@LivvieLove , I hadn't thought about it, but you're right. Medical could work for a male. Getting called in for emergencies really helps too.
@oshizu , Zulu's actually pretty nice, but evil Zyra gives him such a hard time.
Life goes on, and teens grow up.
Zulu’s traits are now Brave, Heavy Sleeper, Rebellious, Loves the Outdoors, and Gatherer. He wants to be an Alchemy Artisan.
Zulu graduated the next day and was voted Most Likely to Save the World – with his vials of bliss I guess.
The bliss will have to wait. An heir’s most important duty is the continuation of the dynasty. Everything else is just points.
Zulu met this girl at school. She graduated on the same day. I’m sure she has a name…probably. Anyway, she lived in a house, but must have been a moved in NPC because later that day she was not only a proprietor at Performance Park, she was also a full on adult. Sorry Zulu. You need to move on.
I guess bliss won’t have to wait. Zulu’s next stop was the elixir shop.
Zulu: Woo! Alchemy Artisan here I come. I’ll be right back. I’ve got a career to register for.
Zulu: You know all those elixirs I just bought? I want to consign them.
Elixir man: You’re all alike.
Zulu completed his Alchemist career before his adult birthday.
A family moved into Jon’s old house across the street – a man, his vampire wife, and their two teenage werewolves. Zulu kept an eye on them, and very soon the daughter became a young adult. He went for a visit, chatted for a while, did a little pillow fighting, and convinced her to move in.
This is what Melinda Augustine looks like after getting cured at the salon. She’s Over-Emotional, a Great Kisser, a Natural Cook, a Perfectionist, and an Angler. She want to be The Leader of the Pack. Well, that’s not going to happen now, is it.
I hope you enjoy gardening, Melinda. You’ll be able to fish too, someday.
Zyra has already developed nine different perfect plants, including red berry beans. The money should start rolling in now.
From the bathroom we hear *Bluurgh…Flush…Moan*
Finally the vomiting stops.
From the second floor we hear *Ribbet…Croak…Moan*
Time to read pregnancy books.
Melinda: Have you gotten to the scary part yet?
Zulu: Yes, I just started chapter one.
Zulu: If you have to go through all that, the very least I can do is give you this shiny ring and marry you.
Meanwhile, with Melinda tending the garden, Zyra had time to work on maxing her fishing skill.
Her second skill completed, Zyra went to the library to listen to her multitab and read about logic.
On her way in, she saw this man with a little toddler boy.
On her way out of the library, Zyra became an elder.
Melinda, who was due to go into labor in a few hours, went to a party at her parents’ house. No, this isn’t a family member, just some random guest dying. In a short dynasty, the chances of throwing a party and not having a death are slim to none.
Melinda: Hey, you, over there. I hear you have a toddler. Maybe one of my kids can marry him when they grow up.
Man over there: By the time your kids are teens, mine will probably be an adult.
Melinda: Works for me!
Later that night, Yasmine Breve, Eccentric and Neurotic, is born.
A couple of days later, heir number 3 is on the way. This will delay Melinda’s adult birthday by a couple of days.
Zulu’s adult birthday seemed to trigger the appearance of Jelllybean, his imaginary friend.
Jellybean: We’re going to be best friends. We’ll pillow fight and play tag. It’ll be so much fun!
*and get in his way, and walk in on him in the bathroom*
Not to be out done, Zyra’s imaginary friend, Fluffs came out to play, also uninvited.
Well, since you’re at level 9 in logic and you want to max it anyway, you might just as well work on chemistry. I don’t know if you’ll have time to discover them all though.
Zyra: Especially if this keeps happening.
So far she’s only discovered 3 potions, but Zyra did max logic and complete her lifetime wish by becoming a Renaissance Sim.
Although only her max gardening skill will count, Zyra did buy the family a Motive Mobile with her happiness points. Thank you!
Now teens may actually learn to drive.