street art books seem to be shorter than most, and she got to level ten without ever wishing to master the skill.

Tango: See, Watcher, this is my 5th masterpiece. I made be old, but I’ve still got it.

When he sold it, he reached the top of his career.

The next day was Friday, and all three kids would be having their birthdays. It was also prom. Both boys ran out to catch the limo, but for some reason Wigs changed his mind and just stood there while the limo sped off.
So you’re just going to stand there?
Wigs: Apparently.
Just go watch TV then.

So he watched TV and chatted with Sierra while she maxed photography.

Let the birthdays begin. First up was Wigs. His traits are Adventurous, Excitable, Frugal, Slob, and Avant Garde. He now wants to be Street Credible. At least it doesn’t require travel which I’m hesitant to do at this juncture especially with IFs as I've had bad experiences with them and travel.

Next, it was Sierra’s turn. Her traits, thus far, are Excitable, Friendly, Good Sense of Humor, and Couch Potato.
We’re going to do something with her hair, but those clothes really suit her, well maybe not the pink shoes.

Simon waited until after prom where he got in fights, was rejected for dances, and was voted prom king. Sadly, it probably was the best night of his life.
Simon’s traits are Couch Potato, Good, Angler, Party Animal, and Brave. His life time wish is to Present the Perfect Private Aquarium.
Simon: I’ll do that in the morning, right after I take the motive mobile and fish all night.
Good plan, you have four days to maxed the skill.
Simon: Watch me do it in two.

Simon fished all night at the hatchery, and got to level 8 and has now caught 17 kinds of fish.
As a side note, one of the motive mobiles first reverted to default colors and then simply disappeared.
Simon already has Steel Bladder and Entrepreneurial Mindset, so when he completes his LTW he’ll be able to get a new one.

Simon’s fishing and Sierra’s learning to drive were interrupted by the boys graduation. Afterward, they lined up behind the pillars, and this was the best shot I could get.
Simon was voted Most Likely to Save the World, while Wiggles was voted Most Likely to be a Millionaire.
Easy call.

Simon went home and dug Jon and Zyra’s perfect fish out of the chest. He actually had several that he had caught himself. Lifetime Wish complete.

Sierra was still trying to learn to drive. This time it was interrupted by Hesper’s birthday. The cops showed up to arrest Sierra for breaking curfew even though her mom was standing right there. Luckily they hopped back into the motive mobile and made their getaway.

Sierra has been writing sports books and registered as a professional writer. After completing her second book, she wished to be a Professional Writer. I accepted that out of fear that if we waited until her birthday, she would only have choices like super-popular and leader of the free world.

After reaching level ten in street art, Hesper quickly cranked out five masterpieces and supermaxed the skill. Well done, Hesper.

Simon was off on a night fishing expedition to the graveyard. For some reason he took a boat.

Aw, his very first deathfish.

Which was also his twentieth type of fish. Wow, 11,000 points! Now you only need to catch about 250 more fish and one more level to supermax fishing.

The next  morning Simon reached level 10 in fishing without ever popping the wish. That’s okay, just go consign your fish, and you can have the rest of the day off.

What does Simon do with a day off?

Wigs has all his days off. He’s waiting for a certain lovely teen to grow up.
He critiques paintings and diplomas, and well, just about everything.

Mostly he does this.

Before Sierra could have that next birthday, Grim came for Tango who, of course was painting.
Tango purchased and upgraded the Port-a-Party Warehouse and the Karaoke Bar for 4 points. He completed his LTW and painter career while maxing photography and guitar and supermaxing painting for an additional 6 points.  With his two children and lovely large tombstone, Tango totaled 14 points.
He was only age 27.

I’m not sure why Grim even left. Within moments, he returned for Tron, age 30. Before Tango’s young adult birthday, Tron maxed writing and photography and completed her Professional Author lifetime wish. She was worth so much more than those 3 points. Sierra, especially, is really going to miss you.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: A Breve Moment in Time (Short Dynasty) updated 4/28/2016
« Reply #76 on: April 28, 2016, 12:12:05 PM »
Aw! I know how that feels. I love all my sims, even if they're not worth any points. Tron was amazing! She'll be missed.
You're literally in the home stretch! Sierra just needs to age up and bring us home with number 10! Congratulations on making it this far! ;D

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Re: A Breve Moment in Time (Short Dynasty) updated 4/28/2016
« Reply #77 on: April 28, 2016, 12:28:20 PM »
I am very fond of Simon and his leather outfit and dancing mania.
Wigs has the best life, actually...sliding, looking at art...and waiting for Sierra?

