Author Topic: Refreshed, Recycled: An Immortal Dynasty (Updated: 07/08/16)  (Read 117855 times)

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Re: Refreshed, Recycled: An Immortal Dynasty (Updated: 23/03/16)
« Reply #15 on: March 23, 2016, 03:01:57 PM »
I about died when she came back in her birthday suit! lol As wfgodot said, only Kessy lol

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Re: Refreshed, Recycled: An Immortal Dynasty (Updated: 23/03/16)
« Reply #16 on: March 23, 2016, 03:30:32 PM »
Yay! So excited to see Kessy back in action. I have to confess, I stumbled across your tumblr, so I had an inkling a new dynasty attempt was afoot, but I'm happy to see it here on the forum! Can't wait to see what happens next.

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Re: Refreshed, Recycled: An Immortal Dynasty (Updated: 23/03/16)
« Reply #17 on: March 23, 2016, 04:01:09 PM »
@Nettlejuice Maybe she had a secret rendezvous with a certain "Space Cowboy" ROTFLMBO!!!

I'm sorry I couldn't help it. I had to go there.
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Re: Refreshed, Recycled: An Immortal Dynasty (Updated: 23/03/16)
« Reply #18 on: March 23, 2016, 07:15:34 PM »
Oh! I'm so excited this is starting again! I love Kessy and her crazy antics :)

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Re: Refreshed, Recycled: An Immortal Dynasty (Updated: 23/03/16)
« Reply #19 on: March 24, 2016, 08:09:08 AM »
@oshizu When Get Together came out and I saw who the leader of the Renegades was I knew Kessy was going to love that :P

@Playalot The minions this time around did a fantastic job, got really lucky with them. Thank you as always, I spend far too much time trying to get the perfect screenshot lol.

@wfgodot Thank you for taking the time to look it over, Kessy is always fun to play around with (and aliens just love her).

@Shewolf13 I was in total shock seeing her like that and her looking upwards while grinning made my day.

@FrancescaFiori I posted the first chapter on my Tumblr so long ago I thought it was time to share here =)

@sdhoey Kessy and her secret rendezvous, one of these days she'll get me in trouble lol.

@ManiSims I hope things go right, I'm sure Kessy is fed up of having to start over so much.
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Re: Refreshed, Recycled: An Immortal Dynasty (Updated: 23/03/16)
« Reply #20 on: March 24, 2016, 09:44:01 AM »
I've just read all about Kessy's past lives - she's certainly been on some journeys!  I *so* hope you succeed with her dynasty this time :)

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Re: Refreshed, Recycled: An Immortal Dynasty (Updated: 23/03/16)
« Reply #21 on: March 24, 2016, 09:57:19 AM »
@tjtemple Thank you very much for doing that, hopefully some of it makes sense if I ever reference her past lives again.
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Re: Refreshed, Recycled: An Immortal Dynasty - Ch. 3
« Reply #22 on: March 24, 2016, 10:04:41 AM »
3: Something Wicked

The household members had spent the last few days working and skilling non-stop. It was a relief they were able to go out clubbing. Kessy had decided long ago who her partner would be. He caught her eye as she danced away to some pop song that was sure to be stuck in her head for at least a week.

“Mitch, fancy meeting you here!” She couldn’t stop her heart fluttering and awkwardly gave him a bro hug. (Would it have been better to just leap into his arms? Yes, she would do that next time.)

“Kessy, it’s been so long since we last saw each other. I’ve really missed you.”

She remembered their last day spent together. No matter how many times it broke her heart she was determined to do it all over again, just so she could be with Mitch every single time. Even Eliza Pancakes’ presence couldn’t spoil this wonderful reunion.

“You know I can’t keep away,”

“Oh, my, I was just going to say the same thing.”

It was strange being young and having yet another first meeting. They danced and talked for a while, Kessy had to stop herself from telling Mitch about the kids they’d had and lost, the lives they’d lived together and what she wanted to do to make sure everything was alright this time.

Ash and Joaquin were causing quite a stir and it wasn’t until Marcus Flex walked by that the silent Watcher remembered who Ashlyyn was supposed to be romancing. It was too late to change things anyway.

By the time that drama was over with, Kessy and Mitch successfully exchanged numbers.

“I’ll treasure this number forever,”

“Or you could just call me when you’re free.”

As morning dawned, Venkat and Shan explored the little open area around the nightclub and settled on fishing instead of painting. Ash had disappeared into the closet with her beau again so Kessy was able to give Mitch her full attention. It was such a relief to not have to worry about job goals and raise her relationship high enough to begin planning a date with Mitch.

