Author Topic: My sims are invisible  (Read 5868 times)

Offline randomusername

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My sims are invisible
« on: March 26, 2016, 01:49:45 AM »
I was just playing my game, and I had 2 pregnant sims, one expecting twins, one expecting one. So, I went into build mode, crashed before I could build. Restarted my computer, went back to build mode, and after I built the nursery, I tried going back into Live Mode. Crashed.
About 4-5 times, I went back into my game, and my sims are invisible. So, I did resetsim. Didn't work. I tell them to do something, and they just X out the que, and do NOTHING. It's really upsetting, considering I've put so much time and effort into this family. ;-;

Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: My sims are invisible
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2016, 03:57:09 AM »
Here's a couple of tips to try:

Evict Household and move them back into their house (Howto link below),20732.msg401812.html#msg401812

If that doesn't work or you'd rather try something else first, try this:

1. Switch the active household to the house where your invisible Sim lives.

2. Select the invisible Sim’s icon.

3. Click the dresser and then choose “Plan Outfit”.

4. Create a Sim will load when your Sim reaches the dresser. They'll probably be visible in CAS straight away.

5. On the outfits panel, click on the Formal icon.

6. Let the outfit load. Then click the checkmark on the bottom of the screen to accept.

7. If your Sim is still invisible, don’t worry! Just wait a few seconds/minutes and, they'll be back and fully visible.

Reference link:

Invisible Sims
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Offline randomusername

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Re: My sims are invisible
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2016, 10:54:35 AM »
Here's a couple of tips to try:

Evict Household and move them back into their house (Howto link below),20732.msg401812.html#msg401812

If that doesn't work or you'd rather try something else first, try this:

1. Switch the active household to the house where your invisible Sim lives.

2. Select the invisible Sim’s icon.

3. Click the dresser and then choose “Plan Outfit”.

4. Create a Sim will load when your Sim reaches the dresser. They'll probably be visible in CAS straight away.

5. On the outfits panel, click on the Formal icon.

6. Let the outfit load. Then click the checkmark on the bottom of the screen to accept.

7. If your Sim is still invisible, don’t worry! Just wait a few seconds/minutes and, they'll be back and fully visible.

Reference link:

Invisible Sims

I cannot do plan outfit for the girls, since they are pregnant. It worked for the man, but I'm just afraid he will go back to not doing what I say. I also can't evict them, since they will lose their family tree, promises, and wishes.

Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: My sims are invisible
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2016, 01:37:38 PM »
Then take a look at the reference link as it should give some more tips on how to fix the problem (Link below)

Invisible Sims
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