I'm having trouble counting back from Z---Is Sierra Gen 8? So your challenge would end when her grandchild becomes a YA?

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: A Breve Moment in Time (Short Dynasty) updated 4/28/2016
« Reply #78 on: April 28, 2016, 03:35:55 PM »
I am very fond of Simon and his leather outfit and dancing mania.
Wigs has the best life, actually...sliding, looking at art...and waiting for Sierra?

I'm having trouble counting back from Z---Is Sierra Gen 8? So your challenge would end when her grandchild becomes a YA?
I do too! Haha, let's see.
Op, my mistake then, we're only at generation 8. I thought we were at 9. ::)

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Re: A Breve Moment in Time (Short Dynasty) updated 4/28/2016
« Reply #80 on: April 28, 2016, 05:43:08 PM »
Actually you're all forgetting generation 1, Gia and Jon. So Sierra is gen 9.
Silly me, doubting the Queen of Mush!
Thanks for setting me straight, KRae!

Offline Deklitch

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Re: A Breve Moment in Time (Short Dynasty) updated 4/28/2016
« Reply #81 on: April 28, 2016, 05:50:36 PM »
I am cheering you on Krae. How many in game weeks has this one lasted so far?

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Re: A Breve Moment in Time (Short Dynasty) updated 4/29/2016
« Reply #82 on: April 29, 2016, 08:22:29 AM »
@oshizu , @LivvieLove  truly is the Queen of Mush, and we love her! I am the anti-mush queen.

@Deklitch , Thanks for the support. The only way, other than computer issues, to fail this is to not have an heir or to leave a child heir without a teen or grownup in the household. The rest is just points. As of the end of this update, we're at Week 21 Day 6.

Hey Simon, we’ve had a request for a close up. It’s easier here while you’re consigning than out at the river.

It’s finally Sierra’s birthday. Her traits are now Excitable, Friendly, Good Sense of Humor, Couch Potato, and Natural Born Performer. It feels odd to only have four family members.

It may not be four for long.

Not long at all.

Sierra graduated with a C average (one day of high school) and was voted most popular.

When Sierra got home, she placed a call and purchased the last two available properties – the gym and the swim club. They we’re quickly fully upgraded.

It’s difficult to really get into your writing when you’re sick all the time.

Wigs has already mastered street art. I swear it went more than twice as fast as with Hesper. That Avant Garde trait makes a huge difference.

Sierra: Aw, no more waterslide for me for a while.

Hey Wigs, do you know why I took this picture?
Wigs: No idea.
Maybe I’ll remember someday.
Wigs: I doubt it.

Other than Simon fishing at the graveyard, he and Hesper do pretty much what they want.
Hesper: I think I’d like to learn logic.
The juice pong should help with that.

The next day, after sobering up, Hesper went upstairs to practice chess. It didn’t last long.

Farewell, Hesper Breve. Your completed your LTW, maxed photography, and supermaxed street art. Along with your medium headstone (she missed large by about 7,000 points) you gave your family 5 points and left us at age 27.

Grim stuck around while Sierra told him a funny story.

Wigs was oblivious to it all. I think this is when he maxed photography. Too bad there’s not a watersliding skill. The whole family would have that locked.

That afternoon, Hesper joined Tango and Tron at the family plot. Generation 8 added 22 points bringing the family total to 151.

Life went on for this family, now down to three members. Wigs had his adult birthday at his art wall.

Moments later, while driving from one fishing hole to another, Simon celebrated his.

Sierra reached level ten in writing. She, like all the other writers in the family, never wished to do so. The points are either for making a certain amount of royalties or writing a certain number of books.

If Sierra looks a little smug, it’s because she just completed her lifetime wish.

I missed the shot as I was outside with Wigs while he completed his. Yes, they completed their lifetime wishes within moments of each other.

That night, the newest member joined the family. Meet Randa Breve, a Light Sleeping Virtuoso.

Offline oshizu

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Re: A Breve Moment in Time (Short Dynasty) updated 4/29/2016
« Reply #83 on: April 29, 2016, 09:53:25 AM »
Thank you for that close-up! I think I might be in sim-love with Simon! (Later, Flip!)

