@sdhoey There are sooo many poses I want to try and plan to use in the future, it's setting Sims + objects in the exact place that makes things complicated.
@Magpie2012 I tried to pay attention during Lana's age up, and almost missed Leilani's.
@Shewolf13 I'm the opposite, I didn't go too crazy for poses until 2013/14.
@wfgodot It was interesting too see that Mitch and Ru were not really into the movie as Lana and Paolo, too cute! I wish pets would come soon, whenever I have headlineeffects on I see the animal bubble thoughts more often. Another wish, toddlers! Only because I want some sweet sibling interactions
I'll leave it up to the readers to decide what Leilani should be shortened to. (Leia, Lani, Leila).
@oshizu I'm not too sure, as mentioned above I have been seeing animal bubble thoughts so often (during a test file in Granite Falls to tackle that annoying 5 nights in a tent milestone). I hope we do, they're going to look so cute, if not I'm happy with any new content/gameplay.