Chapter 19: An Evening of Birthdays
Dance party? Can anyone join?Alessandro: Got another promotion.
Woo! Way to go.Alessandro: Yep, located here thanks. No, don't want an entertainer. K, just make sure you give me the good timer, you know, the one that works please.
Yuki: You know it's like we've basically completed the party before the guests even get here!
Brian: The pre-party is where it's at eh.
Art: Woo!
Looking flash there Art!Art: Thanks watcher, gotta say I really enjoy cooking.
Alessandro: Let's get the main event over with!
Everyone.... well, nearly everyone: Happy birthdayyyyy dear Alessaaaandrooooo!
Alessandro: Oh! Weird!
Candy: Oh my gosh! This cake is delicious Art!
Alex: Mwhaahaa, I get to eat all the cake I want on my birthday.
Go ahead and revel in your joy, I gotta gym booking for you tomorrow.Yuki: Heh, that's pretty funny watcher.
Next up Art. Happy birthday Art!Art: Ouch...
Awww, you look so happy Alessandro, nice to see.Alessandro: Thanks watcher. My life's pretty sweet for sure.
Jade: I think you must have a charmed life Alex.
Hmm, you might be right there Jade.Alex: Na, it's all because of my beautiful wife, she makes my life perfect.
Ty: Hey dad.
Don: Hey... kid.
Yuki: Hi Don.
Ty: The name's Ty and don't think you can go round being a jerk just 'cos your friends with Alex.
Don: Oh! Sorry Ty, I didn't mean to be... errr, let's start again eh? Hiya Max.
Umm, I'll be back in a sec, have a seat Don. Get to know your son a little. He's great.Happy Birthday Zesty!Malcolm: I am NOT one of Alessandro's minions!
Yuki: Huh! Wasn't me that said that. You know Malcolm, if you calmed down a little you'd actually be a really great guy. Just sayin.
Malcolm: Huh? Really?
Yuki: Sure! We've been friends since high school haven't we?
Malcolm: Well, yeah, we have.
Yuki: Right then, time to just be yourself then eh. Drop the tough act with me Mal and let's just enjoy hanging out.
Ty: Well. That's weird.
Don: Ooo...
Oh! Happy Birthday Don!Ty: Happy Birthday dad, sorry I didn't get you anything but I didn't know it was your birthday!
Don: Just getting to know you is perfect Ty. It's all I want kid.
Zesty: It's not like I mind too much about everyone forgetting my birthday. Heck, I forgot about it myself!
Candy: But still... I feel bad. How 'bout we do a little make over watcher?
Oooo, good idea Candy!Zesty: Don't go crazy on the pink Candy!
Candy: Lol, ok, I won't... pinky promise!
Zesty: *groan* I have a bad feeling about this!
Aw, there ya go! That's a much better color on you.Zesty: Yeah, not bad watcher. What's my everyday wear like though.
*Giggle* You'll just have to wait and see.