Until this chapter, I hadn't noticed as much that Sierra and Simon both have green hair.
And after returning to recheck previous chapters, I finally notice that Hesper had green hair, too!
My vision isn't what it used to be, I guess. Powers of observation either, apparently.

Also, I got a little shock that Sierra and Wigs were able to woohoo before, uh, her high-school graduation?
Not being judgmental or moralistic, mind you. Just surprised the game would permit that.
Oh wait, I see. She had her YA birthday before her high school graduation.  Okay. hehe.

You are one child and several life stages away from completion!  So close, so close!!!  *waves pompoms

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: A Breve Moment in Time (Short Dynasty) updated 4/29/2016
« Reply #84 on: April 29, 2016, 10:55:11 PM »
Aw, shucks you guys. I just adore a good romance story! The 'Queen of the Mush' was always just intended as a joke to poke fun of me always needing to have a happy ending for my characters and make them all turn into goo around their significant other.

I must say, I agree with @oshizu that I didn't notice the actual *green-ness* of the hair until now. I thought it was just the greeny-brown, not actually green! Haha, I LOVE it though (so does Felix, FYI).
I don't think I'll ever be able to say I love something without thinking about him.

Welcome to the beginning of the end! We're just chapters away and I'm already sad and missing this story. I love Wigs and Sierra! You can do this KRae!

Offline KRae

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Re: A Breve Moment in Time (Short Dynasty) updated 4/30/2016
« Reply #85 on: April 30, 2016, 09:55:19 AM »
@oshizu , Sierra is not the only Breve to go to her graduation totally preggers. I just think it was more obvious this time.

@LivvieLove , I should have said that we LOVE!!! you. Even when my sims are autonomously romantic in the short dynasty I think (yes, sometimes say out loud) What are you doing! Get back to work!

With the birth of his daughter, art wall boy finally decided that it was time to get married.
Wigs: These things can’t be rushed.
Normally, I’d agree, but Short Lifespan!

Wigs: I’d do anything for this little work of art.

Except this apparently.

Aw, another spare has taken up nooboo care.
Simon: Only because you make me. I’d rather smell the stink all day than do something about it.

Why are you hiding, Randa?
Randa: Uncle Simon wants to put me in the playpen again. I want to play with toys.

Randa: Yay me! I learned everything there is to know about the noise maker.

I remember why I took this one, Wigs. This is your 30th mural and you’ll complete your supermax when it’s finished.

Not only did Wigs complete his street art supermax, he also is a level ten rebel and has accepted a job offer as an art appraiser. This is his uniform…it’s better than most. At least he gets shoes.

He also got an extra trait at rebel level 8. He’s now Artistic.

Sierra became an Adult while synthesizing some bad mac and cheese.

The next day, Randa became a child. She gained the Frugal trait.
Randa: I want to take an art class.

Okay, you know the drill…mirror, dresser, multitab. Now you can go.

Father –daughter bonding time.

Sierra: I’m and adult now, and you’ll be an elder tomorrow. It’s time to bring in the final heir.

Number 10 is on the way.

Simon is not pleased.

Wigs at least had Randa to cheer him on.

Sierra was at the library completing her 20th sports book. She completed her writing supermaxed undisturbed by birthdays.

Veda’s IF doll, Pal, was there which is just creepy. The little doll is still at the family cemetery.

Randa just maxed photography. You go, Randa! This is Wigs' latest work uniform.

She finished her painting and became a teen at the top of the stairs. She’s become Ambitious.
Randa: I’ve always been ambitious. You just noticed.

Give that girl a guitar!

No one died this update, but I still felt the need to show the family plot.
Victor, Zulu, Dana, and Wine are all making an appearance.

Note on pregnancy timing: This may sound harsh, but I delayed the birth of the heir in hopes that Wigs and Sierra might die before he/she becomes a young adult. Wigs already has 100k+ happiness points and Sierra is over 170k. It would be a shame not to get those tombstones.
Once the heir is born, we start the ten day count down.

Offline oshizu

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Re: A Breve Moment in Time (Short Dynasty) updated 4/30/2016
« Reply #86 on: April 30, 2016, 11:10:42 AM »
Note on pregnancy timing: This may sound harsh, but I delayed the birth of the heir in hopes that Wigs and Sierra might die before he/she becomes a young adult. Wigs already has 100k+ happiness points and Sierra is over 170k. It would be a shame not to get those tombstones.
Once the heir is born, we start the ten day count down.

Thanks for the explanation! I was wondering why you weren't rushing to produce the final heir! Brilliant, just brilliant!

