Author Topic: Rastelli Immortal Dynasty  (Read 44433 times)

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #60 on: March 23, 2016, 09:12:42 PM »
Good to see that you're playing Sims again!  I loved the intro chapter, look forward to seeing more.
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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #61 on: March 23, 2016, 10:38:10 PM »
You know, as much as I love playing and making up storie,s I love reading all your comments more. It's really fun when I log on and catch up with all your thoughts. Cheers guys!  :)
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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #62 on: March 23, 2016, 11:07:49 PM »
Chapter 8: Really Brian.. I mean, Really?

Yuki: Argh, I'm sick of being a teen. No one ever takes me seriously and there was no reason for throwing us all out of the nightclub. We were just dancing, no one was trying to score a drink.
Alex: Oh... Hmm hmm. Yeah. *cough* Sure. I know, right.
Out of your depth there a little Alessandra?

Alex: Here Yuki, I bought you something today to say thank you for all the hard work you do around the house. I totally appreciate everything you do.
Yuki: *Squeee* Oh my Gosh, you're the best Alex, thank you so much.
Alex: I got it covered watcher *smug smile*
I see that. *eye roll*

Candy: Wow, whatever you did with Yuri, just keep doing it hun. She's beaming from ear to ear.
Alex: I know, she's a good kid.

Alex: You know what I was thinking... *whisper*

Candy: I love you so much.
Alex: Maybe you better show me just how much...

A little later...

Yuki: You know sis, Alex is really good for you. You're so happy.
Candy: I am and also, you know what?
Yuki: What?
Candy: It's time to get off the pc and do your homework *does fake school cheer*
Yuki: Argh... I'll do it just to stop you cheering.

So thought we'd visit some neighbors and such, you know. Let Brian start his, errrr, job.
Brian: Oh?
Candy: Good idea watcher.
Brian: You and Alex are coming too eh Candy?
Candy: If you want us to... I guess.

Brian: Hi Liberty. *Stage whisper* What the heck do I do watcher?
Just be natural, do what you'd normally do. Sheesh... You know.

Brian: K, all done. Ready to go home now watcher.
Huh? Waddya mean? Liberty's still chatting to Candy...wait. Wasn't there a lamp on that desk? Oh. MY. GOSH. You swiped didn't you?
Brian: Well, duh! Yeah. You said do what comes naturally.
*Face Palm* Sheesh, let's go home before someone notices. How embarrassing. Really Brian, I mean... really? *sigh*

So are they, like noses?
Candy: *Affronted* No!
Oh, they always look like noses to me. Like gigantic noses smelling the grapes or something.
Candy: *sigh* watcher?
Candy: You need to talk to Brian. Stop avoiding the whole issue.
I can't.
Candy: Why on earth not?
It's too embarrassing. *blush*
Candy: Do it.... watcher. We all have jobs here, so go do yours.

Oh, I was just looking for you. Cripes? What happened to you?
Brian: Worked out a little too long.
Yuk, you're all dirty. Oh! That reminds me....*whispering*
Brian: Oh wow! Now I get it. Woo! Why didn't you just say watcher?
I just did. Gotta go. See ya. Oh, we're going out after you've showered.
Brian: Awesome.

Brian: Well, aren't you the little peach?
Katrina: Ooo, keep going. I think I like you.

Brian: Well, how about we get to know each other a little better?
Katrina: Giggle.
Don: That better not mean what I think it means.
It doesn't Don.. umm... tell me about your game.

So you get pretty lost in your writing then Art?
Art: Hmm? Sorry? What were you saying watcher?
It was more of a comment really, you know, that you get quite in the zone with your writing.
Art: Yeah. I guess I do. What made you think that?

Oh, I don't know...

Art: So do you think the hero should be all traditional and macho or should I write him, well, as a more sensitive character?
Brian: Have you been in here the whole time?
Art: Umm, yes. Why?
Katrina: Well... *giggle* That's different.

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #63 on: March 23, 2016, 11:15:12 PM »
Rofl... too funny about Art.  And Brian, stealing something instead of what he's supposed to be doing.  Sigh... I just can't even.  Hmmm... noses smelling the grapes.  hmm.. 
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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #64 on: March 23, 2016, 11:19:46 PM »
I cried when Brian misunderstand what the Watcher meant by "doing what comes naturally."  hahahaha

Brian just gets hotter by the minute.
No wonder Jasmine Holiday gave him more packets of Super Fertilizer than she did my sim!