Time flew by too fast. Mitch left for work and Kessy returned home to shower and change. Now was a good enough time to resume work on her other aspiration – the one she enjoyed the most.

She found Viv outside and approached her with a wave. “Viv. You remember me, right?”

The old woman narrowed her eyes at Kessy.

“Come on, this brilliant smile and gorgeous bod?”

“Ah. Dennis’ girlfriend, right?”

“No. His worst nightmare. I’ll forgive you though; you’ve always been pretty sweet to me. Is it OK to go and torment him now?”

“Go right ahead, dear. Ladies of the internet sure would love that.”

Meet Dennis Kim. When he isn’t waddling to the bathroom or insulting people he considers to be ‘beneath him’, he spends his time photoshopping his awful selfies and lying through his teeth to meet younger females on the interwebs.

“Today is my lucky day,”

“By the prickling of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.”

She purposely opened the door slowly and was ready with an evil grin as Dennis turned towards the door.

“No. Not this again.”

“I won’t ever stop, old man.”

“Can’t you just forgive me already?”

“Not when you insulted me first for no reason.”

Kessy cracked her knuckles. Dennis watches her fingers and whimpered.

“Oh, just get it over with.” He cried into his hands and meekly stood up to take her beatings.

Kessy just laughed her head off. “I did not think you’d look as pathetic as you do now, Kimmie.”

“To be honest this is getting old. Very old. How about a nice handshake between ex-nemesis?”

He stared at her outstretched hands, that smile she had could either be friendly or sinister. He took it anyway and regretted it instantly.


“Bwahahaha! OK, that’s it. Hopefully this is the last time. Later, Kimmie.”

Dennis didn’t know whether to believe her or just call Grim and be sent to the afterlife early. Then he remembered Grim was pals with that woman.

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Re: Refreshed, Recycled: An Immortal Dynasty (Updated: 24/03/16)
« Reply #23 on: March 24, 2016, 02:57:40 PM »
Awww, yeah! Kessy's back with Mitch! Too sweet!

What is the story with Kessy and Eliza? I have the feeling that I missed some important back-story...

Kessy looks great with short hair but I adore her over-the-shoulder ponytail coif as well.
Hehe, she looks so innocent in your signature.  Li'l Miss Mischief herself.

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Re: Refreshed, Recycled: An Immortal Dynasty (Updated: 24/03/16)
« Reply #24 on: March 24, 2016, 03:28:52 PM »
lol, I can't help but find it funny when she torments Dennis XD But then I feel bad.  During a previous ID attempt, I did move in the SKL household and I had Dennis gardening until he peed himself, then someone walked in on him and... he died of mortification.  He was the first one, so I also have feel a bit bad seeing him XD lol

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Re: Refreshed, Recycled: An Immortal Dynasty (Updated: 24/03/16)
« Reply #25 on: March 24, 2016, 05:23:59 PM »
lol at Kessy giving her love a bro hug upon meeting.  Your screenshots are so perfectly timed.  I love the little things like Dennis really turning to the door as she walks in!  I love that last screenshot!
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Re: Refreshed, Recycled: An Immortal Dynasty (Updated: 24/03/16)
« Reply #26 on: March 25, 2016, 08:18:53 AM »
@oshizu They are my perfect couple! Kessy was originally the third heir and she bullied Thomas (Eliza's kid) and when that dynasty failed she turned on Eliza instead. After yet another fail I blamed it on Eliza and Dennis and ever since they've been mortal enemies. As for the Renegades, you'll have to wait and see  ;)

@Shewolf13 Oh, Dennis is always being mean to my Sims for some reason so I feel no sympathy for him. I'm positive Kessy would have been thrilled to see all his misfortunes lol.

@wfgodot The bro trait is kinda cute. The game hasn't generated any females with the trait so Kessy always has it so she can hang with her 4 bros.
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Re: Refreshed, Recycled: An Immortal Dynasty (Updated: 24/03/16)
« Reply #27 on: March 25, 2016, 09:22:10 AM »
Wow, I'm finally getting in at the beginning of a Kessy story lol can't wait for more!
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Re: Refreshed, Recycled: An Immortal Dynasty (Updated: 24/03/16)
« Reply #28 on: March 25, 2016, 04:54:32 PM »
Oh Kessy, you and Denise. Poor guy, he just doesn't stand a chance.  ;D
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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Refreshed, Recycled: An Immortal Dynasty (Updated: 24/03/16)
« Reply #29 on: March 27, 2016, 08:09:49 AM »
@Magpie2012 It keeps getting harder to write, or I'm being extra lazy xD Thanks for sticking with Kessy!

@Playalot I'd be surprised if he ever defeated her in a fight, so far she's won every single time.
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