Author Topic: Rastelli Immortal Dynasty  (Read 44391 times)

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #75 on: March 24, 2016, 03:37:36 AM »
Great two chapters!!!
It was almost as if Grim were acting like Play's  Playalot getting played?  Nahhh, my imagination.

You look great in the knight's armor!
Oooooh, the plot thickens!  (And Brian is such a crack-up!)

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #76 on: March 24, 2016, 03:57:03 AM »
I think i love Ash though, he is such a nice sim, just living in his own world.

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #77 on: March 24, 2016, 07:02:04 AM »
hehe... I thought Grim was being romantic when he held your hands.  The rose cracked me up!  "Who's my champion?"  rofl...

Poor Ash, witness to that fight.  Lena is right, he's definitely got his own thing going on.

Nothing stops Alex.  Woman?  So what.  Pregnant?  (was she, or just a bit out of shape?)  NO problem. 

Congrats on the future heir!
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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #78 on: March 24, 2016, 07:57:14 AM »
Art is so oblivious when he's writing xD Love it when Grim pops up in your stories, have to admit I thought he was trying to woo your Simself there lol. Congrats on the nooboo.
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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #79 on: March 24, 2016, 11:20:33 PM »
Can't wait to see the Nooboo. Was very surprised with Alex's last trait!  And just love the continued chats between Play and Grim.. really great story telling!

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #80 on: March 25, 2016, 07:10:31 PM »
@Shewolf13 lol yeah Grim gettin' fresh!
@oshizu  always nice for a watcher to get a little advice, even from death  ;)
@LenaLJ  I agree, Art is such a self contained sim, very sweet.
@wfgodot Thanks! Lets hope we get a boy; totally forgot to grow carrots #outofpractice  ::)
@Nettlejuice Art and his writing! Heh, that really was something else!
@KTK10 Hmm, it does have some pretty cool perks with the whole disco nap but apart from making Alessandro dance and enjoy hitting the night clubs it doesn't really help a founder at all.
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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #81 on: March 25, 2016, 07:44:18 PM »
Chapter 11: Hugo

What on earth is going on here?
Townie: Someone's kicking someone's butt.
Yeah, can kinda see that. Who is behaving so appallingly?

Townie: Umm, I can't quite see who it is...
Oh....errr. I think I might know who is causing the ruckus.

Townie: *Gasp* It's your Alessandro Watcher! Good grief! What a terrible watcher you must be!
Alex: Next time you won't be walking away lady.
Kiddies I think it's time you went home.
Lucus: Watcher, I think you might need to ground Mr Rastelli.

And another thing... you can totally stop grinning at me like that. I'm being serious.
Alex: What? She needed showing who the boss is.
There are other ways to stamp your authority, or whatever it is you seem to be doing.

Alex: What I'm doing is working. You don't know what I'm facing watcher, seriously, drop it.
I will drop it today as we have a busy day lined up but soon, when I am ready, you and I will be talking.
Alex: *eye roll* Sure.

Yuki: Thanks for inviting us to your birthday Hugo.
Hugo: Thanks for coming! Are you alright Mrs Rastelli?
Candy: Ooo, oh yes I'm fine Hugo.
Yuki: Sis is having a baby Hugo!
Hugo: *embarrassed* Oh, lovely.

Yuki: That's hilarious Dee!
Hugo: I can't believe I fell for that! lol
Hmm, everything seems under control there. I wonder what everyone else is doing.

There you two are, whatcha doing?
Max: We're just comparing techniques watcher.
Alex: You're doing great Max.
*Suspicious* What are you doing so well Max?
Max: It's Club business watcher. I can't tell a non-club person.

Brian, why are you standing in front of... oh no. You haven't.

Brian: Oo the adrenalin, hmm hm, feeling on fire watcher!
Good grief. I can't believe you swiped from a child!
Brian: Well, in all fairness Max is really demon spawn.
Lol, well, he is a handful, I wouldn't quite go that far though.

Alex: Thing is you have to stick to your principals, right. No disappointing your family, or betraying their trust, right?
Max: Right.
Alex: And don't betray The Club. Pretty simple stuff, get it right and your life will be uncomplicated.

Candy: Well hugo, time for the cake.
Hugo: I wish dad was here.
Yuki: Me too Hugo but he would be proud of how well you've done in school eh.
Candy: I agree, your dad would have been so very proud.

Everyone: Happy Birthday Dear Huuugoooo....

Max: One day I'm gunna be just like Mr Rastelli.

A little later after everyone was back home.

Candy: So have you thought about what you want to do for you birthday?
Yuki: Kinda, hmm, no not really actually.
Candy: Well, do you want to throw a party here with close friends or do you want to do something else?

Yuki: Maybe we could start here and then move onto the nightclub?
Candy: Sounds a great plan sis.

Alex: How are you love?
Candy: Good, nearly finished this... just needs a little more color here.

Alex: You're not doing too much are you?
Candy: No hun, I'm not, seriously. I feel great.
Alex: Ok, just checking.

Alex: Hi little fella, hope you're being good to mummy now.
Candy: Awww, lol so cute Alex.

Alex: You callin' you big, strong handsome hubby cute?
Candy: If you keep that up I'll call you anything you want. Ooo, ahhh, that feels so good.
Alex: Come and sit down for a while love, rest your feet.

Yuki: I don't think I want a party after all watcher.
Really? Why not?
Yuki: I'm not ready to age up. I don't like it when things change.
But.. nothing is really changing, just you'll be a little older and will be able to make decisions all for yourself.