Soooo...the Watcher is like Brian's wingman now? Brian goes in and Watcher acts as lookout and distraction?  Hmmm, hmmm *takes notes

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #65 on: March 23, 2016, 11:22:13 PM »
Lmao!!! Red gets all the action!! Don't let colt see this.

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #66 on: March 23, 2016, 11:24:17 PM »
Omw!  I can't stop laughing!  That was too funny! 

I am sooo glad I wasn't drinking anything either, when @sdhoey made her comment XD It would have been all over otherwise XD

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #67 on: March 23, 2016, 11:29:19 PM »
Rofl... too funny about Art.  And Brian, stealing something instead of what he's supposed to be doing.  Sigh... I just can't even.  Hmmm... noses smelling the grapes.  hmm.. 

Yep, noses. Man that painting bothers me. I know it is supposed to be cheese, but I see a gigantic nostril. Gross.

I cried when Brian misunderstand what the Watcher meant by "doing what comes naturally."  hahahaha

Brian just gets hotter by the minute.
No wonder Jasmine Holiday gave him more packets of Super Fertilizer than she did my sim!

Soooo...the Watcher is like Brian's wingman now? Brian goes in and Watcher acts as lookout and distraction?  Hmmm, hmmm *takes notes

Watcher's always the wingman! Heh.

Lmao!!! Red gets all the action!! Don't let colt see this.

I know, right. I don't know why I always start with Red, old habits die hard I guess.

Omw!  I can't stop laughing!  That was too funny! 

I am sooo glad I wasn't drinking anything either, when @sdhoey made her comment XD It would have been all over otherwise XD

I was pretty surprised myself. Brian's hilarious, he swipes automatically everywhere we go. I love it!
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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #68 on: March 23, 2016, 11:53:58 PM »
You really lucked out with Brian.. he is perfect! *sigh* Gosh you write him so well.. I laughed a little too hard with his swiping issues! And I do love how Alex gives the IPad to Yuki.. such a Dad thing to do!

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #69 on: March 24, 2016, 12:06:04 AM »
@KTK10  Yeah, Alex is actually very sweet to the family members. He's a pretty neat character. Brian just makes me laugh!
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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #70 on: March 24, 2016, 12:06:22 AM »
Chapter 9: It's All Heading South

Hi Alex, I was thinking...
Alex: Oh here we go, we need to talk... blah blah
Oh *hurt*

Alex: Look watcher, just give it a miss. K. I've got things to do, people to see. I don't have time for your little chats about nothing.
Oh. I...Right.

Brian: So I was thinking we could hang out, then head to Summer's place so I...
Alex: NO, I don't not want to be part of this. While you're off doing whatever with who ever I've got real business to deal with.

Brian: Oh!
Alex: You're here to do a job, not to have fun and goof off.
Brian: Gotcha. Sorry.

Whew... that was terrible. *Deep breath* Wow, how on earth am I ever going to get through to Alex...  :(

Art: Talking to yourself watcher?
Art: You should do what I do when life all get's a bit overwhelming.
What's that?
Art: Talk to a tree.... it's the best.
Oh... right. Thanks for that tip.  :-\

*Deep breath* Alex. We need to talk.
Alex: Not now, I'm heading out.

I'll take over here Brian, you've got a visitor.
Brian: Oh? K, then.
Yuki: Thanks Brian.
Brian: No worries Yuki.
So whatcha doing?
Yuki: Math
Umm, yeah, 'bout that. I might go see how Brian's getting on.

Hi Maaike.
Hi watcher. I was just chatting to Yuki about her options seeing as she's going to be a young adult soon.
Hmm. What do you want to do Yuki?
Yuki: I don't really know watcher. What would you suggest Maaike?
Maaike: Something you enjoy as a career needs to be enjoyable as well as challenging.

Well, the rest of the evening was rather busy. Brian seems to have become quite a busy man. Some of his girlfriends seem to need rather less 'convincing' than others.

Brian: Gosh!