My attention to Wigs had been overshadowed by my admiration for Simon, but Wigs's eye color is striking.
Does green hair age oddly, or had Simon not completed his elderly transformation yet in your shot?

Your entire family has done so well! Take us home, KRae!

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: A Breve Moment in Time (Short Dynasty) updated 4/30/2016
« Reply #87 on: April 30, 2016, 12:25:42 PM »
My Sims always get stuck pregnant at their graduation. That's a really awesome trick you have there to wait until later to have the baby in hopes of getting a tombstone or two out of it! Not bad at all!

Also, I love that Wigs is now titled "wall boy." I like it. I think it's going to stick. XD

Offline KRae

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Re: A Breve Moment in Time (Short Dynasty) updated 5/1/2016
« Reply #88 on: May 01, 2016, 10:26:56 AM »
@oshizu , Simon's transformation was complete. Elders get varying shades of gray hair. His was the darker version. It's probably mostly the lack of lighting. The two Frugal sims are always turning off the lights.

@LivvieLove , Pregancy timing is tricky. I think fertility drops when a mom is an adult, but fortunately Sierra became pregnant first try.
A teen can live alone, and even if she dies young, Sierra should be around that long. Of course, Randa will be there too.

Simon: AAH, Woman in labor, woman in labor!
Randa: AAH, We only have 10 days left, we only have 10 days left!

And so, after a peaceful at home labor, Romeo Breve was born. He’s a Heavy Sleeping Eccentric. I’m a little disappointed that Romeo is a boy.

Simon: So you’re making me do this again?
Yes, you have the day shift.

During the night shift, Simon catches deathfish and then consigns his catch and cancels and reconsigns anything that didn’t sell the day before. Although it doesn’t count, I wanted to see if maxing the fishing career is even possible on the short lifespan.
Yes, with the multitab to quickly gain skill, the motive mobile to eliminate eating and sleeping, and consigning everything, it is possible.

Surrounded by sparkles, Romeo became a toddler.

He discovered his new best friend, Boinky. Thanks a lot Aunt Bernice.

Romeo learned everything he possibly could in two days without adult assistance.
Simon: I helped. I put him in the walker and playpen.

Outside the library, Sierra became an elder.
Sierra: Hey, that’s not so bad.

Randa learned to drive so she could take trips in the motive mobile back and forth to the subway station to play for tips. She maxed the guitar without wishing to.

She became a young adult at her easel, somewhat of a family tradition by now. Her traits are Light Sleeper, Virtuoso, Frugal, Ambitious, and Perceptive. She chose Become a CEO of a Mega-Corporation out of a bad bunch of LTW choices.

She graduated and was selected Most Likely to Fulfill Their Lifetime Wish. Right. Who voted I don’t know as she never met anyone at school, and Meet New Friends wasn’t even listed in options.

Sierra had skipped graduation in order to finish her latest sports book “Crawl, Nooboo, Crawl!” While everyone else was drifting home from city hall, she took Romeo to his cake.

Poor Simon couldn’t take the excitement of no longer having to change diapers, and went with Grim.
Simon maxed photography and fishing and fulfilled his lifetime wish all before Sierra’s YA birthday. Thanks for the three points, Simon, and for being such a good sport.

Romeo added the Love the Outdoors trait and wanted to learn how to fish.
Okay, hurry home straight after so you don’t get arrested.

Now, while you learn photography, go fish in the backyard. Let’s see if we can trigger the perfect aquarium lifetime wish.
Romeo: Nope.

Wigs decided to retire. If he lives long enough, he should max painting.

Sierra reached the top of her writing career. She makes nearly $70k per week in royalties now. The question is will she live long enough to see that next check?

We’ll leave Romeo, perched on a hillside, fishing at dusk.
Any wishes yet?
Romeo: Nope.

Offline oshizu

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Re: A Breve Moment in Time (Short Dynasty) updated 5/1/2016
« Reply #89 on: May 01, 2016, 12:42:14 PM »
Nooo, Simon!  RIP. Thank you for everything KRae wrote plus the dancing!

Sounds like Romeo has just been a little skilling machine. Close-up please, of the fishing person.
Now that Sierra and Wigs have produced Romeo, the pace of your game is speeding up.

Oh, Romeo has the green hair!
Hurry and write your next chapter, lol, I simply can't wait. Just kidding, but I am eagerly awaiting what comes next!