Yuki: I hadn't thought about it from that perspective.
*Nodding* I know, right. Being a young adult is fun, still young enough to party up and just old enough to be independent. A win-win in my book.
Yuki: Cool! You've talked me into it watcher.

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #82 on: March 25, 2016, 07:47:08 PM »
Oh my... I'm sooo looking forward to the Watcher really setting down the law for Alex!

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #83 on: March 25, 2016, 07:51:08 PM »
lol, but least Alex's is true to his nature. Gotta love a guy that is comfortable in his own skin.  ;)

@Shewolf13  just realized that half of chapter 11 didn't post!  :-\ I'll repost it soon. Just letting you know so you don't miss it.
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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #84 on: March 25, 2016, 08:13:49 PM »
Uh ohs!  Hehehe, love Yuki.  Really loving her and Candy's inclusion ^^

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #85 on: March 25, 2016, 08:46:01 PM »
Chapter 12: Yuki's Birthday

Candy: Are you dialing it up?
Yuki: Yep.
Art: I better get changed then.
Thanks for agreeing to cater Art, you're the best.
Art: No worries, my pleasure.

Yuki: Argh, it takes so long for everyone to get here.
Brian: Patience young padawan, all in good time.
Candy: lol

Art: Cake done, garden salad done.
Well, least it gives us time to check off half the requirements.
Art: Not half watcher, just two!

Hi everyone! Good to see you've all nearly made it. Everyone's in the main room just chillin' and dancing.

Art: Well Yuki, here's to the birthday girl, may you have many more wonderfully happy years ahead of you!
Brian: Aw, here here! That was a fab toast Art!
Don: Congratulations Yuki!

Yuki: Thanks for coming everyone!

Yuki: Here's goes watcher!
Everyone singing: Happy birthday dear Yukiiiiii

Luna: Woooo! Happy birthday Yuki!

Hugo: This cake is delicious Art.
Art: Thanks Hugo, plenty more so help yourself.
Don: So where we headed next?
Maaike: Nightclub I think.
Luna: I'm ready!

Candy: That went really well.
Alex: It did. Yuki's a real credit to you amore mio.

Alex: Well, it's just the two of us now. *eyebrow wiggle*
Candy: I do think you should follow everyone to the club hun, just in case. You know.
Alex: *Groan* Really?
Candy: Just for me.
Alex: Anything for you my love.

Maybe I should stay home with you Candy.
Candy: No seriously, I'm going to take a lovely long soak in a hot bath and then go to bed. You go watcher.
If you're sure...
Candy: I'm sure. Promise.

Paolo: Hey! Alessandro's mixing is coming along!
Yuki: Yeah, he's pretty good. he's just practicing until everyone gets here though as Brian will be DJing then. He's amazing.
Paolo: Nice. Have you had a good birthday?
Yuki: It's been great!

Brian: Woooo! Let's get this party going!!
Wow, Brian you are a DJ god!

While everyone was busy dancing and generally having fun.... a certain two people slipped away...

Malcolm: I am just going to pretend I saw nothing. Man I wish the bathrooms were located somewhere else.
Don: Wuuut? But.... Really?
Dee: *Giggle* Hmm Hm.
I'm not sure I really want to know what that conversation is about.
Malcolm: Well, I only came down here to use the bathroom and now I'm missing out on all the fun.
Malcolm: Alessandro's teaching someone a lesson watcher.

Oh nuuuuu!
Bjorn: Hmm, that's some pretty good technic there.
How can you say that Bjorn?
Bjorn: Well, being a secret agent you get to know a few things watcher.
Well, maybe you shouldn't go around telling people that you're a secret agent, just saying.

Alex: I am getting so sick of the sight of you.
Bjorn: I agree. She's nothing but trouble.
Yeah, well... party's over I guess.
Dominic: Least it was unforgettable. lol

Candy: How was the nightclub last night? Busy?
Dee: Umm yeah. Alex got into a fight.
Candy: *Gasp* He did? Gosh! That's not like him! Where is he watcher?
Trying out the new pool I think.

Alex: Looks good.
Dive in then. Test it out.

Brian: Bombs awaaayyy!

Brian: Getting out already?
Alex: Argh... lol

Candy: Oh look! Alex is going to try a back flip.

So how was the pool?
Brian: Perfect watcher, just perfect.

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #86 on: March 25, 2016, 08:50:36 PM »
Oooo a pool!  That reminds me... Han needs a pool too... lol!  Anyway, another wonderful chapter!  So, how many fights does that make for Alex now?

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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #87 on: March 25, 2016, 08:52:27 PM »
I've actually lost count.. I may or may not be enjoying that side to Alessandro... 8)
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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #88 on: March 25, 2016, 08:52:51 PM »
Watcher Interlude:

So while I was busy taking Brian's 'hero shot'....

This is what was really happening...

Yep, Alex was swimming through the paving...And even worse, when I tried to reset him I got the message 'sim not found'  :o
So then I directed Alex to sit in a chair...

Yeah, that didn't work out too well! Lol, Finally he unglitched when I directed him to go upstairs... he 'swam' through the house but reset and ended up standing at the top of the stairs rather bemused! lol
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Re: Rastelli Dynasty
« Reply #89 on: March 25, 2016, 08:56:16 PM »
0.o Whoa, Alex!  That's either some skill, or... I don't even know what that was! lol