Author Topic: Refreshed, Recycled: An Immortal Dynasty (Updated: 07/08/16)  (Read 117515 times)

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Refreshed, Recycled: An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2016, 05:47:33 PM »
Founder: Kestrel Holiday Chant aka Kessy

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2nd Gen: Iolana Kalani Chant aka Lana

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Generation One - Helpers, Spares, Spouses, Etc

Sofa (L - R): Venkat Dahl - Gardener, Painter & Pollinator. Shannon Marin - Angler & Pollinator. Paolo Rocca - Angler & Pollinator. Ashlynn Xian - Scientist, Mother & Friend.
Back: Mitchell Kalani - Cook, Mixologist, Husband, Father & BFF.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

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Re: Refreshed, Recycled: An Immortal Dynasty - Ch. 1
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2016, 05:53:35 PM »
1: Finding The Founder

Just by looking at her you’d think Ashlynn was a gloomy Sim. She’d cultivate the community gardens of Willow Creek in her quiet way, daydreaming in-between pulling out weeds and checking for bugs. At least she was not squeamish like many of her predecessors, who would even hire a squeamish gardener anyway? She once remembered seeing an angler who would cover his mouth and run for the bushes at the mere sight of a fish at the end of his line.

Anyway, going back to the beginning, why would you think she was gloomy? Well, in the past few weeks a gardening club had made it their mission to carry out her job for free and Ashlynn’s future was in jeopardy. Ever since then she’d sigh and nothing could bring a smile to her face. With budgets being cut left, right and centre it was only a matter of time until she would be fired and these Garden Gnomes would take over.

“Something must be done,” she said to herself as she took a cutting from the apple tree.

Luckily for Ashlynn she lived in a part of the world known for being popular among a special set of Sims known as dynasty founders. If she was going to set her plan in motion she needed help. Venkat Dahl, her co-worker, was in as much danger as herself. She was overjoyed when he agreed to her plan – of course he would, he was going to be one of them.

Shannon Marin, soon to be a retired angler, wasn’t too sure. In his old age he didn’t wish to spend his last days labouring for someone else to reach immortality, it just was not fair. However, the thought of dying alone and maybe not being found for several days was terrifying and maybe, just maybe he’d be given the chance to have children – his lifelong aspiration had been to have a big happy family and he’d never managed that.

All they had to do now was hunt down this dynasty founder. It was a simple job really – look for a large plot with a box on it. What they found was a rather pleasant box with some landscaping to look appealing and an incomplete rocket ship.

“What now?” The men looked to her for direction.

“Knock on the door,”

When neither of the men attempted to follow through with that she went and banged on the door herself. “You’re being ridiculous,” she said to them.

“Well,” Venkat said, “What if this isn’t it? I mean, it could be some poor Sim with hardly any money to their name living in a shack. He or she might not even be home.”

Before Ashlynn could try knocking again she heard heavy boots climbing metal stairs. A woman, a very irritated looking woman, stared at them all in turn and demanded to know who they were. Ashlynn told her rather excitedly and wanted to know who she was.

“Kessy, everyone knows me,” she said matter-of-factly.

I’m sure everyone does where you’re from, lady. “And you’re a dynasty founder, right? We want to help you, if you don’t mind.”

“The three of you?” She wanted to know how much simoleons they had between them, what skills they possessed and before Shannon could tally up his days catch she was flapping her hands at them and saying yes, they most certainly could join her.

“Come in, please.” As she said this, her face suddenly crumpled with anger and the two gardeners and Shannon followed her gaze. “Hold on, I have to deal with this.” She stomped toward Eliza Pancake, the local stalker, and said some very nasty things about Eliza’s outfit (Ashlynn didn’t think there was anything wrong with it) and implied her mother was a llama (no one should insult another’s mother, she thought and started to regret choosing this horrible dynasty founder).

When Eliza was frightened by an obvious trick however, Ashlynn wasn’t too sure if she felt sorry for her after all.

What happened next took them all by surprise and no one moved to stop it. Kessy had grabbed Eliza by the hair and Eliza was lashing out with her legs. There were some strong words said, dust engulfed them as the two women clawed at each other like wild animals.

“I think we should leave,” Shannon was saying.

“No, it’s this or poverty.”

The fight didn’t last for long. Kessy was triumphant – she was laughing like a maniac – while poor Eliza was too dazed to stand up straight.

“Don’t come anywhere near me or my family, capishe?”

“I don’t take pleasure in being beaten by you all the time, you horrid girl! Stay away from me, too.”

Ashlynn and the men were like petrified rabbits when Kessy turned back to them. “Why haven’t you gone in yet?”

“In? We can’t all fit in there,” Venkat gestured to the box.

“Of course you can, it’s bigger on the inside. Do you not know about the TARDIS’?”


“TARDIS. It’s... Never mind, too much technobabble for mere peasants to understand. Just know it’s highly advanced and I don’t want anyone messing with my things. Follow me.”

Down metal stairs they went and into what was a simple but spacious open plan living area.

“Bigger on the inside, I see.”

Shannon was complaining about his knees, those stairs were going to be hell to climb up and down.

Kessy rolled her eyes and directed them to the bathroom where they could get a ‘makeover’.

Ashlynn didn’t spend long on her ‘makeover’. She planted all the seeds she’d collected in advance, whistling for the first time in a long while as she tended to the garden.

Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

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Re: Refreshed, Recycled: An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2016, 06:08:48 PM »
Yup.  I'm already addicted...  Kessy is quite beautiful, and I like your writing style!  Kinda think Shannon is cute, for an old guy.
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Re: Refreshed, Recycled: An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2016, 07:01:51 PM »
Glad you started a new one! Cute beginning.
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Re: Refreshed, Recycled: An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2016, 07:13:15 PM »
Yay, the ever-fashionable and sassy Kessy's back!

The Tardis made me wonder if this is a Time Lord Challenge but I checked and your story's in the IDC area.  ;D

(@wfgodot I had the same impression of Shannon, even imagined he might be distantly related to the Hollingsworths, lol)

Waiting anxiously for the next update!

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Re: Refreshed, Recycled: An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2016, 08:29:47 PM »
*jumps up and down* yeah!! I LOVE Kessy!!! I'm so glad she's back.. And I agree, Shannon is rather handsome for an elder.

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Re: Refreshed, Recycled: An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2016, 08:40:49 PM »
Kessy's back! Yesssss! She's still as sassy as ever ^^

Offline Playalot

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Re: Refreshed, Recycled: An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2016, 06:39:03 AM »
Fab to see Kessy back! Thank goodness she hasn't lost her dislike for the pancake woman (who shall remain nameless).
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Re: Refreshed, Recycled: An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2016, 08:04:24 AM »
I'm off to find out what Kessy has done before! Great start to you dynasty

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Refreshed, Recycled: An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2016, 01:36:50 PM »
@wfgodot @MarianT @oshizu @sdhoey @Shewolf13 @Playalot @tjtemple - Thank you everyone, glad to be back playing with kessy. Or her playing with my life xD

@wfgodot @oshizu He's kind of cute? He does look a teeny tiny bit like a Holligsworth.

@tjtemple Oh, you don't have to. I've had many failed attempts, lol.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Refreshed, Recycled: An Immortal Dynasty - Ch. 2
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2016, 01:42:18 PM »
2: Birthday Suit

Kessy called Ashlynn down to play chess and she won despite never having played the game before. Kessy shrugged her shoulders, the wonders of the Simverse was all she said as a way of explanation.

Shannon had read stories of romances starting in the bathroom. He never thought he’d be one of those people but here he was, wooing Mila Munch and being pushed into a wardrobe of all places!

A new bedroom was added for the men to share and the rest was saved for emergencies and Kessy’s rocket ship. She worked on it all day and night, coming in twice to shower and grab some food.

Ash signed up to be a scientist, her gardening expertise would come in handy while analysing flora and her chemistry lab was sure to help her get the breakthroughs needed for promotions. It was a shame the machine shorted out so often.

Kessy was always on hand to repair any and all broken appliances; it was part of her aspiration so in a way Ash was helping her even more.

Venkat was being taught all the anglers secrets from Shannon, the old man wouldn’t be around for long so someone had to take advantage of his superior fishing knowledge.

Of course it was the old man who caught the elusive angelfish first.

“Shannon, no, stay away from her.”


“I know that look, you go anywhere near Morgana and I’ll pummel you.”

“It’s Morgan... Anyway, Kes, you sure you don’t want to join the Renegades?”

“And be bossed around by a kid? No, thanks.” Secretly though Kessy had thought about bringing the kid down and taking over as leader. (That truly would be evil, wouldn’t it?)

The men weren’t the only ones getting lucky. Out of the blue Ash found herself drawn to Joaquin Le Chien. Perhaps it was that cute smile of his or the swoopy way his hair curled to one side. Whatever the reason, they were not wasting any time getting to know one another.

Something strange had happened during Kessy’s test flight into space. She came home in her birthday suit and could not remember how (or where) she’d lost her clothes or why she was feeling so giddy. I blame aliens, they’re up to no good again.

Ash’s day at work was pretty uneventful. She met all her co-workers (who did nothing but play games on the computer) and the receptionist took a moment to greet her before nattering on the phone to her friend all day.

“Hey, you don’t happen to have some metal on you, do you? I mean, it’s probably the stupidest thing anyone has asked...”

“Ahh, you’re the first one to ask me such a question. And I do in fact have something.”


Before the day was over, Ash had completed her daily tasks and earned that much needed promotion.

Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

Offline oshizu

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Re: Refreshed, Recycled: An Immortal Dynasty (Updated: 23/03/16)
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2016, 01:55:41 PM »
What a charming chapter! 
Shannon looks great with his grey-away hair! Wow, Mrs. Munch as all over dat!

The scientific Ashlynn and Joaquin hooking up was a surprise but people say opposites attract!
A possible take-over of the Renegades, huh? I'm looking forward to seeing what trouble Kessy cooks up this time.

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Re: Refreshed, Recycled: An Immortal Dynasty (Updated: 23/03/16)
« Reply #13 on: March 23, 2016, 01:56:40 PM »
Kessy has her minions so well organised, working, fishing, errr and other things! Great start and I adore your screenshots as always, they are simply beautiful.
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Offline wfgodot

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Re: Refreshed, Recycled: An Immortal Dynasty (Updated: 23/03/16)
« Reply #14 on: March 23, 2016, 02:55:55 PM »
I had a look over your last Dynasty attempt a week ago or so, back when it was still linked in your signature.  So.  All I can say is... Kessy.  Only you would return from space completely naked!  That girl!  Love her expression about it all!

Gah, she is so cute!

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