Brian: What. Was. That?  :o

Alex: Evening watcher.
Meeting go well?
Alex: Very.
We've a bit of a full house right now. Quite a number of visitors and such.
Alex: Good, just what I feel like.

Alex!! What the heck!!

Alex: And don't bother coming back. I know who sent you. And don't even think about contacting my wife, trying to be her 'friend'. Get out!
But Alex...
Alex: No watcher, you don't know what is really going on here. Leave it.

Alex: How's the secret agent career going Clara?
Clara: I don't know what you mean Alex?
Alex: Really? Well this might remind you then.

Art: Good gracious!
What the heck?
Art: I... what?
I think he's finally flipped. I'm going out. I just can't handle anymore of this.

Some time later...

Candy: Hunney, I've got some exciting news!
Alex: Hmm?

Alex: I'm da man!

Candy: We're having a baby!

Alex: Candy! Oh my darling!

Alex: I can't believe it! I'm so happy! Candy, I love you so much. Now no more lifting and cleaning and... and...
Candy: Lol Alex! I'm pregnant! Not ill!
Alex: I know but I just couldn't bear it if anything happened to you.
Candy: Aww.

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #71 on: March 24, 2016, 12:12:27 AM »
Awww!  Alex, stop being a butt to your Watcher!  Or I'm siccing... hm... too bad I don't have one of the Wyverns here... oh well! lol Anyway, someone should be sicced on him!

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #72 on: March 24, 2016, 01:42:18 AM »
Chapter 10:  A Meeting

Grim: Well, you look as ridiculous as ever. Least you're somewhat in theme this time around Play.

Playalot: I've come to give in my notice. I quit. You can just reap my soul now. You win. I'm out. It's over.
Grim: Wuuut?

Playalot: I can't do it. It's too difficult. Alessandro won't even talk to me and when he does *sob* he just yells and *sniff* stuff.

Grim: But I don't want to win. I want YOU to win!
Play: You do?
Grim: Yes, of course! I know Alessandro's difficult that why I thought of you. You need to kick his butt into shape Play.
Play: I do?
Grim. Yes!
Play: Oh!
Grim: Now take off the helmet thing so we can talk properly.

Play: It's just that, he seems to be involved in some terrible mafia war or something. I don't know what to do.
Grim: How do you know. I don't think that's right, no matter how bad things have become. He hasn't been in touch with anyone from Monte Vista for over a year.

Play: So you did know about the mafia connection.
Grim: I didn't know for sure...
Play: Grim.
Grim: I suspected as much but I wasn't sure if they would be able to find him.
Play: *Sigh*

Grim: Look Play, you can do this. You just gotta go in and sort that boy out. I know you can do this. You can't fail, right.
Play: I guess.
Grim: No, you know, right?
Play: *nods* K.

Grim: Come on, you're my champion.
PLay: Lol, that was bad, even for you.
Grim: You're the one wearing a knight suit.

Grim: Right so tell me what you know.

Play: Well, it seems like someone called... Daniel, no... um... someone Costa, has been sending people after him. Threatening him and Candy.
Grim: Oh no. Dante Costa.

Play: Tell me.
Grim: He's now the boss after I reaped his old man just over a year ago.
Play: Oh great. So it is all true. Oh Grim, what a mess.

Grim: We can sort this. Step one, get Alessandro under control.
Play: And step two is?
Grim: Let's just get step one sorted first then we'll meet again.
Play: Ok but I'm telling him about the whole immortal thing. K?
Grim: K... but no more.
Play: Right.
Grim: That's my girl.

Play: You're not going to get all soppy and stuff are you?
Grim: *Dropping the rose* Heck no!
Play: Good.

Grim: Ok. I better go.
Play: Mind your step there. Hahahaha! get it?
Grim: *Groan* Remember what I said, get Alessandro under control Play and fast. Oh, and put your helmet back on so no one sees you walking home.

Play: Hmm.... butt kicking time.

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #73 on: March 24, 2016, 01:46:17 AM »
Alessandro's stats are up here. Not much to see yet but all his traits are there.  :)
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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #74 on: March 24, 2016, 02:02:06 AM »
Lol!!! That was amazing! Hehehe, Grim and Play, sitting in a tree... sorry, couldn't resist lol